Serenity (Barony of)
Location: Continent of Brun, northeast of Oceansend. NW
Area: 480 sq. mi. (1,245 sq. km.).
Population: 1,600.
Languages: Thyatian, Heldannic, Alphatian (the use of Alphatian has dropped at the court since Serenity has cut its ties with Alpha).
Coinage: Oceansend Standard: heart (gp), blade (sp), wall (cp).
Taxes: 25% income tax.
Government Type: Independent barony.
Industries: Horse, agriculture, some fishing.
Important Figures: Siegfried Sixx (Baron).
Flora and Fauna: The lightly forested areas of Serenity are composed mainly of hardwood, especially oaks and birch. A native form of short corn grows rather well in the farmlands around the town of Serenity, which is used both to feed the populace and the horses that are bred here. Common game live in the woodlands, along with some carnivores that prey on horses on occasion, including wolves and great cats. Manticores in search of easy prey have wreaked havoc in the corrals several times, while dragons and wyverns are rarer (much to the herders' relief). Scavengers are often present near the border with the enemy Barony of Dikhoff, especially vultures.
Coats of arms: Baron Siegfried Sixx: Black human skull between two sets of crossed black daggers forming two Xs (right and left), white background; Barony of Serenity: Black castle between two sets of crossed black daggers forming two X (right and left), black human skull (upper left quadrant), white background; City of Serenity: Black castle between two sets of crossed black daggers forming two X (right and left), white background.
Further Reading: CM1 Test of the Warlords, previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: Baron Siegfried's claims that his enemy was trying to forge an alliance with the Heldannic Knights to the south turned out to be true, and turned the tide in favour of Dikhoff. The Thyatian-Heldannic agreement in Norwold put an end to it, though, and the Thyatis-supported alliance kicked the Dikhoffians out of Serenity, until Maximus proclaimed himself governor of the region-which led to a breaking up of the alliance and infighting.