Duke Stefan Karameikos
by John Walter BilesDuke Stefan Karameikos, Level 11 Elite Soldier (Leader)
Medium natural humanoid XP 1200
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +8
HP 228; Bloodied 114
AC 29; Fortitude 25, Reflex 21, Will 25
Saving Throws +3 (Perseverance)
Action Points 1 (+3 to attack rolls when using an action point; see Knight Commander's Action)
Speed 6
m +2 Lightning Sword (standard; at-will) | Lightning, Martial, Weapon
+18 vs. AC; 2d6+5 Lightning or Normal Damage +2d6 Lightning or Normal Damage on a crit. (Free action switches types)
Lightning Stroke (Minor; Encounter) | Lightning, Martial, Weapon
On a successful Melee hit, he does 1d6 Lightning Damage as additional damage to the target and to all of the target's allies within 2 squares of the target.
Royal Command (standard; at-will) | Martial, Weapon
Stefan orders an ally within 5 squares to make a free basic attack, ranged or melee, against a foe adjacent to himself, adding +5 to the damage.
M Wolf Pack Tactics (standard; at-will) | Lightning, Martial, Weapon
Before he attacks, one ally adjacent to him or the target may shift 1 square as a free action; +18 vs. AC; 2d6+5 Lightning or Normal Damage +2d6 Lightning or Normal Damage on a crit. (Free action switches types)
M Cleave (standard; at-will) | Lightning, Martial, Weapon
+18 vs. AC; 2d6+5 Lightning or Normal Damage +2d6 Lightning or Normal Damage on a crit. (Free action switches types). Secondary Damage: 5 Lightning or Normal Damage to a second target automatically on a hit.
Intercepting Stance (Immediate Interrupt; at-will) | Lightning, Martial, Weapon
When a foe adjacent to him shifts, he gets a free basic melee attack before they can move away.
Slash and Press (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Lightning, Martial, Weapon
+18 vs. AC; 4d8+5 damage and Push all enemies adjacent to the target 1 square
Surround Foe (standard; Refresh 5-6) | Lightning, Martial, Weapon
+18 vs. AC; 4d8+5 damage and slide one ally adjacent to the target to any other square adjacent to the target; he may be moved through the enemy's square with no ill effects.
Inspiring Word (Minor; 2/encounter) | Healing, Martial
Close Burst 10; the Duke or an ally of his choice may spend a healing surge and recovers +3d6 HP also (Duke Stefan recovers 57+3d6 if he uses it on himself.)
Honour and Glory
Allies gain +2 to attack rolls when adjacent to him
Knight Commander's Action
When he spends an action point to get an extra action, all allies in line of sight get +1 to all defences until the end of his next turn.
Resistance Cloak (Minor; Daily)
Gain Resist All 10 until the end of his next turn
Alignment Lawful Good Languages Common, Traladaran
Skills Athletics +15, Diplomacy +15, History +12, Insight +8(3)**, Intimidate + 15.
* Stefan adds +3 to any skill use which is related to governing, EXCEPT when hiring people, at which point he suffers a –5. (Already figured into Insight ALL THE TIME, see below)
** Let's face it, Stefan has all the character-judging skills of US Grant or Warren G. Harding. He suffers a skill penalty of –5 to Insight and any use of his other skills for assessing who to hire for a job. This does not apply to combat uses.
Str 21 (+10) Dex 17 (+8) Wis 16 (+8)
Con 18 (+9) Int 15 (+7) Cha 21 (+10)
Equipment In Court: Leather Armour / In War: +3 Plate and Light Shield, +2 Lightning Longsword, Cloak of Resistance +3Grand Duke Stefan Karameikos is the well meaning but oddly naive Thyatian who now rules the Grand Duchy of Karameikos. He is a noble and just ruler hampered by his inability to see through deceits and trickery. How he survived to adulthood in Thyatis is unclear. He is the sort of general who leads from the front and is greatly concerned with the wellbeing of his men; he is a skilled military officer and probably more effective there than as monarch.