Shajarkand (Mumlyket of)
Location: Kingdom of Sind, west of the Atruaghin plateau. OW
Area: 25,000 sq. mi. (64,750 sq. km.).
Population: 67,000. This includes the capital of Naral (pop. 10,300).
Languages: Sindhi.
Coinage: Sindhi Standard: guru (25 gp), rupee (5 gp), bhani (gp), khundar (sp), piaster (cp).
Taxes: See Sind.
Government Type: Feudal monarchy. The Rajah of Shajarkand owes fealty to the Rajadhiraja (king) of Sind, Chandra ul Nervi.
Industries: Trade (salt, hides, goat milk). The rulers of Shajarkand also make a modest income from the export of tigers.
Important Figures: Ramanan Venkat (Rajah).
Flora and Fauna: See Sind.
Further Reading: Champions of Mystara boxed set, previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: None to report.