Speciality Priests
by Bruce Pierpontal-Kalim from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Alphaks from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Alphatia from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Asterius from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Atruaghin from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Atzanteotl from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Benekander from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Calitha Starbrow from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Diamond from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Diulanna from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Djaea from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Eiryndul from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Faunus from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Frey and Freyja from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
The Great One from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Halav from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Hel from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Ilsundal from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Ixion from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Ka the Preserver from the Mystara Mailing List posted 31 January 1996.
Karaash from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 February 1996.
Khoronus from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 February 1996.
Kagyar from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 February 1996.
Korotiku from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 February 1996.
Koryis from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 February 1996.
Loki from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 February 1996.
Masauwu from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 February 1996.
Mealiden Starwatcher from the Mystara Mailing List posted 1 February 1996.
Noumena from the Mystara Mailing List posted 13 October 1996.
Odin from the Mystara Mailing List posted 13 October 1996.
Opal from the Mystara Mailing List posted 13 October 1996.
Orcus from the Mystara Mailing List posted 13 October 1996.
Ordana from the Mystara Mailing List posted 13 October 1996.
Pearl from the Mystara Mailing List posted 13 October 1996.Clerical Alignment
Any Lawful or Neutral
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Intelligence 9
Weapons Allowed
Ankus, Bang Nakh, Battle Axe, Blowgun, Bow, Chain, Chakram, Crossbow, Dart, Flail, Jambiya, Katar, Hand Axe, Mace, Cutlass, Tulwar, Long Sword, Sabre, Scimitar, Short Sword, Great Scimitar.
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Animal (Minor)
Charm (Major)
Combat (Major)
Creation (Major)
Divination (Major)
Elemental (Minor)
Healing (Major)
Law (Major)
Plant (Minor)
Protection (Major)
Time (Major)
War (Major)
Weather (Minor)
Granted Powers
Create Food and Water once per day
Bonus Non-weapon Proficiency of Bureaucracy
Turn Undead
Clerics Alignment
Any Chaotic
Followers Alignment
Any Chaotic
Ability Requirements
Wisdom 9
Weapons Allowed
All bludgeoning plus Whip, Scourge, and Dagger
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Chaos (Major)
Charm (Major)
Combat (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromancy (Major)
Summoning (Major)
War (Major)
Granted Powers
Backstab as a Thief of equal level
Cause Light Wounds once per day
Detect Good once per round
Cast a reversed Aid spell once per day
Control Undead
Clerics Alignment
Any Lawful or Neutral
Followers Alignment
Ability Requirements
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 9
Weapons Allowed
Any bludgeoning
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Astral (Major)
Charm (Major)
Creation (Major)
Divination (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Protection (Major)
Wards (Major)
Granted Powers
Cure Light Wounds once per day
+2 to Saves vs. Spells
Clerics of Alphatia may choose one school of Wizard spells to learn as though they were priest spells
Turn Undead
Clerics Alignment
Any (if aspect of thieves, any non-Lawful)
Followers Alignment
Ability Requirements
Wisdom 12
Dexterity 9
Weapons Allowed
Any weapon useable by Thieves
Granted Spells
All (Major)
Divination (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Numbers (Major)
Protection (Major)
Sun (Major)
Thought (Major)
Travellers (Major)
Wards (Major)
Granted Powers
Move Silently, this ability starts at an 8% chance modified for Dexterity and Race. It increases by 4% for every level after first.
Hide in Shadows, this ability starts at an 8% chance modified for Dexterity and Race. It increases by 4% for every level after first.
Clerics of Asterius may cast any spells learnable by members of the Merchant class as if they were normal priest spells. (q.v. Merchant Spells, Gaz 11 Republic of Darokin pp. 14-20)
Bonus Proficiencies: Bargaining and Appraising.
Know Alignment once per day, in addition to the clerics normal spells.
Clerics of Asterius have no power over Undead.
