Spell Enhancement
by David Paige
"And now by Agamotto, by Hoggoth and Oshtur - By you three who are the Vishanti, famed beyond all spheres or stones, heed my call..." - A wizard attempting to enhance a spell by calling on the power of the Vishanti.
Here are some rules for wizards to enhance their spells by calling on Higher powers, mystical energy sources, dark powers, or Planar power sources (referred to as Powers for the remaining of the article).
It should be noted, not all Immortals have the ability, or care, to enhance wizard spells. Only a knowledgeable wizard knows which Immortals are capable of enhancing certain spells. But the known list of Powers is always changing. New Powers are being discovered/invented/changed/destroyed all of the time.
Sorcerers often call upon extra-dimensional beings, dimensions, and sources of power to tap the energy needed to enhance spells. Such entreaties are so common that Powers seldom investigate the identities and motives of the magic wielders who call upon them. However, the possibility of such investigation always exists if a magic wielder is calling upon a being not associated with his school of magic or if he is abusing the power of an otherwise friendly being. When a Power does take special notice of a sorcerer, it will almost always do so in order to put a presumptuous sorcerer in his place.
Calling on these powers into spells add to the Verbal component of the spell, making it longer to cast. For each Power added to a spell, add one (1) segment to the casting time. So if a wizard calls on One power to enhance a spell that would normally be cast in 6 segments, it would now take 7 segments.
Certain Powers have certain affects on certain spells. Not every Power can enhance every spell. For a wizard to try and petition a Power that has no affect on a school of magic (aka Hostile) severely risks the Powers ire. Proper respect to the Powers and their influence is a sign of a great wizard, so cast carefully. With that said, there are times to "push" Powers into other uses. A gamble in a desperate situation could provide a useful result, depending on the nature of the Power called and the situation at hand. But an abuse of this type of "push" is a fast way to anger a Power, so be warned.
Making Attention Checks: Gaining the special attention of Powers is a problem usually faced only by Mid- to High-level wizards. Low-level wizards are generally not powerful enough to provoke a hostile reaction from Powers.
When an higher level wizard successfully makes an entreaty to a Power that is neutral or hostile to the wizard's school of magic, the DM must make a check to see if the wizard is noticed. The Power will then either attack him, send him on a mission, restrict the further use of that spell, or just keep the character in mind for future reckoning (DM's discretion based on what the intent of the spell is, who is being called, how often the spell is used, if the character has been noticed before, etc.)
Each time a magic wielder increases his spells in a neutral or hostile entreaty spell, the DM should increase the chance of being noticed by the neutral or hostile Power. As can be seen, the more powerful a wizard becomes, the more dangerous it is for him to call upon neutral or hostile Power.
Abusing Dimensional Entreaties: If a magic wielder flagrantly abuses dimensional entreaties (by calling upon the same neutral or hostile Power more than once per day, or more than five times in one week) the DM can rule that the Power's reaction is automatically hostile, no Hostile check necessary. The same procedure can be used if a character abuses entreaties to a Power usually friendly, such as a "good" wizards using entreaties to a good Power to achieve evil goals.
Attention Check Modifiers (cumulative)
Base chance: 5%
Per Level: +5%
Character is same Alignment axis (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic): -15%
Character is different Alignment axis (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic): +15%
Character is same Morale (Good, Neutral, Evil): -10%
Character is different Morale (Good, Neutral, Evil): +10%
Being if Friendly to School of Magic: -15%
Being is Neutral to School of Magic: +5%
Being is Hostile to School of Magic: +20%The list of Extra-Dimensional Power Sources and their affect on spells will be posted next.
"Benevolent" Powers
This is the basic list of "Benevolent" Powers. These should be considered the most popular and well-known of the Good Powers that even 1st level wizards know about. This does not mean that the 1st level wizard will be successful, or even want to use, in using the Powers, but the basic knowledge of them exists as part of their basic magic training.
