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Specularum population breakdown

by AllanP

I'd been thinking about the population spread myself. I couldn't find any references in published modules, etc. do I sat down and played around with some numbers

I started by counting up the number of city blocks on the GAZ1 map; this totals 509. Then, assuming a city population of 50,000 (as per GAZ1), this means the average population per block is 100.
Each district has a different population density - The Hill is probably the least densely populated, the Old Quarter (including The Nest) is most densely populated; so assign a density factor to each district, them multiply the number of blocks in the district by 100 (average population per block) times the density factor to give a population for each district. These figures are tabulated below with the results rounded up.

District Blocks Density Population Rounded
Foreign Quarter 57 1.75 9975 10,000
The Hill 53 0.25 1325 1,500
Stronghold (Radu) 15 1.00 1500 1,500
Church 27 0.50 1350 1,500
North End 64 0.75 4800 5,000
Bricktop 55 0.50 2750 3,000
South End 99 1.00 7425 7,500
Merchant 29 1.50 4350 4,500
Old Quarter 99 2.00 19800 20,000
Traders' Corridor 11 1.50 1375 1,500
  509   54650 56,000

This is just my first attempt and it needs some more work.
Is The Old Quarter's population too much? If that dropped by 6,000 the figures would balance up, but on my scheme that puts that district's density down to under 1,5. So,,,, more thought needed.

District Blocks Density Population Rounded
Foreign Quarter 57 1.50 8550 8,500
The Hill 53 0.25 1325 1,500
Stronghold (Radu) 15 1.00 1500 1,500
Church 27 0.50 1350 1,500
North End 64 0.75 4800 5,000
Bricktop 55 0.50 2750 3,000
South End 99 1.00 7425 7,500
Merchant 29 1.50 4350 4,500
Old Quarter 59 1.75 10325 10,000
The Nest 40 2.00 8000 8,000
Traders' Corridor 11 1.50 1375 1,500
  509   51750 52,500

This version incorporates The Nest as a separate entity from The old Quarter as identified by Plaag (Thanks!) and I've adjusted the density factor on the Foreign Quarter down a notch.