Thoughts about revamped skill system
by Andrew TheisenI think a good "revamp" of the skill system would be that ability scores/modifiers would have generalized associated actions/activities that anyone could perform, with Skill Masteries representing specialized or focused training to gain additional benefits.
1) Use this THACO sort of system, using the ability modifiers to skills, and emphasizing the importance of ability scores as the "baseline" of skills. For example, Strength (and its modifier plus the THACO for skill chart) would be used for most types of physical strength related checks, such as lifting and climbing. The Skill Mastery system (as a companion to the Weapon Mastery system) would focus on specific applications of those checks (ie, Skill Mastery: Climbing) which would apply the modifiers in certain circumstances but not all. There might be some additional benefits that would be associated with those specific applications for higher levels of skill mastery. In the Climbing example, perhaps there would be an AC benefit that came from Expert level or higher masteries that would represent some sort of "active defense" during climbing from attackers, or maybe a reduction in falling checks/damage due to high proficiency.
2) Charisma checks would be available generally to modify the attitudes/behaviors of NPCs, but Skill Masteries could be in specific areas such as Intimidation (short term gains with potential negative effects) or Diplomacy (long term gains with few/no negative effects).