For years, there have been a long term plot to conquer the Known World, which in part started out of Hule. Later over time, there has been growing influence into Sind, to use this nation as an unstoppable force to invade future established nations, which would later become Darokin. Here is the history of occurrences within Sind and also meddling by the Master.
Sindhi History
by Joaquin MenchacaAncient History
2250 BC: Ilsundal led several clans of elves on a migration across the Great Waste. Herd animals and Urduks (Neathar descendants) settled the area.
1750 BC: Several volcanic eruptions and earthquakes extending eastward from the Burning Waste split several land masses away from the coast forming scattered islands in what is modern day Ierendi and Minrothad Guilds and shattered the plateau. (Known as the War of the Elements)
1675 BC: Migrations of copper skin settlers from the ruined plateau were driven from their homes by Tahkati Stormtamer and his united tribes called the Children of the Horse. These people later called themselves the Sindhi. Trade later developed between the Sindhis and the Urduks.
1400 BC: Children of the Horse united under their leader Atruaghin. Urduks and Sindhis enjoyed prosperity from the rich fertile crops of Sindhi and the herds of Urduks.
1291 BC: A tribe of ogres settled in marginal lands on the edge of the Plain of Fire and lived in peace with the Urduks and Sindhis.
1271 BC: With five years of drought and dried up wells, the ogres migrated eastward in search of food and water. During their migration, the ogres devested the Sindhi villages and enslaved the populace.
1257 BC: Tribes of Red Orcs lead by Wogar overran southern lands of Sindh and tribal lands of Atruaghin Clans. The Sindhi strengthened by Urduk horsemen fended back most of the Red Orc attacks.
1255 BC: Renewed attacks from Red Orcs led to the conquest of Shahjapur (presently Sayr Ulan).
1253 BC: Hard-pressed Sindhis and Urduk allies were assisted unexpectedly by an Urduk explorer returning from the Serpent Peninsula whom brought with him a band of short dark skinned warriors and five trained elephants.
1250 BC: Sindh was free of the Red Orcs. The Sindhis pushed their armies eastward and established fortifications.
1000 BC: Tribes of gnolls fleeing from their Nithian masters made their way into Amsorak Mountains. Hordes of orcs from the conquered Five Shires, and goblins and hobgoblins migrated to Amsorak Mountains and northwest towards the Black Mountains.
800 BC: Atruaghin returns to unite his people against Red orcish oppressors. Sindhis seized the opportunity to throw themselves in force against the Red Orc western lines.
795 BC: Concerted attacks by two enemies crushes the orcish conquerors causing the remaining Red Orc survivors fled towards east and north. Eastern border of Sindh establish after negotiations by Atruaghin.
Atruaghin raises a mighty plateau which causes bizarre weather patterns.650 BC: Most interior grassland slowly reverted to desert, which also caused the abundant Urduk herds to dwindle.
AC 1: Sindh had disintegrated into a number of mumlykets, or little kingdoms, whose rulers constantly squabble over poorly productive land.
Modern History
AC 67: Massive Orc forces are driven out of Darokin by combined Darokin and Elven forces. Thousands of orcs overrun and pillage Nagpuri territory.
AC 100-150: Prominent families rise to power in Asanda plain: Pratikutas, Rastrapalas, and Mahavarmans
AC 179: The Pratikutas seize control of the entire length of the Asanda River.
AC 186: Rajah Vijay Pratikuta dies leaving rule to weak son Sarad. New rulers suspected of being shapeshifters divide territory of Putnabad into Jalawar and Jhengal.
AC 250: Ylaruam nomads driven out of their homelands by Thyatian incursions settle in parts of Darokin and Sindhi.
AC 425: Minrothad traders unwittingly introduce lycanthropy into Sind. (Suspected plot of Gaia) AC 451: Sindhi mages led by Maga Aditi unit and overthrow the shape shifters. The Dark Inquisitions follow to expose further shapeshifters. The mages of Sind establish their own caste, Jadugeryas, and claim themselves high born.
AC 609: Decades of feuding between the Jadugeryas and Rishiyas end as Jadugeryas flee to southern Putnabad and form their own mumlyket called Jaibul.
AC 687: Ierendi merchants discover the rich trade opportunities of Sindhi ports and both Jaibul and Putnabad compete fiercely for foreign trade.
AC 691: Yubraj Narenda ul Nervi, the Crown Prince of Sindrastan, nearly dies when favourite elephant goes mad and gores him. A mysterious holy man calms elephant and heals prince. As prince remains unconscious, he receives holy vision that Sind faces eminent doom unless the mumlykets are united. Narenda's father, Sanjiva ul Nervi, dies a year later, leaving rulership of Sindrastan to his son, the new Rajah.
AC 695: Rajah Narenda ul Nervi initiates slow process of unification of Sind by conquering Gom, Karganj, and Naral.
AC 696: Sandapur falls to Rajah Narenda's onslaught.
The village of Pramayana stands against Sindrastan's armies for more than a year.AC 698: Pramayana falls. Rajah Narenda strikes out against a weaker west taking Sindri and Khamrati and the rest of Jhengal.
AC 700: Rajah Narenda establishes Gola Keep to encourage desert trading caravans to enter the Asanda river via Jhengal. Rajah marries his first wife Drisana who bears his first son the next year.
Lucrative trade is established with Slagovich.AC 703: Raja Narenda's forces conquer Baratpur, bringing Baratkand under Sindrastani control. The Rajah assumes the title of Rajadhiraja, or king of kings.