Clerics Alignment
90% Lawful, 10% Neutral
Followers Alignment
Lawful of Neutral
Ability Requirements
Wisdom 12
Weapons Allowed
Any weapon appropriate to an Amerindian Culture
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Animal (Major)
Creation (Major)
Divination (Major)
Elemental (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Law (Major)
Plant (Major)
Protection (Major)
Weather (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of Atruaghin may never be deceived by lies
Clerics of Atruaghin may Turn Undead
Clerical Alignment
Any Evil
Followers Alignment
Any Neutral or Evil
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Intelligence 9
Weapons Allowed
Any Azcan tribal or Any piercing
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Charm (Major)
Combat (Major)
Divination (Major)
Healing (Major)
Law (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of Atzanteotl can command Undead
Cause light wounds 3 times per day in addition to the Priest's normal spells
Detect Good once per round
Clerics of Atzanteotl may cast wizard spells from the Enchantment/Charm school as if they were normal priest spells
Clerics of Atzanteotl are immune to all forms of alignment detection
Clerical Alignment
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 9
Weapons Allowed
Any Bludgeoning
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Astral (Major)
Charm (Major)
Combat (Major)
Creation (Major)
Divination (Major)
Elemental (Minor)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Protection (Major)
Summoning (Major)
Sun (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of Benekander may turn Undead
Clerical Alignment
Any Neutral
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Intelligence 9
Weapons Allowed
Harpoon, Spear, Trident, Net
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Divination (Major)
Elemental Water (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Protection (Major)
Time (Major)
Weather (Major)
Granted Powers
May specialise in any of the allowed weapons (Under Weapon Mastery rules, clerics of Calitha progress identical to fighters.)
+2 to Saves vs. all Water/Cold based effects
Cast all elemental spells as if they were one level higher
Identify aquatic plants and animals, and clean water without fail upon reaching 3rd level
Clerics of Calitha may cast any spell from the Wizard school of Elemental Water as if it were a normal priest spell
Confer Water Breathing as per the spell once per day
Clerical Alignment
Any Lawful
Followers Alignment
Any Lawful
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Intelligence 9
Weapons Allowed
Any Bludgeoning (most worshippers are dragons and do not use weapons)
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Divination (Major)
Elemental Earth (Major)
Healing (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Law (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Protection (Major)
Sun (Major)
Granted Powers
Turn Undead
+2 to Turn Undead rolls
Receive d10 Hit Points per level instead of d8
Receive exceptional Con and Str bonuses as a fighter
Acquire the languages of Dragon-kin (or Human-kin for Dragons) at the rate of one per level.
Clerical Alignment
Any Lawful or Neutral
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 14
Strength 9
Constitution 12
Weapons Allowed
Any Neathar or Hinterland Tribal weapon
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Charm (Major)
Combat (Major)
Divination (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Protection (Major)
Thought (Major)
War (Major)
Wards (Major)
Granted Powers
Turn Undead
-1 bonus to individual initiative
Bonus proficiency of Endurance
90% resistance to sleep and charm spells, or similar effects
Clerical Alignment
Any Good
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Weapons Allowed
Any Bludgeoning
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Animal (Minor)
Creation (Major)
Divination (Major)
Elemental Air (Minor)
Elemental Earth (Major)
Elemental Fire (Minor)
Elemental Water (Minor)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Plant (Minor)
Protection (Major)
Summoning (Major)
Sun (Minor)
Weather (Minor)
Granted Powers
At third level a Cleric of Djaea may accurately identify plants, animals, and clean water
At fifth level a Cleric of Djaea may shapechange into a normal bird once per day. The cleric heals d6*10% of the damage he has suffered when this ability is used; The cleric's clothing and one item in each hand become part of the new shape to reappear when the cleric resumes human-form. The change takes one round.
At sixth level the cleric may also shapechange into a reptile once per day
At seventh level may also shapechange into a mammal once per day
Clerics of Djaea have no power over undead
Clerical Alignment
Any (Preferably Non-Lawful)
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Intelligence 9
Weapons Allowed
Long Bow, Short Bow, Long Sword, Short Sword
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Animal (Major)
Chaos (Major)
Charm (Major)
Divination (Major)
Numbers (Major)
Plant (Major)
Granted Powers
Detect Secret and Concealed doors as an Elf.
Learn the languages of forest creatures. One language may be gained per level.
