TIMELINE for Mystara, "Twin Campaigns" version
by Ville LähdeIntroduction:
This timeline was written as a background for our long-lasting campaign that started in autumn 1988 during our high school years (we were about 16 years old). The history has been gathered in layers, rewritten substantially during the years, but always with the intention of creating a feeling of coherent history. The relationship with canon material has changed a lot over the years, for understandable reasons: when the campaign was begun, we only had access to the D&D Basic and Expert Sets and a couple of B-series modules. The campaign started with a twin module in a Finnish RPG-zine "Seikkailija" (the Adventurer), featuring the release of an ancient god Aphastes. The modules were not situated in Mystara, and at the time I had no knowledge of such a place except for the map in Expert Set.
Then I got my hands on Gazetteer I and the B-series collection module "In Search for Adventure", and decided to transplant the campaign into Karameikos (just plain lazy I guess). In this timeline just before 1000 AC you can see my "ingenious solutions" concerning the transition... Anyway, the campaign has moved through most of the B- and X-series modules, a host of my own adventures, two full-fledged homemade campaign settings, the whole of the X10 campaign and two prolonged solo-gaming periods. Right now (2007) when I'm rewriting this timeline we are again playing with all PCs together, and a new stage in the campaign is dawning (current game world year is 1013).
The timeline is loosely based on the Mystaran canon, with some notable exceptions. The name "Twin campaigns" refers to the fact that since 1989 (?) we've had a sporadic secondary campaign in the same timeline. It began with the excellent one-on-one-module "Blade of Vengeance" as a weekend fun and was enlarged into a campaign that affected the whole history of the campaign. (As can be seen from the timeline, the PCs of the two campaigns actually met in epic circumstances.) The secondary campaign takes place before 500 AC. The existence of the secondary campaign affected a lot of changes in the timeline. The presence of the god Aphastes was another source of changes. Also, I needed some alterations in order to fit in some modules, especially X10, X11 and X13.
I originally sent the timeline on MML to explain some peculiarities in my X10 Nomad War material and the two campaign schemes: "the Firelord Saga" and "the Division of the Five" (the latter was played as a solo of one PC). But during the last few years the list and the Vaults became a wonderful tool in enriching our campaign, especially during the present solo-phase. A host of much-needed material on Rockhome, Wendar, Northern Reaches, alternate histories... Our whole group thanks you.
Before Crowning
* The elven civilisation is born in Evergrun, the present southern polar icecap. Elves form their communities around "The Mother tree", the historical predecessor of the Trees of Life. Note: In this version the elven hero Ilsundal wished to imitate the lost cultural nexus when he created the Trees of Life. [Note: I have a future plan of bringing the PCs back into the frozen Evergrun in search of the Mother Tree, as a sort of a sequel to a rewrite of CM7, which I'm planning to run.]
Circa 4500
* Human and Kogolor dwarven cultures emerge, and so do the beastmen.
* The Blackmoor civilisation emerges.
* The Blackmoor civilisation reaches its zenith. Numerous contacts with elves. [Note: There is some discrepancy on the original location of Blackmoor in various Mystara products. The reasons have been discussed a couple of times on MML. In this campaign Blackmoor was in the present northern pole, not in Hyborea, as "Orcs of Thar" seems to suggest, or in Skothar like in the HW map. This is first of all because it was established long ago before I met MML, and it also has to do with my take on the Shadowelves.]
* The beastmen are driven to Hyborea, and the separation of humanoid races begins. [Note: In this campaign goblins and other "evil" beings aren't the reincarnations of evil souls. They are races, pure and simple. True enough, some of them worship beings that can be seen as evil, but this is a result of cultural history. "The Shining One" is an example of a very different kind of humanoid deity.]
* The destruction of Blackmoor results in the shift of the planetary axis. Former Blackmoor and Evergrun become the polar regions and freeze over.
* In areas close to Blackmoor the ancestors of the Shadow Elves begin their long underground exodus. They arrive under Known World only after centuries of travels.
* Elves travel to Vulcania as the Mother tree is covered with ice. The strife over the nature of elven life splits the race. Ilsundal's traditionalist followers begin their northward exodus. A small clan learns to build seagoing vessels and takes to the oceans. They will end up in Thanegioth archipelago (the second westernmost island), calling themselves "the children of the Swan". [Note: see the Firelord Saga]. They carry a sapling from the Mother Tree.
* Later on, there are other migrations and splits from Ilsundal's migration, like the Meditor, Verdier (and Vyalia?) clans, the Gentle Ones of the future Shires, and other "Wilder Elves" (as opposed to the elves of Alfheim and their unifying cultural heritage, namely the cult of Ilsundal).
* Unknown to most people, the shift of the planetary axis also disrupts the forces of magic in Mystara. The planet has "a magical axis" in addition to the magnetic one. This axis is the source of ley lines, which made old-style magic possible. Now the lines dissipate for a long time, and would-be magic-users are left to their own devises to find new forms of magic-use.
* Rise of the Taymoran civilisation in the (now sunken) southern regions of "Known World".
* Kogolor dwarves and Gnomes settle in the Known World area.
* A group of elves, presumably an offshoot of Ilsundal's traditionalists, travels to the area that is now called Glantri. The elven names that they give to the highland region are long gone.
* Ilsundal's followers reach the northwestern shores of Hyborea, settle there and name them the Sylvan lands. Elven magic creates a microclimate similar to that of latter Alfheim to these cold lands.
* Meditor and Verdier clans reach Taymoran lands and are accepted there. Or rather: Taymorans are a hatchling civilisation at this time, not even able to resist this migration.
* Bronze and Iron ages for many human cultures. The Ethengarians reach the Sea of Grass, displacing the original inhabitants.
* Human communities emerge by the river Nithus (Nithia).
* The first Antalian tribes reach Norwold, Heldann and the Northern Reaches area. In later Antalian myths this is "the Age of Giants". Human tribes are always under threat of giants, elder trolls, dragons and even stranger races. [Note: I've adopted Giulio's ideas on the Svartalven into our campaign.] The Antalians have contact with the local Kogolor Dwarves and Gnomes, and mixed dealings with the Svartalven. Sometimes they fight, sometimes humans are taken as captives for gruesome rituals, and sometimes the Svartalven even create artifacts that legendary Antalian heroes employ against the elder giants and trolls.
* The Taymoran civilisation gains supremacy in the Known World area. Necromantic sects and daemon-worship gain power. The Taymoran Necromancer-Kings have great effect on the human communities living in the Nithus Delta (Nithia/Alasiya), the Antalian Lands (Northern Reaches) etc., affecting their mythology and investing it with symbols of Undeath.
Circa 1800
* The Trees of life are created from a seed of the Mother tree, and Ilsundal ascends to godhood.
* The humanoids in Urzud wage the Steel wars.
* Perhaps during this time a god called Aurakia/the Silvery One/the Moon creates two races: the silver dragons and the silvery dwarves. The silver dragons are a symbiotic/parasitic race, a manifestation of Aurakia's essence, "the living silver". They physically merge with a group of Hinterlander humans who have formed a healer cult. The cult originates in Davania, and is especially popular with the Celtic-style societies there. Later on the cult is centred on an island in the Sea of Dread (Avallon). It is highly pacifistic, and its members mainly work as healers during wars on ALL sides. The silvery dwarves are moulded from the living silver and placed on Mystara in "the Sea Kingdoms" from the old Master set global map. Their society is centred on finding bits of living silver that the Silvery One periodically throws into the world. They call these "Tears of the Moon". [This was a rather nicer adaptation of the dreaded warpstones in a Warhammer campaign I was playing at the time.]