The Entity: a character/entity that is primarily known for his sight and light. Often is used as a symbol for truth or life. He is the first of three entities the comprise the more powerful entity of the Vishanti. Most probably the spells that refer to the light of the Vishanti actually are directed to this facet of the entity.Lawful Good Power
Friendly School of Magic: Divination
Hostile School of Magic: Transmutation, Illusion, NecromancyChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 0%
Per Level of Wizard: +5%
Wizard is Specialty Diviner: +25%
Wizard is Neutral: -10%
Wizard is Chaotic or Specialist in Hostile School: -1/2 of total Chance SuccessGame Bonus: PCs that entreat Agamotto into Divination spells can double the range of that spell. Also, the spell is cast as if the PC was one (1) level higher.
Game Hindrance: If the PC becomes noticed by Agamotto, that character becomes Quested to find and reveal a great Truth. This quest can be accompanied by other PCs with the quested wizard, but the wizard is almost single-minded in the quest. The higher the wizard's level, the greater the quest. The chance of being noticed by Agamotto is determined normally, plus a cumulative +2% every-time Agamotto has been entreated. After a quest, this cumulative addition begins at zero again.
The Entity: UnrevealedTrue Neutral Power
Friendly School of Magic: Transmutation
Hostile School of Magic: Enchantment, AbjurationChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 10%
Per Level of Wizard: +5%
Wizard is a Specialist Enchanter or Abjurer: Entreaty is impossible and will only cause the spell to automatically fail.Game Bonus: When cast on spells that Opens or frees (ex. Knock spell), the caster casts as if (2) levels higher.
Game Hindrance: If failing to entreat the All-Freeing, the spell fails utterly.
Common spell phrases: "In the Name of the All-Freeing"
The Entity: An ancient and powerful being who is constantly being called "hoary". He apparently commands an impressive host of followers for they, too, are constantly entreated. Hoggoth's hand is often referred too, so possibly most of his spells emitted from there. Other references include his hounds and his hook, a scythe.Hoggoth is the second member of the Vishanti, and it is possible that the hosts and beard that are referred to in some of the Vishanti spells are actually directed at the Hoggoth faction of that entity. His benevolence and goodness is obvious when spells states that "Hoggoth, in his infinite wisdom, aids not the wicked.
Neutral Good Power
Friendly School of Magic: Abjuration, Conjuration
Hostile School of Magic: EnchantmentChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 15%
Per Level of Wizard: +2%
Wizard is Evil: -15%
Wizard has visited Plane of enemy facing: x2 of Total Chance
Wizard has extensively studied, but not visited Plan of enemy: x 1/2 of Total ChanceGame Bonus: if entreated on protection magic against Evil Planar beings, the effect lasts twice as long.
Game Hindrance: regular uses of Hoggoth leaves a "smell" that Evil Planar creatures can detect and possibly follow.
Common spell Phrases: "Hand of Hoggoth"; "Hook of Hoggoth"; "Mystical Hosts of Hoggoth"; "Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth"; "Mists of Hoggoth"
The Entity: An extra-dimensional world, orbited by twelve moons and covered by mists. The land is oft described as pastoral and having a protective quality. The moons of Munnopor are used extensively in entreaties to this entity, they may possibly be the source of its great magic.Chaotic Good Power
Friendly School of Magic: Enchantment, Illusion
Hostile School of Magic: Evocation, Divination, ConjurationChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 0%
Per Level of Wizard: +5%
Specialist in Friendly School: +20%Game Bonus: if casting a Charm or Confusion spell, the target gets a -2 penalty to save against. When cast with Illusions that hide and object or location, the spell has double the normal duration.
Game Hindrance: The moons have a cumulative affect of making the character over-protective. This is an compulsive disorder for safety. Clerical magic can help the PC.
Common spell Phrases: "By the moonlit vale of Munnopor, vast haven of the meek"; "Mystic Moons of Munnopor"; "Munnopor's Moonlit Maze"; "Mists of Munnopor"
The Entity: Unrevealed, but thought to be a location because of the reference "From far Nirvalon's bright sea..." This would indicate that it is a land or world, rather than a character.Lawful Good Power
Friendly School of Magic: Enchantment
Hostile School of Magic: NecromancyChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 5%
Per Level of Wizard: +3%Game Bonus: Spells that cure or help the mind (like Madness) are twice as powerful (double the spell caster's level) when entreated. When cast with other types of protection magic, the caster is considered one level higher.
