Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018
by James RuhlandThe succeeding several posts represent what I put together describing, in War Machine terms, the TO&E of the Thyatian military after the Crown War (AC 1017).
Considerable creativity has been devoted over the years was devoted by designers and fans to writing up things that boost how strong the Alphatians are perceived to be. Conversely, such creativity as has gone into the Thyatian aspect of things has tended to focus on how to diminish their relative strength - for example, the War Machine units lacking any of the elements that Dawn of the Emperors mentions as integral to the Thyatian Armed Forces, and various musings about replacing the stronger flying mounts of the R.A.F. with lesser creatures (Wyverns instead of Dragons, for example).
Then people will, on the basis of this, make conclusions as to the comparative weakness of Thyatis as opposed to Alphatia. However, they have rather stacked the deck beforehand by applying their creative energies in the ways they have.
The force described below may seen strong, and it is. But it demonstrates that the image of Thyatian military incompetence is not necessarily accurate. If the same imaginative thought is devoted to Thyatis, it is seen that they are in no way necessarily weaker than their imperial competitor.
Within this context it is also necessary to point out one other thing: Much is often made of Thyatis being "Rome in decline". However, one needs to recognize the context of this; the Player's Guide to Thyatis mentions this (p.10) - which means that it is something that Thyatians are aware of. The point is that Thyatian characters are aware of this problem and its dangers, and the same section mentions efforts to combat this decline.
It needs to be noted that the Dungeon Master's Sourcebook gives a quite different interpretation. On p.5 it mentions that the Empire's "invisible decline" was "turned around" and the Empire "returned to prominence". Now, Thyatian characters may still have a perception of decline, even while the Empire is returning to vigour, because of the setbacks in living memory that caused the internal reaction in Thyatis that turned things around.
Which brings us to the natural objection "what about the Wrath of the Immortals War? Doesn't that confirm Thyatian decline?"
Note that for the outcome of Wrath to be fixed, there had to be considerable Immortal interference: Immortal undermining of the foundations of Thyatian military strength and leadership (p.72) combined with Immortal interference to make the Alphatians more militant (p.73).
Joshuan's Almanac confirms that the Wrath War was a "break" in Thyatian strength, rather than something that exposed ongoing decline (p.198).
This will be further explored if and when I get around to transferring AC 1000 era militaries to the web, having given as much creative attention to the Thyatian side of things as has been devoted over the years to the Alphatians; it is in no way obvious that one is demonstrably weaker and the other demonstrably stronger, if a fair depiction of the two, based on an honest interpretation of the materiel in Dawn of the Emperors is undertaken.
The means of rapid strategic deployment of RAF assets will be very. . .interesting. . .for example (and was, I believe, mentioned in this forum about a year ago; people who've read the Incursion articles in last month's Dragon will have some sense of this, but the Thyatians combine their techniques with intelligence gathering efforts in order to deploy the RAF to "intercept" invading aerial forces rapidly).Designer's Notes on the Thyatian Armed Forces
It's long struck observant and impartial readers that the units given in the War Machine section of the PWAs for the Thyatian armies were not very satisfactory or representative of the military strength of the Empire as implied in other sources, especially the primary document for Thyatis (and Alphatia), Dawn of the Emperors. First, the units described in the PWAs were absent several types of forces that we know that Thyatis had - cavalry (particularly from Kerendas), the Retebius Air Fleet, and numerous clerics (as well as some Mages and Foresters) supplementing the units. In addition, the land units ("Cohorts") that were described were little different from the Thyatian units from X10, Red Arrow, Black Shield, and yet we know from Bruce Herd's comments in Dragon #184 that the Thyatian units in that module "represented only those forces Thyatis deigned to send against the Master of Hule" (p.43). The strong implication being that these are second-rate units and Thyatis' main forces were stronger.
How might we handle the disparity? Well, we know that the Alphatian forces presented in PWA II were vastly different from those presented in the first PWA, representing a rather sudden reconstruction of what the PWA seems to imply resembled the forces Alphatia had at the start of Wrath of the Immortals. These include a new Grand Imperial Army and a new Imperial Guard, in particular. Presumably the old units were depleted by the war and their remnants left on the surface. With Immortal help and a rebuilt continent, the Alphatians on the floating continent seem to have reconstructed their armies faster than Thyatis might have. If we look at the Alphatian units left on the surface, post-Wrath (the forces defecting to Thyatis and those withdrawing to the Isle of Dawn), we can see that those units are not as strong, either in numbers or quality, as the reconstructed "Grand Army". A sound conclusion is that the war depleted these forces. Logically, the same would have happened with Thyatian forces, only to a greater extent.
The Alphatian "Imperial Guard" is presented as a fairly strong force. Of that force, it is clear that Regiment 5 is intended to remain at the Imperial Capital while the other Regiments are battlefield formations rather than rear-area security forces (they are described as "strike forces" and "assault forces"). This means that the original Regiment 5 would have been largely destroyed in the destruction of Sundsvall by Glantri's Doomsday Weapon. But the other Regiments would have been involved in the war on Thyatis, where they also seem to have been largely destroyed, and a new force subsequently reconstituted in the Hollow World in AC 1011. Clearly the Thyatian forces described in the PWAs would not have been able to resist, much less destroy, such a force. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that the Thyatians would have had similar elite forces, which would have suffered severe casualties themselves during the war (and thus do not appear on the Thyatian War Machine data, just as the Alphatian Imperial Guard did not appear on the Alphatian War Machine data in the 1st PWA).
We similarly know from Wrath of the Immortals that by the end of the war Thyatis' regular units had been drained in bloody fighting (as had many Alphatian units), and the replacements (referred to as "reinforcements") were coming to be "mostly civilians, old men, youths, and others, none of them trained fighters". This would account for the comparatively low quality of the Thyatian forces in AC 1010-1012 (the PWAs). However, by the time of Joshuan's Almanac, other Thyatian forces begin to be referred to again, types of units that were not present in the PWAs - the Retebius Air Fleet (p.105), cavalry forces (p.104, 135), and Foresters (p.107). It is proper to draw an inference that just as Alphatia reconstituted their forces after the war, Thyatis did so, too, only it took them several years longer. We can therefore properly assert that just as the Alphatian armies presented in the first PWA were not as strong as the armies they had before the war's heavy casualties, neither did the Thyatian armed forces represent their strongest units, especially since the effects of the war would have been more severe for them. Valerias' efforts at undermining Thyatian strength would have added to their problems, while the efforts of the Immortal Alphatia to whip the Alphatians into a uncharacteristic level of militarism would have made their units stronger than otherwise might be expected. Given time and attention, the Thyatian military's strength could be expected to recover.
We turn next to the Thyatian fleet and aerial forces, which all indications from Dawn of the Emperors and Wrath of the Immortals are that they were, at worst, a match for the Alphatian's in this area. There are some who apparently believe that with their submersibles and skyships, the Alphatians would be able to rule the seas "with impunity", but this was clearly not the case. The one major naval clash we know of from the Wrath era was at worst a draw for Thyatis and in essence a qualified victory for them (p.86). If the Alphatians had stronger naval forces, they would have used them, and in the unlikely event they had failed to use their best ships in the first battle they would have used them later rather than invading Ylaruam. In any event, there is no indication whatsoever that the Alphatians did not use their best forces in this battle - indeed, quite the contrary, as they also used their sky navy in this clash. There are those who point to the earlier decimation of the Alphatian sky-navy in the destruction of Aasla (while simultaneously ignoring or dismissing the effects of Valerias' efforts at undermining the Thyatian army), but these people have also depicted the Alphatians, post-Wrath, as able to mass-produce large numbers of skyships every year. These people cannot have it both ways. If the post-Wrath Alphatians of both the Hollow World and NACE, with a depleted economic, resource, and population base, and many destroyed or lost facilities, are able to build a significant amount of skyships and submersibles every year (as well as an underwater city), then they cannot say that the Alphatian skyship fleet of AC 1008 (four years after the burning of Aasla) would have been vastly under-strength, since the mightier Alphatia of that era would certainly have focused at least as much attention on the construction of skyships as the weaker NACE and FCA Alphatians have been able to do in the subsequent period. The fact of the matter is that the whole Alphatian Empire, during war mobilization, certainly could have built some ships, certainly more than the shattered post-war remnants that compose the FCA and NACE, economically dislocated and depopulated, could have. So, indeed, these people are likely wrong on both counts - both in portraying the wartime Alphatia of pre-Cataclysm as unable to make up much of the skyship losses incurred during the burning of Aasla and wrong in portraying the decimated post-Wrath Alphatians as able to build skyships in large quantities.