* The Kogolor dwarves split, as the Hrukat clan accepts the aid of their ancient enemies, the Svartalven. The ensuing Civil War ends in the destruction and exile of the Hrukat/Morkwarf clan, who will eventually become the Modrigswerg. Kogolor clerics who already worship Kagyar in one of his guises seal all the portals into the otherworldly abode of the Svartalven.
* Kagyar takes pity on the diminished Kogolor race and recreates the race, giving birth to the Denwarf Dwarves. The dwarves have fragments of knowledge about the elder times, but keep them a secret.
* Isolated Kogolor groups remain in the world, but most die out. One of these groups adopts a druidic way of life and manages to survive in isolation in the Mengul Range. They believe that their torments were Nature's revenge for violating her body. [Note: See "The Sons of Rock"]
* The human settlements in Northern Reaches diminish due to humanoid and giantish migrations. The Gnomish civilisation thrives.
* The faery races arrive to the world from the Faery realm [Note: This campaign isn't using the history in "Tall tales..."], bringing new kinds of magic and wonders to the lands. The court of Oberon is established in the area of modern Darokin, but it will remain small and insignificant until the arrival of the elves. Note: At this time these lands are infested with humanoids, mostly orcs. They are the first wave that has come from Urzud, long before the Steel Wars. Taymoran expansion doesn't reach them, as they are protected by the Altan Tepes Range.
2000 - 1500
* "The Time of the Stream Mages" begins all over Mystara. The stream mages discover that the ley lines are back, but now formed as a network of ley streams around the globe. They form a community of mages that incorporates ley magic into the shamanistic cults that are also emerging. (Note: The destruction of Blackmoor opened rifts to the Spirit World) The mages divide themselves into three schools according to basic philosophical differences, but they don't end up warring with each other. The community includes many humanoid wiccas, too. It spreads around by building towers of learning in many focal points of the ley lines ("magic nodes"), eventually encompassing the globe after 400 years of expansion (some claim that the community was formed simultaneously in many locations). Via the tower network the stream mages can communicate quickly, and become aware of the spherical nature of the world. This new knowledge and power doesn't get to have great effect on the world, as suddenly the ley streams begin to dissipate and the towers lose their powers. (Note: The stream mages don't realise that at this time the magical axis disrupted by the destruction of Blackmoor is reforming.) Only a few groups remain after this, looking for their former powers.
Before 1700
* Loark's Great Horde ravages human civilisations in Norwold and conquers Ethengar. This is a traumatic event for all of the civilisations in the area, and elements of it are passed on in oral traditions. In later times Loark and his enemy/ally/turncoat Akkila-Khan are transformed into the demonic figures Loricus and Akhilleus of "Thyatian" tradition.
* Loark is betrayed by his ally, who joins the Ethengarians. Great Horde is driven into the area of the Broken Lands. (Note: This are is not yet Broken Lands as we know it. It will be devastated a few years later.) The Horde settles here, seeing ample opportunities to take revenge on their enemies in Ethengar a bit later, to raid the Highland (Glantri) elves, and to take control over their cousins in present-day Darokin.
* Elves in modern day Glantri area cause the Great Cataclysm, as they tinker with a Blackmoorian artifact. It had great ramifications:
- The Land of the Black Sand is formed. The link to the Spirit World is strengthened.
- The Broken Lands are formed, and the Great Horde is "destroyed" (actually driven underground and later in 1190 BC transformed into the Oenkmar civilisation). Ironically, the disaster saves the surrounding lands from the Horde's threat - and destroys most of the elven and human communities in the process.
- The Ilsundalean elves are either killed or forced into exile (they are absorbed by the local "Wilder elves", see above). Radiation disease and pestilence ravage all races in this area.
- The ancestors of the shadow elves, who had just seemingly ended their underground exodus and found solace, are forced back into the tunnels.
- A magically induced ice-age freezes over the area of present-day Glantri.
- The Great Cataclysm also catalyses a string of earthquakes which destroy the Taymoran civilisation. Colhador and other cities sink to the bottom of the sea. Meditor and Verdier elves are separated. Only fragments of the Vyalia elves survive. Nearly all of the human communities in former Taymoran mainland are destroyed, as the southern coastline changes its configuration. There is little or no sentient habitation left in the areas of present-day Five Shires, Karameikos and mainland Thyatis.
- The ancient lizardman civilisation of the (now reduced) Malpheggi swamp suffers greatly and enters a two millennia long period of isolation. [Note: IMC the ancient lizardman civilisation in this area has otherworldly origins. In a Lovecraftian vein, they call themselves the People of the Monolith, and come from a dying reptilian realm via magical gates.]
- The ancestors of the Atruaghinians suffer greatly. The Catastrophe is incorporated into their mythology as a historical turning point.
After 1700
* The Ethengarian humans adopt the ways of Akkila-Khan's humanoids and find a basis of cultural identity in Spirit worship. The Ethengarian horse culture is born. At the onset of the "Glantrian" Ice Age, the skies darkened by dust, and the strange pestilence, they rally around the first Great Khan Baka and drive Akkila-Khan's hordes into the newly-formed Broken Lands. Very soon the cycle of Wars of Succession and Great Khans begins.
* Akkila-Khan's humanoid hordes settle in the Broken Lands, where intense volcanic activity allows inhabitation despite the local Ice Age. From these times up to the "present", humanoids rule these lands, as a painful thorn in the side of future human societies. The orcs living in the area of modern Darokin retreat southward away from the colder climate and clash with the humans in the area.
* The formation of the Nithian Empire starts. One notable feature of this era is "the Nithian triumvirate", a conglomerate of gods that help the empire. It is made up by Thanatos of the death, deception and power, Rathanos of fire and Chemos of the undead - he is rumoured to have arrived from the future. [Note: This is the same deity who arrives to this world around 400 - 500 AC, during "the time of Withdrawal". He is instrumental in "the Division of the Five" episode in Karameikos after 1000 AC. He'll also be responsible for the creation of the Blackstick and the trouble in Essuria during Nebunar's reign and later during Landryn Teriak's reign in Essuria and Denagoth. And yes, I did adopt Chemos from Krynn books, as can be seen below.]
* As Thanatos and his colleagues rule Nithia, his "sister" Taranis leads a small group of Nithians to southern lands. They call themselves Tral-a-taranah. Taranis reforms their culture and slowly wipes out most of the memories relating to Nithia and its dark practices. So the "Slavic" Traladaran culture emerges.
* Another significant event is the rise and fall of "the Firelord". He is a member of the ruling family of Nithia, who realises that he'll never be a Pharaoh, and actually fears for his life. With a group of trusted followers he retreats to Thanegioth archipelago, where he starts an obscure cult of Rathanos followers. Their worship centres on Rathanos's subordinate Cthuga, who is said to live in the constellation of Fomalhaut with his fiery spawn. The Firelord attempts to complete a ritual that would make him into a Nexus of Rathanos's power in this world, thus lighting up a new star in the Fomalhaut constellation. In this he's aided by the efreeti living near the volcanoes of the main island and red dragons in the central Archipelago. [Note: See "the Firelord Saga". The Fomalhaut is in this campaign a constellation that appears in all worlds where Rathanos has any power. Every star signifies a powerful being who has become a Nexus of power. A Mystaran Nexus would mean that Rathanos's power in this world would increase vastly.] However, the plans of the Firelord are stopped by the hero Rak'Asta, the leader of a lycanthropic race living on "the Isle of Dread". They worship a god called simply the Lion. Aided by the order of the Sollux and some sea dragons living around the archipelago Rak'Asta kills the Firelord. He himself is killed in a duel with "the Father Dragon" of the Reds. The duel decimates one island and leaves both dead. The people of Rak'Asta later fall from the grace of the Lion god and transform into the rakasta. As for the Nexus, the stars will be right next time around 1000 AC...
