Secret Passes
by AlmadjianIf a Duellist beats an opponent's armour class by 5 points or more on an attack he has the option to use a secret pass. To use a secret pass, the Dualist chooses to forego damage dealt by the Precise Strike feat. Secret passes increase in grandeur and damage according to how much damage the Duellist chooses to forgo. The duellist may choose to use a basic pass if he foregoes 1d6 points of Precise Strike damage, a difficult pass if he foregoes 2d6 points of damage, and a master stroke if he forgoes 3d6 points of damage. Secret passes deal extra damage as listed in their respective descriptions.
Fighting schools
A Duellist must choose a fighting school, gain admittance to it, and pay regular dues. Once admitted, he may only choose to use passes from that school. Secret passes differ according to school. The four most famous fighting schools are the Dominguez, Cavalcante, Moncorvo, and Verdegeld schools. No one is ever allowed to join more than one school. These schools distinguish themselves by their differing philosophies. Each school has its own set of secret passes, though some of the basic ones are similar. The schools each employ a few masters, who learn all the passes, and some instructors, who learn most of them.
Very selective in choosing their students, these schools often require applicants to pass a test (or series of tests) before joining. Most schools also charge dues to their members, usually around 100 gp per year. This amount does not include any fee or demand made by the specific instructor before revealing a secret pass. The price of learning an individual pass can be as high as 200 gp per difficulty level of the pass.
Dominguez School
The Dominguez school focuses on Two-Weapon Fighting, which is the school's prerequisite.
Basic passes (1d4)
Two-Step: This attack can be used only on the swordsman's first attack (in any given round). With it, the swordsman sets up his next attack, which he will use to throw his secondary weapon at a +2 attack bonus.
Swift Sting: This attack inflicts a wound to the opponent's sword arm. Foe fights at an attack penalty of -2 until damage is healed. (Effect is cumulative with each secret pass until -10; then the foe loses all use of that arm).
Slow Counter-Step: This attack automatically puts the opponent off balance until the end of the following round; he has a -2 AC penalty. This attack inflicts no damage.
Double-Dive: This pass can be used only on the swordsman's first attack in any given round. This move is actually two successful attacks, so it also takes the place of the second attack. Damage for both attacks is rolled at a +1 bonus.
Difficult pass (1d6)
Kiss of Steel: The swordsman hits opponent with weapon hilt; opponent must make a successful Fortitude save against DC 10 + Duellist's Strength bonus or be stunned, losing all attacks for one round.
Ironsnap: The swordsman pins foe's weapon. If used against an opponent fighting with one weapon, the next attack automatically hits for maximum damage unless the opponent uses his initiative (if he hasn't already used it) to make a successful opposed Strength check, freeing his weapon. If the swordsman's check wins by 5 or more, his foe's weapon breaks. This attack inflicts no damage, and no attack of opportunity by the foe is allowed.
Two-Handed Farewell: No matter which attack it is performed with, this pass inflicts maximum damage for both weapons. This does not negate any other attacks.
Master strokes (1d8)
Block and Strike: This attack must be on the first attack in any given round. The first weapon inflicts no damage, but the second weapon does maximum damage if it hits. The swordsman also automatically gains initiative in the next round. If the opponent has not attacked this round, his next hit is effectively parried.
Blurring Tower: The swordsman whirls blades so quickly that the opponent is confused, missing all attacks until the end of the next round and suffering a -2 AC penalty.
Cavalcante School
The Cavalcante school focuses on force. Practitioners prefer moves that display strength and power. Consequently, the feat Power Attack is a prerequisite for joining this school.
Basic passes (1d4)
Salute: This attack is a crushing blow to the opponent's head. It gives a +2 bonus to damage; the opponent must make a successful Fortitude save against DC 10 + Duellist's Strength bonus or be stunned, automatically missing his next attack.
Charge: The swordsman implements a forceful forward attack. The swordsman and his opponent must make opposed Strength checks, the swordsman with a +2 bonus. If the swordsman wins, his foe is pushed back 5 steps. This is especially useful when fighting on a ledge or cliff.
Baronial Masquerade: The swordsman distracts the opponent and rushes in, knocking his foe's weapon to the ground. The swordsman automatically gains initiative next round and a +2 bonus on his next attack. This attack inflicts no damage.
Trounce: The swordsman attacks forcefully enough to knock foe off balance. The opponent must make a successful Fortitude save against DC 10 + Duellist's Strength bonus or be thrown to the ground. His next initiative must be spent picking himself up.
Difficult pass (1d6)
Iron Lunge: The swordsman doubles the damage rolled for this attack and adds +2.
Battle Royale: The swordsman runs his sword through the opponent, doing maximum damage. The opponent must make a successful Fortitude save against DC 10 + Duellist's Strength bonus or flee.
Shattering Ram: The swordsman strikes foe's weapon with his own sword, using massive force. This attack inflicts no damage to the foe, rather to his weapon. No attack of opportunity by the foe is allowed.
