SIND (Rajahstan of)
Location: West of the Atruaghin Territories, Darokin, southwest of Glantri. OW
Area: 200,000 sq. mi. (518,000 sq. km.).
Population: Approx. 550,000, plus hordes of occupying goblinoids and other minions of Hule.
Languages: Sindhi, some Thyatian (Darokinian dialect).
Coinage: Guru (25 gp), rupee (5 gp), bhani (gp), khundar (sp), piaster (cp).
Taxes: The three privileged castes-himaya, rishiya, and jadugerya (fighters, clerics, and mages)-of Sind owe annual taxes of 25% on all profits, taxes, services and goods received from others, but this tax may be waived if they offer their services to the government or others of the privileged castes. Members of the prajaya caste (farmers and craftsmen) owe 25% of all produce to their mumlyket, with another 25% going to the rishiyas for spiritual services. The kuliya caste (slaves and unskilled labourers) are not taxed. Additionally, a white-skinned sub-caste (called urdu-varna) must pay a poll tax of one khundar per person.
In areas still occupied by forces of Hule, an annual poll tax of one khundar per person, regardless of age, gender, or caste is imposed in addition to regular taxes.
Government Type: Feudal monarchy. Nobles (called rajahs and maharajahs) owe fealty to the rajadhiraja (king). Several states (called mumlykets) are currently under the control of the Master of Hule.
Industries: Agriculture, trade (salt, silk, cotton, rice, and especially tea).
Flora and Fauna: Monsters that are found in the regions of Sind include animal herds, giant ants, bandits (in the desert), basilisks, camels, cockatrices, djinn, red dragons, efreet, elephants, ghouls, gnolls, giant lizards, lupins, manscorpions, mummies, giant scorpions, shadows, sphinxes, and trolls.
Further Reading: Champions of Mystara boxed set, Dragon #169 (Voyage of the Princess Ark part 16), previous almanacs.
[See the following individual listings for Jalawar and Shajarkand for more information about Sind. Ed.]