*The Traladaran people are subjugated by the Hutaakan. Taranis isn't able to help them as she must battle the Hutaakan god Pflarr without attracting the attention of Thanatos, who is still a bit annoyed with her.
* The new dwarves, led by their "Father" Denwarf, settle in Dengar. Denwarf retreats to sleep underground until he is needed again.
* The halfling race colonises the Five shires. They meet a small community of Wilder elves whom they name the Gentle Folk. They are a small fraction from the circa 2000 BC migrations, and they follow an extremely traditionalist way of life, druidic and fairylike.
* Around this time a cleric of the undead god Chemos (see before) arrives in this area and builds a base of power in the northern mountains. Some time later he reaches lichdom. The lich Hazar is responsible for the destruction of the Gentle Folk. He begins to design a master plan that would greatly increase the power of his deity - the hatching of the plan will take over 2300 years, as liches can wait. (Note: The plans of Hazar will greatly influence the future of the Traldar people, whom he sees as a fertile ground. The demise of the Koriszegy clan will be his doing.)
* Nithia founds the Thothian and Minrothian colonies.
* The underground elves find the Refuge of Stone, make contact with Rafiel and begin the construction of the City of Stars. They rename themselves the Shadow Elves.
* The Alphatians arrive. Some remnants from the Fire faction make contact with Nithian worshippers of Rathanos. Scattered remarks on the Nexus of Rathanos are incorporated in their writings. (These leads are found nearly 2000 years later by Daricus, the next Firelord.)
* The gnolls that were created in Nithia by Ranivorus/Yagrai migrate to the lands populated by the Traldar. The Golden Age ends. The Hutaakans retreat back to their valley, leaving the Traladara to their own devices.
* As Pflarr too lifts his/her grip on them, Taranis is able to step in again. However, she intentionally keeps her own identity a secret in order to throw Thanatos off track. She contacts some of their leaders. The Traldar heroes Halav, Petra and Zirchev manage to unite the Traldar in the face of the gnoll menace. This process is hardly peaceful, as some Traldar leaders have been influenced by darker powers.
* Halav fights an old Red Dragon who lives in the Cruth Mountains and drives the beast away from human lands. [This dragon will pester the humans and demihumans in these lands for over 2000 years, until it is killed in 1012 by the Traladaran hero Alexander Penhaligon. Note: I named the dragon Argos after the canon-material dragon of Dymrak, because one such dragon was killed by the PCs in earlier adventures. Argos was such a nice name and I didn't want it to go to waste...]
* The Traldar Three repel the gnoll invasion, but Halav dies. He doesn't actually ascend to heavens, but Taranis supports this myth. Her new priests start worshipping Halav, whose voice answers their Commune rituals. Halav is buried in Krakatos, which was destroyed in a great battle between gnolls and Traladara. Petra becomes a leader of her people, but is killed by white dragons in the north-eastern mountains. Zirchev the mage moves to the Riverfork area, where he researches polymorphic magic in his tower. The ample lycanthropic infestation of those lands is perhaps a result of his studies. (Note: A text describing these events is preserved in the library of the Sulescu clan.) One lone artifact of Taranis remains buried under the temple of Lavv. Aside from a few hints, no information on the ancient history of Traldar remains. [Note: The destruction of Nithia 500 years later compounds this effect.]
* The Dorfinian realm is born in the western parts of the continent, in the Tungushka Forest. The Dorfinians develop psionic talents and a religious culture that emphasises introversion, preservation of knowledge and isolation. Very few traces of the existence of this culture leak out to the world, as lone explorers chart the lands and gather news. The Dorfinian culture endures at least until some time after 1000 AC.
[Note: Yep, I developed an idea of the Dorfinian realm on the basis of the Master Set "gnomish" map. I was never a Dragon subscriber, so I ran into the whole VotPA thingy only a few years ago through the Vaults. One PC has run into obscure clues about the secret Dorfinians, including a warning: "The cats are not what they seem". Why? Well, while there is a large population of humans living in the dark Tungushka, the Dorfinians are not humans. They are a psionic race and masters of illusions, able to shroud themselves in various forms, usually cats. The Grey Ones are a good analogue for them. And of course this idea came to me only later, upon scanning through Thibault's excellent maps and spotting the name Tungushka.]
* More humans arrive in the area of Darokin, fleeing from Traldar lands. Long-lasting orc-human -strife begins. The earlier human settlers were mostly destroyed by orcish migrations or driven to present-day Atruaghin.
* Orcs invade the Halfling Lands (present Five Shires). The orcs are led by the visionary Orthong. It is not known whence he came from. Perhaps he was a chieftain of the original Streel plain orcs, or perhaps his cadre originated in the Broken Lands. In any case 350 years of slavery, murder, rape and war begin.
* The Antalians in Northern Reaches are enslaved by the Nithians. In Antalian lore these are considered to be the Dark Ages. Only some obsolete runes and pictograms remain in old stones. Most of the knowledge regarding earlier history is lost. The Age of Heroes and the Age of Giants become the sphere of myths, and connection to many other Antalian cultures is lost.
* Alfheim is created by émigrés from the Sylvan Realm. The elves clear much of the orc (and human) inhabitants from this area, and the birth of the great forest begins to effect changes on Nithia, the surrounding lands, and later the Malpheggi swamp.
* The Sump and the Weir divert water to Malpheggi and feed the recuperation of the ancient Lizard Man society.
* The court of Oberon politely asks the permission to live in the great forest.
* "Thyatian" human tribes migrate to north (Thyatians, Hattians, and Kerendans). The future empire begins its long process of struggle, betrayal and conquest.
* The Alphatian Empire is on ascendancy, and their mages begin chasing the remaining Stream mages. They fail to destroy this ancient order utterly, but many are lost. Their Towers of Sorcery are hidden by extensive magic. (During 1000 AC only one tower remains in the Known World area. It is even able to move by magical means.)
* An alliance of gods destroys Nithia. The triumvirate is destroyed, and the three gods scatter. This is the first time that Thanatos is defeated in these lands.
* The mountains of Rockhome suddenly gain in altitude in strange earthquakes - the changed topography of the lands diverts the river Nithus from Nithian lands. Alfheimian magic diverts rainfall from the Nithus delta. The Ylaruam desert is created, and slowly the Alasiyan civilisation is born from former slave-races of the Nithians.
* The gnome realms in Northern Realms are destroyed by kobold hordes.
* Alphatia conquers Thyatis.
* In the Secret Valley of Hutaaka, the remaining Traldar start a rebellion.
After Crowning
* The first emperor of Thyatis is crowned.
* Rise of the Eastwind Clans in Darokin, orcs retreat. Humans unite for the first time.
* The Callarii elves arrive in Traladaran lands, following their druidic leader. They form a society of forest elves who hold centaurs, chevalls and horses in great regard. For a long time they have no idea that other elves, the Vyalia, are still living beyond Dymrak.
* Refugees from the northern gnome kingdoms arrive also and establish the Kingdom of Highforge.