Clerics of Eiryndul may cause minor chaotic effects in a 20' radius. These effects are almost never harmful to the victim, who may receive a Save vs. Spells if appropriate. These effects are intended to amuse others and aid the Clerics in pranks and practical jokes. An attempted misuse of this power will fail, and perhaps Eiryndul may be so upset with the Cleric as to visit such effects on him. Example: This ability could be used to cause someone to trip and land face first into a nearby bakery dish, but not to trip and fall into a pit filled with poisonous snakes.
Clerics of Eiryndul have no power over undead.
Clerical Alignment
Any (Preferably Non-Lawful)
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12
Weapons Allowed
Druidic Weapons
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Animal (Major)
Chaos (Major)
Charm (Major)
Divination (Major)
Elemental (Major)
Plant (Major)
Sun (Major)
Travellers (Major)
Weather (Major)
Granted Powers
Speak with animals at will.
Bonus Proficiency in one musical instrument (commonly shepherd's pipes) Given a musical instrument with which he is proficient, the cleric can draw out an impulse in another. The target must be able to hear. The ability takes one full round to be effective. At the end of the round the target is allowed a Save vs. Spells at +4 to resist the effect. For each subsequent round of playing the Save is given a -1 penalty. After five rounds, and each round after, the cleric must make an unmodified Save vs. Spells or be affected himself. Any interruption requires the cleric to start over as if on the first round. This ability can only be used to amplify emotions, not create them. So, for example, a peasant who is angry with the tax collector could be made angry enough to attack him, but a meditating cleric could not. This ability may affect multiple targets.
Clerics of Faunus have no power over undead.
Clerical Alignment
Lawful or Neutral
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Charisma 9
Constitution 9
Weapons Allowed
Any sword, knife, or dagger.
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Combat (Major)
Divination (Major)
Healing (Major)
Law (Major)
Thought (Major)
War (Major)
Granted Powers
Gain to hit and damage bonuses for exceptional strength as a fighter.
Gain extra hit points for exceptional constitution as a fighter.
Use d10 for determining hit points instead of d8.
May specialise as a fighter. (Under weapon mastery rules clerics of Frey and Freyja progress as fighters.)
Clerics of Frey and Freyja have added bonuses when commanding troops. In Battlesystem terms this equates to: Hits for these heroes are determined as fighters. Command Diameter is determined as for a fighter.
These heroes add +2 to the ML of any unit they command.
They may command fighter units as well as priest units.
Appropriate bonuses should be given for games using another mass combat system.
Bonus Proficiency: Military Tactics.
Clerics of Frey and Freyja may turn Undead.
Clerical Alignment
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 9
Weapons Allowed
Any bludgeoning
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Astral (Major)
Divination (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Numbers (Major)
Protection (Major)
Thought (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of the Great One have no power over undead.
Fly once per day as per the spell.
Learn the languages of Dragon-kin (Human-kin for Dragons) at the rate of one per level.
Shapechange to Half-Dragon form for one hour per level useable once per day. The Half-Dragon is of the appropriate type if the cleric is a dragon, or of a dragon of the clerics alignment, chosen at character creation, if the cleric is human. (q.v. Council of Wyrms for statistics on Half-Dragons. Alternatively the half-dragon should have claw/claw/bite natural attacks, a much reduced breath weapon, and resistances similar to those of the dragon. Exact statistics are left to DM interpretation.)
Clerical Alignment
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Strength 9
Weapons Allowed
Any Slashing or Piercing
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Combat (Major)
Divination (Minor)
Healing (Major)
Law (Major)
Necromantic (Minor)
Protection (Major)
Thought (Major)
War (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of Halav may Turn Undead
+2 to hit vs. humanoids
Gain bonuses to hit and damage due to exceptional strength as a fighter.
Gain extra hit point due to high constitution as a fighter.
Use d10 to determine hit points instead of d8.
Clerical Alignment
Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil
Followers Alignment
Neutral or Chaotic, usually Evil
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Weapons Allowed
Sickle, Scythe, Whip, Scourge
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Creation (Major)
Combat (Major)
Divination (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Summoning (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of Hel may Control Undead as if the cleric were three levels higher.
