Secret Passes as Feats
by Andrew JuddSummary of Conversion: I found these rules on the WotC website and fell in love with the place and the stuff within, feeling almost cheated that not much has been converted over to 3e. But, the concept of secret passes in 2e rules fit well as feats. There is also an additional add-on; the Dominguez Fighting School collection of secret passes have been converted to give you an example of what to do.
Secret Passes
One of the most important elements of swashbuckling is duelling. These new secret pass feats heightens the excitement of these types of encounters. With the new feats, PCs can join fighting schools to learn secret fencing moves & strategies.
Secret passes are fighting manoeuvres that PCs must spend a great deal of time learning & perfecting. Still, the hard work pays of grandly in the end. These special manoeuvres can mean the difference between a mundane win & a grandiose victory: & sometimes even between life & death.
Standard Secret Pass Feat Requirements
A PC may begin play with a single secret pass only if he is a full member of a fighting school. These passes can be performed against weapon-wielding humanoids (DM's call for all other instances).
Any PC can learn a secret pass if he joins a fighting school. A PC must accumulate one month's worth of training with a master. A PC learns a pass only on a specific, one-handed weapon that he is proficient in, though the same pass can be purchased multiple times only for being able to use the pass with other weapons the character is proficient with.
Note on Stealing Passes: If a character does not have access to a trained teacher who can teach him the secret pass, the character is out of luck. However, there are those people who are dishonourable enough to attempt to steal the knowledge. This creates the reason for most people who know secret passes to always attempt to keep their knowledge a secret from others and prevent anyone from seeing unless they are to be the target and expect him to die.
Stealing a secret pass can be done without a teacher. But, they must have seen the pass performed before them at least once, meet all of the other requirements for that pass, and they must train alone for a month. At the end of the training time, they are to make an Intelligence check vs. a DC of 18. If they fail, the secret pass is beyond them and a teacher is required.
Here are the conversions for the Dominguez Fighting School for their Secret Passes.
For further information on the Savage Coast Setting: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/downloads
Dominguez Secret Passes
Requirements: Training under the Dominguez Fighting School; Ambidexterity
Basic Passes
Torreóner Two-Step
Requirements: Standard
Benefit: Must be used on the first attack for that round. If the character hits the opponent 5 points higher than necessary (6 if using other than a rapier), he may opt to have his next attack to be able to throw his secondary weapon with a +2 circumstance bonus.
Swift Sting
Requirements: Standard
Benefit: If the character hits the opponent 5 points higher than necessary (6 w/non-rapier), he may opt to have the wound affect the performance of one of the opponent's arm. This will cause all actions with that arm to suffer a -2 pain penalty (cumulative max of -10) until said wound is healed.
Slow Counter-Step
Requirements: Standard
Benefit: If the character hits his foe at least 5 points higher than needed (6 w/non-rapier), he may opt to put that foe off-balance and have him suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to his AC for one round.
Dominguez Double-Dive
Requirements: Standard
Benefit: This may only apply for the swordsman's first attack for that round. If the character hits his foe by 5 points or more than needed, he may opt to have automatically hit with his secondary arm attack and both attacks inflict an extra +1 to each damage roll.
Difficult Passes
Kiss of Steel
Requirements: Standard and at least two basic passes under this category
Benefit: If the swordsman hits his foe by a margin of at least 6 points (7 with non-rapier), he may opt to have also hit the opponent with his hilt and daze him. The foe must make a Fortitude save with a -2 penalty or loss all actions for one round.
Morale Ironsnap
Requirements: Standard and at least two basic passes under this category
Benefit: If the character hits his opponent by at least 6 points (7 w/non-rapier), he can opt to have automatically pinned the foe's weapon and have his next attack inflict maximum damage (if it hits) unless the opponent uses a partial action to make a Strength check to free the weapon. If the foe fails his Strength check, he must make a Fortitude save or his weapon suffers normal damage from the character's main weapon.
Two-Handed Farewell
Requirements: Standard and at least two basic passes under this category
Benefit: If the character hits his target 6 points higher than necessary, 7 for a non-rapier user, he can opt to inflict maximum damage with his weapons for one attack each. You still need to roll to hit for the secondary weapon.
Master Strokes
Torreóner Block & Strike
Requirements: Standard and has at least 2 difficult passes under this category
Benefit: This can only be used on the first attack for the character for that round. If the first attack hits by a margin of 7 (8 non-rapier), he can opt to have that weapon inflict no damage and the second weapon inflicts maximum damage (assuming it hits). Also, the character's initiative is placed one higher than the highest in the battle (he goes first now) and the opponent suffers a -10 parry penalty to all attack against the character until his initiative comes up.
Manzanas Blurring Tower
Requirements: Standard and at least two difficult passes under this category
Benefit: If the character hits by at least 7 points above and beyond what's necessary, 8 for a non-rapier, he can opt to have his attacks confuse the opponent as well and cause him to miss the character until the end of the next round, suffering a -2 confusion penalty to is AC for that period.
Death Move
Dominguez Necktie
Requirements: Standard and both of the Master Strokes
Benefit: If the character hits 8 points higher than necessary (9 w/out a rapier), he can opt to perform this feat. The swordsman hits with both weapons and opens the arteries of the foe's neck, the foe must succeed in a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 20+level of swordsman) or be unable to fight and die in 2d4 rounds unless a healing spell is used.