Expanding Darokin: the Gondoliers of Athenos (Swamp Rangers)
by Marc SaindonThis is a quick idea for a Camp ('conclave' Ranger subclass in 5e talk, although a Camp is a better term as a conclave is more ecclesiastic in nature). The Gondolier ('o sole mio...') is a specialist that travels in the Athenos canal, Malpheggi swamp, and the rivers of Darokin. Some are tour guides, some are smugglers (especially if they multiclass with Rogue), others run patrols against Lizardmen and a bunch work as ferrymen. They have a variety of fresh water embarcations (rafts, canoes, gondolas, sampans, barges, rowboats) and a bitter rivalry with seagoing sailors - both sides have their own taverns, as fights break out often when they interact. As an extension of their work of rowing, Gondoliers in combat focus on polearms, spears and quarterstaves, although brawling, wrestling and the odd tavern item used as an improvised weapon are also part of their arsenal.
As demi-casters, Gondoliers might use the Animal Friendship spell to attract a companion like a river otter. The Ranger spells might also be re-interpretated as non-magical 'Stunts', like a Cure Wounds might work as 'that Ranger is really good at using his healing kit', or you could create a primal river deity with whom the Darokinian Gondoliers have a special relationship with.
(art from: https://nocte.artstation.com/projects/DOwL9)