Stygia (Grand Duchy of)
Location: Continent of Brun, southern edge of the Klagorst territories. WB
Area: 21,300 sq. mi. (55,167 sq. km.).
Population: 11,400 troglodytes.
Languages: Eywan (60% commonality with the troglodyte language spoken elsewhere on Mystara).
Coinage: Yegh (pp), ehra (gp), syd (sp); Klagorst and Brasovian coinage also accepted.
Taxes: 15% income tax, 5% of which goes to the clergy.
Government Type: Monarchy, heavily influenced by the Church of Yeg Shuta.
Industries: Mining (mainly platinum), animal herding (cattle, giant lizards).
Important Figures: Xagash (Archduke); Zar'nag (High Kai (Priest)).
Flora and Fauna: The swamplands of the region are home to giant lizards, some of which have been domesticated by the troglodytes as draft animals and a source of food, and by all sorts of nasty creatures like giant slugs, and a race (that I have never heard of outside of Stygia) of giant albino crocodiles. Some human outlaws and bandits call the southern hills home.
Further Reading: Previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: None to report.