The Twelve Aspects of Sundara
by Patrick SullivanSundara
(Adis, Asaka, Prabhani, Deala, Svapna, Kei, Lal, Meghanusha, Kapata)
Patron of Beauty
Level, Alignment, Sphere: varies (see below)
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12). The symbol is either uniformly one color, or each face is a different color: gold, pink, white, black, orange, brown, pearl, red, purple, blue, green, and silver.
Portfolio: beauty, prostitution
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: varies (see below)
Description: Sundara's clerics teach that the immortal manifestation of beauty is a great polymath, reincarnated many times in different beautiful heros. Each of Sundara's twelve aspects is represented by a different avatar. In truth, Sundara is simply a Sindhi construct, and the different aspects are manifestations of different immortals.Church Organization
The church of Sundara has a fairly loose structure. Any cleric of Sundara may ordain another; to gain recognition from a congregation, a cleric must receive the support of a majority of the resident clerics. Each congregation is represented by a superior, elected by the majority of the clerics in residence, with executive powers to administer the temple, though any decision may be overruled by a majority of resident clerics. Clerics may be expelled from a congregation, and actions or beliefs may be declared heretical, but such a move requires the support of all but one resident cleric. Interactions at the congregations range from warmly cooperative to highly politicized, full of intrigue.The Sublime Superior, elected from the congregation at the Sublime Purple Gui at Sayr Ulan, is the titular leader of the faith, though his or her only specific power is to call a Council of Sundara, with representatives from each Aspect and each Gui.
The Congregations
Major Temples: Guis and Pavillions
To qualify as a Gui or a Pavillion, a temple of Sundara must have resident clerics from at least four of the Aspects. The largest Guis include representatives from each of the Twelve Blessings: the Golden, White, Orange, Pearl, and Purple Guis. The headquarters of each faith, the Guis, are all major temples. Major pavilions are located in Akesoli, Darokin; Raneshwar, Gunjab; Sambay, Jalawar; Jaibul; Kladanovit, Great Waste; the Twin Oases, Great Waste; and Slagovich.
Lesser Temples
Lesser temples, those with priests from only one, two, or three of the Aspects, are common in Sind. Temples are also located here and there in the Savage Baronies, the City-States, the Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Hule, and (after 1008 AC) Glantri.
The First Aspect of Sundara
(Adis, the First Blessing)
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 36 (Hierarch), LG, Matter
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12); gold-colored clothing
Portfolio: the beauty of motherhood, bountiful harvests, and wives
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: a human woman clad in a simple sari the color of ripe wheat, with dark skin without any particular somatic traits and a squat shape, showing an expression which is a the same time stern and compassionate. Hair colour varies with the time of the day: rosy red at dawn, brown during first part of the day and afternoon, blond at midday and black from sunset till sunrise
History: According to legend, Adis was the mother of Narenda, the first Rajadhiraja, mother of the ul Nervi dynasty, and advisor to her son. A polymath, Adis returned and took the same name, this time as the daughter of Kistna, Maharajah of Kadesh. She was a proud woman, a traditionalist, a talented gardener, and a supporter of the established order of Sind. In truth, these two women both shared the same name, but were otherwise unrelated: as women began following them, the immortal Terra took it upon herself to answer their prayers.
Personality: As the First Aspect, Adis is concerned with living things, birth, and fertility. She is a proponent of the caste system and polygamy, but frowns upon any person taking more husbands or wives than she or he can support.
Church headquarters: The Golden Gui in Sandapur, Azadgal
Sources: WotI, CoM, Codex ImmortalisThe Second Aspect of Sundara
(Asaka, the Second Blessing)
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 31st (Hierarch), CG, Matter
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12); pink clothing
Portfolio: the beauty of a lover, romantic love, and poetry
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: a most beautiful light-skinned urdu-varna woman, dressed in uniquely tasteful pink silk
History: According to Sindhi legend, Asaka was the most beautiful courtesan ever to have lived. Her allure, passion, and poetry were so attractive that they inspired the legendary heroes Prabhani and Eta in a decades-long competition for her affections. After both ascended into the heavens, racing to bring her the sun as a great gift, she pined for years, composing elegant and wistful poetry, before ascending herself to go after them.
Personality: As the Second Aspect, Asaka focuses on romance and poetry. She is particularly likely to intervene to protect forbidden love, such as that across castes or between sindi-varna and urdu-varna.
