Tangor (Empire of)
Location: Swanamutu region, east of Akuba. SK
Area: Approx. 463,320 sq. mi. (1,200,000 sq. km.).
Population: 1,656,000 (90% Tangors, 9% Rathasians).
Languages: Tangor (Mawuru, Uberian, Tangor Men, and Zambulan dialects).
Coinage: Any coinage accepted, barter common outside the cities. Official coinage: tang (gp), zab (sp), ras (cp).
Taxes: Varies from province to province; generally around 5 to 15% of total income in money, services and food, depending also on family rank; taxes collected generally during local religious festivities. Part is used by the state for ceremonies, road maintenance, army budget and other state-controlled activities.
Government Type: Confederated empire.
Industries: Agriculture (bananas, coconuts, cacao, manioca, peanuts), crafts.
Important Figures: Kouffour III (King of Tangor, Emperor of the Tangors), Afef (Royal Princess), Oshadogan (General of the Tangor Army).
Climate and Terrain: Tangor's climate is sub-tropical. The region sits at the threshold from temperate forest to the first hints of jungle. Agriculture is not particularly popular among the population, and the productive activities concentrate on goat farming in stretches of land that have been deforested. Goat milk and goat meat is the most common food, supplemented by bananas and other tropical fruits that grow near the villages of the area. Winter is short (about a couple of months) and rather rainy, the temperature ranging from 10 to 15°C; autumn and spring are long, warm (20 to 30°C) and vary much from year to year. Summers are hot and generally are made up of a rainy month with a couple of dry months immediately before autumn. During the summer, temperatures may reach 35°C, and the humidity is incredible.
Flora and Fauna: The animals encountered here may be jaguars, baboons, apes, crocodiles and alligators, and many, many species of insects and snakes of different degrees of poison strength. Flora includes the typical jungle trees, but near the mountains and westward toward Tangor pine trees may be easily encountered.
Further Reading: The Southern Skothar Gazetteer by Giulio Caroletti, previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: None to report.