* The arrival of the demihumans helps the Traladara to revive their civilisation. Friendly ties are formed. Elven and gnomish craft is learned slowly. Horse breeding becomes an important craft in the whole area.
Circa 0-100 AC
* White-skinned "barbarian" tribes move from far north to Heldann, Denagoth, Wendar and the northern lands west of Mengul, south of Borea [called "the Northern Wildlands" in the map of X11 "The Saga of the Shadowlord"]. These Borean tribes are closely related to the Antalians, but their language and culture are very different. For centuries the Antalians and "barbarians" live side by side. With the newcomers comes the worship of new deities such as the demonic Darga.
* The Wilder Elf communities in Lothenar, Geffronel (Denagoth) and Wendar battle these new humans in several wars. During this time the Elvenstone is created.
* A strong cult of Darga arises in present day Vestland, but it is defeated by worshippers of yet another branch of new gods. These new gods are said to come from a place called the Valhalla, beyond this world. Their worship spreads quickly, and it reaches even the area of Darokin. Of course these gods are not really new; they are the pantheon of the old Antalian religion born during the Age of Heroes, even beyond songs. Nithian influence destroyed this religion, but it seeps back in from Norwold. [Note: I wrote in the history of Dargan cult to fit in with elements in X13, as I expanded them a bit IMC.]
* The reign of Eastwind Kings begins in the Darokin area. There are several orcwars, until the Elves of Alfheim help the humans and force them to unite. Reign of the Darokin Kings begins (88 AC). Orcwars continue for 200 years. Human-elf -relations become slowly warmer after centuries of conflicts.
* During this time worship of the Lion God (see the era of the first Firelord) suddenly emerges in the continent. It is never popular, but isolated cults will remain through the coming centuries.
* The Ethengarian Makistani tribes are driven to Ylaruam.
* Influence of the faery races is stronger than ever. The court of Oberon is revered by elves, druids and forest folk of all kinds. The faedornae help small groups of elves, dwarves and halflings to move to Emerlas, the northern tip of the Canolbarth forest. The faery influence is especially strong there, but the area is constantly threatened by trolls and orcs.
* Ilsundal creates a series of artifacts called the Snow pearls and hurls them into the world. The leader of Emerlas, Kalondiel, is contacted by the faedornae who tip him off. He finds the Pearls during his quest but is unable to help Emerlas in time. His family is killed. Kalondiel travels around the forest, looking for release in death and leaving the pearls in secret places. Later, long and arduous restoration begins in Emerlas.
* During this time a strange event occurs. An object called "the World Cross" is flung back in time, from the far future, to the Sind desert. The World Cross is actually a piece of the fabric of this world. In the future, at the time when the Cross was broken from that fabric, a process of degradation of the world "begins". The very time and space of the world and chains of cause and effect are eroded. The degradation isn't however moving forth, but back in time - towards the era where the World Cross is. The world itself in some level of emergent consciousness realises that something is very wrong. Many seemingly unconnected events take place:
- At the northern edge of the Land of the Black Sand a large lion-shaped castle appears (See: BSOLO: Ghost of the lion castle). Some northern barbarians and Antalians establish a village called Sardsdell near the castle. Out of respect for their animalistic religion - the cult of the Lion - and for fear of the castle the Ethengar never attack them.
- The Silvery one throws a large lump of living silver in Heldann, under the Red Fangs near Lake Erid.
- Taranis places a small fraction of her essence in the statue under Lavv.
About 900 years later, these events contribute to the restoration of the World Cross, "repairing the world".
* The Traladaran people are living in dark ages despite some positive development. Worship of demonic deities is widespread in some clans. "Queen" Demara, and ardent follower of the Three, battles such cults. Her figure remains important for the Traladaran people. (Note: A couple of centuries later her tomb is raided by the dragon Argos.)
* The minor deity Thendara founds the refuge valley of Haven in the eastern mountains of the Traladaran lands. Groups of dwarves, Vyalia elves, gnomes, halflings and Traladara are transported there in secret. They adopt Thendaran religion.
* The shadow elves make contact with surface elves. King Cerendyl denies their requests and the elven wars begin.
* Thyatians establish colonies in the Alasiyan lands (Ylaruam).
* Dwarves begin travelling more around the world, establishing small colonies.
* Alphatia also founds colonies in the Alasiyan lands.
* Alphatian colonists in Minrothad.
* Darokinian lands are free of orcs.
* The first Hattian rebellion. Thanatos isn't affecting their culture yet.
* Flaems reach the northern highlands, or the present Glantri area. Braejr is built. The Flaems learn of Alphatia.
* Marilenev is built in the Traladaran lands. Thyatian missionaries commit their oral traditions to writing. They also try to establish Thyatian Pantheon in these lands, but fail mostly.
* Dragon Argos wakes up and decides it feels a bit peckish. It attacks a small Traladaran village, but a small girl turns it away. According to Thyatian documents it is said that the girl prayed to Petra and was momentarily transformed into a fearsome "warrior queen".
* The race of golden dragons has some serious trouble. Strange madness seems to take over many of them, robbing them of their dragon essence. The madness keeps on spreading through the next decades. [Note: The madness is caused by a creature best described as "a Chaos Dragon", who attacks and defeats the oldest golden dragon. The chaos dragon doesn't kill the old one, but instead feeds on its essence and that of other golden dragons. The old golden is called "He Who Watches over Us", and he lives in a great plateau north of Sind. The plateau is the centre of power for many gods in this world. In legends it is called the Plateau of Gods. "Foci of Power" of many deities lie there. Actually there is a "mundane" Adri Varma plateau, an unknown and mostly uninhabited place. The Plateau of Gods lies "alongside" it, but can't be reached by conventional means.]
* In Darokin, the legendary human hero Greenhair is born.
* Silver Purge years in Minrothad Isles.
* A strange race of Desert Demons in Sind desert enslaves another demonic race. The desert demons have caused trouble many times before, as they can periodically combine their forces and create more powerful versions of themselves. The last time they were defeated by a Sindian hero with "the Salt Sword", an artifact crafted by Protius, who is an enemy of the demons. Now, however, the Salt Sword is lost.
* About this time the dragon Khordag gathers a large army of humanoids and invades Emerlas. The hero Erystelle defeats Khordag and brings back the legendary sword Scorbane. [Note: The beginning of the secondary campaign.] Later Erystelle is joined by the cleric of Tyr Isenthain from the Free City of Corunglain and Priam Stuka, a Heldanner. They battle the remnants of Khordagg's armies in Emerlas.
* But very soon another strange race of dragon-like humanoid beings from another world, "the draconians", invades Mystara via a magical portal. [Note: According to some scholars this event strangely resembles the work of teenage GM enthusiastic about Krynn books.] The invasion starts from the mountains north of Alfheim and is targeted towards Corunglain, the Ainsun clan and Emerlas. The draconians are aided by hordes of dragons that have been enslaved by magic rituals. The elven hero Erystelle and his friends repel the invasion with the help of the Snow pearls that they discover. The great mage Barimoor, the draconians and the powerful Desert Demons of Sind also try to get the pearls, but they fail. After two botched invasions the dragon-like beings retreat to their mountain lairs to gather forces. During these events it is revealed that Priam Stuka is in fact a golden dragon who has been hiding the madness of his race in human form so long that he has half-forgotten his real one.
