Sabre-toothed tiger dragon displacer beast
by Galdor
AC:0 HD:12
MV: as saber-tooth
AT: 2tentecales/2claws/1bite/1tail(super breed gets breath weapon)
Save as Fighter12
AC:-3 HD:22
MV: as sabre-tooth
AT:as small but with breath weapon
D:3-12/2-16/3-24/3-18/Displacing Energy
Save as Fighter22
AC:-6 HD:32
MV:as a small dragon
Attacks:same as above
D:3-14/3-24/4-32/4-24/breath weapon
Save as Fighter32
XP:2200Breath Weapon:Cloud Shaped
The sabre-toothed tiger dragon displacer beast started as a mating between a displacer beast and sabre-toothed tiger soon the orcs found out how to breed the animal. When a failed raid on Glantri ended with the capture of these beasts a young ambitious noble decided to use magic to have the might of a dragon so that he could take over all of Glantri. Though the plan failed when he acidently made a super breed that was immune to fith level and lower spells and with the added bonus to their breath weapon the ability to polymorph other creatures even if it only lasted for four turns. Now this super breed is all but gone because of dragons feeling threatened by this super breed if they grew very large.