Seven Secret Crafts of Glantri as Prestige Classes
by Aleksei AndrievskiGeneral Notes
Each of these classes encompasses a secret order based in Glantri's Great School of Magic. These classes can only be taken by wizards and sorcerers of at least level 5 (see below). Acquirement of a secret craft class and advancement in it are not automatic. To become a member of one of these classes, the applicant must locate a member of his desired class and "convince" him to part with his knowledge. This allows the applicant to gain the first level in his chosen class. Once gained, no other secret craft class may ever be taken; even if a member somehow quits his order (expulsion due to betrayal, High Master losing a duel for leadership), he retains the learned abilities, but without the possibility of further advancement in the class. To learn each new level (circle) of a secret craft class, all abilities of the current circle must be known; and the character must have a minimum level in the wizard or sorcerer class, these being 7th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level respectively for each even level (4,6,8,10) of the secret craft class.
Level 10 is the High Master and can be held by only one person at a time. For other information, descriptions and usage of craft abilities, cost of learning them, etc, see Gaz3 and GKoM.Each of these prestige classes has exactly the same base attack and save bonuses as wizards. Also, each of these classes confers the benefits of specialisation in a specific school. If the wizard was already a specialist of that school, he will no longer suffer the penalties associated with it (i.e. prohibited schools). If the wizard was a specialist in another school, he is usually not accepted into the secret craft; if he is, then he loses all benefits and penalties of his previous specialty, becoming a normal wizard instead.
All these classes have the same class skills as sorcerers and wizards. In addition, some classes offer other class skills, indicated below.
Level Special Abilities
1 specialisation in transmutation without penalties
2 Find Components, Alchemical Preparation
3 bonus Spell Mastery feat for spells of transmutation school
4 Find Magical Components, Magical Preparation
5 Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell feats no longer increase spell level for transmutation spells
6 Transmute Matter
7 Empower Spell, Heighten Spell feats no longer increase spell level for transmutation spells
8 Transcend Energy
9 Maximise Spell, Quicken Spell feats no longer increase spell level for transmutation spells
10 Mutate LifeformClass skills: Appraise, Heal
Level Special Abilities
1 specialisation in evocation without penalties
2 Protection from Dragons
3 bonus Spell Mastery feat for spells of evocation school
4 Dragon Tooth, Dragon Eye, Dragon Paw, Dragon Scale, Dragon Wing
5 Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell feats no longer increase spell level for evocation spells
6 Dragon Breath
7 Empower Spell, Heighten Spell feats no longer increase spell level for evocation spells
8 Dragon Might
9 Maximise Spell, Quicken Spell feats no longer increase spell level for evocation spells
10 High Mastery of DragonsClass skills: Intimidate, Ride (dragons only)
Note: this is actually four classes in one, with each class mastering a particular element.
Level Special Abilities
1 specialisation in conjuration without penalties
2 Protection from Elements
3 bonus Spell Mastery feat for spells related to the character's chosen element
4 Minor Conjuration
5 Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell feats no longer increase spell level for character's chosen element spells
6 Major Conjuration
7 Empower Spell, Heighten Spell feats no longer increase spell level for character's chosen elemental spells
8 Full Elemental Control
9 Maximise Spell, Quicken Spell feats no longer increase spell level for character's chosen elemental spells
10 MetamorphosisSomniologist (Dream Mage, Illusionist)
Level Special Abilities
1 specialisation in illusion without penalties
2 Hypnosis
3 bonus Spell Mastery feat for spells of illusion school
4 Dream Alteration
5 Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell feats no longer increase spell level for illusion spells
6 Delirium Tremens
7 Empower Spell, Heighten Spell feats no longer increase spell level for illusion spells
8 Dream Travel, Shadow Reality
9 Maximise Spell, Quicken Spell feats no longer increase spell level for illusion spells
10 DreamlandsClass skills: Sense Motive
Level Special Abilities
1 specialisation in necromancy without penalties
2 Protection from Undead
3 bonus Spell Mastery feat for spells of necromancy school
4 Control Undead, Partial Animation
5 Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell feats no longer increase spell level for necromancy spells
6 Create Minor Undead, Commune with the Dead
7 Empower Spell, Heighten Spell feats no longer increase spell level for necromancy spells
8 Create Major Undead, Raise Dead
9 Maximise Spell, Quicken Spell feats no longer increase spell level for necromancy spells
10 Attain LichdomClass skills: Heal
Note: Cryptomancers must choose either divination or abjuration as their specialty, and their specialisation and feat abilities apply to that school
Level Special Abilities
1 specialisation in either divination or abjuration (the cryptomancer's choice) without penalties
2 Glyphs of Matter
3 bonus Spell Mastery feat for spells of divination or abjuration school (as chosen above)
4 Glyphs of Life
5 Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell feats no longer increase spell level for divination or abjuration spells
6 Glyphs of Power
7 Empower Spell, Heighten Spell feats no longer increase spell level for divination or abjuration spells
8 Glyphs of Magic
9 Maximise Spell, Quicken Spell feats no longer increase spell level for divination or abjuration spells
10 TruenameClass skills: Forgery, Speak Language
Witch or Wokani
Level Special Abilities
1 specialisation in enchantment without penalties
2 Brews and Philtres, Silver Tongue
3 bonus Spell Mastery feat for spells of enchantment school
4 Doll Curse, Witches' Charm
5 Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell feats no longer increase spell level for enchantment spells
6 Spellbinding, Witches' Curse
7 Empower Spell, Heighten Spell feats no longer increase spell level for enchantment spells
8 Shapechange
9 Maximise Spell, Quicken Spell feats no longer increase spell level for enchantment spells
10 Ultimate Possession (aka Mortal Dominion)Class skills: Bluff, Diplomacy