Master stroke (1d8)
Scarlet Veil: The swordsman gouges out one of the foe's eyes. Opponent receives a -2 penalty to all attacks and initiative rolls and a -2 AC penalty until the eye is magically regenerated. If both eyes are gouged out, the foe loses his positive Dexterity bonus to AC, and all opponents are granted a +2 to attack him.
Sudden Squall: The swordsman successfully hits for maximum damage and grabs a nearby object, hitting the opponent for an additional 1d8 hp damage plus any Strength bonus.
Moncorvo School
The Moncorvo fighting school is a favourite of swashbucklers. The feat Combat Reflexes is a prerequisite to be a member of this school. This school also favours the use of a buckler.
Basic passes (1d4)
Death Wish: This attack inflicts a wound to the opponent's side. Foe suffers an AC penalty of -2 until the wound is healed. (Effect is cumulative with each pass until the opponent's AC penalty is -10; then, the attack inflicts double damage.)
Rapier's Harvest: The swordsman can cut any single non-living object within reach, such as a pouch, rope, candle, belt, or any object that can normally be cut by a rapier. This attack inflicts no damage.
Baronial Panache: The swordsman's spectacular skill requires foe to make a successful Will save against DC 10 + Duellist's Charisma bonus or flee.
Silk and Steel: This attack lets the swordsman swirl a cloak to confuse his foe and entangle opponent's weapon, causing him to automatically miss the next attack.
Difficult passes (1d6)
Master Seal: The swordsman carves a personal mark into the foe's forehead or clothing. Scar requires regeneration to erase.
Swordsman's Gambit: The swordsman tumbles under the foe's weapon, inflicting maximum damage.
Slip: The swordsman skilfully steps around a foe blocking the way (including through a doorway), automatically gaining initiative in the next round and a +2 bonus on his next attack roll.
Master strokes (1d8)
Rebuke: Swordsman creates an opening for an attack of opportunity, at the same bonus he made this attack, which must be applied immediately.
Swashbuckler's Eyebrow: The swordsman slashes the opponent on the forehead, inflicting maximum damage and temporarily blinding foe for the next two rounds. Foe loses his positive Dexterity bonus to AC, and the swordsman is granted a +2 to attacks.
Verdegild School
The Verdegild school teaches that superior skill is shown through noblesse oblige. Anyone can kill an opponent, but a superior swordsman can prove his skill without causing death. A duel ends when an opponent is disarmed or, occasionally, at first blood. Though practitioners of this style do not like to kill, they will defend themselves to the death if no other alternative presents itself. The Expertise feat is a prerequisite to join this school.
Basic pass (1d4)
Handshake: This daring disarm attack adds a +4 bonus to the swordsman's disarm check. This attack inflicts no damage, and affords foe with no attack of opportunity.
Reverence: This attack inflicts a wound to the opponent's leg. Foe suffers a -2 penalty to initiative rolls until the leg is healed. (Effect is cumulative with each pass up to a -10 penalty; then, the opponent loses use of the leg.)
Slice: The swordsman can cut any single non-living object within reach, such as a pouch, rope, candle, belt, or other object which can normally be cut with a rapier. This attack inflicts no damage.
Trip: The swordsman unbalances foe and forces him backward. The swordsman and his opponent must make opposed Strength checks. If opponent fails he is knocked to the ground. His next action must be used to pick himself up. The swordsman can choose to execute this attack for no damage. No attack of opportunity by the foe is allowed.
Difficult pass (1d6)
Baronial Display: The swordsman makes a flourish with his blade, demonstrating such superior skill that his opponent must make a successful a successful Will save against DC 10 + Duellist's Charisma bonus or surrender.
Accolade: This attack inflicts damage to the opponent's sword arm. Foe fights at a -4 penalty to all attack rolls until arm is healed. (Effects are cumulative the first two times this is used; after that, the opponent can no longer use that arm.)
Standoff: The swordsman locks swords with the opponent, closing in until they are face to face. This effectively prevents any sword attack by either of them until someone steps away. If the opponent steps away first, the swordsman automatically gains the next initiative with a +2 bonus on his attack roll. A successful opposed Strength check may be made to push the swordsman away; if this succeeds, neither receive any subsequent bonuses.
Master stroke (1d8)
Sundown: This attack inflicts a hard blow to the side of the opponent's head. Foe must make a successful Fortitude save against DC 10 + Duellist's Strength bonus or fall unconscious. This attack inflicts half damage.
Courtesy: This disarm attack adds a +4 bonus to the swordsman's disarm check. This attack inflicts no damage If the swordsman disarm is successful, he leaves his opponent's garments shredded over a vital area. The opponent then must make a successful Will save against DC 10 + Duellist's Charisma bonus or flee (if there is room) or surrender. The swordsman can choose to execute this attack for no damage.