Rakeeshi / Simbawatu (Lion Rakasta/Leonin)
by Marc Saindon"Cloud Pardasta
(...)This wild felid type remains one of the best examples of arboreal rakasta, and somewhat of a legend as well. Cloud Pardasta live in the forests of Bellissaria and Skothar, along the Minaean Coast, Tangor Bay, and the Tangor Peninsula. On Skothar, they call themselves Rimau-Dahan, literally, fork-of-branch tigers.
Cloud Pardasta gained their name from the large spots on their backs, which look like cloudy blotches. Their base coats varies from brown to pale or rich yellow, with white or light tawny on the inner limbs, throat, and chest.The odd name also comes from their unusual ability When using their energy burst, the cloud pardasta can harness natural magical forces pervading the forest and blend away into its mist, fog, or clouds. In effect, the cloud pardasta can cast dimension door..."
(Dragon Magazine 247, p.30)
A 5e update of the Cloud Pardasta would be to connect him with the Feywild/Good Kingdom/"Dreaming Land" (explaining why he teleports) and strongly associate him with the Ranger and Druid classes.
In Tangor, culturally-assimilated Cloud Pardasta living on the south side of the Jennite Sword mountains go by the name of Chuiwatu, living in rural areas, plying their trade as huntsmen, guides, peddlers, messengers and scouts. They would have a friendly rivalry with their cousins on the northern side of the Jennite Sword (who retain more of their original culture).
(Image from: https://www.deviantart.com/0laffson/art/Clouded-Leopard-Adoptable-Teaser-917960411)Encounter range for the Chuiwatu Leopardfolk