Travelling by ship
by RobinYou could also impose the speed effects by weather and currebt according the Gaz Minrothad and currents map
and if you also use the suggested wind direction graph vs vessel direction on page 33 (DM)
if you copy the hex as a base, cut a small vessel out of a plastic sheet and an wind arrow of the same size out of translucent plastic. Connect these in the middle with a needle or alike, and you can rapidly impose speed by direction vs wind strength & wind direction
Depending on the winddirection you could be a lot faster than with average winddirections and knowing the general currents.I have here the version using the RC, Gaz Minrothad and X6 Quagmire rules combined
Choose a prevailing wind direction (along Known World Coast Current = west, dominant wind also---along Sea of dread Curent is a clockwise , wind West or roll Id8:
1 = North
2 = Northeast
3 = East
4 = Southeast
5 - South
6 = Southwest
7 = West
8 - Northwest
1d8 at start day Wind strength. Numbers of 0, 7, 8 and above are explained under weather changes )
0= Becalmed, no movement except by oars, oared movement reduced to 1/3 normal amount to take into account rower fatigue
1-Ripples, Extreme light breeze or beating before normal winds All movement reduced by 20% normal rate
2=Minor waves, light breeze or quarter reaching before normal wnds. All movement reduced by 10% normal rate
3-4=Small waves, moderate winds, normal movement.
5-6=medium waves, moderate winds, normal movement. Missile fire penalty -1
7=choppy seas, +/-10% extra movement, Brisk winds, Missile Fire Penalty -3 Anything unfastened blows away .
8=Strong waves, Strong Breeze +/- 20% extra movement, missile fire penalty -5
9=High waves, High winds,+/-40% extra movement,missile fire penalty -7
10=Storm, High waves, 1 hullpoint damage per hour 20% chance of galley shipping water, 10% chance for all other ships,. any ship which ships water has its speed reduced to 30% maximum. this can be repaired at the rate of 1 hullpoint of damage per crew assigned to repair per turn (heave water out), No missile fire possible
11=Gale, Heavy Seas, 2d3 hullpoint damage per hour 20% chance of galley shipping water, 10% chance for all other ships,. any ship which ships water has its speed reduced to 30% maximum. this can be repaired at the rate of 1 hullpoint of damage per crew assigned to repair per turn (heave water out), No missile fire possible
12 Hurricane Extreme Heavy Seas, 2d3 hullpoint damage per Turn 40% chance of galley shipping water,80% chance galley sinking, triple normal movement in random direction (1d6; 1= current direction, 2=60degrees starboard(right), 3=120 degrees starboard, 4= 60 degrees port, 5= 120 degrees port, 6,=opposite direction. usde rules already concerning running before the Gale. No missile fire possible. Only on any coastal region west of Sind desert till Arm Immortasls. . Starts as Gale 1hr, then 1+1d4Turn Hurricane, then remaining time Gale. (N)PC save vs SP or blown away 1d20x10' up =falling damage, also anty exposed (N)PC takes 2d3 point of damage/TurnWeather changes roll twice 1d8= Change in wind direction & Wind Strength (or use the wind calculator of the Trail maps
1---- -2
2---- -1
6---- +2
Wind from--------------- Modify total Speed
Bow----------------------- -25 percent
Port or Starboard Bow-- -10 percent
Port or Starboard---------- + 20 percent
Port or Starboard Stern---- + 10 percent
Stern-------------------------- + / - 0
I will soonn release something more useful regarding weather