[Note: I moved Barimoor into this time. He was influential in the beginning parts of the campaign, but later on I didn't know what to do with him. In any case, he died or left for unknown lands long before 1000 AC. In the Prime campaign I will be using the ruins of Barimoor's underground realm as a setting for a long scenario - "The Recovery of Memories", where the PCs have to recover memories of Taranis (the Traldar Patron) from the Beast of Oblivion under Surra-Man-Raa. And yes, "Beast", not Bead. It is just much more fun :)]
* Isenthain, Erystelle and Stuka begin a quest to search for the legendary warhammer Mjöllnir. Isenthain has been revealed that they might destroy the draconian invasion with it.
* Later on the Desert Demons, who lost one of their leaders in the hunt for the Snow pearls, make a bold strike against Fortuna, the god of luck and chance. They enslave the core essence of the god, who has to flee into the world - divided into 9 blind beggars who roam the world looking for their tenth cousin. This results in the slow disappearance of Luck from the world: trade becomes dangerous, gambling as a profession is lost etc. Accidents plague the lands. However, the Desert Demons with their hard-won luck are able to conquer Sind and Hule and drive the cult of Hosadus (a front for Thanatos) underground. The demons either possess key leaders of the realms, or blackmail and intimidate them into submission.
[Note about the cult of Hosadus: I rewrote this lot over the years. "Hosadus" is a religious figure similar to a llama in the sense that the Huleans believe Hosadus to be reborn over and over again. So the two Masters (see below about the two Nomad Wars) are not necessarily the same person. Why Thanatos and not Bozdogan/Loki? Well, originally all my info on Hule was based on X10 and X5. I created the Thanatos connection to make the "Soul Gem of Thanatos" in X10 to be more understandable.]
* In Rennydale, Darokin, Erystelle and his friends destroy a cult of doppelgangers. They continue to Akorros and sail to Itheldown Island. There they destroy a strange demonic infestation.
* During a quest for the legendary hammer Mjöllnir Erystelle and his allies find the Salt Sword and defeat the Desert Demons in Sind and Hule. They also free the subjugated demonic race. In the desert they stumble across the World Cross. (Note: In fact this is a result of the world trying to repair itself.)
* Later Erystelle and his allies battle with the Desert Demons who have possessed important figures in the Hulean Theocracy. In this they are helped by followers of Hosadus. In Hule they destroy the leaders of the Demons and restore Fortuna to full power. Luck is restored.
* After this the cult of Hosadus quickly gains followers in Hule and consolidates its power.
* Erystelle and his allies defeat the Chaos Dragon in the Plateau of Gods and help the supreme golden dragon "He Who Watches over us" regain its powers. Priam Stuka gives up his dragon essence.
* The Chaos Dragon flees to the northwest, to the mountains between the Sylvan Realm and the Dorfinian realm. There it will lick its never healing wounds for the next centuries. The broken blade of the sword Scorbane was left in one wound, and it keeps on eating at its enemy and cursing its draconic hide. The blood of the Chaos Dragon will later on spawn the race of the Rainbow-Scaled Ones.
* Isenthain gains Mjöllnir after their strange experiences on the Plateau of Gods. (See: Repairing the World, 1011 AC)
After 450
* With the hammer Mjöllnir Erystelle and his friends are able to defeat the draconians and shatter their portal. As their draconic goddess is driven away, only a few of the draconians remain in this world. (And as neuters they aren't able to procreate.)
* The Undead god Chemos arrived into Mystara through this portal, and fled into the Nithian age in order to weave his presence into Mystaran history.
* "The Time of Withdrawal": This has been an age of turmoil in the world. The draconian war is just finished, Thanatos is on the rise, the disappearance and restoration of luck have disturbed history... But most of all, many gods sense a terrible threat coming (see: the Forgetting). They decide that their age in this world is over. There is no more place for stories of the faeries, the heroism of the Norse gods. [Note: Metaphysically this signifies a change in Mystara. "Repairing the world" (see 1011 AC) changes the nature of time in this world. There are no more fixed fates and prophesies: everything is now ruled by free will and contingency. All those whose existence doesn't fit this new world must leave. Fate and Freedom don't mix.]
- The court of Oberon returns to the faery realm, leaving only the whimsical Puck behind to pester everybody.
- Rafiel's Camber of Spheres is completed and the Shadow elves leave. Only a handful of them remain, either as lone refugees or to guard their underground realm from pillagers.
- The Valhalla gods also retreat, as they see a future ruled by merchants, mages and politicians, not by great heroes. Nationalistic gods and deities of the Thyatian pantheon begin to take over in the Northern Reaches after this.
- Erystelle ascends to the faedorne islands, which also leave this world.
- The barbarians in the Borean plains and Northern Wildlands form a Covenant with "He Who Watches over Us". Henadin's people descend from them, hence their close contact with golden dragons [see "Saga of the Shadowlord"]. Actually their founding father is Priam Stuka.
- The Snow pearls once again are spread around the world. One of them ends up in Wendar.
* The Dorfinians cease their exploration of the world and close their borders for good. Any visitors are abducted and their memories wiped clean.
* Ostland is united.
* Minrothad is united.
* The colonial wars in Ylaruam.
* Ostland conquers Vestland.
* The First Nomad Wars: Sindian nomads are converted to Hosadian faith. They begin a holy war against Darokin. The hero Greenhair, one of Erystelle's allies, is instrumental in defeating the nomads. Hosadus uses the Soul Gem of Thanatos and tries to ascend to godhood with its powers. Followers of the "Thyatian" deity Cymorrak bring the Soul Gem of Light and the Crystal Dagger into the fight. Greenhair forms an alliance with the Malpheggi lizard men, Alfheim elves and halflings of the Shires. After the war pieces of the Dagger are left in the care of King Alevar of Alfheim and the Masters of Five Shires. A leader of the Lizard Men agrees to guard the Soul Gem of Light. (Note: This is the second time that Thanatos has been defeated in these lands.)
* After the wars several humanoid tribes take advantage of the weakened state of Darokin and begin and all-out war with humans. Large areas of Darokin are devastated. Greenhair disappears forever, his fate unknown. The line of Darokin kings is ended, and the later kings have less and less power.
* The Khan of Ethengars invades the Flaem lands of Braejr, but the hordes are driven back.
* Moorkroft conquers the Sylvan Lands. Clan Feadiel flees.
* Nebunar's tribe comes to Denagoth and Essuria. The Essurian kingdom is founded. Cult of Idris is also brought to the Known World by them. Lothenar and Geffronel elves resist the Essurians.
* Ottar the Just drives Ostlanders out of Vestland.
* Alphatia and Thyatis wage a few wars. Many elves and humans form colonies in present-day Glantri, which is still called Braejr. The newcomers call them the Highlands.
* Darokin rises once again after the desolation by the Nomad and Orc wars. From now on the city bourgeoisie gain more and more power.
* The present elven king Doriath is crowned.
* Suleiman Al-Kalim begins his quests in Ylaruam.
* Cult of Forsett emerges in Vestland. This is an era of intense clan warfare.
* The "barbarian" tribes in Heldann begin worshipping a Minotaur-like deity called Gylgarid.
* Bensarian of Kevar is recognised as a great sage.
* Halvan, 8th king of Essuria, discovers an ancient Nithian relic called Blackstick (created by Chemos). Blackstick is given to Bensarian, who sends it to the Geffronel elves for safekeeping. Bensarian gets the blessing of Longevity and the Elvenstone as a gift. He begins writing the Elven Chronicles.
Decline of Essuria begins.
* The visionary and madman Hosbaum makes a series of obscure prophesies in Darokin. These are written down by his students and collected, edited and distorted over the years. Hosbaum is a true prophet - such as there can be in a world of Freedom. He sees glimpses of alternative futures, tendencies, potentialities.
