by Cab DavidsonA far cry from the boisterous but generally evasive chimpanzee from which they have descended, the shaydaan (in the language of Arypt, literally, demons) are ruthless, marauding killers stalking the forests and plains of Arypt for prey both to consume or to sacrifice to their patron immortal, Demogorgon.
They form large groups, typically led by a dominant male with several powerful lieutenants, who claim not only leadership but ownership over others in the tribe. Groups may be as small as 10 or 12 individuals but can reach 200-300 strong, and while they are nomadic they are also territorial, protecting their own territories from other groups. It is common for groups to wage violent conflict against each other, indeed the flesh of other shaydaan can form a large part of their diet, if they’re winning those wars, alongside fruit, roots, leaves, insects, and any smaller animals they can catch.
Few question their allotted role within society – larger males becoming soldiers, smaller males typically being driven out or killed, and females protecting each other and their young from predation of other tribes. But, rarely, an independent minded shaydaan will want more, and will head out into a wider world. Most will be found by other bands of shaydaan and, as an outsider, killed and consumed. But occasionally one may escape and reach the villages and towns of other races. There, if not immediately mistaken for a normal chimpanzee, they may find a life of adventure and fulfilment outside of the cult of Demogorgon, but even then, if they rise to prominence they will be hunted down by other adherence to that terrible belief structure.
They are built very like chimpanzees, dark furred apes 4’ to 5’ tall, with females weighing up to 110lb and males up to 150lb. They are as at home on the ground as in the trees, spending more time on the ground than most other species of ape, which is necessary in many of the semi-wooded areas in which they live.
Advancement and physical attributes: Characters require 20% more experience points per level of experience. They are generated with the following stat modifiers: Str: +3, Int: -1, Wis: -1, Dex: 0, Con: +2. Cha: -3
Special Abilities: Shaydaan draw great strength and resilience from their link to Demogorgon. Even those no longer in the cult are able to feel and exploit this connection. In combat, once per round they may attempt to enter a frenzy by making a wisdom check. If they fail, they enter the frenzy. They may continue their frenzy for 1 round per point of constitution +1 round per level of experience. During this time, they receive a +1 bonus to individual initiative, +3 bonus to hit and damage with their unarmed attacks, and a +2 bonus to hit and damage with any melee weapons used. While frenzying they also receive a temporary bonus number of hit points equal to their constitution score plus level of experience, these hit points being lost first lost, disappearing at the end of the fight (with no damage carried over unless that number was exceeded). At the end of the frenzy, or the fight, a shaydaan must rest for 1 full hour or suffer the effects of exhaustion (Rules Cyclopedia page 88).
Shaydaan can attack using their natural attacks, inflicting 1d6 with each fist, and 1d8 with their bight attack.
Character Class: Most shaydaan are fighters, but a few choose to become witch doctors dedicated to Demogorgon. Some may become thieves. There are no known shaydaan of other character classes, including magic users.
Hit Dice: Characters use the next higher hit dice, and gain an extra hit dice at first level. For example, a firs level thief used d6 for hit points, and begins with 2d6hp at first level.
Movement and Encumbrance: The shaydaan are able to brachiate, as are most other apes, and to tree walk. When travelling thus they are as fast as they are on the ground, moving at 120’ (40’).
An unarmoured or leather armour wearing shaydaan can climb any tree with no ability check required, and can climb walls as a thief of equal level. A shaydaan thief gains a +10% bonus to all climb walls checks.
Languages: Shaydaan speak their own language, one of shrill and angry growls and grunts, and those who have escaped shaydaan clans are able to speak the local human language.
Weapons and Armour: Armour must be made especially for a shaydaan, and it is rare that any armourer is willing to do so. They can fashion spears, clubs and maces from materials available in their tribelands, but typically they favour using fist and bight attacks. When they can get them, they enjoy using human and dwarf made weapons, but they usually shunned by other races who refuse to trade with them.
Shaydaan medicine man