Church headquarters: The Rose Gui at the Jadu oasis in Baratkand
Sources: WotI, CoM, Codex ImmortalisThe Third Aspect of Sundara
(Prabhani, the Third Blessing)
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 36th (Hierarch), NG, Energy
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12); white clothing
Portfolio: the beauty of daylight, physical attraction, and male courtesans
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: a slender young sindi-varna man wearing a simple white dhoti and cloak that radiate light
History: According to Sindhi legend, Prabhani was a great warrior who defended society as Eta (another avatar of Ixion) taught the people the secrets of agriculture. Prabhani was well-loved by the men he commanded. When he and Eta both fell for the same woman, Asaka, it nearly caused a civil war, but the two men decided to pursue their conflict for her affection through contests and one-upping one another. Finally, after years of competition, they asked Asaka what jewel she most desired, and she named the sun. They each set forth on a journey to retrieve the sun and make of it a great gift, attaining immortality. Prabhani reached the sun first, but recognizing that the people of Sind would go without light if he stole it away for Asaka, he instead resolved to guard the sun in position.
Personality: Prabhani is concerned with following one's passions, living proudly and forthrightly.
Church headquarters: The White Gui in Jahore, Putnabad
Sources: WotI, CoM, Codex ImmortalisThe Fourth Aspect of Sundara
(Deala, Svapna, the Fourth Blessing)
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 33 (Hierarch), NE, Entropy/13 (Celestial), TN, Time
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12); black clothing
Portfolio: the beauty of dreams, darkness, and the night
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: a small, shapely sindi-varma woman in a long black hooded cloak/a tall, attractive, dark-skinned woman with a peaceful expression, wearing a form-fitting black gown
History: According to legend, Deala was one of the chambahara, a mujina who ruled Kadesh. She was beautiful beyond measure, and when Maga Aditi and her mages came to destroy Deala, she managed to escape into the dimension of nightmares, attaining immortality. Svapna was a legendary seer from the distant past, whose prophesies informed the deeds of Prabhani, Eta, and Asaka.
Personality: Deala is a hands-off patron, inspiring visions of undeath but paying relatively little attention to her followers in this part of the world. She is jealous of Svapna's efforts to steal away these neglected followers, and is eager to gain news about who, precisely, Svapna is. Svapna is a patient, kindly patron, seeking to convert Deala's followers and elevate the sanctity of dreams.
Church headquarters: The Black Gui in Tyjaret
Sources: WotI, CoM, Codex ImmortalisBeginning in the mid-tenth century AC, some priests and priestesses of the Fourth Aspect were visited in their dreams by Svapna, a soft-spoken immortal who claimed that the true nocturnal beauty comes from peaceful, restful dreams, not from the dimension of nightmares. Yav chose the legendary Svapna as a new manifestation as part of a decades-long major stroke against Nyx. Within the first few years of the new faith, the followers of Svapna managed to expel followers of Deala from the Gold, Brown, Red, Purble, and Blue Guis: no follower of Deala has been re-seated in any of these Guis. Since then, followers of Deala have been careful to always keep several clerics in residence at the remaining Guis to prevent further losses.
The Black Gui in Tyjaret is the least harmonious of the Guis, at times resembling an armed camp as followers and Deala and Svapna try furiously to discredit one another and gain the upper hand in the theological debates.
Nyx was infuriated by the stroke against Deala, and she actively seeks to determine the immortal behind this incursion. Her initial suspects were Loki, Hel, Thanatos, Alphatia, Valerias, Ixion, and Yav. Her investigations have convinced her that Hel is not behind the move, and her suspicion is currently focused on Loki.
The Fifth Aspect of Sundara
(Kei, the Fifth Blessing)
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 16th (Celestial), LG, Energy
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12); orange clothing
Portfolio: the beauty of grace, agility, and feminine beauty
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: a beautiful, dextrous, and shapely urdu-varna woman wearing a simple orange tunic, without jewellry or shoes
History: When Sayr Ulan was first made a capital, it was rebuilt according to the plan of a stunningly-beautiful urdu-varma named Kei. In 913 AC when much of the city was destroyed by magical fire, the immortal Alphatia decided to intervene, crafting a new mortal identity named Kei, introducing herself as the returned hero-architect, and directing the reconstruction of an even more beautiful palace, complete with its artificial lake. Through her masterful skill as an architect and her lithe, sensual allure, she convinced first Darshan, then Sarad to allow her vision to be created.
Personality: Kei is protective of women, and a particular favorite of female thieves. When Glantri suspended its prohibition against clerics in 1008, the church of the Fifth Aspect quickly moved to establish temples at Sablestone, Vyonnes, and Glantri City. Senior clergy encourage lay thieves and clerics of the Tenth Blessing to accompany them: Kei wants information, and she is willing to share her spy network with Loki if it means more accurate intelligence.