* The Great plague: Dwarves are driven out of Braejr.
* Ylaruam and Glantri gain independence.
* Some dwarves migrate to Minrothad. They form guild Hammer.
* Wendar is colonised by independent Thyatians and other human settlers. A pact is made by the Wilder Elves living there. The reign of "half-elven" kings begins. Cults of Idris and Gylgarid are driven out. [Note: I fashioned Wendar according to X11, so it's not an elven nation.]
* Minrothad is stabilised as a state, and it begins to build its merchant navy.
* In the north-western borders of Wendar "the Crystal Wars" start between local kobolds, elves, Thyatian settlers and northern barbarians. The conflict is sparked by the actions of a renegade Glantrian wizard living in the cliffs of Adri Varma. He is called simply "the Crystal Wizard". A leader of northern barbarians manages to resolve the conflict with the help of an artifact called the Heartstone. After the wars he settles by the side of the Mengul mountains and starts building the kingdom of Ghyr. [Note: see "Quest for the Heartstone"]
* The cult of Forsett, a nationalistic patron of Vestland, has a bloom in popularity, when Forsett contacts king Gendar at the Stones of the Sky, a holy place of the Ruthinian order (a Forsettan sect which becomes dominant in Vestland).
* Ostlandian Kings adopt parts of the Thyatian pantheon (Protius especially), but for the most part Ostlanders are quite non-religious.
* Thyatis invades the lands of the Traladara.
* The Great Merger. Darokin is stabilised as the merchant and diplomatic nation we know now.
* Troll Wars in Northern Reaches.
* Nordhartar League is born.
* Ostland allies with Thyatis.
* In Essuria, Landryn Teriak kills king Vespen and ascends on the throne.
* Alphatia conquers Thyatian mainland, but the army is defeated by Thincol. Thincol becomes the Emperor.
* Eriadna becomes queen of Alphatia.
* "Barbarian" tribes from the Northern Wildlands are led by the legendary hero Henadin into the Denagothian plateau. Supported by their age-old allies the golden dragons they battle local worshippers of Idris, Queen of the Black Dragons. Their power has centred in Essuria, which is now led by the tyrant Landryn Teriak. Henadin dies, but the Idrians are beaten for a while. After this tribe of Henadin wanes and moves back to their ancestral lands in the Borean valley.
* Landryn Teriak escapes, badly wounded, and retreats to Denagoth. The Shadowlord is born.
* Stephan Karameikos separates the Traladaran lands from Thyatis and founds Karameikos.
* In Oceansend, built in 900, Master Thief Danakhriss begins forming his thief guild.
* In Glantri the mansion of the d'Ambreville family suddenly disappears, taking the whole family with it.
* Shadowlord's troops destroy the elves of Lothenar.
* Shadowlord attacks Wendar. Bensarian gives the Elvenstone to Gylharen. The attack is repelled.
* King Maramet of Vestland and his wife have twin sons. Tenitar is hidden in the Ruthinian shrine at the Stones of the Sky.
998 [NOTE: PRIMARY CAMPAIGN BEGINS, 1988 in real world]
* On the other side of the world, in "the Sea Kingdoms", a relatively unknown realm of Larta is ruled by priests of three knightly gods Artus, Aison & Aramis.
* Adventurers Flint Fireforge (Silvery Dwarf), Radagast Emry, Sledge and Thorgg save the daughter of a local baron from the lair of the worshippers of Aphastes, the god of underground rivers. They run into Arashat, a demon of Aphastes, who has to flee as he is a mere shadow of his powers while Aphastes is imprisoned. Later they are sent back to the lair to explore ancient catacombs and retrieve a powerful gem for the Theocrat. In the catacombs they meet Lila, a succubus of Aphastes. They find the gem but accidentally release Aphastes from imprisonment. Aphastes lets them go, and his gem influences the Theocrat. Soon Larta is taken over by Aphastes.
* The adventurers who released Aphastes by accident are abducted by the god Thendara to the other side of the world, into the valley of Haven. Princess Argenta's people have been stricken by a powerful curse of Arik of the Hundred Eyes, a malevolent entity. The adventurers battle the cleric Catharandamus and free Ellis the Strong, Knight of the White Drake and his white dragon Ariksbane. The curse is lifted. Sledge dies and a local halfling Sam Flowerfoot joins the group. ["Palace of the Silver Princess"] [Note: The abduction by Thendara was so incredible that according to learned sages it could have been designed by an inexperienced teenage GM who was bored with his old campaign concept and wished to use the cool Karameikos stuff available.]
* In Karameikos an Undeath cult near Threshold is destroyed by Radagast, Flint, Thorgg, Sam and Kiril Petrevich, a cleric of Cult of Halav. Priest Grafoula of the Nithian undead god Chemos has used undead in logging operations. Patriarch Sherlane Halaran is very grateful to the adventurers. [Note: My very first homemade adventure! And yes, I took the scheme straight from the Expert set adventure hook list.]
* Thyatians in Karameikos prepare for the millennium celebrations.
* Later on in the Radlebb woods the PC adventurers save an elven druidic monastery of the Siswa cult from the grip of the strange cleric Rahib who has been kidnapping elven maidens to free three Witch sisters. ["Rahasia"] Thorgg dies while fighting Rahib.
* The adventurers travel to Luln and are hired by Sascia for a spying mission. They are captured by Black Eagle troops but manage to escape. ["Great Escape"] Traladaran fighter Ivan Ivanovich of Verge joins the group.
* This year is of course marked by the Thyatian millennium celebrations. During lavish celebrations in Specularum, Karameikos, Veiled Society attacks the family of Vorloi. Radagast, Flint, Ivan, Kiril and Sam reveal the plans of the society and also its links to the Radu clan. Several leading members of the Radu clan are decapitated, including Anton Radu, but two of its leaders manage to escape. Cartha Radu joins the forces of a wizard called Skarda. Antonito later becomes a master in the Iron Ring. ["Veiled Society", obviously] The adventurers gain the gratitude of the Torenescus and meet several important people. They also save Estaish, an elven warrior of Elvenguard, who will later become its leader.
* Aphastes has now conquered the whole theocracy of Larta and launches an invasion against Hyborea. He forges an alliance with Moorkroft and a strange new race of "the Rainbow-scaled Ones". (Note: This race has been created from the still suffering Chaos Dragon, who lies in his/her lair. The blade of the sword Scorbane left in a wound is still eating at the flesh of this foul beast. From its blood emerged a new reptilian race that forms hierarchical communities stratified by colours of the rainbow.)
* Agents of the Black Eagle, led by the wizard Galla, attempt to assassinate a Specularum merchant and politician in the small hamlet Rhetius on Duke's Road. The attempt is foiled by the PC adventurers and (by accident) a werewolf, who has plagued the hamlet for years. The werewolf is also killed. [Note: A homemade module.]
* Stephan of Sukiskyn hires the PCs for a trading mission. But the forces of Iron Ring, led by the wizard Golthar, launch an offensive against settlers in Dymrak forest. Various homesteads are torched, when agents of the organisation are searching for a Hutaakan tapestry. Their goblin allies attack Sukiskyn, but it is saved by the PCs. Sam Flowerfoot dies. A warrior of the Callarii, Meadil the Silent joins the group. Kiril Petrevich leaves, but he is soon replaced by Alexander Penhaligon of Kelven, a cleric of the Church of Traladara. The adventurers seek Stephan and decimate most of the goblin tribes in Dymrak. They also discover the Vyalia elves and meet other local inhabitants. Finally they track Stephan to Xitaqa, the ruined Hutaakan city. They drive out the forces of Iron Ring, destroy their allied goblin tribe and save Stephan. They learn of the Secret Valley and the secret of the magical tapestry. With Stephan they set out in search of treasure. On their way they battle the minions of Iron Ring.
