Super Focus Special Moves
by tjedge1Super Focus Special Moves. Ok some super cool ones here. The Ghost Form makes me wonder if some of the Ghost encounters aren't sometimes going to be lost kabbadi masters.
Name: Air Blast
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Punch 1
Manoeuvre Cost: 4 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: -1
Damage Bonus: +3
Round Movement: None
Description: The mystic can summon a burst of air and direct it at his opponents. This blast comes from nowhere and often catches unwary opponents off guard.
System: The user of an Air Blast must have a clear line of sight to the target. The range of a blast equals the character's Wisdom + Focus, in feet. While the Air Blast is treated like a projectile, it is not visible to the common eye. Only those fighters who make a successful Blind Fighting skill roll can attempt to avoid this attack. If not detected it hits automatically.Name: Drench
Prerequisites: Focus 4, Punch 1
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +1
Damage Bonus: +2
Round Movement: -5'
Description: A portion of the mystic's body transforms into a huge fist of liquid and lashes out at the target. This power usually originates from the fighter's extended arm, but may be projected from any part of the body, such as the back or head (which makes the Drench unpredictable).
System: The range of Drench equals the mystic's Wisdom + Focus level. This is a Focus-based manoeuvre; however, damage is determined according to the fighter's Punch Technique and the modifiers listed above.Name: Elemental Skin
Prerequisites: Focus 5
Manoeuvre Cost: 6 Any Style
Usage Cost: 3 Chi
To Hit: None
Damage Bonus: Varies
Round Movement: None
Description: The mystic is able to transform his body into the elemental essence in which he chooses. The effects vary but always last for a short time, during which the mystic usually closes with his luckless opponent.
System: The following modifiers apply to combat against mystics using elementals of the different types. These effects last for a number of turns equal to the mystic's Focus level.
Fire: Anyone who attacks the mystic in this form may take damage from striking the mystic. The mystic uses his Focus level to determine damage. All punching, grabbing or kicking attacks by the mystic have an additional +1 damage modifier.
Water: Any attack that successfully damages the mystic in this form subtracts from the damage done by using the mystic's damage rating in Focus. For example if the mystic his hit and damaged for 13 points, he then rolls 1d30 (Focus level 5 damage rating) and rolls an 11, so he subtracts that from the opponents damage roll and only suffers 2 points of damage. A mystic can not receive positive points for this, so if he had rolled 14, he would only ignore the 13 points of damage.
Air: All aerial manoeuvres against the mystic suffer a -2 penalty on the attack's Damage modifier. All projectile attacks such as fireballs cause less damage (similar to the Water effect, above). A mystic in this form can also jump twice the normal distance and their movement rates are doubled.
Earth: All punching or kicking attacks aimed at the elemental suffer a -2 penalty on the attacker's To-Hit and Damage modifiers. When in this form the elemental cannot be thrown and is unaffected by knockdowns.Name: Elemental Stride
Prerequisites: Focus 5
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: See Below
Description: Similar to the Yoga Teleport, except that the mystic melds into his element and travels through it to appear magically in another place. The same element must also be in this second area. Thus, a mystic using water may dissolve into one pool of water only to appear suddenly out of another the next round.
System: Striding fighters may move invisibly through the element at a rate of Constitution + Focus feet per round.Name: Force Shout
Prerequisites: Focus 3, Stunning Shout
Manoeuvre Cost: 3 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +2
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: -10'
Description: This is an advanced form of the Stunning Shout which enables the character to yell with such power that they can actually physically knock over opponents.
System: A Force Shout must be directed at one opponent; the victim must make a Save Throw vs. Dragon Breath; if they do not succeed they will suffer a knockdown.Name: Ghost Form
Prerequisites: Focus 5
Manoeuvre Cost: 7 Any Style
Usage Cost: 3 Chi on the first round / 2 Chi to maintain
To Hit: None
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: +0'
Description: Tales are told of crypts found in ancient temples amid the Black mountains. There, the bones of ancient monks can be found imbedded in walls of solid rock. How the monks' remains became thus interred remains a mystery to all but a few Kabaddi masters. These masters know of the disciplines practiced at the temples - disciplines that led to the deaths of many monks, but led to the mastery of mind over matter. The monks developed the power to turn their bodies into an insubstantial, ghostly form, allowing them to pass through any solid object unharmed and then solidify their bodies back to normal. It is rumoured that the very first monks who perfected this technique actually became trapped in their ghost forms, unable to transform their bodies back into solid matter. The same rumours purport that these ancient masters still roam the world.
System: Nothing solid will affect a character in Ghost Form. Energy like fire and electricity will still affect him, but arrows, ice blasts, fists and kicks will pass harmlessly through his body. The character cannot attack or use any other manoeuvres while in Ghost Form, but he can move and pass through walls, floors, and even people. Ghost Form can be played during a turn that the character is caught in a Sustained Hold, allowing the character to walk right out of the hold. A character's clothing and personal possessions of small size can be turned insubstantial and follow the character in Ghost Form.Name: Heal
Prerequisites: Focus 5
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: See Below
To Hit: -1
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: -5'
Description: By drawing upon the Earth's essence and power, the mystic may transform his own internal energies into a healing aura. This is very similar to Kung Fu's Chi Kung Healing ability, but it may also be used to heal animals and environmental damage.
