Sling ammo for BECMI
by HåvardThe gazetteers and HW sourcebooks introduced different types of arrows for bows, has anyone made similar variants for sling ammo?
Pellet, lead/stone 1GP (30 bullets) 1d4 no modifier This is the standard sling bullet as described in the RC. Heavy Pellet, lead/stone 1 GP/bullet 1d6 -10% This is the standard sling bullet as described in the RC. Pellet, clay 1 GP/bullet[/td 1d4 +10% Perfectly molded and lighter providing more range. Pellet, Silver 5GP/bullet 1d4 no modifier can wound were creatures and some undead Pellet, Whistling 1GP/bullet 1d2 no modifier produces a screaming ability. Opponents must roll for morale when first used. Shrapnel Bomb 5GP/bullet Special -10% this ceramic ball is filled with a alchemical powder and assorted nails, and sharp objects that explode. Characters within a 10' radius (3m) must make a save vs Wands or suffer 1d6 dmg. Fire Bomb 5GP/bullet 1d6+special -10% adds 1d6 points of fire damage upon hit (one target). Some ideas for these were borrowed from this reddit thread.
Thoughts? More ideas for sling ammo?