Sindhi Immortals
by Aleksei AndrievskiI always considered that Sindhi honour a lot of Immortals (like RW Hindus), but only two were officially mentioned. So, I made a (long) list of names under which Sindhi know various Immortals. IMO the Sindhi pretty much take in any Immortal that comes along, just in case so that he won't be offended at them. Sind is a good place for a novice Immortal to gain some starting worshippers, until he can establish himself better. Note that most of these Immortals don't have Rishiyas (clerics) in Sind, but they are nonetheless recognised and their names invoked in appropriate situations.
Sindhi Names for Immortals
Ahmanni (turtles, whales) - Ahumani
al-Kalim (vegetation, Asanda river) - Kalman
Alphaks (demon of violence and rage) - Athaksha
Alphatia (pacifism) - Latehani
Arik (ancient demon imprisoned by Himayeti) - Arikha
Asterius (trade, thieves) - Asuradha
Atruaghin (longevity, safety) - Atrughanya
Atzanteotl (corruption) - Acchanital
Bagni - not known
Bartziluth - not known
Bemarris - not known
Brissard (treacherous offerings) - Bhrisrada
Calitha Starbrow (sea, monsoons) - Kalithasi
Chardastes (medicine, healing) - Khridasa
Chiron - not known
Crakkak - not known
Cretia (pranks) - Kritya
Danel (tigers, hunting) - Danal
Demogorgon (demon of destruction) - Dhamurgana
Diamond (benevolent creatures) - Rohin
Diulanna (willpower) - Dhalani
Djaea (survival, protection of land) - Jaivana
Eiryndul (mischief) - Ayodhnal
Faunus (hedonism) - Panesha
Forsetta (law) - Prisatha
Frey (counselling, advising) - Parjana
Freya (good heroes) - Parjani
Garl (invention) - Gharal
Gorm - not known
Gorrziok (giants) - Gurjakha
Great One (ruler of dragons and nagas) - Mahanaga
Halav (warfare, defence) - Halavan
Harrow - not known
Hattani (bears, comfort) - Hathanya
Hel (destruction, death) - Kala
Ilsundal (wisdom, magic) - Isrundra
Ixion (sun, fighting demons, creation, protection, destruction) - Ayazi/Himayeti/Aksyri
Jammudaru (ogres, destruction of art) - Jammudaru
Ka (protection of creatures) - Kah
Kagyar (arts) - Kaghara
Kallala - not known
Karaash (war, bloodshed) - Ksharyah
Khoronus (time, destiny) - Khauran
Korotiku (thought) - Karut
Koryis (peace, prosperity) - Kurya
Kythria - not known
Leptar (demon of pain) - Lapitri
Liena - not known
Lokena - not known
Loki (betrayal, lies) - Lukya, also Bhajyagwan
Maat (many talents, justice) - Mata
Madarua - not known
Mahmatti (spiritualism, meditation) - Mahamatya
Malafor - not known
Marwdyn (necromancy) - Maravidya
Masauwu (temptation) - Mavasa
Mealiden (agility, sharp sight) - Milidhan
Minroth (patron of Minrothad, known in coastal cities) - Minuratha
Noumena (riddles, games, tactics) - Nauman
Nyx (night, darkness) - Nikhi
Odin (wise rule, kings) - Vadhana
Opal (neutral creatures) - Bhaskar
Orcus (demon of slaughter) - Auraksha
Ordana (nature, fertility) - Uradhani
Palartarkan (air magic) - Palatrikana
Palson - not known
Patura - not known
Pearl (malevolent creatures) - Chandri
Petra (defending cities) - Pitari
Pflarr (learning, study) - Vrilatha
Polunius (architecture) - Paulanah
Protius (oceans, seas) - Puratha
Rad (sorcerers) - Radhya
Rafiel - not known
Ranivorus (demon of perversion) - Yainughu
Rathanos (fire, desert) - Rathanasri
Razud (self-sufficiency) - Rajudha
Saasskas (demon of drowning and sacrifices) - Sakasi
Sharpcrest - not known
Shining One - not known
Sinbad (sailors, voyages) - Sinbhada
Slizzark - not known
Ssu-Ma (literature, knowledge) - Shuma
Tahkati (horsemanship, storms) - Takhata
Talitha (misfortune, ruin) - Talithi
Tarastia (justice, revenge) - Trisathi
Taroyas - not known
Terra (earth) - Prithivi
Thanatos (death, oblivion) - Tanathasa
Thor (honour, warriors) - Thauran
Tiresias (music) - Tirasa
Turmis - not known
Twelve Watchers (craftsmen) - twelve incarnations of Dhauragara
Usamigaras - not known
Valerias (love, beauty, passion) - Valiryasi
Vanya (war, conquest) - Vanyani
Verthandi (time, history) - Vrithanda
Wayland (smiths, building) - Vailanda
Wogar (wild beasts) - Vaughara
Yagrai (plagues, disease, vengeance) - Yagharya
Yav (divination, prophecy) - Yavadha
Zirchev (animals) - Jirchava