Game Hindrance: Too much power exposure to Nirvalon can cause the wizard to enter a trance-like bliss for 1d4 days. If a spell enhanced by Nirvalon is cast to "awaken" the afflicted wizard, the wizard adds another 4 days to his trance.
Common spell Phrases: "May Nirvalon Quash All Despair Through Pure White Light"; "May the Mighty Light of Nirvalon"; "From far Nirvalon's bright sea..."
The Entity: Oshtur is a personality that apparently intervenes personally in mankind's affairs. He is referred to as "it was He who warned me to those who feed on other spells." Oshtur is usually referred to as Omnipotent, as a Judge, and the Lord of the Skies.Oshtur is the third entity to form the combined entity of the Vishanti.
Lawful Good Power
Friendly School of Magic: Evocation, Divination
Hostile School of Magic: NecromancyChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 10%
Per Level of Wizard: +2%
Wizard is Lawful: +10%
Wizard is Good: +15%
Wizard is either Evil: -20%
Wizard is Chaotic: -10%Game Bonus: Spells that are directed at Chaotic Evil and Evil Planar creatures get -3 penalty to save chances.
Game Hindrance: PCs who fail in their entreaty receive a -3 penalty to their save against a Chaotic Evil and Evil Planar's attack for the next 1d4 rounds.
Common spell Phrases: "fearsome visage, 'fore which all things do shake"; "the lance that Oshtur hurled"; and "Oshtur's mighty Hands"
The Vishanti
The entity: The Vishanti is the most unusual entity in that it actually is a combination of three different entities: Agamotto, Hoggoth, and Oshtur. This entity is the strongest Power force for Order known. It has many different appearances: a three-headed humanoid, bearded, yet ageless; Humanoids bathed in a blinding light; and even once, at least it is written, as King, Queen, and Son. The first appearance is the most common, that of a large humanoid with three heads: a emerald skinned humanoid woman with flowing brown hair, sparkling eyes, and a gemmed headband; a bluish male humanoid with a receding hairline, pointed ears, and large, multifaceted, insect eyes; and a feline's head with orange facial hair, framed by a long grey mane, eyes of flame, and the mark of the ankh on his forehead. The symbol of the Vishanti is known as a safe sign throughout the Planes. No sorcerer or demon consecrated to evil could stand to look at it, much less re-create it. The Vishanti is unique in that it has no Hostile or Friendly School associated with it. The Vishanti's focus is on Chaos and Evil, any magic is welcome if combats chaotic evil.Lawful Good Power
Friendly School of Magic: None
Hostile School of Magic: NoneChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 5%
Per Level of Wizard: +1%
Wizard is Lawful: +10%
Wizard is Good: +10%
Wizard is Chaotic Good: -10%
Wizard is Evil or Chaotic (except CG): Entreaty failsGame Bonus: Negates any saving throw for Chaotic Evil targets. Evil (Lawful or Neutral) get a -4 penalty to save.
Game Hindrance: Effort to utilise the Vishanti in spells drains a wizard. The wizard is unable to cast a spell or fight for the next 1d4 rounds. The best the wizard can do is move at 1/4 his normal movement rate. Continuous use of the power of the Vishanti "marks" that PC. "Marked" PC can be detected by very powerful Chaotic Evil creatures (at DM's discretion).
the Evil ones
This is the basic list of "Malevolent" Powers. These should be considered the most popular and well-known of the Evil Powers that even 1st level wizards know about. This does not mean that the 1st level wizard will be successful, or even want to use, in using the Powers, but the basic knowledge of them exists as part of their basic magic training. The Malevolent power tend to have greater spell bonuses, but their cost is hefty too.