System: The character must be able to touch the person or animal to be healed. One 2d4 hit points are restored per point of Chi the character spends. This power also extends to the natural world, and it is not unusual for mystics to be seen using it to clean up polluted rivers, destroyed foliage and such. In nature, one Chi purifies up to ten square feet of polluted area. Certain especially polluted areas may require more than one Chi per ten square feet. This can also be used on undead and act as damage using the focus damage rating.Name: Heatwave
Prerequisites: Focus 5
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +0
Damage Bonus: +2
Round Movement: +0'
Description: The mystic can suddenly raise the temperature around a person or object- making the air difficult to breathe and disorienting an opponent. A person affected by this feels as though he's suddenly stepped inside an oven. Dizziness and nausea often follow.
System: The mystic rolls damage, but only for the purposes of calculating disorientation. The opponent actually takes no damage. This manoeuvre bypasses any bonuses the opponent gets from blocks and ignores the AC from normal armour. This is considered a projectile and can be dodged as such. If the opponent receives more points of damage than his Constitution statistic, then he is considered disoriented and all rolls to-hit and damage are halved for the next round as well as movement.Name: Leech
Prerequisites: Focus 3, Grab 2
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: See Below
To Hit: +0
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: None
Description: No one knows what ancient order developed this power, although a few Kabaddi masters speculate that it descended from the Hule Empire. They believe that this ability was researched by the wise men of some court in a futile attempt to discover immortality. The ruler believed that the life energies of his foes would be able to sustain his life throughout the centuries. Leech is similar to the Regeneration power, except that each Chi spent allows a combatant to drain hit points from his opponent and transfer it to himself. To use this power, the fighter must be able to touch his opponent.
System: No other actions may be initiated once Leech has begun. A fighter may attack and then use Leech, but not the other way around. For each Chi spent, one roll of damage will be transferred from the target to the attacker. The maximum number of Chi that may be spent equals the attacker's Focus level. An attacker may not increase his hit points beyond his maximum. A target must be successfully grabbed in a Sustained Hold before Leech may be used. The hold is treated as still being in effect for purposes of the target breaking the hold, except that damage is allocated as above instead of by the original hold's modifiers.Name: Levitation
Prerequisites: Focus 5
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: See Below
Damage Bonus: See Below
Round Movement: See Below
Description: By intense concentration and inner control, the practitioner may lift his body from the ground, usually sitting in the lotus position - legs crossed, back straight, palms together in front of the chest.
System: The practitioner may move up to 5x their Focus level in feet per turn in any direction they choose (up, down, sideways) by spending two Chi per round.Name: Pool
Prerequisites: Focus 5
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: 1 Chi
To Hit: None
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: -10'
Description: The body of the fighter dissolves into a pool of clear water, which cannot be damaged by physical attacks or projectiles. The fighter is able to move underneath and around thin obstacles, such as crates and poles, or under doors that are not watertight.
System: Physical manoeuvres will not affect the character, who can still move, although Focus-based manoeuvres like Ice Blast and Fireball will still damage him. Also mental attacks and spells will affect the fighter as normal.Name: Sakki
Prerequisites: Focus 5
Manoeuvre Cost: 5 Any Style
Usage Cost: None
To Hit: None
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: See Below
Description: This power does not require the elaborate hand signs that other Saiminjutsu powers do. Sakki allows the Ninja to read others' intentions and react to them. The Ninja is able to sense the emotions of those around him. Any intention to harm him is perceived as a distinctly unpleasant sensation, escalating to intense discomfort in cases of strong hatred or imminent danger. A sleeping Ninja with this power is aware of his surroundings at all times, and any aggression directed at him will trigger the Sakki, whether it is an assassin standing over him with a drawn sword or a sniper across the alley from his home. The attack must be directed specifically at the Ninja. He would be able to sense a trap planted in his own door, but not one planted in his friend's door. An unsuspected blow aimed at his head can be easily avoided, while he would have little idea that his associates were also targets. Sakki is never taught to non-Ninja.
System: During combat with only one visible opponent, this skill is of little value, unless the Ninja is blinded somehow. Outside of combat, Sakki has many applications. The DM must tell the Ninja that something "bad" is going to happen. The Ninja can take his next action protecting himself, or he can try to warn and save those nearby. If he does this, and innocents who would otherwise perish are saved thereby, the Ninja should receive bonus experience points, at the DM's discretion. This power is always in effect, even when a character is sleeping.Name: Soul Shock
Prerequisites: Focus 3, Grab 2
Manoeuvre Cost: 6 Any Style
Usage Cost: 2 Chi
To Hit: +0
Damage Bonus: +4
Round Movement: None
Description: In this powerful attack the attacker grasps his opponent at the shoulders and infuses him with damaging psychic energy.
System: The opponent suffers a knockdown in addition to damage.Name: Yoga Teleport
Prerequisites: Focus 5
Manoeuvre Cost: 7 Any Style
Usage Cost: 3 Chi
To Hit: None
Damage Bonus: None
Round Movement: See Below
Description: It has been called magic, and indeed it must be. Witnesses claim to have seen yoga masters who could literally disappear from one location and reappear in another. How this power is learned, no one can or will say. One thing is certain; the knowledge is coveted by any mystic who has had to face a Kabaddi master in combat.
System: When executing this move, a player simply announces that his character has disappeared. At any point during the rest of the round, the player can choose to have his character reappear anywhere within double her character's Wisdom + Focus in feet away from his original position. For example, Rajra uses Yoga Teleport at the beginning of the round. The player can have him reappear anywhere within Rajra's Focus (5) + Wisdom (16) = 42 feet away. Usually, a player will wait until the very end of the round, after all other characters have finished moving, before deciding where the teleporting character reappears.