Known World and Norwold surface areas
by Simone NeriActually, because of the "Mystaran Demography" project we're bringing on at the Italian MMB, I've remade correct (I hope) surface calculations for every KW country and Norwold. If someone is interested I can post the results here.
Ok, here are my calculations (km2 = square kilometres, m2 = square miles). The surfaces indicated for underground areas are approximations. The numbers in kilometres should be rather correct, but some of those listed in miles could have suffered a slight distortion during the conversion from kilometres to miles.
KNOWN WORLD = 2.886.524 km2 (1,114,970 m2)
Alfheim = 63.075 km2 (24,363 m2)
Atruaghin Lands[1] = 180.866 km2 (69,863 m2)
Broken Lands[2] = 40.022 km2 (15,459 m2)
Darokin (not including Orclands) = 220.763 km2 (85,274 m2)
Ethengar = 208.220 km2 (80,429 m2)
Five Shires = 36.824 km2 (14,224 m2)
Glantri[3] = 326.587 km2 (126,150 m2)
Heldannic Territories[4] = 153.845 km2 (59,425 m2)
Ierendi = 45.288 km2 (17,493 m2)
Jaibul = 25.954 km2 (10,025 m2)
Karameikos = 102.617 km2 (39,638 m2)
Minrothad = 21.022 km2 (8,120 m2)
Orclands = 35.960 km2 (13,890 m2)
Ostland = 25.995 km2 (10,041 m2)
Rockhome[5] = 132.762 km2 (51,282 m2)
Sea of Dread[6] = 47.350 km2 (18,290 m2)
Shadowlands (Shadow Elves' Territories) = 138.548 km2 (53,517 m2)
Sind (not including Jaibul) = 524.832 km2 (202,725 m2)
Soderfjord = 82.260 km2 (31,774 m2)
Thyatis (mainland only) = 161.191 km2 (62,263 m2)
Vestland = 56.214 km2 (21,714 m2)
Wendar = 278.980 km2 (107,761 m2)
Ylaruam = 140.491 km2 (54,267 m2)[1] Calculated accordingly to Thorf's map.
[2] About another 32.100 km2 lay underground.
[3] Glantri's canon area has been enlarged by the addition of some mountain hexes at the border with Sind and by the hexes that lay between the Principalities and the Adri Varma Plateau, both from CoM map.
[4] The northern and western borders of the Territories have been calculated using X11's (and not WotI's) map.
[5] About another 29.503 km2 lay underground.
[6] Including all isles and keys of the Sea of Dread, up to and including the Thanegioth archipelago, but excluding islands belonging to other KW nations.NORWOLD[1] = 4.779.074 km2 (1,845,000 m2)
Denagoth = 489.298 km2 (189,000 m2)
Kingdom of Norwold[2] = 1.940.690 km2 (749,625 m2)
Other areas of Norwold[3] = 2.349.086 km2 (907,375 m2)[1] This region has been described as the whole area that goes from the islands in the White Sea to the northern border of the Heldannic Territories, and from the Alphatian Sea to the Icereach Range included; it includes the whole Denagothian Plateau.
[2] The kingdom's surface area has been calculated using DotE's map.
[3] This area includes Frosthaven, the northern tundras, mountain areas west of Ericall's kingdom and the free lands between the Kingdom of Norwold and the Heldannic Territories.