New Nations In Skothar
by ViktorD20I've thrown my players a plot hook in the form of charters found in the treasure vaults of the Master, and the charters point towards the island of Xyxl on the continent of Skothar. However, when I started planning what the party might encounter on the way to Xyxl, I ran into a roadblock when I started planning encounters along the coast of Skothar. There's nothing. I have seen so little info on Skothar's nations you'd think those mountains ate the population. So I took it as a challenge. I started planning, and soon enough I had a rough outline for some Asian inspired nations along the southern coast.
This coast right here.
What I had in mind was two dynasties inspired by Chinese and Japanese influences. The Myang Dynasty, who are of course Chinese Rakasta, and the Tsexia Empire, who are ruled by the potentate and the clergy. The Rakasta are a more down to earth culture who just want to live without conflict and study different fields of science and philosophy, but the Tsexia have a different goal. Tsexia's state religion is Atzanteotl, and he's bestowed the clergy the power to create ageless snake people known as Tsexia, from whom the nation gets its name, from the most faithful. The potentate and his royal guard, who now form the army, have already been turned, and every full moon 5 citizens are chosen from the slave caste to bathe in a pool of black blood and emerge as new, more powerful beings.
Tsexia's capital city overlooks the sea and is divided to two tiers. The Slave Tier and the Royal Tier. The Slave Tier holds the workforce and their priests, who only hold power over the slaves, and the Royal Tier holds the potentate and the high priests of Atzanteotl, who rule supreme. Other cities further inland are ruled by Tsexia generals who have shown their worth, and the army is mostly made up of slaves, with the Tsexia being treated as the main force of the army.
The Tsexia want nothing more than to see the Myang Dynasty burn, but the Rakasta are guarded by a very rare Silver Dragon who has even killed Tsexia by the hundreds. The Tsexia always begin their invasions by sending thousands upon thousands of slaves to weaken the enemy army, and then the Tsexia swoop in and slaughter the rest.
Oh, and the Tsexia eat people. In case I neglected to mention that.
Of course this is just a rough draft, and it could definitely use more work, but this is what I have right now. Have a picture of the potentate to finish this post off with something flashy.