* Meadil the Silent insults Ivan Ivanovich so badly that he leaves the group. [Note: a player left our group, but not because of any strife. The PC strife coincided with it by pure chance.]
* In Threshold the group gets another member, Yuri Turambar. He is a young thief and a son of merchants who live near Highforge. For the last few years he has been living with the Callarii. The group battles Golthar, who is finally killed. The Iron Ring host has been mostly destroyed - or so they think.
* The adventurers battle the gnolls that live in the mountains and discover the Lost Valley of Hutaakans. Alexander Penhaligon, discovers the true history of his people (that the Hutaakans taught them higher crafts, not the gods etc.) and has a crisis of faith. The adventurers work with the Hutaakans and with the Traldar, playing both against each other. They destroy the monster Kartoeba and find a large treasure. They flee the Valley, pursued by both sides of the conflict. [Note: "Night's Dark Terror" of course. An all-time favourite of the group.]
* The adventurers spark the long conflict in the valley into a conflagration which ends in the slaughter of the remaining Traldar race. The Hutaakans become much more aggressive and interested in worldly affairs. They will be a great danger to Karameikos in future years.
* In Specularum Patriarch Sergyev dies. This leads to a split in the Cult of Halav. Following Sergyev's advice Kiril Petrevich travels to Sulescu.
* Iron Ring has sent Master Karlagg to inspect the situation. Enraged by the adventurers' exploits he orders Sukiskun destroyed, all its inhabitants taken to slavery and the adventurers' treasures looted. The adventurers return victorious in the midst of ruin. During the autumn, winter and spring they battle Iron Ring forces all over Karameikos.
* Alexander Penhaligon discovers the Tomb of Halav in Krakatos, and the adventurers kill the green dragon living there [this was the counterpart of Argos in this campaign]. Taranis contacts him, making him in effect the first true cleric of the Traladaran people for years - in the sense that he knows whom he is worshipping. Taranis warns him not to go public, as she senses Thanatos's growing power (the coming Nomad War 10 years later).
* On their way to Sulescu the adventurers meet Retameron and Halia Antonic of Verge, Ivan's liege lords. They don't part in good terms. They also meet wizard Eztar of Sardsdell and his companions. Eztar is travelling the world in search of powers that he can use to banish Sargon's ghost from the Lion Castle. Eztar succeeded in Sargon's quest years ago and became his heir.
* The forces of the Iron Ring and Black Eagle attempt to conquer Sulescu during the early spring, but the attack is repelled with the help of the adventurers. They meet their old friend Kiril Petrevich. Alexander Penhaligon learns the true nature of Lord Zemirov Sulescu, but nevertheless they become friends.
* The adventurers follow leads to Black Eagle Barony. They kill Antonito Radu in Fort Doom and learn of a treaty between Iron Ring and followers of Chemos. (Most likely this is a prelude to Hazar's plan - see later.) They travel to Blight Swamp and destroy a cult of Chemos which is led by the resurrected priest Grafoula. A halfling Striker team led by Nipa Greatheart helps them. They save most of the inhabitants of Sukiskyn (Pyotr's clan), but some have been killed and even transformed into undead creatures. Ivan Ivanovich has to "kill" Pyotr's daughter Irina, who had earlier been infatuated with him.
* Finally the adventurers attack one of the Iron Ring High Masters (a dwarf) in the village of Farout and release additional prisoners, including the Ylari sorceress Mizra Amalisah. They return to Luln and deliver enough information for Sascia of Luln that she can launch a counterattack at the criminal organisation. This operation lasts nearly a year and greatly weakens the Iron ring. [Note: This was a long homemade campaign that I fashioned after the campaign hook "Wrath of Iron Ring" at the end of B10.]
* Radagast, Flint, Ivan, Kitiara, Alexander and Yuri travel to Selenica to escape possible Iron Ring revenge. Ivan Ivanovich meets the female warrior Kitiara [I know, I know...] and they start an affair. Radagast is contacted by the Order of Stream Mages and he takes the Wizarding Test. During the test he is aided by a Silver Dragon who can assume the form of a young maiden. This is Ariannaid from the order of Avallon, whom they will meet years later. The adventurers also meet a soothsayer, a follower of the ways of Hosbaum, who gives them each a prophesy.
* The lost mansion of the d'Ambreville family reappears near Selenica. The adventurers (including Kitiara) are abducted by the Mists and they have to battle the strange inhabitants of the castle. They travel to Averoigne and finally release Etienne from imprisonment. Etienne rewards them handsomely. [Note: "Chateau d'Ambreville", a wonderful menagerie!]
* The d'Ambrevilles return to Glantri and begin a rapid ascent to power. (Note: The various monsters that were summoned with spells to the mansion came mainly from Thanegioth Archipelago: aranea, rakasta, Sollux etc.)
* From the portal used by the d'Ambrevilles a strange monotheistic cult spreads to parts of Mystara. It is a salvation religion that has great appeal especially to Thyatian slaves.
* The Kin faction gains upper hand in Ylaruam.
* A new great Khan unites the Ethengars.
* Ivan Ivanovich's sister Andrya and Retameron Antonic's father Teranon contact the adventurers and ask them to come to Verge to investigate the disappearance of Retameron and Halia. (While there Ivan bludgeons his father and gives his mother and Andrya enough money to move out.) Later they are abducted by the wizard Skarda. Skarda's army attacks the summer palace of Duke Stephan in Karameikos. The attempted regicide is foiled by a slave rebellion in Skarda's mirror world, led by the adventurers (plus Kitiara). Cartha Radu is killed by Ivan during the battle. Retameron and Halia become friends of the adventurers. [Note: "Skarda's mirror". A favourite of mine, but the players hated it.]
* Duke Stephan is grateful and makes all the adventurers Court Lords of Karameikos. They travel to Specularum, where Radagast meets Mizra Amalisah again. They begin an affair. Yuri Turambar meets Flameflicker. Kitiara wants to leave for a while and travel on her own. In future years Ivan and she meet from time to time.
* The adventurers are contacted by an envoy of the Thyatian Merchant Marine Consortium and asked to solve a problem.
* Aphastes manages to recruit numerous dragons to serve in his burgeoning armies. They attack the northern coasts of the continent, conquering the Borean delta. Aphastes also allies with Gylgarid, whose minotaur followers join Aphastes's armies. But now the invasion has to stop for a while, as supply lines have to be strengthened. The centre of Aphastes's power moves away from the Sea Kingdoms to Hyborean coast, where a large city is constructed. As a god of the underground rivers he begins spreading his influence by reaching out to the continental groundwater rivers.
* King Maramet of Vestland disappears in a foray against Heldanner barbarians. His "only heir" dies in the hands of Vana Cullen's agents. Various attempts to find the king or the crown Sorona fail. The decline of the kingdom begins, as the Ruthinian monks of the Forsett aren't able to hold the country together. The Great Khan of Ethengar eyes the country hungrily, hoping to gain a coastal border.
* There are strange attacks against Minrothaddan and Thyatian shipping lines. The adventurers investigate a lone island, Teki-nura-ria, in the Sea of Dread and destroy a community of Kara-Kara led by the wizard/devil swine Kal-Nakaa. [Note: "Drums on the Fire Mountain". Those Britons really know how to write modules.]
