Of course there was a take on a faster, nimbler skeleton by the great Tom Moldvay in Dragon years ago, and it was really good. Literally the Greek word for skeleton, I think if we're honest the faster, nimbler, skilled fighting skeletos is how anyone who has seen them in Harryhausens films wants to see them.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Skeletos AC: 4 HD: 4* Movement: 120' (40') Attacks: By Weapon Damage: By weapon (with mastery) Number Appearing: 3d8 (3d8) Save As: Fighter 4 Morale: 12 Treasure Type: V or Special Intelligence: 5 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 125 Appearing very like a skeleton, the skeletos is a far more hazardous foe. Created by special rituals for specific purposes skeletos are invariably tied to a specific location or item, typically a tomb or item. They are created for one purpose - to guard that item or location from theft or incursion by those who would loot or otherwise cause harm. While an undead creature is always a servant of entropy, skeletos are neither evil nor chaotic, they merely seek to carry out their instructions.
Unlike skeletons, skleletos are both fast and skillfull warrios. They are always armed with a shield and a one handed weapon. The DM can choose or roll on the table below:
% Weapon 1-20 Short Sword 21-60 Normal Sword 61-70 Spear 71-80 Trident 81-90 Club 91-100 Whip Most (70%) skeletos are skilled with the weapon they have, 20% are experts and a few (10%) are masters.
Skeletos will not initiate combat with any character that does not challenge the area or item they guard, but will remorselessly pursue any characters fleeing once this has happened. They are, however, capable of tactical thought. If one character flees but others threaten to encroach, they will split up and some will pursue while others guard.
Over many years, creatures wander into areas protected by skeletos and the remnants of their treasure (treasure type V) may be found there. But there are persistent rumours of ancient skeletos guarded ruins containing fabulous treasures - crowns to lost kingdoms, magical tomes of lost, forbidden knowledge, etc.
Skeletos are immune to mind affecting magic of all sorts, sleep, charm, hold, cold and can bet turned as mummies.