With so many of the monsters we're familiar with in classic D&D coming from British myth and legend it has always surprised me that the spriggan never found its way in to canon. So here's a take on the spriggan, and a really unpleasant one too.
by Cab Davidson
Stat Spriggan AC: 6 HD: 1* Movement Rate: 120’(40’) Attacks: 1 weapon Damage: By Weapon Number Appearing: 2d4 (5d4) Save As: H1 Morale: 7 Treasure Type: B Intelligence: 9 Alignment: Chaotic XP Value: 11 Spriggans are among the most vile of all humanoids. They are short, rarely taller than 2’6”, with greyish, wrinkled skin and heads as if of bitter, rage filled, warty old men, and large, heavy feet. They may have some fey ancestry or be in some way linked to the unseelie court, as they can turn invisible at will. They have limited (40’) infravision.
It is their grotesque way of propagating their race that sets them apart from other humanoids. Spriggans are not born, they are created in ghastly rituals when abducted human and demi-human babies are inducted into an outrage (that being their accepted collective noun) of spriggans. This ritual takes a single night to complete – if the child is not rescued within this time, no magic short of a wish can restore it.
There is little discernible social structure to spriggans. They appear to have no leaders, no organisation, and the only thing they share is a hatred of all that is good. They prefer to use their invisibility powers to break into homes and take newborn babies, escaping into the night with their screaming new wards.