Church headquarters: The Orange Gui in Karakandar, Peshmir
Sources: WotI, CoM, Codex ImmortalisThe Sixth Aspect of Sundara
(Lal, the Sixth Blessing)
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 17th (Celestial), N, Energy
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12); brown clothing
Portfolio: the beauty of strength and might; masculine beauty
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: a ruggedly-handsome, muscular urdu-varna man wearing loose-fitting brown trousers
History: In the fifth century AC, Lal was a muscular and handsome nantyaj (untouchable) who worked as a grave-digger in Khamrati, West Jhengal. The Kuliya caste in Khamrati was the subject of repeated depredations by wererats, and Lal resolved himself to put an end to the attacks. He convinced a Svamin mystic to accept him as a pupil, and together they patrolled Khamrati and the surrounding countryside on nights of the full moon, slaying large rats. Lal preferred the solitary life and spent most of his time in the Nemkin Ylaka, befriending many of the creatures of the marsh. Lal continued to grow in skill, until he was a famous adventurer and set off to hunt evil lycanthropes elsewhere. On a journey to Slagovich, Lal became a devoted follower of Zirchev, and he dedicated the remainder of his life to hunting shapeshifters, winning the gratitude and admiration of many Sindhis. Zirchev elected to elevate Lal to be a titan, and Lal has served the huntsman faithfully since then: Zirchev answers the prayers of clerics of the Sixth Blessing.
Personality: Lal serves Zirchev faithfully and has no personal ambition. Lal, as the Sixth Blessing, is particularly concerned with outcasts, the untouchables, laborers, and mystics. His following is particularly strong among Keis and Svamins. He adamantly opposes the caste system and the subjugation of urdu-varna.
Church headquarters: The Brown Gui in Khamrati, West Jhengal
Sources: WotI, CoM, Codex ImmortalisThe Seventh Aspect of Sundara
(Meghanusha, the Seventh Blessing)
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 31st (Hierarch), CG, Matter
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12); iridescent clothing
Portfolio: the beauty of a rainbow, of color, and of variety
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: a voluptuous, beautiful dark-skinned sindi-varna woman, dressed in a flowing iridescent sari
History: Meghanusha was woman from a wealthy Rishiya family who lived during the sixth century AC. She climbed through the ranks of the clergy of the Second Aspect of Sundara, eventually becoming mother superior at the temple in Mahasabad. She parlayed her personal wealth, connections, and power at the temple into considerable commercial success, and by the time she turned forty years old she had eighteen husbands, including sindi-varna, urdu-varna, members of every major caste, and several foreigners. She devoted much of her wealth to expanding and improving the temple at Mahasabad, creating a stunningly beautiful chapel covered entirely in mother-of-pearl imported from the coast or from Lake Amsorak, as well as gardens and greenhouses brimming with every variety of flower that she could find. Valerias made Meghanusha a titan and answers the prayers of clerics of the Seventh Blessing
Personality: Meghanusha serves Valerias faithfully and has no personal ambition. She promotes variety and diversity, and opposes the caste system. Meghanusha is particularly likely to promote forbidden love, such as that across castes or between sindi-varma and urdu-varma.
Church headquarters: The Pearl Gui in Mahasabad, Nagpuri
Sources: WotI, CoM, Codex ImmortalisThe Eighth Aspect of Sundara
(Asaka, the Eighth Blessing)
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 31st (Hierarch), CG, Matter
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12); red clothing
Portfolio: the beauty of blushing, flushing, and passionate love; physical love
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: a most beautiful dark-skinned sindi-varna woman, dressed in uniquely tasteful red satin
History: According to Sindhi legend, Asaka was the most beautiful courtesan ever to have lived. Her allure, passion, prowess in the romantic arts were so attractive that they inspired the legendary heroes Prabhani and Eta in a decades-long competition for her affections. After both ascended into the heavens, racing to bring her the sun as a great gift, she pined for years, composing elegant and wistful poetry, before ascending herself to go after them.
Personality: As the Eighth Aspect, Asaka focuses on the most physical aspects of love and beauty. She is a patron, especially, of courtesans and prostitutes.
Church headquarters: The Red Gui in Naral, Shajarkand
Sources: WotI, CoM, Codex ImmortalisThe Ninth Aspect of Sundara
(Kei, the Ninth Blessing)
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 16th (Celestial), LG, Energy
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12); purple clothing
Portfolio: the beauty of art, aesthetics, and form
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: a beautiful, dextrous, and shapely urdu-varna woman wearing a simple purple sari, without shoes. She wears an understated, elegant garnet necklace, exquisitely crafted.
