by Giuliano MichelonHigh Elf Female
Rogue 3th - Bard 7th – Rake 2nd
Non-player Character
age: 125
hair: blonde
eyes: blue
XP 72.000
AL Neutral
hp 69 (6 +11d6 + 24 constitution bonus)
Init +7 (+3 dexterity, +4 improved initiative)
Spd 30 ft. (30 base)
AC 13 (touch 16, flat-footed 32) ((10 base, +3 from dexterity))
Atk +11/+6 melee (short sword +2) ((+8/+3 base, +1 strength, +2 enchantment from magical weapon))
Dam 1d6 +3 (short sword +2) ((+2 enchantment from magical weapon, +1 strength ))
SV Fort +7 ((+3 base, +2 constitution, +2 cloak of resistance )) Ref +16 ((+11 base, +3 dexterity, +2 cloak of resistance )) Will +11 ((+6 base, +1 wisdom, +2 iron will feat, +2 cloak of resistance))
Abil Str 12 ((12 base)) Dex 17 ((17 base)) Con 14 ((14 base)) Int 16 ((16 base)) Wis 13 ((13 base )) Cha 18 ((18 base))
Skills ((total skill bonus (ranks, characteristic, synergy, special)) Appraise +8 (5,3,0,0), Balance +10 (5,3,2,0), Bluff +11 (7,4,0,0), Climb +1 (0,1,0,0), Decipher Script +10 (7,3,0,0), Diplomacy +14 (7,4,0,3),Disable Device +4 (1,3,0,0), Disguise +11 (5,4,0,2), Escape Artist +8 (5,3,0,0), Forgery +8 (5,3,0,0), Gather Information +13 (7,4,0,2), Hide +9 (6,3,0,0), Innuendo +8 (5,1,0,2), Intimidate +13 (7,4,0,2), Knowledge Arcana +7 (4,3,0,0), Listen +8 (5,1,0,2), Move Silently +8 (5,3,0,0), Open Lock +5 (2,3,0,0), Perform +10 (dance, drama, storytelling, chant, harp, flute) (6,4,0,0) Perform Sexual Technique +9 (5,4,0,0),Pick Pocket +10 (5,3,0,2), Read Lips +9 (6,3,0,0),Scry +11 (8,3,0,0),Search +7 (2,3,0,2), Sense Motive +7 (5,1,0,1), Spot +8 (5,1,0,2), Tumble +6 (3,3,0,0).
Feats improved initiative, iron will, skill focus (gather information), seductive (elves)*, disarming looks**
Languages: Common (Thyatian), Elven, Draconic, Undercommon, Sylvan
Special Qualities: sneak attack +3d6, evasion, uncanny dodge (Dex bonus to AC), bardic music, bardic knowledge, seduction, pillow talk, seductive art +1, bardic spells.
Possessions (11 lb.) : Traveller's outfit
Magic Item: Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location, Ring of Freedom of Movement, Cloak of Resistance +2, short sword +2, scroll with: dimension door (x2), potion of gaseous form (x2), potion of cure critical wounds (x2) [4d8+7].
Seduction (sp): a rake can use suggestive comments and body language to produce an effect similar to the bard’s fascinate ability. Will save versus a rake charisma check to negate the effect. Works only with elves. +2 circumstance bonus on Perform check to fascinate other (bard ability).
Seductive Art (Ex): +1 competency bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks.
Pillow Talk (Su): this ability allows a rake to glean information from a target that she has bedded. After a hour of sexual contact the target speak freely and without deceit as if under the effect of a zone of truth.
Spells Know: [ 3– 4 – 3 – 1 ] DC 14+ spell level
Level 0 (cantrips): detect magic, read magic, light, mending, open/close, mage hand
Level 1: share sensation, charm person, message, expeditious retreat
Level 2: limited telepathy, invisibility, detect thought, misdirection
Level 3: scrying, charm monsterShare sensation: feel your target’s physical sensation. Personal. 10 min./lev.
Limited telepathy: communicate with intelligent creature (INT 6+). Range close. One creature.10 min/lev. Will negates. SR No.
* Feat Seductive: +2 on Charisma based skills and ability checks against elves.
** Feat Disarming looks: you may re-roll any Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information or Intimidate check. Once a day.