So from that we are able to conclude that the Thyatian naval and air forces were of comparable strength to the Alphatian naval (wet and sky) forces. Both sides suffered significant casualties to these elite units during the war (with the Alphatians eventually having an edge in that they won the war, but losing it when the Week Without Magic caused skyships to lose flight enchantment and either crash or land in unfriendly territory). Why then is the Thyatian navy of AC 1010 (first PWA) weak compared to the Alphatian forces that they beat back in AC 1008? Nothing explicitly says, but we can reach an inference. The Alphatians had caused the Thyatians to sue for peace in AC 1009, and were planning on moving additional troops into Brun for the invasion of Glantri and extermination of the Glantrians, and would have passed through Karameikos and subsequently forced their way through the Five Shires and Darokin to do so (p.89). They could have commandeered ships from the defeated Thyatians for this purpose, which would explain why the Alphatian fleets of the PWAs have so many ships relative to their number of troops and the Thyatians relatively few, and undermined the morale and performance of the Thyatian maritime forces.
This explains how the Thyatians got to where they were in AC 1010-11. With that as a preface, we can reconstruct something more representative of a reconstructed and reorganized Thyatian army. Here we can note that many people take the Thyatian army as resembling that of the Roman Empire, and the early Empire at that. Some of these, whether out of ignorance or malice, also like to assert that this means the Thyatian armed forces consisted almost exclusively of heavy infantry. Certainly no one with any knowledge of the armed forces of the Roman Empire, either in its early phase or later eras, could honestly make such a claim. For to do so would be to focus solely on the Legions, which were only half of Rome's armies, and ignore the forces that made up the other half of their armies, and which contained the bulk of their cavalry and missile troops. But furthermore such a distorted assertion, usually made out of bias or ignorance, ignores the fact that Thyatis isn't merely "M-Rome" but is an amalgamation of Rome and Byzantium. Indeed, it is more than that - parts of it are inspired from the British Empire (for example, the Thyatian Ministries, especially the "Foreign Office" and "Home Office", the naval tradition, and the "RAF"). Other parts are modelled on the Medieval German Empire, the so called "Holy Roman Empire" - especially the structure of domains (though these are less fractious, admittedly, than those of the Medieval German Empire - Alphatia's Kingdoms are a closer match in that respect), orders of Knighthood, and the fact that the "M-Teutonic Knights", the Heldannic Knights, emigrated from Thyatis. So Thyatis is inspired by all three historical "Roman" Empires, plus the British Empire. It would thus be dubious to portray the Thyatian army as simply that of the early Roman Empire, and only one half of it at that.
For Thyatis' post-Wrath Armed Forces, we can take our direct inspiration from the brief descriptions of the Thyatian military from Dawn of the Emperors (since even Eusebius' reformed military would have evolved from previous Thyatian experience and traditions). This can be combined with a knowledge of the real-world inspirations for Thyatis and other materials. The information on the Thyatian military in Dawn of the Emperors is brief, but remarkably informative. Organizationally they have been designed to resemble the structure of the Roman Empire's armies between the years 285 and 1081, an 800 year period but one of striking continuity.
From it we get the image that Thyatis combines arms rather well (using clerics, along with a dash of wizards and Foresters, to bolster their forces. Indeed, the "Alphatian Grand Army" described in PWA II seems inspired more by the description of the Thyatian military than the Alphatian one. The author may have been confused, and seems to have confused many things in this way). We are also informed that the Thyatian standing army is relatively small, but can swell impressively in times of war. Nobles (dominion rulers) maintain bodies of troops, thus I have made a distinction between Imperial forces and those of dominions (for example, Biazzan, Kerendas, Hattias). The question then was how to decide what the proportions would be. A fair method was actually easy, for both Empires, using a mathematical formula that shouldn't tax the abilities of even a game designer. One takes the population of the Metropolitan Empire, minus that of the areas under direct Imperial rule, multiplies by the percent standing troops, times the Imperial Tax Rate (the proportion of dominion taxes sent to the central government. For Thyatis and most Mystaran nations, that would be 20%. For NACE, it would be 10%), plus the population of the Imperial Domain multiplied by the percent of standing troops, plus the population of any colonial territories multiplied by the percent of standing troops and again multiplied by the Imperial Tax Rate. So we get:
(P - IDP) x PS x ITax + IDP x PS + CP x PS x ITax = Imperial Troops.
For each domain, the forces under the direct supervision of the Dominion Ruler would be the Dominion Population multiplied by the percent standing troops minus the multiple of the Imperial Tax Rate:
(DP x PS) - ITax% = Dominion Troops.
For Thyatis in AC 1017 we thus get the following:
(2,765,000 - 1,200,000) x 2% x 20% + 1,200,000 x 2% + 815,000 x 2% x 20% = 33,520.
Note that this formula is interesting with respect to Alphatia. It shows that the central government's strength (expressed in the ability to enforce its will, if need be, with troops) was stronger pre-Wrath (with Vertiloch's large population supporting a large Imperial military) than post-Wrath (with much of Vertiloch's population dead and Jafilia's population rather low).
Alphatia, Pre-Wrath:
(7,390,000 - 2,000,000) x 2% x 20% + 2,000,000 x 2% + 1,160,000 x 2% x 20% = 66,200 (or just under 40% of Alphatia's total military strength).
Alphatia, Post-Wrath:
(5,120,000 - 680,000) x 2% x 20% + 680,000 x 2% + 32,000 x 2% x 20% = 31,488 (or just over 30% of Alphatia's total military strength).
For NACE it's even worse, since NACE has no real "Imperial Dominion" from which to derive a base of troops (Ionace's population is negligible) and they (officially) collect only 10% of Dominion taxes in the form of "Imperial" taxes. To bolster their apparent strength they thus must be imposing other, less efficient exactions on their populations which are likely to cause unrest and economic problems over the long run.
In any case, it is from this formula that I derived the "standing" Imperial forces. Note that pre-Wrath, according to the numbers for "Peacetime Military" from the Trail Maps Thyatis would have had a standing military of 223,750. From the PWA one arrives at a force of 122,750 troops. I have kept Thyatis' "standing" forces near the 2% of population figure, which fits in with Eusebius' reforms, which aimed at making the military more efficient and putting less of a burden on their still-recovering economy. Thus the standing forces of about 56,000 troops for metropolitan (mainland) Thyatis is actually lower than the 62,230 troops they had at the beginning of AC 1010 and even lower than the 70,510 troops they had after the inclusion of the defecting Alphatian forces. It represents a 30% reduction in standing troop strength.
On the other hand, in this system Thyatis has several fairly good reserve units. These units include most of the "Imperial Legions" of the Eusebius-era military. These consist of part-time soldiers settled on the so-called military lands and members of most of Thyatis' many "fighting orders". Thyatis thus has some good quality reserves. This fits well with the depiction of Thyatian society. Note that Oceansend, a city founded by Thyatis, is shown to have reserves of "Good" troop quality in the CM & M series of Norwold modules. This is a rare thing, and the bulk of Thyatis' reserves aren't of this quality, but given the origin of Oceansend's military traditions (in Thyatis) and Thyatian culture generally, it's not inappropriate for Thyatis to have a significant number of capable part-time soldiers. This emulates the Byzantine way of handling things as well, and thus is all the more appropriate for Thyatis. "Protectors Legions" are a grade lower than this, meant to provide supplementary garrisons for fortifications and train recruits. Tuldum units provide baggage handlers and protect the camps built by armies on campaign during battles. Alongside these are some reserve fleets, the "training fleets", which do just that and also act as a last-ditch maritime force (and in the Eusebius-era organization are about twice the size of the "Imperial Fleets" from the PWAs). Thus we can see that, at the end of the war, not only were the regular troops depleted by the fighting but the regular naval forces had lost their ships along with many of their members, the last of their ships likely to confiscation by the Alphatians, as explained above, and the fleets Thyatis used in the aftermath were composed of rawer troops. The years after saw the rebuilding of a regular navy along with a regular army, in part by training and seasoning of troops and marines and in part by building additional ships and in part by absorbing Alphatians which offered to serve Thyatis.
With all the above forces mobilized (which would happen only in the most major of wars), the Imperial forces come to 136,891, which is slightly more than the ostensible full strength of Thyatis' regular forces from the PWAs (122,750) but much less than the "Peacetime Military" strength from the PWAs. It includes all Imperial reserves (but not dominion forces or reserves). Adding in the dominion forces and reserves, the number rises to 181,411, but again only a major war would cause all these forces to be mobilized.
There are also additional reserve forces of more typical nature, which form the vast body of reserve forces, along the lines of the Defenders units described in the first PWA (though organizationally somewhat different in AC 1017) and a similar number of Irregulars. These help, in no small part, to explain why Eriadna would have been willing to grant peace to Thyatis on the terms Thincol proposed - a complete Alphatian withdrawal from Thyatian territory, in exchange for Thyatis quitting the war. Many have wondered why she would have accepted these terms, which meant giving up all the gains Alphatia had made in the war to that point, at a time when Thyatis' regular armies were beaten. Part of the reason, no doubt, was due to the fact that Alphatia's armies had made it to the gates of Thyatis City (and beyond) once before in Eriadna's lifetime, only to suffer a humiliatingly crushing defeat and reversal. But the other part (and the presence of the large number of Defenders units in the first PWA is instructive in this regard) may have been that though the Alphatian's regular armies were able to invade and march across Thyatian territory, sufficient resistance remained (in the form of Defenders and other irregular forces) to make occupying and holding the land difficult. While these units could not face a large regular army, Alphatian or otherwise, head on, they could melt away when one approached and continue to resist, striking smaller forces and acting as partisans and guerrillas. Permanently occupying Thyatis thus would have required a very large and long-term commitment of troops and a costly effort. This, too, is similar to the Byzantine defensive system, wherein the Arabs (to name the most prominent foe) could raid and even invade the Empire's heartland in Anatolia but found it difficult to conquer any part of it. Thus, the system of reserves (coupled with the strength of the defences of Thyatis City, which the Alphatians had not even attempted to attack yet, and which were formidable, and as I mentioned had already thwarted a "victorious" Alphatian army within living memory) fits logically within what we know about the situation. In any case, the inclusion of all these reserves (Defenders and Irregulars) brings the total to approximately 20% of the Thyatian population, the maximum wartime mobilization.
