TAMERONIKAS (Emirate of)
Location: Southeastern Brun, west of the Western Sea of Dawn, east of the southern Altan Tepes Mountains, north of Thyatis. OW
Area: 1,050 sq. miles (2,680 sq. km).
Population: 30,000, including Tameronikas (pop. 5,000).
Languages: Alasiyan (Nicostenian dialect). Thyatian also spoken among traders and townsfolk.
Coinage: Ylari Standard: dinar (gp), dirham (sp), fal (cp). Thyatian Standard also common: emperor (5 gp), lucin (gp), justiciar (ep), asterius (sp), denarius (cp).
Taxes: 10% sales tax. Also a monthly head tax according to social rank (peasants: 1 cp, townsfolk and nomads: 1 sp, merchants: 1 gp, nobles: 10 gp). Infidels (those who refuse to follow the edicts of the Eternal Truth) pay double the monthly head tax. Foreigners pay the same rate as infidels.
Government Type: Theocratic emirate, generally considered a client-state of Thyatis.
Industries: Animal husbandry, agriculture, horse breeding, trade, shipbuilding, theological study.
Important Figures: Omar al-Kalim (Emir).
Flora and Fauna: Grasses, cedar trees, coffee, tea, pepper plants and sugar cane. Horses, sheep, goats, camels, cattle, plus in the uplands kobolds, trolls, giants, ogres, orcs, and goblins.
Further Reading: GAZ2 The Emirates of Ylaruam, previous almanacs.
Description by unknown.
Hear, oh traveller, the tale of my people. We follow the true precepts of al-Kalim of holy memory, "as faithful unto honour as a dutiful wife."
The Land
Tameronikas is a land of Ylaruam, and from here we will lead the reunification of both hazar and nomad as al-Kalim of holy memory did. It consists of the capital and southern half of the former Emirate of Nicostenia, a lush coastal strip plus the uplands to where the "mountains rise like cresting waves, crashing against the lands of the southern infidels." Of all Ylari lands, it is most blessed of the Immortals, second only to the oasis of Sacred Ylaruam itself.
The upland plateau, rugged and unsettled though it be, contains therein the only source of timber in all the emirates, and thus Tameronikas became the shipbuilding centre of Ylaruam. Here live also herdsmen, keeping their flocks in watchful vigil, and as vigilant against invasion. Between sea and upland lies the coastal plain, the "bountiful dowry, gift of Protius to His daughter, Tameronikas." Here farmers grow vegetables, fruits and grain and raise sheep and fowl. Coffee, tea, spices, sugar, and wine are all cultivated for trade (though taxed heavily).
Amid this region are sprinkled large villages, many of them ports for both trade and seafaring. Fishermen ply the seas, grateful for the bounty Protius provides. By the true word of al-Kalim, we are "open to the ideas and markets of the world but abjuring its vices," something our brethren in Abbashan have forgotten. At the centre of this crown is the jewel of Tameronikas. It has almost completely recovered from the attack in AC 1008 by Alphatia's ravaging hordes, the former colonial overlords, "scheming twisted wizards of dark magics, as flighty and vacuous as clouds, came to enslave both hazar and nomad alike," but were again driven forth, praise be the Immortal Guardians! The uses to which they put both women and boys alike during the months they abode here are so unspeakable I will pass over them in modest silence. The town's population has been swollen by the arrival of many Preceptors, making the palace here their capital until Sacred Ylaruam can be restored to our rightful control. Also here are a number of infidel Thyatian traders. Though they are not foreign "devils" as the Abbashan Kin claim, we know the depths of their capacity for treachery and deceit. For they are avaricious and greedy, as "grasping and as devious as the efreet." Still, many of Thyatian heritage have long lived in this region and, under the teachings of al-Kalim, became virtuous and faithful inhabitants of the emirates. But still we watch them, and do not forget that when their emperor came "with his troops as numerous as the sands of the desert," their aim was not to help us, as they now pretend, but to seize the city for themselves, "as covetous of land as they are of gold."
Still, the port of Tameronikas is cosmopolitan and profits by trade, with silk and other cloth, fine paper, porcelain, and precious woods being imported from the south and shipped all over the emirates. Plus, as long as we do not trouble the Thyatians they deter the Abbashani Kin from attacking us. They wish to make us their pawns, sending envoys to watch us, but we watch them as well, and are patient. When we are restored to power over the emirates, we shall settle accounts with them.
The People
The people of Tameronikas are enterprising, but virtuous and pious. We toil diligently and are known throughout the emirates for our skill at both trade and arms, and our fidelity to the teachings of al-Kalim. The population is mixed, with the inhabitants being of both Alasiyan and Thyatian heritages. Nearly all follow the word of the Nahmeh, though infidels (especially southerners) are present in the settlements of the hazar, in addition to those who come briefly to trade.
The mixed population gives us strength. From the Alasiyans we derive our moral fibre and our steadfastness, from the Thyatians our skill at administration and trade. These traits, derived from each, are now blended in each to the benefit of all and the strength of the emirates, as al-Kalim foresaw.
