The idea of creepy strawmen as menacing village protectors, grumpy, mobile scarecrows that may attach themselves to a village and become almost as much a nuisance as a guardian, it was just too tempting not to use.
And yes, there might also be animated aunt sally or saucy nancy, if thats to your taste. In fact, watch this space...
Golem, Straw
by Cab Davidson
Stat Golem, Straw* AC: 7 HD: 2* Movement Rate: 90’(30’) Attacks: 1 weapon + 1 spore cloud Damage: By Weapon + special Number Appearing: 1 (1) Save As: F1 Morale: 12 Treasure Type: Nil Intelligence: 4 Alignment: Neutral XP Value: 24 Straw golems are perhaps the most primitive, weakest of all golems. They are simply formed of old clothes stuffed with sticks and straws, with heads formed of wurzels or swedes. They are one of the rare forms of golem capable of speech, but rarely have anything polite to say. They are essentially animated scarecrows, originally created by a gifted hedge wizard, protecting their wards from the darkness in uncivilised borderlands. However, since the original creation of straw golems these curious constructs have discovered that hands made by their creator can make more of their own kind, and thus they are slowly spreading.
They move in a jerky, slow fashion but can attack with any weapons that are to hand, often clubs, scythes, sickles, rakes and other agricultural implements. In addition to the use of weapons, any creature in hand to hand combat with a straw golem must make a saving throw vs. poison each round or succumb to a coughing fit as they breath in clouds of mould spores exuded by the golem, incurring -2 to hit and damage, cumulatively, per failed saving throw.
Like all golems, straw golems are immune to sleep, charm, hold, mind effecting magic and attacks, and also to gases. They can only be struck by magical weapons. They are immune to all missile fire devices, but make saving throws vs. fire based attacks at -2, and take double damage from fire. They greatly fear burning oil.
Typically a straw golem will attach himself to a village and defend its crops from pests, which includes helping to defeat rampaging humanoids. While generally not aggressive, an offended straw golem may become a serious pest to a village in an isolated area.