5e stats for Outer servitors
by RylethMy party is about to visit the Palace of the Silver Princess, where the evil cultist Cathrandamus is seeks to open a bridge through Haven to the Nightmare Dimension. Several servitors of the Outer Beings are there to help him, so I figured I'd probably need stats for them. Here's what I have so far. (Fear checks are based on a custom system I came up with.)
Lesser Servitor of Yurrgh-Thal
(Converted from here)
Large nightmare, chaotic
Lesser Servitors of Yurrgh-Thal are horrible beings. Created by their foul master, the Outer Being known as Yurrgh-Thal, Lord of the Worm That Gnaws, they populate many dimensions existing outside the Prime. Never very numerous, the lesser servitors are physically more than a match for most creatures their size (8' tall).
Armor class: 18
Hit points: 72
Speed: 90 ft
STR: +4 DEX: +2 CON: +7 INT: +1 WIS: +0 CHA: -5
Proficiency areas: Perception +2
Senses: Blindsight 60 ft
Morale: 11
No. Enc. 1 (1d2)
Dmg immunities: necrotic, poison
Dmg vulnerabilities: evilbane
Multiattack: 2 punches
Punch: +7 to hit. Dmg: 2d6+4
Whip: +7 to hit, 15 ft reach. Dmg: 1d6+4
Spew: +5 to hit, 10/30 ft range. Dmg: 1d4 per round until 3 round are spent brushing them off.
Nightmarish stench: Any creature beginning its turn within 15 ft must make a DC 10 CON save or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. Those that make the save are not required to make another for a period of 24 hours.
Nightmarish presence: Encountering a Lesser Servitor of Yurrgh-Thal causes a lesser fear check.Greater Servitor of Yurrgh-Thal
(Converted from here)
Huge nightmare, chaotic
Of all the greater servitors of the Outer Beings, few are as malevolent as the Greater Servitor of Yurrgh-Thal. Creations of Yurrgh-Thal himself, these loathsome creatures serve as his personal lieutenants whenever he sends his minions into battle. On several occasions, the greater servitors have served as proxies to their master, appearing before cabals of Outer Being worshippers and delivering his orders to them, as well as supervising important ceremonies.
Armor class: 20
Hit points: 200
Speed: 90 ft
STR: +7 DEX: +0 CON: +10 INT: +3 WIS: +2 CHA: -5
Proficiency areas: Perception +2
Senses: Blindsight 120 ft
Morale: 11
No. Enc. 1
Dmg immunities: necrotic, poison
Dmg vulnerabilities: evilbane
Multiattack: 4 tentacles
Tentacle: +12 to hit. Dmg: 2d8+7. Special: crits on a 19 or 20.
Spray: Target creature within 15 ft takes 3d4 damage, plus 1d6 damage each round thereafter until washed off. Successful DC 18 DEX save prevents lingering damage and reduces initial damage to half.
Spellcasting: These creatures may cast any clerical spell up to 4th level at will.
Nightmarish stench: Any creature beginning its turn within 15 ft must make a DC 10 CON save or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. Those that make the save are not required to make another for a period of 24 hours.
Nightmarish presence: Encountering a Lesser Servitor of Yurrgh-Thal causes a greater fear check.Zhochal
(Converted from here)
Medium nightmare, chaotic
The minions of Akh'All the Unmentionable, otherwise known as the Zhochal, are a race unlike any seen on Mystara, and the other planes they are known to inhabit. They are roughly human-sized creatures, averaging 6' in height, but their appearance is found by many to be highly disturbing. To an untrained observer they appear to be insects, due to their mottled greenish-grey chitinous exoskeletons, but they possess far more than six appendages, and their heads are not even remotely insect-like.
Armor class: 15
Hit points: 45
Speed: 60 ft, fly 210 ft
STR: +5 DEX: +1 CON: +2 INT: +3 WIS: +2 CHA: -4
Proficiency areas: Perception +2
Senses: Infravision 90 ft
Morale: 9
No. Enc. 1d6 (3d8)
Multiattack: 2 weapons or 4 tentacles
Weapon: +7 to hit. Dmg: 1d8+5
Tentacle: +7 to hit, 15 ft reach. Dmg: 7 points
Nightmarish presence: Encountering a Zhochal causes a lesser fear check.Next up, I'll probably convert several of the monsters from the AC9 Creature Catalog, as many of them are suitably nightmarish.