Shaman and Shamani Comparison
by HåvardSide by Side comparison between the Shaman (Gaz12) and Shamani (Gaz14)
Class: Shaman == Shamani
Prime Req Wis == Wis + Con
XP for 2nd level: 1,600 == 1,500
Hit Dice 1d4+1 == 1d6
Attack Bonus As Cleric == As Magic-User
Saving Throws As Cleric == As Cleric
Armor Any == Leather
Weapons Any ==As Druid
Spell Progression As Cleric == As ClericShaman Abilties:
Spirit Guide Ability
Spirit Guide Disability
Speak With Animals
Shapechange (12th Level)Shamani Abilties:
Detect Safe Food/Water
Detect Poison 50%
Never Attacked by AnimalsWhile I haven't done a comparison of the specific spells given to each class, my overall impression is that the Ethengar Shaman is superior to the Shamani. I really wish they had just had one Shaman Class for both cultures that could also be applied to other cultures like the Jennites, Neathar and others.