Segestrian, Giant Green Fanged Spider
by Cab DavidsonI am lucky enough to have a colony of Segestria florentina, an iridescent fanged tube web spider, in the garden wall. As a naturalist it's also my only county first (YOU try being the first to spot something in a county like Cambridgeshire, full of academics, nerds and hobbyists! :)).
Here's my D&D tribute to them.
source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FVXdRSJWIAEwQnd.jpgSpider, Giant
Stat Segestria AC: 4 HD: 3** Movement: 90’(30’) In web: 150’(50’) Attacks: 1 bite Damage: 1d12+paralysis Number Appearing: 1d4(1d6) Save As: Fighter 2 Morale: 10 Treasure Type: V Intelligence: 1 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 55 Segestrians are variously known as hell spiders, burrow legs, green-fanged spiders and many other names by those unfortunate enough to share territory with them. They grow to around 5’ long, with extended but muscular legs, and fangs that are (in the light) iridescent green contrasting with their otherwise entirely black bodies. But they are rarely seen in their entirety, spending most of their time in silk lined tubes constructed between boulders, in the cracks of mighty fallen trees, or gaps in cave walls. From these nests, dozens of fine tendrils of silk extend to a range of 40’ across all surfaces, in all directions, and should they be tripped by any creature larger than a mouse the spider will immediately attack. If the victim is unaware of the silk tendrils (which can be found with an ordinary find traps roll) the spider gains a +4 bonus to surprise. Even if the victim is not surprised, the speed of this initial attack is so great that the spider gains a +2 bonus to initiative in the first round of combat.
They attempt to bite and paralyse a victim. On a successful hit, in addition to causing damage, the segestrians venom necessitates a save vs. paralysis at -4, or the victim will be immobilised for 4d4 turns. Having captured a victim, the segestrian will move back to its lair at full speed, carrying its next meal.
If more than one segestrian is found, the colony is made up of individuals with no loyalty to each other, but which may attack in sequence if their traps are sprung. For example, a party pursuing a segestrian taking one of their number back to its lair may be very likely to alert other individuals to their presence.
Once in the lair, only a single character can engage the segestrian in melee combat. A threatened spider can retreat entirely into the lair, being essentially immune to missile fire and direct damage inflicting spells such as magic missile.