The Entity: Chthon is one of the Elder Immortals who first materialised in Mystara, shortly before mankind appeared. When Chthon suspected that they would be supplanted by a newer race of Immortals, he inscribed a parchment with the mystical knowledge of the world he has amassed. This parchment would later be known as the Darkhold. Through the Darkhold, Chthon has an indestructible medium through which to manipulate Mystara pawns.Chthon possesses a mastery of mystical forces on a scale that defies description. In the plane where he now resides, he has absolute control over every aspect of that plane's reality. His major limitation is that he cannot freely travel between planes because it takes such an enormous rift to accommodate the massive magical force that dwells within him. He cannot travel to Mystara without the most elaborate of preparations due to the exhaustive magical screens Mystara first erected by the new Immortals and reinforced by Mystara's multitude of sorcerer's over the millennia.
Chaotic Evil Power
Friendly School of Magic: None
Hostile School of Magic: AbjurationChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 0%
Per Level of Wizard: +2%
Wizard is Neutral: +5%
Wizard is Good: +10%Game Bonus: PCs that entreat Chthon casts as if the PC was three (3) level higher.
Game Hindrance: If the PC becomes noticed by Chthon, that character becomes Quested to find a means to release Chthon into Mystara. This quest can be accompanied by other PCs with the quested wizard, but the wizard is almost single-minded in the quest. The chance of being noticed by Chthon is determined normally, plus a cumulative +10% every-time Chthon has been entreated.
Chthon delights in corrupting Good beings, therefore Good beings find it easier to Entreat Chthon (thereby making them one step closer to serving Chthon)
The Entity: Unrevealed, but suspected to be reptilian is some wayNeutral Evil Power
Friendly School of Magic: Transmutation
Hostile School of Magic: AbjurationChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 10%
Per Level of Wizard: +2%
Wizard is a Specialist Abjurer: -15%Game Bonus: When cast on spells that involves reptiles, poison, or acid, the caster casts as if Two (2) levels higher.
Game Hindrance: If PCs are noticed by Faralloh, they are poisoned and lose One (1) Constitution point per week until cured. Lost Constitution points return by one point for every two-weeks of rest.
Common spell phrases: "Fearsome Fangs of Faralloh"
The Entity: A powerful demon who "is the very personification of illusion." he used to be worshipped in a remote mountain temple in the Black Mountains. His appearance is most bizarre. Physical laws bend at his slightest thought and whim becomes deed. Ikonn is the destroyer of illusions as well as the creator.Chaotic Neutral Power
Friendly School of Magic: Illusion, Divination
Hostile School of Magic: Conjuration, EnchantmentChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 15%
Per Level of Wizard: +2%
Wizard is Lawful: -15%
Wizard is Illusionist: x2 of Total Chance
Wizard is Diviner: x 1/2 of Total ChanceGame Bonus: Illusion spells are x2 the duration and cast if one (1) level higher. Divination spells designed to penetrate illusions are also cast at (1) level higher
Game Hindrance: there is a 30% chance that illusions cast with Ikonn's entreaty can become "real" and act rogue. The "real" illusion will have a CN alignment and be very unpredictable (attack or wander off or anything really)
Common spell Phrases: "Images of Ikonn"; "Illusions of Ikonn"; "Bell of Ikonn"
The Entity: An extra-dimensional layer found in the Abyss. This land is arctic and barren.Chaotic Evil Power
Friendly School of Magic: Evocation, Necromancy
Hostile School of Magic: ConjurationChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 0%
Per Level of Wizard: +5%
Specialist in Friendly School: +20%Game Bonus: if casting a Cold based spell, the target gets a -2 penalty to save against. The cold base attack is also x2 effective in damage.
Game Hindrance: PC start to avoid fire in all aspects: cooking fires are avoided in favour to raw food; PCs seek colder climates; Spell involving fire are avoided, etc. The personality also starts to become "cold."
Common spell Phrases: "Icy Tendrils of Ikthalon"; "By the Wastes of Ikthalon" this is used also as an exclamation, implying a barren land
The Entity: Surmised to be a collection of demon lords who rule a far off plane, possibly in the Abyss. They seem to have some connection with those who are lost.Chaotic Evil Power
Friendly School of Magic: Conjuration
Hostile School of Magic: Abjuration, TransmutationChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 5%
Per Level of Wizard: +2%Game Bonus: Spells that are used to summon Planar Evil beings are cast as if Three (3) levels higher.