* Radagast is contacted by his Stream mage Totem, the Hydra. It asks him to consider settling on these waters some day.
* Still, attacks on shipping lines don't cease, and they spread to Ochalean waters as well. Also naval supply lines for the Thyatian Hinterland campaign are disrupted. It is said that also Alphatian ships have been attacked. The number of zzonga incidents is on the rise.
* Source of the attacks against shipping lines is Daricus, a former resident of the Isle of Dawn. With a group of fire elementalists and Rathanos worshippers he has created his own empire that spans nearly all of the Thanegioth Archipelago. He has become the new Firelord. He has formed alliances with the red dragons of the central archipelago, a witch living in the westernmost island and the efreeti. During this time his forces have attacked the rakasta on the Isle of Dread and elven clan the Children of the Swan. His plan is of course to become the Nexus of Rathanos.
*The adventurers, working as Thyatian agents, manage to find the archipelago. They save the elves and kill the witch Darga. Elven maid Cymoril Strargazer joins them, finding herself forced to learn to love Yuri Turambar. (Darga used to live in Northern Reaches, and she took her name from the ancient demonic deity. She was the mentor of Ala the Seawitch. But she was also captured by the d'Ambreville mansion years ago and accidentally arrived in Thanegioth by one of the monster-snatching gates.)
* The adventurers contact the rakasta and drive the enemy away from the Isle of Dread. Ivan Ivanovich finds the lost temple of Rak'Asta and becomes a new incarnation of the ancient king. With the help of the Sea dragons, ancient enemies of the Red dragons, he and his friends manage to kill the leader of the red dragons. Ivan finds the lost helmet and sword of Rak'Asta. In the main island (Isle of Firelord) they kill the leaders of Fire Giants, Daricus's allies, and destroy a garrison. Later they disrupt the Nexus ritual and drive Daricus to the elemental planes. Members of the order of Sollux help them. [Note: A homemade campaign "Firelord Saga", which can be found in the Vaults.]
* Later Thyatis invades the archipelago and establishes a colony on the main island. With a good supply line the Hinterland campaign intensifies.
* Aphastes begins a full-scale invasion to the southern Borean lands. The northern barbarian Pendragons oppose him, but to no avail. Only one southern barbarian kingdom, led by Pendragon Brian Boru, is spared... for now. The construction of supply depots and farming areas along the Borean River begins. Several refugee groups arrive in Wendar.
* In Wendar, the Elvenstone is stolen.
* Thyatians hire the adventurers to help their ally Wendar.
* Wendar's darkest hour. The fabled Elvenstone has been stolen, famine and disease cripple the countryside and the Shadowlord is rumoured to have risen again. The whole of Denagoth is conquered by the Shadowlord, and all elven communities there are destroyed. In the eve of the invasion that would surely decimate Wendar, the adventurers slip into Denagoth. They kill many of his servants and allies in southern Denagoth, including the Black Dragon Vitriol, the scourge of Lothenar elves. In Gereth Minar they kill the Shadowlord Landryn Teriak. They also battle minions of Aphastes and uncover evidence that Aphastes has made a pact with the followers of Idris: he needs a route to attack Wendar from the north and has given some help to Landryn Teriak to achieve that. Idris has sent some black dragons to join the armies of Aphastes.
* Meanwhile Cymoril Stargazer if fighting Shadowlord's armies in Wendar. Death of Shadowlord turns the tide of the war, and Wendar prevails.
* Ivan Ivanovich meets the maiden Ariannaid, who is living in symbiosis with a Living Silver Dragon. Ariannaid is here to follow her calling, helping victims of war. Radagast recognises her but says nothing. Ivan and Ariannaid begin an affair. They also hear of Borean refugees who talk of the vast armies of Aphastes.
* In Ghyr the master thief Danakhriss steals the legendary Heartstone.
* In the autumn the former Shadowlord Landryn Teriak arises as the horrible Wraith lord. He is joined by members of the cult of Idris. The adventurers save sage Bensarian of Kevar and learn of the Blackstick. They discover the Blackstick, travel to Drax Tallen and destroy Landryn Teriak for good. They find out that the Blackstick was crafted by the Nithian undead god Chemos. In Drax Tallen they use the Chamber of Visions and see visions of Aphastes's armies putting down the final Borean rebellions. [Note: "Saga of the Shadowlord"]
* Bensarian thanks the adventurers. They gain some information concerning their old prophesies.
* Yuri Turambar becomes a Duke of Wendar and is granted a border dominion in western Wendar for his efforts in the Shadowlord war. With his comrades he battles the remaining Dark Lancers who have made a pact with the dragon Brulefer and some priests of Idris.
* Diplomats from Ghyr contact Yuri and ask the legendary hero and his friends for help. The heroes (as they at least are perceived now) travel to Ghyr and recover the Heartstone, thus ensuring the continuation of the kingdom. Danakhriss escapes and vows revenge on Yuri, also a thief. This is the start of a long feud between the two thieves. [Note: "Quest for the Heartstone"]
* Alexander, Ivan, Yuri, Radagast and Flint travel to Vestland. Patriarch Annacks of Ruthin asks them to locate the hidden heir Tenitar and the lost crown Sorona. They battle Gylgarid cultists in Gyl Erid and locate Sorona. In Seaforth Tower they learn of the treason of Duke Vana Cullen and his pact with Ala the Seawitch. They rescue Tenitar (possessed by Ala) from Narvedul and bring Tenitar back to Norrvik. Ala's spirit is banished by Sorona. They also kill Vana Cullen. Old rule is re-established in Vestland.
* Ivan Ivanovich becomes the Duke of Norrland (Estine) and the lord of Seaforth Tower [Note: "Crown of ancient glory"]
* The Great Khan of the Ethengar is dethroned as his promises about Vestland become void. The Khanates break up again, but the war of succession isn't so bloody. The most promising candidates for next Khan are either Chanai of the Murkit Clan or Kadan Khan of the clan of Kiyats (actually Jaku the Render). Agents of Aphastes contact Jaku.
* Relations between Thyatis and Alphatia begin to deteriorate one more. There are some conflicts in the isle of Dawn. Ostlandian pirates disrupt shipping near Norwold.
* The adventurers travel to Minrothad at the request of Oran Meditor. They set out to investigate the strange new attacks on ships and to locate Princess of Ierendi. They solve the conspiracies in Kron and Suthus and make friends in those cities. Later they rescue the princess from the underwater city of Colhador. She was being held by the velya Hadric, an ancient Taymoran noble and necromancer. This ends a long period of difficulties for the Minrothaddan traders, as the attacks by the war rafts cease. [Note: "War rafts of Kron" or course]
* The adventurers are very famous in these waters. Radagast is given a small isle, The Isle of Hydra, where he settles.
* They travel to Specularum. They divide the enormous fortune that they have gathered over the years, as they have decided to separate for a while. All of them have dominions, homes and other interests. Radagast marries Mizra Amalisah. Very soon Mizra has a bun in the oven. Yuri marries Cymoril Stargazer later in Wendar. Alexander becomes a Patriarch of the Church of Traladara and becomes a close ally of Patriarch Alexeyev Nikelnevich.
[At this point the PC group was separated for two years in RW time and Mystaran time. Each PC adventured alone in their dominions etc. These two years ended in an epic get-together on the top of the world, The Plateau of Gods. After that in autumn 1011 AC the Nomad War began.]
(Continued in the detailed almanacs for years 1009 - 1011 AC)