Of the standing forces, the bulk of the strength of the Imperial units is in the fleet, which follows what Dawn of the Emperors describes. The rest are largely elite forces and defensive forces. Eusebius considers these sufficient for most needs, given the maritime nature of the Empire. Along with the standing forces of the dominions they are sufficient to defend the Thyatian heartland from all but the most concerted attacks by neighbouring countries, and certainly more than sufficient to handle things until the reserve Legions can mobilize. There are enough standing forces to mount expeditions of moderate size. Legions can be mobilized for larger-scale efforts.
Of the troop types, there are many heavy infantry but also significant numbers of other soldiers, none of which are anachronistic or inappropriate. For cavalry, the proportion is roughly 20% overall, which is far from too high. Of course, not every unit has 20% cavalry. Some (especially marines) have no cavalry, while other units have more. Eusebius, given his own experience, is particularly fond of cavalry forces. Note that Kerendas is described as the source of much of the Empire's mounted troops, and its population is roughly 20% of the Thyatian mainland. Now, obviously not all cavalry comes from Kerendas (nor are all Kerendan troops cavalry), but given that Tel Akbir probably provides some light cavalry and Thyatis (the Duchy) some cavalry troops as well, 20% does not seem too high. Proportions of air cavalry (RAF) forces were likewise derived, roughly, from the proportion of the Thyatian population that is in Retebius. The population of the Duchy of Retebius is roughly 6.5 - 7% of the total population of Thyatis. Again, not all of Retebius' soldiers would be RAF, but the rest of the Empire would provide some as well. This means that pre-Wrath Thyatis would have had from 4,000 RAF soldiers to around twice that many (if the proportion is 6.5% of 122,000 troops), which would perform the task of matching up to the Alphatian skynavy, as Dawn of the Emperors obviously intends. For post-Wrath this would mean a force of about 3,800 RAF soldiers. But clearly it would take Thyatis quite some time to replace the flying mounts lost in the Wrath war and reach that strength, which would explain one reason why Eusebius is supplementing the Empire's flying forces by building airships.Armed Forces of Thyatis: Military Theory and Practice
(Much of the text information below is adapted from Charles Oman's A History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages, volume one, Book IV, "The Byzantines", pp.171-228. Though Oman isn't quite right on every detail, and recent works such as Warren Treadgold's Byzantium and Its Army, 284 - 1081 supersedes it, and provides inspiration for organization in many of the units, and for ranks, the general overview Oman gives is still useful and instructive. I would, however, recommend the latter work for those with a deep interest, but Oman's will be good for those who want a quick overview).
In Thyatis, the study of military matters has been more of an art and pastime than in perhaps any other nation. Sure, there are a number of nations, especially the northern reaches or the nomads of Ethengar, where the practice of warfare is a way of life. But only in Thyatis has it been studied so comprehensively. Citizens of Thyatis voluntarily and enthusiastically join many fighting orders, and practice the skills of fighting as a hobby. Though this is little different than can be found in some other areas where fighting skills are admired and respected, in few such areas is the study of the military arts also done as an intellectual and scholarly pursuit.
In Thyatis, there are more universities that conduct military training and classes than most nations have in total universities. Glantri has the Great School of Magic, helping them excel in the arts of magecraft. Thyatis has the Collegium Arcanum (or College of Lucinius) to help provide magical schooling to those who want it - and no less than five major universities at which one can study the arts of warfare. These include the Imperial Naval Academy in Port Lucinius, the Retebius Air Academy in Retebius, the West Reach Cavalry school in Kerendas, the Department of Magical Warcraft in the College of Lucinius, and, of course, the Department of Land Warfare at the Imperial University in the City of Thyatis, as well as a number of private schools and academies.
One could also fill whole libraries with volumes written in Thyatis on various aspects of warfare, from the more familiar, like Strategy by Michael Dalessenos and On Campaigning (noted for the orcish mistranslation) by Aetius Kekumanes, to other works that are less well known outside Thyatis. These include works such as De Rebus Bellicis, Naumachia, Tactica, Military Precepts, On Skirmishing, On Campaign Organization and Tactics, De Aeribis Belllicis and Three Treatises on Imperial Military Expeditions; which are commonly used, many as handbooks and manuals by Thyatian officers and commanders).
Also, Thyatis' traditional respect for efficiency and discipline, along with their admiration for the arts of combat, are conducive to, even essential to, having a competent military. Thus it would not be surprising if Thyatis had the most efficient and effective armed forces in the world. And, at its height, at various times in Thyatian history, this was certainly true. However, the long reign of the artistic but unmilitary Gabrionus V allowed the Thyatian forces to atrophy and decline, and ultimately be defeated. Emperor Thincol restored their power during his reign, only to see their strength undermined, and they were ultimately defeated in the Great War, though only after many valiant but doomed efforts. Most of Thyatis' best units, to an even greater degree than their Alphatian opponents, took severe casualties during the Great War, and many needed long years to rebuild. It was not until AC 1012 and AC 1013 that Thyatian cavalry and Retebius Air fleets again reached sufficient strength to be prominent components of the military. Eusebius ordered a further restructuring recently, aimed at making Thyatis' armies smaller but more effective. These efforts were partially interrupted by the outbreak of the War of the Crown Rebellion, however.
Much might be written in general vindication of the Thyatians as not being as effete and incapable as some writers have portrayed them, but never is it easier to produce a strong defence than when their military skill is called into question. It has even been claimed that their successes owed more to treachery, their defeats expected and unexceptional. So far is this condemnation from the truth, that it would be far more fair to call their defeats unnatural and their successes well deserved. Poor leadership, insufficient resources, and the unforeseeable outcomes of fate, not lack of worth of the troops, were the usual sources for disaster in Thyatis' wars. For many centuries Thyatis was virtually alone in having a regularly organized army, or a professional standing army, and it is only in recent years that many nations have developed similar structures, and most of the Old World emulated Thyatian examples. In this respect, though, these nations have largely closed the qualitative gap which previously existed, though still today Thyatian organization and methods have several advantages over most foreign armies.
The causes of the excellency and efficiency of the Thyatian armies are not hard to discover; in courage, they were equal to their enemies. In discipline, organization, and training they were far superior. Thyatian forces invariably include clerics tasked not only with fighting, but maintaining the physical (healing) and morale (spiritual guidance) welfare of the troops. Engineering is highly developed, with exceptional field and siege artillery being constructed by troops (the metal pieces are carried on campaign, and local or magically created timber is then used to assemble the devices), and fortified camps built to protect the baggage. For centuries war was studied as an art in Thyatis when elsewhere in Mystara it remained merely a matter of hard fighting. Young Northmen or Traladarans considered their military education complete when they could wield their weapons with skill, while Alphatians believed in solving all problems through the profuse application of magic. The Thyatian patrician, while no less skilled in arms or familiar with magic, added theory to empiric knowledge, by the study of the works listed above, and was educated in the military academies also mentioned. Men elsewhere might regard war as the most important occupation of life, but rarely studied how to best defeat their enemies' tactics. Even less likely was it that persons living in societies that were indifferent to military matters would have an opportunity make a decent study of them. But the generals of Thyatis could boast that they knew how to face and defeat Ylari or Traladaran, Northman or Alphatian, by employing in each case the tactical means best adapted to meet their opponents' method of warfare. In early Thyatian history (the first several centuries of the Empire), the Thyatian legions were predominantly infantry and both missile troops and cavalry were rare. However, as time went on the proportion of cavalry and archers were increased, and a combined arms approach to warfare was adopted. This, indeed, was a main lesson learned in the Ylari wars, especially after the defeat at the hands of al-Kalim, where infantry unsupported by strong cavalry and archers was found to be deficient. Thyatian commanders have never been afraid to learn from experience and adopt methods suited to the times, or to adopt admirable innovations of other nations. Just as in Thyatian cultural generally, there is a cosmopolitan openness to outside ideas in military affairs.
