Tangor Language
by Giulio CarolettiTangor belongs to the Swanamutu family of languages and has become the international language of southern Skothar. It is spoken primarily in the Empire of Tangor, Durhan, Ekleke, Akuba, and even eastwards along the Tangor coast and west among merchants and scholars from Minaea.
The structure of Tangor is similar to that of all Swanamutu languages, but Swahili has borrowed to a greater degree from other languages, especially Minaean and Jennite. Since it is spoken over such a wide area there are several dialects but the language is understood by most.
*The Tangor alphabet is the Thyatian one. The only missing letters are Q and X.
*The structure is quite simple: verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs often come from the same basic root. But it's not the suffix, but the prefix, that is the most important characteristic of Tangor grammar.
Prefixes are used to indicate the singular and plural of nouns and the tenses of verbs, to form adjectives, adverbs, pronoun objects, and other things as well.
Nouns in Tangor are not preceded by definite or indefinite articles ("a", "an", "the"). Nouns do not have a gender, but belong to eight different classes, each of whom has its prefixes.
mtoto = child
watoto = childrenkikapu = basket
vikapu = baskets*The adjectives and qualifiers always follow the noun, agreeing in class and number with the noun except in the case of adjectives derived from foreign languages which are all invariable.
*In order to ask a question in Tangor, the word order doesn't change. Questions are understood by the intonation.