Strong Focus Special Moves
by tjedge1Strong Focus Special Moves. Things are just going to get stranger from here. The movie Kung Fu Hustle or Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon might come tom mind while you look over the following posts.
Name: Balance
Prerequisites: Focus 4
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: None
To Hit: Passive
Damage Bonus: Passive
Round Movement: +5' Aerial
Description: By focusing his inner being, the fighter may reduce his mass to such a point that he can become effectively weightless at will. A fighter using this ability may stand on someone's outstretched arm without him feeling the fighters weight. It is said that this ability was developed by fighters who watched Sind fakirs lying down on beds of nails without being harmed. Specialists can actually dance upon the head of a pin.
System: This ability is always in effect and allows the fighter to add +5' to movement when using an aerial manoeuvre.Name: Chi Kung Healing
Prerequisites: Focus 4
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: See Below
To Hit: -1
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: -5'
Description: Ancient Ochalean doctors could reputably work healing miracles by focusing their own Chi into their patient. This healing combines acupressure and an actual "laying on of hands" wherein the healer touches the patient to infuse the patient with additional Chi. This healing power is relatively rare among fighters, but some styles teach the philosophy that the ability to heal must be taught along with the ability to hurt.
System: A character who uses Chi Kung Healing in the midst of combat must enter the same space as his patient and then execute the healing process. Like the Regeneration manoeuvre, the healer can restore 2d4 lost hit points per point of Chi the healer spends. The healer can spend Chi points up to his Focus level per turn of healing. The healer can not use this ability on himself however.Name: Drain
Prerequisites: Focus 4
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -1
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: -5'
Description: Truly a vicious power, Drain causes the target to become dehydrated and weakened. The water held by the target's body actually seeps through his pores. A fighter may not even be aware that he is being dehydrated, until he passes out. Affected fighters appear to glisten with sweat, even in extremely cold weather.
System: This is a projectile attack similar to Fireball, and can be dodged, even though there is no outward sign of a projectile. Characters who make a successful Wisdom roll will notice the projectile. A target struck suffers 1 hit point of damage only. The following round the target will also suffer a -1 To-Hit and a -5' movement penalty. This penalty will accumulate for a number of rounds equal to 1d4+level of Focus. Once the victim reaches 0' movement, he passes out. The victim will continue to dehydrate unless he succeeds in a Save Throw vs. Paralysis, which can be attempted each round. Another way to hold off the effects is to drink a pint of water each round the Save Throw fails, but no other action can be taken that round except movement. The victim also loses their Dexterity bonus to their AC if they are drinking.Name: Extendible Limbs
Prerequisites: Focus 4
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: See Below
Description: This remarkable power is acquired only after long and intense meditation by Kabaddi masters. They study unsolvable riddles of dimensional space, expanding their minds to understand the true nature of distance. In the end, the Kabaddi master acquires the superhuman ability to stretch his limbs far beyond their normal length. The limb actually appears to telescope out into space. Kabaddi masters make great use of this ability in combat, extending their limbs to attack opponents from a safe distance or kicking aerial opponents out of the sky before they can close with the Kabaddi master. Outside of combat, the ability proves useful for all manner of things: reaching otherwise unattainable objects, grabbing ledges far overhead, snaking an arm through a tight squeeze to grab jail keys or even extending a finger down a drain pipe to collect a lost article.
System: Fighters who possess this ability can use it at any time without penalty. The power is simply combined with either of the basic punch or kick moves to give the attack extra range. The character can extend his limbs a number of feet equal to 5x his Focus level. So for example, Rajra, with an amazing Focus level of 5, can extend his limbs to hit an opponent 25' away. The only drawback to the manoeuvre is that the fighter's extended limbs are vulnerable to attack. If any opponent attacks the fighter's stretching attack the opponent can damage the stretching character by hitting him in any space through which his limbs extend (including hitting the fighter's extending fist or foot).Name: Flaming Fist
Prerequisites: Focus 3, Punch 1
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +0
Damage Bonus: +3
Round Movement: +0'
Description: The mystic can surround his hands with flames for brief periods of time, causing his foes additional damage or setting things on fire. His fist blazes for a moment before he strikes his opponent and then dies down once the blow has landed.
System: Add the Damage modifier above to the basic punch. The Flaming Fist does not affect the To-Hit or movement of the manoeuvre, only the Damage.Name: Kongjin
Prerequisites: Focus 4
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +1
Damage Bonus: +1
Round Movement: None
Description: The power of kongjin, or "empty force" allows one to strike from a distance. It is also known as "one finger" from the training method used, whereby the student attempts to move an iron bell suspended from a well or hallway by projecting chi through one finger.
System: Kongjin can be played with either basic punch of kick manoeuvre. When it is used, a manoeuvre may affect opponents up to 10' away per level of Focus, without touching them. A Kongjin strike cannot be blocked, also all armour effects on AC are ignored. Only natural toughness and Dexterity apply to AC against this attack.Name: Psychic Vice
Prerequisites: Focus 4
Manoeuvre Cost: 7 Any Style
Usage Cost: 3 Chi
To Hit: +0
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: None
Description: This fearsome power literally strips the energy from an opponent, demoralising and disheartening him. Often the Master of Hule can be seen staring into the eyes of a would-be opponent. Energy crackles from the mad cleric's eyes and his opponent's resolve crumples before the fight begins.
System: The victim must be within a number of feet equal to the attacker's Focus + Wisdom. The victim must attempt a Wisdom roll with a penalty equal to the attackers focus level. If the victim fails, he loses 1d8 points in Intelligence (only temporarily) and is also at -1 To-Hit for the next round. If the victim loses a number of Intelligence points greater than half his Wisdom Statistic in a single attack, the victim is mentally stunned (treat this as paralysed). Victims reduced to zero Intelligence points are completely useless till after they recover, in effect they are unable to dodge any attack and are always automatically hit. A victim can recover 1d4+Wisdom bonus each round they are not attacked in any way. If a friend tries to shake them out of their trance, then double the rate of recovery.Name: Split Shadow
Prerequisites: Focus 4
Manoeuvre Cost: 6 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: See Below
Description: An ancient technique developed in ninjutsu, a warrior learns to use his chi to form illusions of his mirror image.
System: A fighter must spend one round to activate Split Shadow, and then its effect lasts a number of rounds equal to their level of Focus. Opponents have a -3 to their rolls when rolling to hit. They may spend one round to make a Wisdom roll against the fighter with a penalty equal to the fighters Focus level to see through the image and determine which is the real attacker. If a fighter using Split Shadow is actually hit, then the effect ceases.Name: Thunderclap
Prerequisites: Focus 3, Punch 1
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +0
Damage Bonus: -3
Round Movement: None
Description: Powerful magic. The warrior claps his hands together and unleashes the sound of thunder. The tremors caused by the Thunderclap are powerful enough to shatter windows and stun the warrior's opponents. The sound can be heard for miles.
System: The Thunderclap inflicts damage on everyone within 15' of the warrior. The hit is automatic and all victims can attempt a Save Throw vs. Death Ray to only take half the damage.