The Thyatian citizens were typically armed, and familiar with arms. Emperors had instructed that "The bow is one of the easiest weapons to make, and one of the most effective. We therefore wish that those who dwell in city, town, or countryside, or, in short, every one of our citizens, should have a bow of his own. Or, if this is impossible, let every household keep a bow and forty arrows, and let practice be made with them in shooting both in the open ground and in broken ground and in defiles and woods. For if there come a sudden incursion of enemies into the depths of the land, men using archery from rocky ground or in defiles or in forest can do the invader much harm; for the enemy dislikes having to keep sending out detachments to drive them off, and will dread to scatter far from their base in search of plunder, so that much territory can be kept unharmed, since the enemy will not desire to be engaging in a perpetual archery skirmish" (Tactica, xx). Thyatian citizenship made the formation of effective reserve units more likely than in lands where it might be considered dangerous to allow repressed subjects to arm themselves and organize into militias. The government of Thyatis could trust its population to be loyal, and not use these arms against their own country.
If the Thyatians have one fault, however, it is that in their military operations they have often been cautious when boldness would have served them better, trying to avoid defeat taking a priority over achieving victory. In their defence, this has generally been because their main enemy, Alphatia, was materially (in population and area) stronger than Thyatis, and serious losses due to over-boldness were deemed unaffordable risks. Though the Thyatians fought in many regions, the Alphatian front was always the most engrossing, and risking large forces to take or hold other areas (Ierendi or Ylaruam, for example) was considered imprudent. Also, of a spirit of "chivalrous warfare" there is hardly a spark in Thyatis, though there exists a great deal of professional pride and sense of sacred mission. The Thyatian officer or Knight was proud of his courage, strength, and skill; during the Great War especially he looked upon himself as charged with saving the civilized world from Alphatian aggression and conquest (some might question this mindset's objective accuracy, but this was the commonly held belief). But the Thyatians find the concept of "fairness" in war a foreign concept. Some things aren't done for pragmatic reasons (all out destruction, like biowarfare), but in Thyatis there is no contempt for slights and tricks, or belief in the ideals of "honest warfare" found in western nations of the Known world. Courage in Thyatis is considered one of the requirements for excelling in warfare, but not the paramount virtue. The generals of Thyatis considered a campaign brought to successful conclusion without a major battle as the cheapest and most efficient way to conduct war, even if such successes were based upon guile and tricking the opponent. They consider it foolish to expend valuable lives of veteran soldiers in achieving by force an end that can be attained by deception. They have no respect for warlike ardor, which to them is characteristic of the brainless barbarian, and an attribute fatal to anyone who made any pretensions to generalship. They strongly favour stratagems, ambushes, and simulated retreats intended to fool the opponent into advancing into a trap. They hold in contempt officers who fight without having first secured all the advantages for his own side. Fighting with comparatively small forces against the hordes of Alphatia, they considered this a necessity for national survival, and it has become an ingrained characteristic.
But "straightforward and honourable observance of the customs of war" find little place in the heart of a Thyatian. Thyatians, instead, respect and even glory in clever and ingenious stratagems. Sending bribes to a hostile camp to encourage soldiers or officers to betray their fellows. Conducting negotiations with the intent of lulling an enemy into a certainty of peace but with no sincere intent, and then launching an attack immediately after breaking off negotiations. Addressing treasonable letters to officers in the enemy camp to create suspicion of treachery in their ranks. Spreading rumours that some important noble or aristocrat in a hostile country is secretly friendly to Thyatis, adding plausibility by sparing that person's belongings and estates when the region is raided, in order to create uncertainty and suspicion. Sending envoys to negotiate with the enemy on some trivial pretext but with the sole object of spying out the numbers and dispositions of their troops. Fooling the enemy into thinking one is willing to negotiate a truce or surrender, but using the time to withdraw troops to safety. All these are considered worthy actions, and they give rise to Thyatis' reputation for treachery. However, this is not to say that Thyatians are inhumane or oath breakers - it is only fair to say that the mindset is also that no signed treaty or armistice should be broken, no foreign ambassador or representative harmed, no captives mistreated, and no cruel or ignominious terms imposed upon a honourable enemy. Though cunning fraud is considered just another tool in the arsenal of victory, true viciousness is disdained.
All this, then, is the military heritage of Thyatis, which Eusebius, like his father before him, is working to restore.
Thyatis also faced significant strategic difficulties; while it's most prominent rival's heartland was separated from other nations by both wide seas and a "buffer" or "fringe" of relatively unimportant subject areas, the Thyatian heartland lacks this advantage. The core of Thyatis is small, and located on a continental land mass (though in a defensible position) where it borders other, sometimes hostile, nations directly.
Though Thyatis' old enemy, Alphatia, was apparently gone, Thyatis now faces the rising power of NACE. Though the NACE appeared suddenly, they have just as quickly established an apparent strength no less than that of the original Alphatian Empire, based in part upon making up for lack of numbers through use of "Alphatian Artifacts" found on the sunken continent. Now the NACE is in direct communication with its old homeland, which was revived in the Hollow World. As these communications grow more secure, durable, and volume of traffic increases, the two branches of Alphatia begin cooperate increasingly to achieve their mutual aims. So the world now faces, in effect, two Alphatias, and as a result Eusebius has put a priority on restoring the effectiveness of the Thyatian military to counter this double threat. This has proven difficult given the reduced resources of the Empire, the whims of fate and apparent cosmic hostility to the fortunes of Thyatis, and the fact that Thyatis also trying to branch out into other areas (such as commerce and trade). It is hoped in the long run that increased trade will facilitate the building of an effective defence force, and the people of Thyatis are working hard to regain their lost pride and dignity.
Eusebius is also busy creating a system of military lands (Stratiotika Ktemata), wherein the holder will owe military service in exchange for retaining the land. This will then tend to create a natural system to replace casualties and induce recruitment. Normally, a son will serve if his father cannot, but the lands will be re-assigned if a current family is unable to perform the service due. Care is also being taken to insure that the holders of these land-grants are made to be persons of some substance and standing. In the words of Eusebius, they are "neither too young or too old, but are robust, courageous, and provided with means, so that, whether they are in garrison or on an expedition, they may be free from care as to their homes, having those left behind who may till their fields for them". And that they shall be free from onerous exactions, so that they shall never be ruined by fiscal oppression in their absence." Thus, the holders generally have both families and sufficient land and wealth to hire clients, tenant-farmers, or agricultural labourers to make sure things run smoothly while they are away. However, Eusebius is also taking great care to insure that the land-grants are not so great as to create a danger of over-powerful magnates and the formation of new latifundia, which could then be a danger to the national welfare. What he hopes to create is a class of yeomen or gentleman farmers; thus, laws are also passed preventing "alienation" of these land-grants or consolidation of them, which would undermine the intent. Troops also receive pay, of course. For inactive Thematic reserves ("reservist" holders of land-grants), this is not enough to live on (they are intended to earn their living from their lands and private activities). It instead provides a supplement, which enables them to maintain their equipment and the like. Of course, when called up to serve there is more regular campaign pay, and standing regulars are always paid accordingly. Only "Imperial" forces fit into this system, though - dominion reservists (and most dominion standing forces) are more similar to those of other countries, but many are persons of means in any case (again, similar to the better reserves of other nations). These persons will be reservists, but will for the most part have prior military experience (retiring soldiers will often receive grants of military lands), and train more extensively than typical reserves. Usually training will take place between harvest time and spring, but the grants will be extensive enough to free them from financial worries, as explained above, so they can serve any time of year.
Thyatian Military Uniforms and Equipment
The quality of the equipment that is issued tends to be of a very high standard. For most units (with the prominent exception of the Sacred/Palatine Guard), uniforms and equipment run along the following lines:
Thyatian troops wearing metal armour always wear gauntlets, vambraces, greaves, high hard boots, a helmet, and a linen surcoat. The helmet is conical or rounded, with either a crest or pointed at the top and with a tuft. The crest or tuft will be coloured, all units using a given colour. The surcoat is usually white, to help reduce heat, and has edging in the same colour as the tuft or crest. On heavy cavalry troopers these might be thickly padded (Epilorikion or Bambakion), of quilted cotton, leather, wool, and felt, which helps protect against missile fire. Unit insignia are also worn, on the breast and shoulder. All soldiers also have a felt wool cloak, waterproof, and likewise coloured according to unit. The cloak always has a panel (or Tablion) on the left edge over the breast, marked in a pattern that functions as a unit insignia. Archers and crossbowmen carry quivers with 40 arrows. Colours are usually shades of red, scarlet, blue, green, or mauve, with purple (a deep, crimsonish purple) for the troops that accompany the Emperor (the Hetaereia Augustiana). Insignia are generally framed in yellow or gold so that they stand out. Shields for cavalry are usually kite shaped (actually, more almond-shaped) or round (in the case of bucklers), and marked with the unit's insignia. Shields for infantry are either oval or square (for heavy infantry), which can be locked to create a Testudo, and also marked with the unit's insignia. Lances and spears also have pennons or streamers in the unit's colours and emblazoned with the unit's insignia, though these are generally removed right before combat.
Troops with no armour, or non-metallic armour (leather, padded, or quilted) armour either colour the armour or wear uniforms largely similar to the above in place of the surcoat, as well as wearing a cap on their head.
