There's so much we still don't know about how spinosaurus lived and hunted, so many other interpretations of this creature are possible. Yes, it was probably bigger than a T. rex, yes, it had an astonishing bite. How adept you want to make them in the water, thats between you, your players, and your palaeontologist...
by Cab Davidson
Stat Spinosaurus AC: 3 HD: 25 Movement Rate (land): 90’ (30’) Movement Rate (swimming): 120’(40’) Attacks: 1 bite Damage: 8d6 Number Appearing: 0 (1) Save As: F12 Morale: 10 Treasure Type: Vx4 Intelligence: 2 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 3500 One of the largest predatory dinosaurs, spinosaurus is a terrifying hunter around river deltas, shorelines, and coastal areas. Measuring up to 45’ from nose to tail, with an elongated snout lined with needle sharp teeth and a sail of skin stretching between bony spines on its back, spinosaurus will attack any prey it can find. It can swallow a foe on an attack roll of 17-20, and will sequentially try to attack and consume each foe it faces one after the other.
It is as dangerous in the water as on land, where it hunts fish, ammonites, and smaller reptiles. While roughly bipedal, its motion is almost crocodilian, using its front claws to stabilise itself in the wet terrain it prefers.