Game Hindrance: PCs run the risk of having the Mabdhara send a "collector" for the services that they have rendered (DM's discretion).
Common spell Phrases: "Hear me, thou who rule the outer dark, thou demons of the lost, thou Dread Lords of the Mabdhara"
Shuma-Gorath (also called He Who Sleeps But Who Will Awaken)
The Entity: Shuma-Gorath is an enormous (50 ft diameter), brain-shaped, purple, tentacled, slug-like creature of vast power. In long forgotten histories of Mystara, Shuma-Gorath was spawned in a deep layer of the Abyss. Eventually making it's way into Mystara, Shuma-Gorath began to dominate. As time passed, Shuma-Gorath yearned for rest because, unknowingly, Thanatos was draining it of power. The drain sent it to sleep and sent it to another plane, trapped. There he would dream and lie in wait until the time of his awakening.Shuma-Gorath is a very unknown Power, except that it does have a number of lesser demons and monsters who serve him an sometimes an evil wizard will call on Shuma-gorath to grant him control over that creature, which he usually grants. His servants include Sligguth, Dagoth, N'Gabthoth and Kathulos.
Neutral Evil Power
Friendly School of Magic: Conjuration
Hostile School of Magic: AbjurationChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 10%
Per Level of Wizard: +2%
Wizard is Lawful: -10%
Wizard is Good: -15%
Wizard is either Evil: +20%
Wizard is Chaotic: +10%Game Bonus: Spells that are used to summon Extra-Planar creatures are cast as if two (2) levels higher. Attempting to conjure one of his servant demons (mentioned above) are cast as if four (4) levels higher
Game Hindrance: PCs are running the risk of dealing with Shuma-Gorath, very alien in intelligence and motivation. The main risk that PCs face is that Shuma-Gorath can use the PC's body as a gateway into Mystara. Being used as a gateway is a death sentence for the PCs. Chances of becoming a portal and means to thwarting Shuma-Gorath are left up to individual DMs.
The entity: a servant creature of Shuma-Gorath, Sligguth has grown in it's own personal power. This demon appears as a reptilian humanoid with green scales, webbed claws, and a serpentine head. He is a slow creature and can actually move faster in water than on land.Chaotic Evil Power
Friendly School of Magic: Enchantment
Hostile School of Magic: Illusion
Chance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 5%
Per Level of Wizard: +1%
Wizard is Lawful: -10%
Wizard is Good: -10%
Wizard is Chaotic Good: -10%
Wizard is Evil or Chaotic (except CG): +10%Game Bonus: Spells directed at Evil or violent water-based or amphibian creatures are cast as if two (2) levels higher.
Game Hindrance: PCs that utilise Sligguth too much (DM's discretion) becomes obsessed with water. They complain that they are dry; constant need to swim; drinking x3 normal water consumption.
The entity: an Unbelievably powerful extra-planar monster who is a 30-feet tall, humanoid, covered with long brown hair. The Immortal Council of Intrusions acted against this very chaotic being: His hands are bound by the Links of Living Bondage by Djaea; Ixion imprisoned him within the Legendary Amphora; Hel (when she was a member, now it is Nyx) further prevented him from using his powers by placing the Crown of Blindness upon him. Khoronus and Noumena used their vast powers to create a prison plane. If Zom was ever to be free, he would severely upset the balance of Law vs Chaos in the Mystara plane.Chaotic Evil Power
Friendly School of Magic: Evocation, Necromancy
Hostile School of Magic: AbjurationChance of Entreaty Success (cumulative):
Base chance: 0%
Per Level of Wizard: +1%
Wizard is Lawful or Good: failure
Wizard is Chaotic: +5%Game Bonus: Any spell that has a random effect will have either a -4 to save against or be double in damage (or another benefit chosen by the DM at random)
Game Hindrance: PCs will start to change to Chaotic alignment. Spells that do not have a chaotic bent to it will react unexpectedly (ex Read Magic enhanced by Zom might turn into a Teleport Others spell)