In addition to their normal weapons, troops also carry axes and daggers, which can be used as weapons but are mainly used for engineering and other useful "encampment" purposes. Generally on campaign for every four troops there is a "servant"; collectively they are known as the Tuldum (see units below). On campaign they deal with the baggage, mundane chores, guards the fortified camp while the unit fights, and do engineering work such as construct artillery in sieges (these latter along with the regular soldiers). Mules or carts are used to transport supplies, operated by these men (most armies have similar "logistical" support, but few have regularized their functions to such a degree, making them virtual auxiliaries). Each four soldiers also has access to a hand-mill, saw, two spades, a mallet, a wicker basket, a scythe, a bill-hook, and two pick axes, which are used for entrenchment, engineering, and in the conduct of sieges. In camp, tents are actually usually rounded or dome-like, similar to Yurts, and covered in waterproof felt and leather.
The bulk of Thyatian land forces are broken down into a number of cohorts, themselves consisting of several bands or banners ("Bandons"). This is done so as to be able to field flexible formations on the field of battle, while still lining up in a well-established formation (thus, in some ways, the traditions of the old infantry legions have an echo in modern Thyatis). Thyatian divisions always line up in two lines with a strong reserve, it being considered important to be able to plug gaps if the line is pierced. This also allows modern Thyatian units to deliver successive "shocks" to the enemy, in the same way the older legions did. Thus, the whole force is divided into a fighting line, a supporting line, a small reserve behind the second line, and detachments out on the wings to guard the army's flanks and threaten the flanks of the enemy. Infantry is usually in the center of the line, with the heavy infantry shielding the missile troops (archers and crossbowmen) with their spears. Cavalry is on the flanks and wings, and in reserve. Intervals are made in the second line so that the first line can withdraw through the gaps if they are forced to retreat. This, and the timely movement of the reserves forward, allows such units to rally and regroup to return to the fight. Units are also emplaced to either use magic to hide themselves, or use terrain to conceal their movements (this latter being often unconsidered by many enemies who think only of magical concealment, and not mundane stratagems) and fall on the enemy by surprise. These outlying forces also serve as vanguards and scouts, to insure that the Imperial troops aren't caught by surprise.
This formation provides for a succession of shocks, which is usually key to victory in any battle: as many as five different blows could be made on the enemy before the army would have to regroup, whereas the old Thyatian legions could make three. This is the basic formation (see images in the Armies file), with variations in tactics used depending upon the sort of foe the division faces. Note that this formation combines both aspects of Envelopment and Trap "tactics", allowing a skilled commander to employ either in combination depending upon the disposition of his foe, or to attack more straightforwardly.
This formation, with the infantry in the center of the line, can also be employed more defensively, to hold and receive the enemy's attack. The heavy infantry spear men providing a wall behind which the archers cut down the oncoming foe, and the cavalry tasked with counter-attacking and guarding the flanks. Thyatian cavalry are capable of fighting dismounted, as additional infantry, if needed, using their lances as spears or pikes. Stakes, pointed outward, and caltrops are often employed to further protect the battle line against charging foes. The curved, half-moon like formation exposes enemy troops to missile fire on three sides. Many, if not most, Thyatian military Clerics have access to the War Sphere, and use such spells to great affect in bolstering the troops. Thyatian officers are also skilled in studying terrain, and using it to their best advantage.
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 2,900,000; standing. Thyatis' standing mainland forces are almost entirely controlled by the Imperial Government, with relatively small detachments under the direct control of the dominion rulers. However, much of its reserves are forces organized and led by the dominion rulers and the fighting orders of Thyatis.
The below forces represent, more or less, the completed re-organization of the Thyatian military as ordered by Eusebius at the beginning of AC 1016. It was interrupted by the outbreak of the War of the Crown Rebellion, and will proceed throughout AC 1017, reaching completion (or near completion) late in the year).
Note: Troops designated in Italic Bold have at least one magic item.Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Guard Units
Division Name: Palatine Guard
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (City of Thyatis)
BR: 335 Personnel: 200 Troop Class: Elite BFR: 186
MMCS BR: 355 MMCS Troop Class: Elite MMCS BFR: 181
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Grand Domestic (F20, +2 int, +2 wis, +2 cha; Tk 18, Ld 18)*
Deputy Commander: Domestic (C20, Priest of Tarastia)*
Heroes: 5 Spatharii F 18*, 5 Clerists C18*, 5 Magists M18*.
1st - 3rd Sections: each has
30 Sacred Guardsmen (8th level Fighters (Myrmidon Kit) - AC 0 (Improved Armour, Dex, Single Weapon Fighting Style); Mv 12; HP 52; THAC0 12; #att 2 (Sword or Bow) or 1 (other weapons); Dmg 1d8 +5 (+2 longsword; specialization & strength bonus). +2 Longsword, +2 Short Composite Bow, Dagger. +5 to hit with sword (magical bonus, specialization). Also specialized in Short Composite Bow);
10 Priests (8th level Priest of Vanya - AC 0 (Improved Armour, Dex, Single Weapon Fighting Style); Mv 12; HP 50; THAC0 12; #att 2 (Sword) or 1 (other weapons); Dmg 1d8 +2 (+2 longsword). +2 Longsword, Mace of Disruption. Will use spells to aid Squad and incapacitate foes. Will Turn Undead. Can automatically Detect Lie as a permanent ability);
10 Lucinaires (7th level Fighter/8th level Mage (Dual-classed) - AC 0 (Improved Armour, Dex, Single Weapon Fighting Style); Mv 12; HP 50; THAC0 12; #att 2 (Sword or Bow) or 1 (other weapons); Dmg 1d8 +5 (+2 longsword; specialization & strength bonus), or spells. +2 Longsword, +2 Short Composite Bow, Dagger. +4 to hit with sword (magical bonus, specialization). Will use spells to incapacitate foes.);
10 Watch Commanders (8th level Paladin (Cavalier Kit) - AC 0 (Improved Armour, Dex, Single Weapon Fighting Style); Mv 12; HP 52; THAC0 12; #att 2 (Sword or Bow) or 1 (other weapons); Dmg 1d8 +5 (+2 longsword; specialization & strength bonus). +2 Longsword, +2 Short Composite Bow, Dagger. Will use sword in preference to other weapons, and avoid using bow (Cavalier). Is +5 to hit with sword (magical bonus, specialization, Cavalier bonus). Also has a Medallion of ESP, 90' radius. The Paladin is usually dedicated to Tarastia).
1 Section Leader (9th level Mage (Artificer Kit) - AC 2 (Improved Armour; Mv 12; HP 28; THAC0: 18; #att: 1 (Spell, Wand, or Staff); Dmg: 1d6 or by spell. Staff, Wand of Paralysation, Crystal Ball with ESP & Telepathy; Commands & Coordinates from hidden chamber, the Panopticon using the Crystal Ball and its Telepathy power to direct forces).
Special Note: As members of the Order of the Golden Eagle, all members of the Palatine Guard Force have had Protection from Evil and Displacement cast on them and made Permanent. This gives them protection from mental control, enchanted creatures, and provides a total of +3 to saves vs. spell, wand/staff/rod, and paralysation/petrification, and +1 to all other saving throws. It also causes -3 to enemy hit rolls, most missile fire automatically misses.
The uniform of the Palatine Guard consists of a white tunic with gold Lacing and piping, gold buttons, and belted by a scarlet sash, over a Kilt of pure white. Boots are polished black. The helmet is also white, covering the head and back of the neck but not the face, with an emblem on the front. The emblem consists of a gold two-headed eagle superimposed in a crimson sunburst, with a "wreath" of six gold five-pointed stars under it in a semi-circle, and an gold eight-pointed star over it.
All troops have had the spell Improved Armour cast on them along with Stoneskin, by a 20th (36th) level caster (Demetrion). Underneath their uniforms they also wear elven chain mail, useful if the spell fails and on the Day of Dread. The spell Improved Armour can be found in The Book of Magecraft (a Birthright accessory). A short description of that spell is given below. If other, similarly long-duration spells are available in your campaign, the members of the Sacred Guard will likely benefit from them as well.
Deployment: The Palatine Guard defends the Imperial Palace in the City of Thyatis and does not leave it. Other protections include Blink Dogs (help in patrolling the grounds), various magical Constructs (Golems, Drolems, Living Statues, and the like), banks of anti-Skyship/aerial creature artillery batteries (including Meteor Guns, Wands of Lightning Bolts, and Wands of Fireballs), and the like.
Because the Palatine Guard never leaves the capital (or the Imperial Palace), the BR of this force is almost irrelevant unless an army assaults the grounds. But they are included for the sake of completeness.
Division Name: Hetaereia Augustiana
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (City of Thyatis)
BR: 240 (344) Personnel: 820 Troop Class: Elite BFR: 120 (172)
MMCS BR: 333 MMCS Troop Class: Elite MMCS BFR: 157
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Domestic (F18, +2 int, +2 wis, +2 cha; Tk 18, Ld 18) (Rod of Victory)
Deputy Commander: Chartulary (F18)
Executive Officer: Praefect (F18)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 High Magist (W18), 1 High Clerist (C18), (Rod of Health), 1 Spatharius (Pal 18), 4 Battle Magists (M16).