Cast Reincarnate as if it were a fourth level spell
Animate Dead once per day
A cleric of Hel may attempt to transform a living being into an undead once per week. This attempt affords the victim a Save vs. Death Magic. If the save is successful the victim takes 3d8+3 points of damage. If the save fails the victim is transformed. The victim may become any form of undead which the cleric can Command automatically. If the cleric cannot automatically command any undead the victim suffers 3d8+3 points of damage.
Clerical Alignment
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Weapons Allowed
Swords and Bows
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Animal (Major)
Creation (Major)
Divination (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Law (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Plant (Major)
Protection (Major)
Weather (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of Ilsundal may turn undead
90% resistance to Sleep and Charm related spells
Infravision 60'
Detect secret and concealed doors as an elf
Clerical Alignment
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Intelligence 9
Weapons Allowed
Any flaming, Long Bow, Two-handed Sword
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Chaos (Major)
Divination (Major)
Elemental Fire (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Protection (Major)
Sun (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of Ixion may turn undead
+1 to turn undead rolls
Produce fire twice per day
Cast spells of the wizard school of Elemental Fire as if they were clerical spells
+2 to all saves vs. Energy Drain
Clerical Alignment
Any Good.
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Weapons Allowed
Any Bludgeoning
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Animal (Major)
Creation (Major)
Divination (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Plant (Major)
Protection (Major)
Wards (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of Ka may turn undead
Infravision 60'
May speak with any reptile, lizard, or saurian creature
At 5th level the Cleric may shapechange into any normal reptile, lizard, or saurian once per day.
Clerical Alignment
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 9
Weapons Allowed
Axes and Hammers
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Charm (Major)
Creation (Major)
Divination (Major)
Elemental Earth (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Protection (Major)
Granted Powers
Infravision 60'
+1 to Saves vs. Spells, at 9th level this ability becomes identical to the Mystic's Resistance ability. [The cleric automatically receives half damage from spells, no damage if a successful save is made.]
+1 to Saves vs. Rod, Staves, and Wands.
Detect unusual stonework as a Dwarf, if the cleric is a Dwarf he is automatically successful if actively examining the masonry, otherwise the normal chances to succeed apply, even if the Dwarf does not actively search.
Clerics of Kagyar automatically receive the Artistic Ability Trait. Characters with this trait may perform simple artistic tasks, sketching maps, moulding small figures, even without proficiency in these matters. Characters who take proficiency in an art form are able to create exceptional works of art worth up to 50% more than normal.
Clerical Alignment
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Strength 9
Weapons Allowed
Two handed sword, Heavy Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Hand Crossbow, Any Axe, Spear, Club, Any Hammer.
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Combat (Major)
Divination (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Minor)
Protection (Major)
Thought (Major)
War (Major)
Granted Powers
Control Undead
Gain fighter's bonuses to hit and damage for high strength.
Gain fighter's bonus to Hit Points for high constitution.
Clerics of Karaash may specialise in one of their allowed weapons.
Clerics of Karaash use d10 to determine Hit Points instead of d8.
90% resistance to sleep and charm related spells or powers.
Clerical Alignment
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 9
Weapons Allowed
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Astral (Major)
Divination (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Summoning (Major)
Time (Major)
Travellers (Major)
Granted Powers
All casting times are reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1.
Spell duration's are increased by 1 round per 2 levels.
+2 to initiative
Spells of the Time sphere are cast as if the priest were 1 level higher.
Clerics of Khoronus may cast the following Wizard spells as if they were normal Priest spells: Alacrity, Contingency, Extension I, Extension II, Extension III, Foresight, Forget, Haste, Mordenkainen's Lucubration, Past Life, Permanency, Slow, Time Stop
Once per day per level the Cleric may dodge an attack or spell by stepping out of time. This requires a successful Save vs. Spells, if it is unsuccessful the cleric receives any normal Saving Throw with a +2 bonus.
Clerical Alignment
Any, preferably Chaotic
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Intelligence 9
Weapons Allowed
Any Bludgeoning
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Chaos (Major)
Charm (Major)
Creation (Major)
Divination (Major)
Numbers (Major)
Thought (Major)
Granted Powers
Hide in Shadows as a thief. This ability increases by 4% per level.
