Silent Knight
by Cab Davidson
Stat Silent Knight* AC: 0 HD: 9** Movement Rate: 90’ (30’) Attacks: 1 club Damage: 2d8+special Number Appearing: 1 (1) Save As: F9 Morale: 10 Treasure Type: Special Intelligence: 13 Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: 2300 The Silent Knight is one of the most sinister of powerful undead creatures. They make rare appearances on the prime plane, only around the time of festivals of midwinter. Most cultures have specific rituals and ceremonies at this time of year, often involving fires, lights, gifts and feasting, and the Silent Knights specifically prey upon those unjustly infused in the energies of these rituals.
They appear as elderly bearded men of noble demeanour, wearing red robes edged with ermine, seeking out and observing those who have involved themselves in midwinter ceremonies. They select those who claim virtue through such events but who they deem unworthy of clemency due to foul deeds such as cruelty to siblings, dishonouring parents, and having fun at the expense of duty. Silent Knights specialise in making prey of such individuals. Their red robes, symbolising the blood of slain sinners belie their true nature as iron clad warriors of entropic justice.
Silent Knights carry sleighbells of judgement that exude a 15’ radius of silence, making spellcasting impossible and cries for help futile. Such sleighbells only function when carried by a Silent Knight. They attack using great hooked red and white painted clubs, the colours symbolising sin (red) and the futility of resistance (white), and in addition to inflicting terrible damage these weapons silence their victim (no saving throw). Their first successful blow silences their victim for 3 rounds, the second for 1 minute, the third 2 minutes, with each subsequent blow again doubling the length of the effect. This is also a superb defensive weapon in the hands of a Silent Knight and can be used to deflect (as per standard weapon mastery rules) up to 3 attacks per round. Having silenced their target they will remorselessly pursue their chosen foe, seeking to punish that individual for committed crimes, claiming another victim for their entropic masters.
Even the sight of Silent Knight inspires a feeling of guilt in all creatures. When first seeing a Silent Knight in an encounter every sentient creature must save vs. Paralysis or hang their heads in shame for 1d6 rounds, being unable to act during that time unless the Silent Knight attacks them. After claiming their victim, they retreat to Limbo and await the next midwinter festival – they Silent Knights come but once a year.
Being creature of utter silence, those who have neither watched out nor taken care are surprised on a 1-9 on 1d10 when a Silent Knight comes to town. They are immune to sleep, charm and hold effects, magical cold (indeed they seem to revel in such conditions), can only be struck by silver and magical weapons, and uniquely among undead cannot be affected by magic that affects evil, existing as they do in an almost quantum ‘neither naughty or nice’ state. Silent Knights can be turned as vampires.
They do not collect treasures as such, but as punishment for perceived sins they will steal gifts from those they view as unworthy, and frequently will take entire sacks of presents from those who have associated with their prey. When faced with multiple options of sinners to punish, Silent Knights have been known to make lists, and check them twice, to aid in selection of the most deserving victim. It is rumoured that a Silent Knight can be momentarily distracted by sweet treats (mince pies or cookies) and sherry, taking 1d3 rounds to consume such foodstuffs, allowing victims to attempt to escape or at least gain time to regroup to fight. In many cultures such temptations are left on the night of Midwinters Eve in the hope of appeasing an angry Silent Knight.