Great Hetaereia, Exalted Hetaereia, and Glorious Hetaereia (each): 1 Commander (F18), 1 Tribune (M16), 1 Draconarius (F16), 1 War Magist (M 12), 1 Battle Priest (C 12), 1 Spatharius (Pal 12). Each force has:
1st - 3rd Sections:
50 Hetierata (F7), +2 Chain Lamellar, +2 Longsword, long composite bow;
10 Hetierata (M 7), Bracers of Defence AC 4, staff, +2 dagger, Wand of Fireballs;
10 Hetierata (F7/M7), +2 Chain Lamellar, +2 Longsword, long composite bow;
10 Hetierata (C7 of Vanya), +2 Chain Lamellar, +2 Longsword, long composite bow;
1 Centarch (F 12), 1 Pentacontarch (E 10), 2 War Mages (M 9), 2 Battle Priests (C 9), 2 Spatharii (Pal 10).
All the above are mounted on Behemoths (Woolly Rhinos bred from examples captured in the Hinterlands) with chain lamellar barding. Their mounts are chosen for their extra-ordinary toughness, and have exceptional hit points per die (+2 per HD, but no more than 8 hp per die rolled). These troops, and their fellows in the Sacred Guard, are among the best warriors in all of Thyatis. When more aerial mounts are acquired and trained, or more Airships commissioned, this unit will probably be converted into an airborne force.
Special Note: As members of the Order of the Golden Eagle, all members of the Palatine Guard Force have had Protection from Evil and Displacement cast on them and made Permanent. This gives them protection from mental control, enchanted creatures, and provides a total of +3 to saves vs. spell, wand/staff/rod, and paralysation/petrification, and +1 to all other saving throws. It also causes -3 to enemy hit rolls, most missile fire automatically misses. Their mounts are similarly protected, the spells having been cast on their barding and tack.
The uniform of the Hetaereia Augustiana consists of a crimson surcoat with gold Lacing and piping, gold buttons, and white belt with a gold buckle, over trousers of pure white. Boots are polished black. The helmet is also white, covering the head and back of the neck but not the face, with an emblem on the front. The emblem consists of a gold two-headed eagle superimposed in a crimson sunburst, with a "wreath" of six gold five-pointed stars under it in a semi-circle, and an gold eight-pointed star over it, identical to that of the Palatine Guard.
The Hetaereia Augustiana is the Companion Guard of the Emperor and his family. It was formed (or re-formed, as a similar unit existed before the Wrath War) by Eusebius during his military re-organization, from his most loyal and capable men, including surviving members of the original Hetaereia (among whom are its commanders). When the Emperor goes on campaign, the Hetaereia accompanies him (the Palatine Guard then protects members of his family who remain in the Imperial Palace).
Division Name: Thyatian Tagmatic Guards
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Hesperian and Anatolian)
BR: 211 Personnel: 2,000 Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 124
MMCS BR: 175 MMCS Troop Class: Excellent MMCS BFR: 105
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Strategos (F18, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha; Tk 16, Ld 16)
Deputy Commander: Hypostrategos (F16)
Heroes: 2 Spatharii (F12), 2 Battle Priests (C12), 2 War Mages (M12), 2 Foresters (E10)
(all the above are mounted on hippogriffs with padded barding, and they and their mounts are protected by Displacement and Protection From Evil effects).
3 Cavalry Cohorts (1st, Scholae; 2nd, Hicanatoi; 3rd, Arithmos): each has 1 F7 Praefect, 1 F6 Tribune, 1 M6 War Mage, 1 C6 Battle Priest.
1st - 3rd Bandons: 100 elite Stratiotai (F3), chain lamellar armour and shield; composite short bow, lance, and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C4), all mounted on war horses (medium Kerendan) with lamellar barding.
Separate BR: 189 Personnel: 316 Separate Troop Class: Excellent Separate BFR: 111
3 Infantry Cohorts (4th, Excubitors; 5th, Optimatoi; 6th, Vigili): each has 1 F7 Praefect, 1 F6 Tribune, 1 M6 War Mage, 1 C6 Battle Priest.
1st - 2nd Bandons: 100 elite Stratiotai (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield; pilia (javelins), spear, and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C4), all mounted on riding horses (dismount to fight).
3rd Bandon: 100 elite Stratiotai (F3), lorica segmenta armour and buckler; long composite bow, spear, and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C4), all mounted on riding horses (dismount to fight).
Separate BR: 167 Personnel: 316 Separate Troop Class: excellent Separate BFR: 111
Headquarters Bandon (Division Command Staff attached, plus):
Guard Cavalry Squadron: 40 elite Forester Cavalry (F3/M3), elven chain and shield; composite short bow, lance, and spatha (longsword); 20 elite Cavalry (C3), chain lamellar, lance, spatha. 1 Mandator (C6), 1 Mandator (F6/M6), 1 Centarch (F7/M7), 1 War Mage (F6/M6), 2 Battle Priests (C6), all mounted on war horses (medium Kerendan) with elven chain barding. Used for reconnaissance and other special tasks.
Spiritual Corps: 20 Clerics (C5), chain mail, mace, 5 Priests (C7), 2 Chief Priests (C9), 1 Prelate (C10), all mounted on war horses (medium Kerendan) with chain barding. Use healing spells as well as fighting.
All troops are equipped with excellent weapons; italicized individuals have magical weapons/equipment. War Mages often have wands, usually captured from the Alphatians during the Great War. These are the heavy, all-Cavalry regiments (stationed in Thyatis the City). They are the veterans (and survivors) of a decade of warfare, and are determined not to fail the Empire again. They train together extensively with their fellow guard units and other Imperial units stationed in the capital. Foresters are either members of the Order of Foresters or are Elves.
For expeditionary forces, one Tagmatic Division generally forms the "core" of the unit, and is coupled with Imperial Legions, Fleets, and Auxiliary forces as needed. Originally, there was one full regiment for five of each of the units named above (Scholae, Excubitors, etc), but on account of losses they were consolidated into the above forces. The "Optimatoi" is a new formation, however, created by promoting the best of soldiers from other surviving units (thus the name). These units were also re-organized some, reflecting the new military concepts devised by the Imperial General Staff.
Division Name: Antalian Guard
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (City of Thyatis)
BR: 177 Personnel: 2,000 Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 104
MMCS BR: 163 MMCS Troop Class: Excellent MMCS BFR: 105
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Akolouthos (F16, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha; Tk 18, Ld 18)
Deputy Commander: Domestic (F16)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 War Magist (W16), 1 Patriarch (C16) (Rod of Health), 2 Foresters (F10/M10), 2 M12, 2 F12.
(all the above are mounted on hippogriffs with padded barding, and they and their mounts are protected by Displacement and Protection From Evil effects).
1st - 2nd Cohorts: each has 1 F8 Praetor, 1 F7 Tribune, 1 M7 War Mage, 1 C7 Battle Priest.
1st - 2nd Bandons: each has 100 Heavy Cavalry (F3), chain mail and shield; lance and longsword; 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F7), 1 Chaplain (C5), all mounted on war horses (Medium) with lamellar barding.
3rd Bandon: 100 Light Cavalry (F3), leather armour and shield; short composite bow, lance, longsword; 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F7), 1 Chaplain (C5), all mounted on war horses (light).
Personnel: 316 Separate Troop Class: recalculate Separate BR: recalculate
3rd - 4th Cohorts: each has 1 F8 Praetor, 1 F7 Tribune, 1 M7 War Mage, 1 C7 Battle Priest.
1st - 2nd Bandons: each has 100 Heavy Infantry (F3), chain mail and shield; battle axe, throwing axes, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F7), 1 Chaplain (C5).
3rd Bandon: 100 Archers (F3), chain mail; longbow, longsword; 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F7), 1 Chaplain (C5).
Personnel: 316 Separate Troop Class: recalculate Separate BR: recalculate
5th - 6th Cohorts: each has 1 F8 Praetor, 1 F7 Tribune, 1 M7 War Mage, 1 C7 Battle Priest.
1st - 2nd Bandons: each has 100 Heavy Infantry (F3), chain mail and shield; spear, throwing axes, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F7), 1 Chaplain (C5).
3rd Bandon: 100 Heavy Infantry (F3), chain mail and shield; pike, javelin, longsword; 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F7), 1 Chaplain (C5).
Personnel: 316 Separate Troop Class: recalculate Separate BR: recalculate
Headquarters Bandon (Division Command Staff attached, plus):
Guard Cavalry Squadron: 40 elite Forester Cavalry (F3/M3), elven chain and shield; composite short bow, lance, and spatha (longsword); 20 elite Cavalry (C3), chain lamellar, lance, spatha. 1 Mandator (C6), 1 Mandator (F6/M6), 1 Centarch (F7/M7), 1 War Mage (F6/M6), 2 Battle Priests (C6), all mounted on war horses (medium Kerendan) with elven chain barding. Used for reconnaissance and other special tasks.
