House of Sirecchia (including Haaskinz)
by Aleksei AndrievskiCaurenze
Main resources: 1 mineral (stone/gold/gems), 1 vegetable (olives)
4 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 1120; tax 112 dc
2 hexes: hills, river; rural; pop. 840; tax 84 dc
7 hexes: clear; rural; pop. 7840; tax 784 dc
9 hexes: clear, river; rural; pop. 15120; tax 1512 dc
Lizzieni: small town; pop. 4500; tax 1350 dc
Oreggiano: small town; pop. 2400; tax 720 dc
Total population: 6900 small town/suburban, 24920 ruralTax Income: 4562 dc
Resource Income: 18248 dc
Standard Income: 28216 dcCouncil Tax: 10205 dc
Net Cash: 12605 dc
Overhead (60%): 7563 dc
Available Cash: 5042 dcWith 273720 XP/year, in 6 years (1000-1005) Innocenti di Malapietra gains 1642320 XP, rising from M20 to M31 (limited to M26)
Alternate: 54744 XP/year, M20 to M22. Unfortunately, in 1006, this fine dominion gets blasted.Verazzano
Main resources: 1 mineral, 1 animal
4 hexes: mountain; borderland; pop. 224; tax 11.2 dc
3 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 840; tax 84 dc
Verazzano: village; pop. 266; tax 26.6 dc
Total population: 1106 village/rural, 224 borderlandTax Income: 121.8 dc
Resource Income: 609 dc
Standard Income: 974.4 dcCouncil Tax: 341 dc
Net Cash: 389.8 dc
Overhead (35%): 136.4 dc
Available Cash: 253.4 dc With 8772 XP/year, in 10 years Griseo Fulvina gains 87220 XP, rising from M16 to M17.
Alternate: 1464 XP/year, no rise.Castelbianco
Main resources: 1 mineral, 1 animal
3 hexes: mountain; borderland; pop. 168; tax 8.4 dc
2 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 560; tax 56 dc
2 hexes: hills, river; rural; pop. 840; tax 84 dc
Castelbianco: village; pop. 392; tax 39.2 dc
Total population: 1792 village/rural, 168 borderlandTax Income: 187.6 dc
Resource Income: 938 dc
Standard Income: 1500.8 dcCouncil Tax: 525.3 dc
Net Cash: 600.3 dc
Overhead (40%): 240.1 dc
Available Cash: 360.2 dcWith 13512 XP/year, in 4 years Antonio di Tarento gains 54048 XP, not rising in level (he now has 879000 XP). He then becomes Count of Glenargyll (see Crownguard info) and gains 5057 XP/year for 6 years, by the end of 1009 rising to M13.
Alternate: 2256 XP/year, no rise (now has 834000 XP). Becoming Count of Glenargyll, gains 723 XP/year, now has 838k XP.Westheath
Main resources: 1 mineral, 1 animal
5 hexes: hills; rural; pop. 1400; tax 140 dc
2 hexes: hills, river; rural; pop. 840; tax 84 dc
Westheath: village; pop. 560; tax 56 dc
Total population: 2800 village/ruralTax Income: 280 dc
Resource Income: 1400 dc
Standard Income: 2240 dcCouncil Tax: 784 dc
Net Cash: 896 dc
Overhead (45%): 403 dc
Available Cash: 493 dc With 20160 XP/year, in 4 years (1000-1003) Harald Haaskinz gains 80640 XP, rising from M25 to M26 (now has 2855000 XP).
Alternate: 3360 XP/year, no rise (now has 2788000 XP).Sablestone
Main resources: 1 vegetable, 1 mineral
36 hexes: clear; rural; pop. 20160; tax 2016 dc
Kern: small town; pop. 1500; tax 450 dc
Estin: village; pop. 900; tax 90 dc
Total population: 1500 small town/suburban, 21060 village/ruralTax Income: 2556 dc
Resource Income: 10224 dc
Standard Income: 18648 dcCouncil Tax: 6286 dc
Net Cash: 6494 dc
Overhead (60%): 3896 dc
Available Cash: 2598 dcWith 153360 XP/year, in 6 years (1004-1009) Harald Haaskinz gains 920160 XP, rising from M26 to M32.
Alternate: 30672 XP/year, rises from M25 to M27.