Technomancer Prestige Class
by Ethan DeneaultThe Technomancer
Atk Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Bonus Construction Feat +2
+1 level of existing class
Modular Magic 1/day
+1 level of existing class
Craft Technomagical Item
+1 level of existing class
Halt Golem 1/Day
+1 level of existing class
Modular Magic 2/day
+1 level of existing class
Bonus Construction Feat +4
+1 level of existing class
Halt Golem 2/Day
+1 level of existing class
Modular Magic 3/day
+1 level of existing class
Reformat Golem
+1 level of existing class
Meld With Machine
+1 level of existing class
Hit Die: d6
Feats: Create Wondrous Item
Craft (mechanical): 5 ranks
Repair (see Star Wars RPG) : 5 ranks
Other: Ability to cast arcane spells, Must be trained in Thimhallan or by another technomancer.Class Skills: Repair (Int), Craft (mechanical) (Int), Concentration (Con), Alchemy (Int), Knowledge (Int), Profession (Wis), Scry (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Use Technomantic Device (NEW, exclusive) (Cha)
Skill Points/Level: +4 +Int modifier
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Technomancer is proficient with exotic Technomantic weapons.
Bonus Construction Feat: At 1st and 6th level, a technomancer receives a bonus item construction feat. The pluses are virtual level bonuses to qualify for more advanced creation feats. For example, a wiz3/TM6 is only spellcaster level 9, but can take the craft staff or forge ring feats because they receive a bonus feat at +4 their actual spellcaster level.
This bonus is ONLY for the purpose of taking the bonus feat, and they do not stack.Modular Magic: As part of their training, technomancers learn a specialised and formal method of magic use which allows them to consciously alter the energy type of spells and magic items, much like the energy substitution feat. As a standard action, as many times a day as his/her level allows, a technomancer can alter the energy type of a spell or item by making a ranged touch attack against the caster or wielder. A technomancer can use this ability as a free action if applied to a spell he or she is casting.
Craft Technomagical Item: Using this ability, instead of creating a normal magical item, a technomancer can create a technomagical equivalent. The advantages of a technomagical item is that it retains all of its magical powers, but is considered a non-magical masterwork item. Technomagical items are not affected by anti-magic, detectable via detect magic, or able to be dispelled. However, they are not afforded the same damage resistance vs. spells as a normal magic item, and if damaged, technomagical items lose all special abilities until they are repaired. Technomagical items look very distinctive, usually with strange patterns or cogs, sprockets, and vials attached to them, and as such they are slightly more cumbersome to carry around, weighing 11/4 times normal weight.
Halt Golem: At 4th level, the technomancer gains the ability to halt up to three golems or constructs as per the spell Halt Undead. The effect lasts 1 round per caster level.
Reformat Golem: At 9th level, a technomancer can, once per day, completely erase the "programming" of a golem or construct, rendering it a blank slate, and subject to the control of the technomancer. This effect lasts one hour per caster level of the technomancer, after which, unless the technomancer has successfully reprogrammed the golem, the golem reverts back to its previous duties.
Meld With Machine: At 10th level, a technomancer can take complete mental control of a construct once per day. The technomancer's physical body enters a state of suspended animation while the mind uplinks itself into the golem or construct. The character retains all of his or her skills and mental attributes, while gaining the construct form's physical skills and attributes. The technomancer cannot cast spells while melded unless the construct is in physical contact with the technomancer's body. If the technomancer's physical form is killed, the technomancer is trapped in the machine body until a new body can be found to downlink into. If the construct is destroyed while the technomancer is inside, the mind is forced out and the technomancer takes 6d6 points of damage, and is unable to take any actions for 5d10 hours do to the mental strain. This effect lasts until the technomancer wills it to end. The physical body ages at one fourth the normal rate while the mind is away.