Spirit Guides on Mystara
by HåvardI'm rethinking how Spirit Guides work in Mystara. My goal is to combine the rules from Gaz12 The Golden Khan of Ethengar, and the material for Wallara from Voyage of the Princess ark and the Red Steel series.
In this article, I am assuming that Spirits are native to the Ethereal Plane, but can also be found on other Outer Planes. Many have a strong connection to the Prime Material Plane and the Blackmoor Cataclysm caused more spirits to be drawn to Mystara in an attempt to heal the magical damage caused to the planet and preventing it from spreading to other planes (as per Gaz 12).
There are many kinds of spirits. Animal Spirits, Plant Spirits, Elemental Spirits (not elementals), Undead Spirits and others. Anima (Dryads, Fauns, Treants) and Fey may be related to Spirits.
Spirit Guides are Animal Spirits that have connected themselves to individual mortals, usually at the birth of the mortal in order to help them. This gives a mortal character certain benefits. The type of benefit and the type of spirit will be determined based on the character's culture.
Spirit Guides are normally invisible and cannot interact directly with the character except for in dreams or visions. In such situations, the Spirit Guide may try to give the mortal important information about themselves, a quest or warn them about coming danger etc. Spirit Guides normally will not speak, but will convey their message in other ways. If the character takes on an ethereal form, such as from drinking a potion of etherealness, the character can see his Spirit Guide.PERSONALITY
Spirit Guides have their own personality traits as determined by the DM. Often these are traits typically associated with that animal, but not always. If the PC is not mindful of the personality of his Spirit Guide, he may offend it. If so the Spirit Guide may eventually go away and the character will loose any benefits gained from the Spirit Guide until the relationship can be amended, typically by showing remorse and perhaps undertaking a quest.ON THE ETHEREAL PLANE
If the PCs are travelling to the Ethereal Plane, the Spirit will appear in their normal form. The Spirit Guide will be friendly and helpful to the character unless the character does something to offend them. While on the Ethereal Plane, the Spirit Guide can fight alongside the PCs. If reduced to 0 HP, the Spirit Guide will disappear and return fully healed after one week. While the Spirit Guide is recovering, any benefits to the PC will be temporarily lost.HIGHER LEVELS
At Higher levels, the character may gain other abilities connected to their Spirit Guide.
In Ethengar, only Shamans have a connection to Spirit Guides. Shamans add +1 to the associated ability. If the DM decides, the PC may also gain a skill based on that spirit as by Gaz12 p 14.
Random Roll d20 Associated Ability Spirit Type 1-3 STR Horse, Eagle, Yak 4-6 DEX Tiger, Cat, Monkey 7-9 CON Camel, Goat, Bear, Sheep 10-12 INT Hawk, Wolf, Snake 13-15 WIS Owl, Dog, Gerbil, 16-20 CHA Lion, Swan, Chameleon Lizard Atruaghin /Oltec
Among the people of the Atruaghin Clans and Oltecs both in the Outer World and in the Hollow World, all characters have Spirit Guides. All characters add +1 to the associated ability. These abilities are lost of the character goes out of their way to offend their Spirit Guide. Shamani of Atruaghin can create special items associated with the Spirit Guide. When using these items, the character can invoke their Spirit Guide and reroll one saving throw. The item needs to be replaced before such an action can be taken again (See Gaz14 for details).
Random Roll d20 Associated Ability Spirit Type 1-3 STR Horse, Eagle, Bison 4-6 DEX Tiger, Cat, Lynx, Wolf, Fish, Raccoon 7-9 CON Elk, Caribou, Goat, Bear, Sheep 10-12 INT Hawk, Snake, Coyote, Fox, Beaver 13-15 WIS Owl, Dog, Raven, Viper, Crow 16-20 CHA Puma, Swan, Turtle, Butterfly Wallara
All Wallara Chameleon Folk add +1 to the associated ability.
Note: The animal Spirits for the Wallara were taken from the Voyage of the Princess Ark (Dragon #45)
Random Roll d20 Associated Ability Spirit Type 1-3 STR Kangaroo, Saltwater Crocodile 4-6 DEX Koala, Wild Turkey, Fish 7-9 CON Dingo, Spiny Anteater (Echidna) 10-12 INT Goanna, Thunderhead (AC9) 13-15 WIS Platypus, Termite, Emu 16-20 CHA Wakaleo, Kookaburra Neathar
Among the people of the Neathar in the Hollow World, all characters have Spirit Guides. All characters add +1 to the associated ability.
Random Roll d20 Associated Ability Spirit Type 1-3 STR Horse, Eagle, Auroch 4-6 DEX Saber Tooth Tiger, Cat, Lynx, Wolf, Fish 7-9 CON Elk, Caribou, Goat, Bear, Sheep, Wooly Rhino 10-12 INT Hawk, Snake, Coyote, Fox 13-15 WIS Owl, Dog, Raven, Wooly Mammoth 16-20 CHA Lion, Swan, Turtle