History: When Sayr Ulan was first made a capital, it was rebuilt according to the plan of a stunningly-beautiful urdu-varma named Kei. In 913 AC when much of the city was destroyed by magical fire, the immortal Alphatia decided to intervene, crafting a new mortal identity named Kei, introducing herself as the returned hero-architect, and directing the reconstruction of an even more beautiful palace, complete with its artificial lake. As part of the reconstruction effort, she oversaw the design and construction of the Sublime Purple Gui. Through her masterful skill as an architect and her lithe, sensual allure, she convinced first Darshan, then Sarad to allow her vision to be created.
Personality: Kei, as the Ninth Blessing, is a patron of the arts and artisans. Her following includes many of the most intelligent and influential courtiers at the Rajadhiraja's palace.
Church headquarters: The Sublime Purple Gui in Sayr Ulan, Sindrastan
Sources: WotI, CoM, Codex ImmortalisThe Tenth Aspect of Sundara
(Kapata, the Tenth Blessing)
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 30th (Eternal), CE, Entropy
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12); blue clothing
Portfolio: the beauty of artifice, cunning, and misdirection
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: Kapata is beautiful, seductive, and always dressed in blue. At different times and in different representations, Kapata appears male or female, and of many different races.
History: Kapata is remembered as a great Himaya whose cunning united the peoples of the Sind Desert, the Plain of Fire, and what is now Baratkand, Sindrastan, West Jhengal, East Jhengal, and Nagpuri during the Fifth Century, AC. In truth, Kapata was a mujina, the most successful of the shapeshifter alliance that dominated Sind. Kapata attracted the attention of Loki, who exalted the mujina to be a whispering fiend.
Personality: Kapata is a willing and devoted accomplice to Loki's mischief-making. While Kapata will occasionally appear to followers of the Tenth Blessing, the sect is generally a puppet of followers of Bozdogan and the Hagiarchy of Hule. Loki answers the prayers of clerics of the Tenth Aspect.
Church headquarters: The Blue Gui at the Kasret Oasis in the Sind Desert
Sources: WotI, CoM, Codex Immortalis, VotPA, PWA3The Eleventh Aspect of Sundara
(Lal, the Eleventh Blessing)
Ruaidhri Hawkbane
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 3rd (Initiate), LE, Thought
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12); green clothing
Portfolio: the beauty of pursuit, seduction, and the hunt
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: a ruggedly-handsome, muscular urdu-varna man wearing loose-fitting green trousers
History: In life, Ruaidhri Hawkbane researched successful lycanthrope-slayers and heard legends about the hero Lal (see The Sixth Aspect of Sundara). Upon reaching immortality, Ruaidhri learned that Lal had been made a titan and that Zirchev was seeking followers in Sind in Lal's name. Unwilling to let his rival expand his powerbase unchallenged, Ruaidhri made himself an avatar that appeared similar to Lal, took the name, and strove against Zirchev for followers.
Personality: Lal, as the Eleventh Blessing, is the patron of hunters, archers, and all in dogged pursuit of some goal. He is particularly supportive of the ruthless hunt and elimination of lycanthropes.
Church headquarters: The Green Gui in Bangore, Jalawar
Sources: WotI, CoM, Codex ImmortalisThe Twelfth Aspect of Sundara
(Adis, the Twelfth Blessing)
Level, Alignment, Sphere: 36 (Hierarch), LG, Matter
Symbol: a regular dodecahedron (the shape of a d12); silver-colored clothing
Portfolio: the beauty of wisdom, age, and intelligence
Worshipped in: Sind, Jaibul, Great Waste, Darokin, Yavdlom, Savage Coast, Hule
Appearance: a human woman clad in a simple silver-colored shimmering sari, with dark skin without any particular somatic traits and a squat shape, showing an expression which is a the same time stern and compassionate. Hair colour is gray, but the hue varies with the time of the day: frosted rose at dawn, pale blonde during first part of the day and afternoon, bright white at midday and dark gray from sunset till sunrise
History: In life, Adis was the mother of Narenda, the first Rajadhiraja, mother of the ul Nervi dynasty, and advisor/protector to the first Rajadhirajah. Many women venerated her following her death: the immortal Terra heard these prayers and assumed a new avatar to watch over them.
Personality: As the Twelfth Aspect, Adis is concerned with particularly intelligent people and the aged. She is a proponent of the traditional family structure and responsibility among generations.
Church headquarters: The Silver Gui in Pramayama, Jalawar
Sources: WotI, CoM, Codex Immortalis