This in effect allows the former Rajah of Baratkand to retain his title and some governmental privileges, and places Rajah Javis Nandin on the throne of Jhengal.AC 704: Both unconquered Putnabad and Jalawar agree to unite with Sindrastan and pay annual taxes and tribute to Rajadhiraja Narenda ul Nervi in return for sharing the benefits of trade with Slagovich. The ruling Jadugeryas of Jaibul reach an agreement with the rajadhiraja for the autonomy of Jaibul.
AC 705: The Rajadhiraja turns attention to the rich fertile lands of Nagpuri and within six months the rajah of Nagpuri declares fealty to Rajadhiraja Narenda ul Nervi.
AC 706: Bloody campaign starts against Gunjab and Kadesh which nearly exhaust the Rajadhiraja Narenda's resources.
AC 712: Gunjab falls to Rajadhiraja Narenda's troops.
AC 713: Kadesh agrees to unite with lower Sind provided that Rajah of Kadesh retains rulership under a new title of Maharajah, or Great King.
AC 714: Total unification of Sind announced after a treaty is reached between Sindrastan and Peshmir. Ravi Prabhapravitha of Peshmir assumes title of Maharajah.
AC 717: The Rajadhiraja charges Jahore of Putnabad and its ruling families with the task of building the Sindhi Navy.
AC 726: The newly completed navy of four merchant vessels and a war galley mysteriously sinks in Jaibul's outer harbour.
AC 735: Elderly Narenda ul Nervi dies in his sleep.
Kistna proves just and capable Rajadhiraja.AC 776: Rajadhiraja Kistna ul Nervi dies of a fever.
His grandson Hansh ul Nervi succeeds Kistna as Rajadhiraja.AC 793: Rajadhiraja Hansh ul Nervi is found dead after eating a poisoned fig. His son Ramanan takes the throne.
AC 805: Dwarves fleeing the anti-dwarf policies of Glantri establish small communities in the mountains of Nagpuri, Gunjab, and Peshmir.
AC 812: Rajadhiraja Ramanan ul Nervi dies after eating a bowl of figs. Kulpakh assumes the throne. Within a week, Kulpakh makes bizarre proclamations exhorting the Jadugeryas to find a way to make it snow in the Great Waste, proclaiming all Rishiyas, the priestly caste, to be vampires feeding on the people of Sind, and insisting all animals be set free of their bondage. Within a month, a ceremonial elephant set free to roam the streets tramples and kills Kulpakh. Kulpakh's brother Balin takes the throne.
AC 832: Rajadhiraja Balin ul Nervi drowns in the Asanda's flood waters while trying to rescue a child caught in the churning river. His 18 year old daughter Nitara ul Nervi claims the throne.
AC 882: Ranidhiraja Nitara ul Nervi abdicates the throne of Sind in favour of her grandson, Anandarun ul Nervi.
AC 889: Rajadhiraja Anandarun ul Nervi is assassinated, leaving no heirs. Kulpakh ul Nervi's great-grandson
Vadin seizes the throne.AC 897: The Srinivasans of Sandapur petition Rajadhiraja Vadin ul Nervi to allow them to secede from Nandin-ruled Jhengal, claiming incompetence on part of rajah of Jhengal. Rajadhiraja orders Jhengal divided into two mumlykets. The newly formed mumlyket towards the east is named Azadgal.
AC 901: Kers Zeberdesti, a Jadugerya claiming to be Anandarun ul Nervi's illegitimate son, heads a successful coup against Rajadhiraja Vadin ul Nervi and takes the throne. Kers Zeberdesti adopts the name ul Nervi.
AC 913: Rajadhiraja Kers ul Nervi dies in a blazing fire caused by a magical experiment gone awry which destroys the palace. His son Darshan becomes Rajadhiraja and orders the palace rebuilt.
AC 915: A Himaya named Sarad Ylayci seizes the throne in a bloody coup. He claims to be yet another illegitimate son of Anandarun ul Nervi. Sarad Ylayci adopts the name ul Nervi.
AC 939: After Sarad ul Nervi dies in his sleep, his son Sarad ul Nervi takes the throne.
Intervention of the Master
AC 184: Agents are sent into Sindh to spy on political occurrences within the land.
AC 254: Missionaries from Hule are sent to Sind to secretly establish cults of faithful worshippers.
AC 453: Various shapeshifters are approached and are offered protection for cooperation and pledged loyalty towards the Master.
AC 564: With the Jadugeryas attention turned towards establish their caste, shapeshifters are recruited and used to infiltrate all portions of government throughout all the mumlykets of Sind.
AC 674: Missionaries from Hule strike out amongst the desert wastes to unite the wandering nomads.
AC 691: Rajah Sanjiva ul Nervi is assassinated by a Rakshasa agent. This leaves Narenda ul Nervi as a pawn in a greater game.
AC 695: Cults of the Master recruit many displaced downtrodden populace ravaged by the wars to come.
Through the Master, the helpless find a new freedom and hope.AC 700: Agents posing as engineers alter the construction of Gola Keep. Secret rooms and dungeons are added. The blueprints for the keep later disappear. From Gola Keep, operations are established to spread the gospel of the Master throughout Sind.
AC 703: Order of the Serpent is established which has a secret order where women take leadership roles and roles of caste are ignored. This becomes an organisation where many can find a new freedom and liberation where society offered none.
AC 705: Drisana, first wife of Rajadhiraja Narenda, is recruited into the Order of the Serpent. Drisana teaches and recruits her daughters to the faith. Her daughters marry other rajahs, which then recruit their children into the Order.
AC 897: A new territory is formed called Azadgal. Here the Order of the Serpent practices openly and has public churches. The upmost secrets are kept from all but the most loyal of the faithful.
AC 937: Thousands Urduk nomads and raiders combined with wandering tribes of Ogres swarm from the desert and conquer Baratpur of Buratkand. This begins a long campaign to conquer the Kingdom of Sind.