Clerics of Korotiku may cast spells of the Illusion/Phantasm school as if they were priest spells.
Clerics of Korotiku may cause minor chaotic effects in a 20' radius. These effects are almost never harmful to the victim, who may receive a Save vs. Spells if appropriate. These effects are intended to amuse others and aid the Clerics in pranks and practical jokes. An attempted misuse of this power will fail, and perhaps Korotiku may be so upset with the Cleric as to visit such effects on him. Example: This ability could be used to cause someone to trip and land face first into a nearby bakery dish, but not to trip and fall into a pit filled with poisonous snakes.
Clerical Alignment
Lawful or Neutral
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 9
Weapons Allowed
Quarterstaff, Net, Bolas, Bo Stick, Lasso, Any Defensive or Subduing Martial Art
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Charm (Major)
Divination (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Protection (Major)
Thought (Major)
Wards (Major)
Granted Powers
Protection from Evil 3 times per day
Turn Undead
Cast Friends once per day.
Bonus Proficiency of Negotiation, a +1 bonus is earned for every 3 levels.
Clerical Alignment
Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Dexterity 9
Weapons Allowed
Any Thief
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Chaos (Major)
Charm (Major)
Creation (Major)
Divination (Major)
Summoning (Major)
Granted Powers
Find/Remove Traps as a Thief. This ability improves by 4% per level.
Cast spells of the Illusion/Phantasm school as if they were normal Priest spells.
Clerics of Loki may cause minor chaotic effects in a 20' radius. These effects are always harmful to the victim, who may receive a Save vs. Spells if appropriate. These effects are intended to embarrass others and aid the Clerics in their fiendish practical jokes. This power is almost impossible to misuse, but if Loki deems the cleric is creating general entertainment rather than amusement at the expense of the victim, Loki may demonstrate proper use of the power on the Cleric. Example: This ability should not be used to enhance the performance of the Court Jester, but rather to make the normally esteemed ruler look as foolish as the Court Jester. Perhaps having him suddenly become drunk at Court or have his pants fall down while giving an important speech.
Clerical Alignment
Any Evil.
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Charisma 9
Intelligence 9
Weapons Allowed
Any Bludgeoning
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Charm (Major)
Creation (Major)
Divination (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Travellers (Major)
Granted Powers
Bonus Proficiency Fast-Talking, a +1 bonus is earned for every three levels of experience.
Cast spells of the Charm sphere as if the priest were one level higher.
Cast spells of the Enchantment/Charm school as if they were normal Priest spells.
Clerics of Masauwu may gain followers whenever they establish a stronghold, regardless of the clerics level.
Clerics of Masauwu may Control Undead.
Any attempt to discern the alignment of a cleric of Masauwu will always fail.
Clerical Alignment
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 9
Weapons Allowed
Swords and Bows
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Animal (Major)
Creation (Major)
Divination (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Healing (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Plant (Major)
Protection (Major)
Weather (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of Mealiden may turn undead
90% resistance to Sleep and Charm related spells
Infravision 60'
Detect secret and concealed doors as an elf
Bonus Proficiency Blind Shooting
+2 to AC when unarmoured and unencumbered
Clerical Alignment
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Intelligence 9
Weapons Allowed
Any mechanical weapon, plus staves
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Divination (Major)
Numbers (Major)
Thought (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of Noumena never receive false readings from Divination spells if such a result is possible
Clerics of Noumena may cast spells of the Wizard schools of Greater and Lesser Divination as if they were normal priest spells
Clerics of Noumena automatically posses the Obscure Knowledge trait. Characters with this trait may make an Intelligence Check (or have one made for them) to see if they remember some bit of trivia pertaining to the situation at hand. The information may or may not be useful
Clerics of Noumena are under the effects of a permanent version of the priest spell True Seeing. The spell grants all abilities of the priest spell but the effects are not obvious. Invisible creatures are merely visible, polymorphed creatures appear as their true form, etc. For this reason not all differences between the priest's vision and the vision of the priest's companions may be immediately apparent
Clerics of Noumena receive the Mystic ability Awareness and are only surprised on a roll of one
Clerics of Noumena receive the Mystic ability Mind Block making them immune to sleep, hold, charm, ESP, quest, and geas spells or effects.