Spiritual Corps: 20 Clerics (C4), chain mail, mace, 5 Priests (C5), 2 Chief Priests (C6), 1 Prelate (C7), all mounted on war horses (medium) with chain barding. Use healing spells as well as fighting.
All troops are equipped with excellent weapons. War Mages often have wands, and are frequently Alphatians who took service with Thyatis after the Great War. This unit trains extensively with the Tagmata. Division officers, all Cohort officers, and all members of the Headquarters Bandon are Thyatians. The rest are foreign mercenaries. The heavy infantry are largely recruited from the Northern Reaches (Ostland, Vestland, and Soderfjord), Heldann, and Norwold (often those displaced by Alphatian settlement) or Darokin and Karameikos (in the case of the pikemen); archers most often come from Karameikos, Darokin, and even Glantri or elsewhere. Light Cavalry come mainly from Ethengar, Atruaghin, or other nomadic regions. Heavy Cavalry are recruited from the Northern Reaches, Karameikos, Darokin, or elsewhere. Foresters are either elves or human members of the Order of Foresters. Infantry all have horses to help them keep up with faster units, but they fight dismounted. Naval vessels are available to transport the entire unit by sea if needed; it is often deployed abroad and will be one of the units most likely to see combat in the next several years as Thyatis rebuilds its native armies.
Division Name: Citadel Cohort
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 8 (1st, Carytion Naval Fort; 2nd, Kerendas Outpost; 3rd, Lucinius Outpost; 4th, Fort Nikos; 5th, Fort Zendrol; 6th, Blackpoint Citadel; 7th, Borydos; 8th, Fort Southpoint).
BR: 132 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 94
MMCS BR: 147 MMCS Troop Class: Excellent MMCS BFR: 93
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Chartulary (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha; Tk 16, Ld 16)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (F10)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Magist (W12), 1 Patriarch (C12)
1st Bandon: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour (banded mail), repeating crossbow and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C5).
2nd Bandon: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour (banded mail), heavy crossbow and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C5).
3rd Bandon: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour (banded mail), longbow and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C5).
4th Bandon: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour (banded mail) and shield, spear and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C5).
These units man the various fortresses along the borders of the Thyatian heartland. They also have access to an assortment of siege artillery mounted in the fortress itself. All Thyatian fortifications and artillery are designed for use against aerial attack (the artillery having double normal range). These units also serve as the cadres around which the Protectors Legions (see below) form in time of war, boosting the local defences.
An additional Citadel Cohort (9th), identical to the above, is added during the course of AC 1018 to garrison Haven Citadel on the Rugalov River.Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Aerial Forces
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Retebius; Thyatis City)
BR: 282 (396) Personnel: 280 Troop Class: Elite BFR: 128 (180)
MMCS BR: 483 MMCS Troop Class: Elite MMCS BFR: 198
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Domestic (F20, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha; Tk 18, Ld 16)
Deputy Commander: Hypostrategos (F16)
Heroes: 1 Battle Priest (C12), 1 War Mage (M12), 1 Forester (Elven F10/M10).
All above mounted on huge Ruby Dragons.
1st - 2nd Air Groups: each has 20 Air Cavalry (F5), lorica segmenta armour and shield, lance and +2 longsword, mounted on pegasi. 20 Air Cavalry (F5), chain mail, long composite bow of distance and longsword, mounted on pegasi. 5 Air Cavalry (C5), lorica segmenta armour, mace and throwing hammer, Wand of Fear, mounted on pegasi. 5 Air Cavalry (M5), Bracers of Defence AC 5, staff and Wand (in any group of five, 2 will have a Wand of Fireballs, 2 will have a Wand of Lightning Bolts, 1 will have a Wand of Ice Storms); mounted on pegasi. 2 Captains (F7), 1 Major (F9), 1 Priest (C7), 1 Mage (M7). Captains and Major mounted on Androsphinxes; Mage and Priest mounted on Gynosphinxes.
3rd Air Group: 20 Air Cavalry (F5), lorica segmenta armour and shield, lance and +2 longsword, mounted on hippogriffs. 20 Air Cavalry (F5), lorica segmenta armour, Long Composite Bow of Distance and longsword, mounted on hippogriffs. 5 Air Cavalry (C5), lorica segmenta armour, mace and throwing hammer, Wand of Fear, mounted on hippogriffs. 5 Air Cavalry (M5), Bracers of Defence, AC5, staff and Wand (in any group of five, 2 will have a Wand of Fireballs, 2 will have a Wand of Lightning Bolts, 1 will have a Wand of Ice Storms); mounted on hippogriffs. 2 Captains (F7), 1 Major (F9), 1 Priest (C7), 1 Mage (M7). Captains and Major mounted on Androsphinxes; Mage and Priest mounted on Gynosphinxes.
4th Air Group: 20 Air Cavalry (F6), lorica segmenta armour and shield, lance and +2 longsword, mounted on griffons. 20 Air Cavalry (F6), lorica segmenta armour, Long Composite Bow of Distance and longsword, mounted on griffons. 10 Air Cavalry (C6), lorica segmenta armour, mace and throwing hammer, Wand of Fear, mounted on griffons. 10 Air Cavalry (M6), Bracers of Defence, AC5, staff and Wand (in any group of ten, 4 will have a Wand of Fireballs, 4 will have a Wand of Lightning Bolts, 2 will have a Wand of Ice Storms); mounted on griffons. 2 Captains (F7), 1 Major (F9), 1 Priest (C9), 1 Mage (M9). Captains and Major mounted on Androsphinxes; Mage and Priest mounted on Gynosphinxes.
Dragon Flight: 6 Draconarii (F12), full plate armour, Long Composite Bow of Distance and +2 Longsword; mounted on white dragons. 2 Draconarii (C12), full plate armour and shield, throwing hammer, mace, and Rod of Beguiling; mounted on blue dragons. 2 Draconarii (M12), Bracers of Defence AC2, Staff of the Magi and dagger; mounted on blue dragons.
All members of this unit and their mounts have had Displacement and Protection from Evil cast on them and made Permanent. They also have items that provide them with Globes of Invulnerability, likewise rendered Permanent. Note: Sphinxes and Dragons count not only as mounts but as members of the unit as well. Though the Alphatian Skynavy outnumbers them, they make up for the difference in numbers through superior quality (or at least they do when not dissipated). The Sphinxes and Dragons all can cast spells. The Androsphinxes cast spells as 12th level mages, the Gynosphinxes cast spells as 12th level clerics.
All members of the above unit have at least one magic item.
Division Name: Knights of the Air Chapter
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Thyatis City & Retebius).
BR: 256 (360) Personnel: 300 Troop Class: Elite (Elite) BFR: 128 (180)
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Lord-Knight (F20, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Master-Knight (C18)
Heroes: 1 Battle Priest (C16), 1 War Mage (M18), 1 Forester (Elven F10/M10).
All above mounted on dragons.
1st - 2nd Air Wings: each has 30 Air Knights (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, lance and longsword; mounted on pegasii. 20 Air Knights (F5), lorica segmenta armour, Heavy Crossbow of Distance and longsword; mounted on pegasii. 4 Air Knights (C3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, mace and war hammer; mounted on pegasii; 1 Air Knight (C5), lorica segmenta armour and shield, mace, war hammer, and Wand of Fear; mounted on pegasus. 4 Air Knights (M3), Bracers of Defence, AC 6, staff and dagger; mounted on pegasii; 1 Air Knight (M5), Bracers of Defence, AC 5, staff, dagger, and Wand of Death Spell; mounted on pegasus. 2 Captains (F9), 1 Major (F10), 1 Priest (C9), 1 Mage (M9). Captains and Major mounted on Androsphinxes; Mage and Priest mounted on Gynosphinxes.
3rd Air Wing: 30 Air Knights (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, lance and longsword; mounted on hippogriffs. 20 Air Knights (F5), lorica segmenta armour, Heavy Crossbow of Distance and longsword; mounted on hippogriffs. 4 Air Knights (C3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, mace and war hammer; mounted on hippogriffs; 1 Air Knight (C5), lorica segmenta armour and shield, mace, war hammer, and Wand of Fear; mounted on hippogriff. 4 Air Knights (M3), Bracers of Defence, AC 6, staff and dagger; mounted on hippogriffs; 1 Air Knight (M5), Bracers of Defence, AC 5, staff, dagger, and Wand of Death Spell mounted on hippogriff. 2 Captains (F9), 1 Major (F10), 1 Priest (C9), 1 Mage (M9). Captains and Major mounted on Androsphinxes; Mage and Priest mounted on Gynosphinxes.
