Taterhill, Free Province of
by Michael Berry
2495 sq. milesPopulation:
AC 1000 - 70,940
AC 1014 - 60,236Ethnic Groups:
Flaem 40%, Ethengarian 30%, Kaelic 10%, Averoignian 10%, Boldavian 3%, Fen 3%, Aalbanese 1%, Hattian 1%, Thyatin 1%, Other 1%Towns: (population values are given for AC 1000 and AC 1014)
Taterhill: (2900/5000) Administrative centre of the Free Province.Selected Villages:
Douaumont: (873/823) a large farming village 24 miles northwest of Glantri City on the Vyonnes-Glantri City road.Veenwouden: (678/575) a fishing village on the Vesubian River approximately 24 miles southeast of the tower of Berrym.
Lugu Lake: (521/500) a resort village in the northeastern hills of the T.F.P approximately 16 miles to the west of Dunvegan.
Daventry: (624/500) a farming village located 16 miles southeast of the town of Taterhill.
Beetstersweach: (735/800) a commercial, agricultural centre located on the Taterhill-Braastar road approximately 20 miles north of Taterhill.
Propraetor appointed by the Council of Princes, for seven year renewable terms. Seat in Taterhill.Administrator:
Propraetor Saundra McIlvernock (born 942, M16, Al-Chaotic) Appointed in AC 999.House:
CrownguardThe long serving Propraetor of the Taterhill Free Province (TFP) is fiercely proud of her Klanytrian background and is completely loyal to Crownguard and any and all causes related to Klanytre.
The TFP generally runs south from the border of Principality of Krondahar to the northern suburbs of Glantri City and from the western foothills of the Colossus Mounts westward to the border with the Free Province of Hiboux.Food:
The TFP contains three vital road arteries of Glantri. Leaving Glantri City and heading to the northwest toward New Averoigne and Sablestone, the Vyonnes-Glantri City road is rated a good trail by Glantrian AAA. There has been talk at the capital about upgrading this road to a fully paved road to speed commerce and speed military movements, however so far no proposals come to vote yet.Coming out of Glantri City and heading north toward Braastar and the northern Principalities is the Taterhill-Trintan Expressway. Between Taterhill and Glantri City the expressway is paved and rated excellent by Glantrian AAA. Leaving north out of Taterhill towards Braastar the expressway ends and is an unpaved road rated good by AAA. This road is called the Northern Principality Road.
Finally leaving east out of Taterhill towards the Duchy of Fenswick and Skullhorn Pass is the Eastern Principality Road. This road is rated fair by the AAA and the section through the mountains is often subject to harsh weather conditions.
The Vesubian River is navigable to all river kinds of river traffic through the TFP and sees substantial river traffic between Glantri City and the Principalities to the north. The Fen River is navigable to river boat traffic only as fun as Dunvegan.
The TFP is one of the primary agricultural areas of Glantri. The TFP area in particular between the Vesubian and Isoile Rivers is blessed with fertile soil and it puts forth a bounty of fruits, and vegetables. The abundance of agriculture feeds the people of the province, the nearby agriculturally challenged dominions and with plenty to spare; the rest is exported throughout the rest of Glantri. The TFP lands north of the Vesubian River up to the border with Krondahar is larger given over to large ranches breeding livestock and horses and is where most of the Krondharian population of the province lives.Notable People:
Propraetor Saundra McIlvernock has served in the Glantrian government for over 40 years and is one of its most capable and experienced bureaucrats. She had previously served as Propraetor to the Southern Hills FP and the Tchernovodsk FP followed before she was selected to be Propraetor of Taterhill, which along with the Free Provinces of Nyra and the Western Czaikov Hills FP are today considered the most powerful and prestigious postings in the Glantrian government. Saundra is a fully capable wizard in her own right and continues her own studies in her free time and is close to reaching 17th level. She never married or had children but will take lovers when she meets men she is attracted to. Though she is very much a Klantyian at heart she actually has a preference for Boldavian men. She does not like Averoignians and will almost always side against them in any disputes in her province.Notable Sites:
Taterhill is administrative centre of the region and a major community in Glantri being one of the larger towns in Glantri. The source of pride in this town is the Blues of Taterhill who have won the Glantrian Scudetto five times since AC 1000. Taterhill is a diverse town with Flaemish, Kaelic, Ethengarian, and Thyatian quarters surrounding the central district was is dominated by the two social centres. The central marketplace and the football stadium were both designed by noted Thyatian architect, Franco Battiato in the late 9th century.Lugu Lake is a popular vacation spot for many in the central region of Glantri. Nestled in the foothills of the Colossus Mounts this beautiful area is famous for its many lakes, great fishing and hunting.
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