House of Silverston
by Aleksei AndrievskiBlackhill
Main resources: 1 vegetable (fruits & vegetables), 1 mineral (black stone & tar pits)
9 hexes: clear; rural; pop. 10080; tax 1008 dc
3 hexes: clear, river; rural; pop. 5040; tax 504 dc
1 hex: clear, river; suburban; pop. 1680; tax 504 dc
5 hexes: hill; rural; pop. 1400; tax 140 dc
4 hexes: hill, river; rural; pop. 1680; tax 168 dc
Eriadna: large town; pop. 5500; tax 2200 dc
Volnay: small town; pop. 2500; tax 750 dc
Total population: 5500 large town, 4180 small town/suburban, 18200 ruralTax Income: 5274 dc
Resource Income: 21096 dc
Standard Income: 28376 dcCouncil Tax: 10950 dc
Net Cash: 15420 dc
Overhead (65%): 10023 dc
Available Cash: 5397 dcWith 316440 XP/year, in 6 years Volospin Aendyr gains 1898640 XP, rising from M22 to M35 (but rules limit this to M28).
Alternate: 63288 XP/year, in 6 years rises to M25. Then he presumably dies when his dominion gets crushed.Fenswick
Main resources: 1 mineral, 1 animal
3 hexes: mountain; borderland; pop. 168; tax 8.4 dc
1 hex: mountain, river; borderland; pop. 84; tax 4.2 dc
1 hex: hills; rural; pop. 280; tax 28 dc
2 hexes: hills, river; rural; pop. 840; tax 84 dc
Fenswick: village; pop. 343; tax 34.3 dc
Total population: 1463 rural, 252 borderlandTax Income: 158.9 dc
Resource Income: 794.5 dc
Standard Income: 1271.2 dcCouncil Tax: 444.9 dc
Net Cash: 508.5 dc
Overhead (40%): 203.4 dc
Available Cash: 305.1 dcWith 11441 XP/year, in 10 years Margaret Hillsbury gains 114410 XP, rising from M14 to M15.
Alternate: 1907 XP/year, no rise.Wylon
Main resources: 1 mineral, 1 animal
5 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 1400; tax 140 dc
2 hexes: mountain; borderland; pop. 112; tax 5.6 dc
Wylon: village; pop. 378; tax 37.8 dc
Total population: 1778 rural, 112 borderlandTax Income: 183.4 dc
Resource Income: 917 dc
Standard Income: 1467.2 dcCouncil Tax: 513.5 dc
Net Cash: 586.9 dc
Overhead (40%): 234.8 dc
Available Cash: 352.1 dcWith 13205 XP/year, in 6 years Emeth Urbaal gains 79230 XP, rising from M12 to M13.
Alternate: 2201 XP/year, no rise.Redstone
Main resources: 1 animal, 1 mineral
5 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 1400; tax 140 dc
2 hexes: hills, river; rural; pop. 840; tax 84 dc
Redstone: village; pop. 560; tax 56 dc
Total population: 2800 ruralTax Income: 280 dc
Resource Income: 1400 dc
Standard Income: 2240 dcCouncil Tax: 784 dc
Net Cash: 896 dc
Overhead (45%): 403 dc
Available Cash: 493 dcWith 20160 XP/year, in 6 years Arbana Jerbat gains 120960 XP, rising from M9 to M10.
Alternate: 3360 XP/year, no rise.