Clerical Alignment
Any Good
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Weapons Allowed
Spears, javelins, and pikes
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Divination (Major)
Numbers (Major)
Rune Spells (Special)
Thought (Major)
Weather (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of Odin may specialise in the use of one of their allowed weapons
Clerics of Odin may cast Reincarnate as a fourth level spell
Clerics of Odin may cast spells of the Wizard schools of Greater and Lesser Divination as if they were normal priest spells
At 3rd level a cleric of Odin may cast Find Familiar. This spell may be only if the Cleric does not currently have a familiar, and will always summon a Raven. In all other respects this ability is identical to the mage spell of the same name
Once per day starting at 5th level a Cleric of Odin may throw a Javelin of Lightning
Clerics of Odin may learn Power Runes as described in Gaz7 Northern Reaches. This may be done without the loss of a Constitution point. However, the Cleric must still follow the spells and rituals described in Gaz7
Clerics of Odin do not receive Purify Food & Water.
Clerical Alignment
Any Neutral
Followers Alignment
Any Neutral
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Intelligence 9
Weapons Allowed
Any Bludgeoning (most worshippers are dragons and do not use weapons)
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Divination (Major)
Elemental Earth (Major)
Healing (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Protection (Major)
Sun (Major)
Granted Powers
Continual Light once per day
Receive d10 Hit Points per level instead of d8
Receive exceptional Con and Str bonuses as a fighter
Acquire the languages of Dragon-kin (or Human-kin for Dragons) at the rate of one per level
Cast Know Alignment once per day
Cast Polymorph Self and Shapechange as if they were normal priest spells
Clerical Alignment
Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil
Followers Alignment
Any Chaotic or Evil except Chaotic Good
Required Abilities
Wisdom 9
Strength 9
Intelligence 9
Weapons Allowed
Any Bludgeoning plus Whip and Scourge
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Chaos (Major)
Charm (Major)
Combat (Major)
Healing (Major, Reversed Only)
Necromantic (Major, Reversed Only)
War (Major)
Granted Powers
Control Undead
Receive d10 Hit Points per level instead of d8
Receive exceptional Con and Str bonuses as a fighter
Cast the spells of the Invocation/Evocation school as if they were normal priest spells
Cast Charm Person 3x per day
If desired upon reaching 5th level, or any time thereafter the Cleric may choose to become a Devil Swine (Wereswine). This change is permanent and affords all abilities and limitations of the new form
-2 AC bonus when fighting demi-humans
Clerical Alignment
Any Neutral
Followers Alignment
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Charisma 15
Weapons Allowed
Any Druidic
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Animal (Major)
Elemental (Major)
Healing (Major)
Plant (Major)
Sun (Major)
Weather (Major)
Granted Powers
Clerics of Ordana have the power to call spirits of nature or animals to aid them. (qv Spells & Magic pp. 34-38)
Clerics of Ordana may Move Silently or Hide in Shadows in wilderness settings as a thief of equal level
At 3rd level Clerics of Ordana may identify plants, animals, and clean water with perfect accuracy, identical to druids
Clerics of Ordana may learn to communicate with any forest race which a Druid can
At 3rd level a Cleric of Ordana may pass without trace the woodlands as a Druid can
Clerics of Ordana may only wear armours made of natural or once living materials. (Identical to Druid restriction)
Clerical Alignment
Any Chaotic
Followers Alignment
Any Chaotic
Required Abilities
Wisdom 12
Intelligence 9
Weapons Allowed
Any Bludgeoning (most worshippers are dragons and do not use weapons)
Spells Granted
All (Major)
Chaos (Major)
Divination (Major)
Elemental Earth (Major)
Healing (Major)
Guardian (Major)
Necromantic (Major)
Protection (Major)
Sun (Major)
Granted Powers
Infravision 60'
Control Undead
Receive d10 Hit Points per level instead of d8
Receive exceptional Con and Str bonuses as a fighter
Acquire the languages of Dragon-kin (or Human-kin for Dragons) at the rate of one per level