House of Singhabad (including Krinagar)
Aleksei AndrievskiKrondahar
Main Resources: 1 vegetable (silk), 1 animal (cattle)
8 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 2240; tax 224 dc
8 hexes: clear; rural; pop. 8960; tax 896 dc
1 hex: clear, suburban; pop. 1120; tax 336 dc
4 hexes: clear, river; rural; pop. 6720; tax 672 dc
Braastar: large town; pop. 7500; tax 3000 dc
Total population: 7500 large town, 1120 suburban, 17920 ruralTax Income: 5128 dc
Resource Income: 15384 dc
Standard Income: 27680 dcCouncil Tax: 9638 dc
Net Cash: 10874 dc
Overhead (60%): 6524 dc
Available Cash: 4350 dcWith 246144 XP/year, in 10 years Jherek Virayana gains 2461440 XP, rising from M27 to M36!
Alternate: 61536 XP/year, rises to M31.Hightower
Main resources: 1 animal, 1 mineral
5 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 1400; tax 140 dc
2 hexes: hills, river; rural; pop. 840; tax 84 dc
Hightower: village; pop. 560; tax 56 dc
Total population: 2800 village/ruralTax Income: 280 dc
Resource Income: 1400 dc
Standard Income: 2240 dcCouncil Tax: 784 dc
Net Cash: 896 dc
Overhead (45%): 403 dc
Available Cash: 493 dcWith 20160 XP/year, in 4 years John Beaumarys-Moorkroft gains 80640 XP, rising from M16 to M17 (now has 1505000 XP). He then becomes Archduke of Westheath (see Sirecchia info) and still gains 20160 XP/year, by the end of 1009 having 1625000 XP (no rise quite yet).
Alternate: 3360 XP/year, by end of 1009 has 1458000 XP.Skullhorn
Main resources: 1 animal, 1 mineral
6 hexes: mountain; borderland; pop. 336; tax 16.8 dc
1 hex: hills; rural; pop. 280; tax 28 dc
Skullhorn: village; pop. 154; tax 15.4 dc
Total population: 434 village/rural, 336 borderlandTax Income: 60.2 dc
Resource Income: 301 dc
Standard Income: 481.6 dcCouncil Tax: 168.6 dc
Net Cash: 192.6 dc
Overhead (35%): 67.4 dc
Available Cash: 125.2 dcWith 4335 XP/year, in 3 years (1000-1002) Urmahid Krinagar gains 13005 XP, now having 1288000 XP.
Alternate: 723 XP/year, now has 1277000 XP.Bramyra
Main resources: 1 animal, 1 mineral
7 hexes: mountain; borderland; pop. 392; tax 19.6 dc
12 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 3360; tax 336 dc
2 hexes: grasslands; rural; pop. 2240; tax 224 dc
Bramyra: small town; pop. 2300; tax 690 dc
Skullhorn: village; pop. 154; tax 15.4 dc
Total population: 2300 small town, 5754 village/rural, 392 borderlandTax Income: 1285 dc
Resource Income: 6425 dc
Standard Income: 7520 dcCouncil Tax: 3046 dc
Net Cash: 4664 dc
Overhead (55%): 2565 dc
Available Cash: 2099 dcWith 92520 XP/year, in 7 years (1003-1009) Urmahid Krinagar gains 647640 XP, rising from M15 to M19.
Alternate: 15420 XP/year, rise from M15 to M16.