It is true, however, that recent events have made Tameronikas a centre of intrigues, with not only Thyatians but agents of the Abbashani Kin and envoys of Darokin and Karameikos hoping to influence things. This has meant we had to take certain measures to preserve our independence, "as a maiden must struggle and fend off seduction to preserve her virtue," which we would otherwise see as dishonourable. But since many of these are not honourable Ylari, but infidel foreigners "with their insidious ways," it is not always possible to treat things the way we would in our dealings with each other. Just as it is said that the pious and holy al-Kalim had to resort to well-poisoning and treacherous intrigue in recovering Cubia and Tameronikas from the Thyatian invaders. These things we would never normally do in our fights against each other, and al-Kalim instructed us that "this path is not to follow, for water is like unto gold and your honour is as precious as your sister's virtue, but the greater good sometimes forces a lesser evil. We do what we need to preserve the good, but remember to atone for our actions later, as piety and honour both demands. For though necessary evil may be necessary to the good of all, it is likewise evil, not made righteous by its necessity." Following that, it is said he undertook a sojourn of atonement in the desert, and with him his closest followers. They celebrated the liberation, but beseeched the Immortal Guardians forgiveness. This teaches us how to live, and we will follow the path of the holy al-Kalim. Mere necessity does not purge an evil act of its wickedness, one must still see it as sin and find redemption. Thus we were all freed not only from the yoke of foreign tyranny, but from impiety and false excuses.
Thereby it is for this reason that one will find among our people the most pious and honourable in all the world. For we do not seek self-justification and exculpation for wickedness, or ever feel it just and good to behave badly. For this reason, we tremble before undertaking such things, which even well-regarded and respected foreigners often do without thought. We pray long and hard, and seek every other option before taking the low but easy path. For we understand, but do not excuse, such a thing. This understanding keeps us from falling into the darkness that swallowed up and corrupted many other nations, and into which expedience both the Alphatians and Thyatians descended, and both thereby earned the tribulations that have beset their people. They set for us an example to not follow, as did those who came before. "For those who sow the wind reap the desert devil."
Recent History
All know of the Great War, and the coming of the Alphatian hordes "fearsome in their magic but like a vase which appears strong but once cracked shatters easily and proves hollow." They landed in Cubia, and marched south to attack their hated Thyatian rivals "for the two make war with animosity found only among brothers who see what they dislike about themselves in the other, and thus hope by killing their brother they will kill what is distasteful in themselves with him." They marched to Tameronikas on their way south; we held them off for a time but in their numbers we could not prevent them from seizing our town. While they built up forces for their attack on Thyatis, they treated us "like unto the captive maiden that is used as a whore by bandits," but as the year passed so too did they. Their lands were sunk soon after, "for the Immortal Guardians repay tenfold any act of wickedness for which one does not sincerely repent," and their repayment was long coming. So too their counterparts, the Thyatians "surpassing all in wealth and vice" received theirs, being at long last humbled. As al-Kalim foresaw "their emperor will sicken and weaken and with it their country, in the aftermath of the time of great upheavals." The holy al-Kalim cautioned us against exuberance, advising "stay strong and vigilant, for a wounded lion will strike out." We thought this meant that we should take advantage of this time to carefully undermine this nemesis by raids and attacks, to keep it off balance. But we did not hear al-Kalim's words, as he again foresaw: "for even the most pious do not always hear the Word". Plague ravaged the Thyatians, but while we watched them, we did not watch ourselves. Devilish fiends from beyond the pale came, unleashed to prey upon the faithful. The Kin seized power during this crisis, and managed at least to eliminate this threat. We would have done so as well, but the people gave the Kin of Abbashan credit for the victory, cementing their power in Ylaruam.
Then came the new Thyatian Emperor, "whose eyes shine with the dead gleam of the shark that preys upon the seafarers," hoping to cement his authority and prestige with a conquest wrested from our people. Though his aims were thwarted, compromises were necessary. The followers of the true path of al-Kalim thus gained a foothold from which we will recover the emirates, which is our first step on the path back to restoring the people's confidence in our leadership. We have reopened the doors to trade and travel, and eliminated the repression instituted by the Kin, while simultaneously guarding against the importation of vices. For we know, as al-Kalim taught, that the two can be done in tandem.
Don't Miss
The port of Tameronikas is once again vibrant with trade, its markets teeming with activity and goods from throughout the emirates and the world. Here too gardens are cultivated, and amidst the groves pious imams discuss theology, ever willing to teach infidels the word of the Nahmeh, "for all can find wisdom and faith, and none should be denied knowledge of the good."
Do Miss
The Palace of Kazimayn. This area of the town of Tameronikas has been given over to the Thyatian Consulate and is full of their machinations. Lamentably, some men and women of the emirates have entered their service in exchange for coin, but most of us keep our distance. We deal with them as we must, but honest men do not frequent this zone. It is said, however, that those looking for opportunities for adventure and wealth can find patrons here.