4th Air Wing: 20 Air Knights (F6), lorica segmenta armour and shield, lance and +2 longsword, mounted on griffons. 20 Air Knights (F6), lorica segmenta armour, Long Composite Bow of Distance and longsword, mounted on griffons. 5 Air Knights (C6), lorica segmenta armour, mace and throwing hammer, Wand of Fear, mounted on griffons. 5 Air Knights (M6), Bracers of Defence, AC5, staff and Wand (in any group of 5, 2 will have a Wand of Fireballs, 2 will have a Wand of Lightning Bolts, 1 will have a Wand of Ice Storms); mounted on griffons. 2 Captains (F9), 1 Major (F10), 1 Priest (C9), 1 Mage (M9). Captains and Major mounted on Androsphinxes; Mage and Priest mounted on Gynosphinxes.
Dragon Flight: 6 Draconarii (F12), full plate armour, Long Composite Bow of Distance and +2 Longsword; mounted on dragons. 2 Draconarii (C12), full plate armour and shield, throwing hammer, mace, and Rod of Beguiling; mounted on dragons. 2 Draconarii (M12), Bracers of Defence AC2, Staff of the Magi and dagger; mounted on dragons.
All members of this unit and their mounts have had Displacement and Protection from Evil cast on them and made Permanent. They also have items that provide them with Globes of Invulnerability, likewise rendered Permanent. Note: Sphinxes and Dragons count not only as mounts but as members of the unit as well. Though the Alphatian Skynavy outnumbers them, they make up for the difference in numbers through superior quality. The Sphinxes and Dragons all can cast spells. The Androsphinxes cast spells as 12th level mages, the Gynosphinxes cast spells as 12th level clerics. Note that in the Knights of the Air units the dragon types have not been specified: they are of various hues; about 40% are white dragons, about 20% are blue dragons, about 20% are gold dragons, and about 10% are ruby dragons.
Note also that though the level of individual Knights tends to be lower than in the Retebius Air Fleet, the level of officers tends to be higher. This is because of the different requirements for joining each order (many of the Knights of the Air are hobbyists, rather than fully professional soldiers like the RAF. However, the officers are of higher level because many are retired RAF with extensive experience, and others are of high level because of the requirement for entering the Order (one must be a Lord or greater nobility, or of 9th level or higher).
All members of the above unit have at least one magic item.
Division Name: Bomber Command
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Retebius).
BR: 226 (330) Personnel: 86 Troop Class: Excellent (Elite) BFR: 113 (165)
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Strategos (F20, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Hypostrategos (C18)
Heroes: 2 Battle Priests (C16), 2 War Mages (M18), 2 Foresters (Elven F10/M10).
All above mounted on large Rocs.
1st - 3rd Bomber Wings: each has 20 Roc Riders (F6), plate mail and shield, Heavy Crossbow of Distance, lance and longsword; mounted on large Rocs. 2 Roc Riders (C6), plate mail and shield, mace, war hammer, and Wand of Fear; mounted on large Rocs. 2 Roc Riders (M6), Bracers of Defence, AC 4, staff, dagger, and Wand of Conjuring; mounted on large Rocs. 1 Wing Commander (F10), 1 Flight Leader (F9/M9), both mounted on large Rocs.
All members of this unit and their mounts have had Displacement and Protection from Evil cast on them and made Permanent. All also have equipment providing them with Globes of Invulnerability that have likewise been rendered Permanent. The Rocs have each have a special apparatus which allows them to carry and dispense (fire) various munitions ("bombs") - as if fired from a heavy catapult (with double normal range). These include globes containing Liquid Fire, globes that shatter to splatter acid, Green Slime or other nastiness (especially popular for anti-personnel use, "clearing" the decks of Skyships), and the like.
All members of the above unit have at least one magic item.
Division Name: Imperial Devil Ray Cruiser Squadron
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Borydos Naval Proving Ground).
BR: 194 (298) Personnel: 250 (270) Troop Class: Good (Elite) BFR: 97 (149)
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Drungary (F18, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Chartulary (C18)
Heroes: 1 Battle Priest (C16), 1 War Mage (M18), 1 Forester (Elven F10/M10), 5 Spatharii (F9).
1st - 2nd Devil rays: each has 30 Troopers (F3), lorica segmenta (or banded mail), repeating crossbow and spatha (longsword). 30 Troopers, lorica segmenta (or banded mail), long composite bow and spatha (longsword). 10 Troopers (F3/M3), elven chain mail, longbow and longsword. 10 Troopers (C3), lorica segmenta, throwing hammer and mace. 20 Air Cavalrymen (F5), lorica segmenta (or banded mail), long composite bow of distance, lance, and spatha (longsword) mounted on griffons with chain barding. 5 Air Knights (C6), lorica segmenta armour, mace and throwing hammer, Wand of Fear, mounted on griffons. 5 Air Knights (M6), Bracers of Defence, AC5, staff and Wand (in any group of 5, 2 will have a Wand of Fireballs, 2 will have a Wand of Lightning Bolts, 1 will have a Wand of Ice Storms); mounted on griffons. 2 Mandators (F7), 1 Air Cavalry Mandator (F7) mounted on a griffon, 1 Centarch (F12), 1 Magist (M10), 1 Clerist (C10), 2 War Mages (M9), 2 Battle Priests (C9). Manning a Imperial Devil Ray Airship, with 10 non-fighting crewmen and various pieces of shipboard artillery.
All troops have excellent equipment. All members of this unit and their mounts have had Displacement and Protection from Evil cast on them and made Permanent. All also have equipment providing them with Globes of Invulnerability that have likewise been rendered Permanent. Note that all the ships have not been completed, the forces in these units are gathered to train at Borydos using the vessels that have been.
All members of the above unit have at least one magic item. When the Imperial Senate cancelled funding for Devil Rays, Eusebius was able to complete one more ship already under construction using income from his dominions (the Duchy of Thyatis and City of Thyatis), personal estates, and supporters - a feat that cannot be replicated.
Division Name: Imperial Airmobile Force
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (City of Thyatis and Retebius - splits time).
BR: 192 Personnel: 1,000 (1080 in wartime) Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 120
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Drungary (F16, +2 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Chartulary (C12)
Heroes/Command Staff: 2 Prelates (C12), 2 [b][i]War Mages (M12), 2 Spatharii (F7)
1st - 4th Squadrons: each has 80 Troopers (F3), lorica segmenta (or banded mail), repeating crossbow and spatha (longsword). 80 Troopers, lorica segmenta (or banded mail), longbow and spatha (longsword). 40 Frogmen (F3), Frogsuit, trident, drusus (short sword), and harpoon gun; 20 Troopers (C5), lorica segmenta armour and shield, mace and throwing hammer; 20 Troopers (W6), Bracers of Defence AC 5, staff and Wand (various); 4 Protocarabi (F6), 2 Centarchs (F8), 2 Battle Mages (M7). Man 2 Sky Dromonds each with 10 airmen, 2 Liquid Fire projectors, 2 automatic ballistae, 1 heavy catapult, and a ram (all artillery have double normal range).
All troops have excellent equipment. This force is currently organized for combat against the Twaelar Merrow Empire (thus the presence of Frogmen) and for other maritime/littoral campaigns. Frogmen can dive out of Airships hovering near the surface of the sea, or even use Bumber-Chutes for higher altitude descents. When the Twaelar war is over and once the Retebius Air Cavalry has trained sufficient mounts, each ship will carry a complement of troops with flying mounts in place of the Frogmen. All the Skyships have "detection gear" to locate and identify aerial creatures and craft, and they can tow arrays similar to that used by the naval forces (see below) to detect undersea creatures and ships.
Note that Thyatis is commissioning two Sky Dromonds per year for the foreseeable future; the current plan is to eventually have the Hetaereia converted to an airmobile force. As the Thyatian population recovers to its pre-war levels and additional mounts are acquired, the Retebius Air Fleet will expand and the Knights of the Air will eventually be returned to the reserves. Eventually each Retebius Air Fleet unit will have skyships to use as "carriers"; this will be made possible as the mainland Thyatian population continues to recover to its pre-war levels, allowing for some expansion in the empire's standing army, to provide ship's troops for these vessels.Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Naval Forces
As a maritime Empire, the bulk of the Empire's regular forces are in its navy, capable of operating at sea and against coastal targets;
Division Name: Imperial Battle Fleet
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 20 (1st, Lucinius; 2nd, 3rd, 4th, City of Thyatis; 5th, Terentias; 6th, Dawnpoint; 7th, Carytion; 8th, Kerendas; 9th, Hattias; 10th, Tel Akbir; 11th, Redstone; 12th, Ravenscarp; 13th, West Portage; 14th, Lucinius; 15th, Julinius; 16th, Beitung; 17th, Seagirt; 18th, Minrothad; 19th, Newkirk; 20th, Julinius).
BR: 149 Personnel: 800 (1070 in wartime) Troop Class: Good BFR: 99
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Drungary (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Chartulary (C12)
Flagship: 50 Marines (F3), leather armour, drusus (short sword) and heavy crossbow; 20 Marines (F3), leather armour and shield, drusus (short sword) and boarding pike; 10 Marines (F3), leather armour, drusus (short sword) and longbow; 5 Marines (C3), leather armour, mace and sling; 5 Marines (W3), Wand of Lightning Bolts and dagger. 2 Protocarabi (F5), 1 marine Mandator Commander (F6), 1 Centarch (F8), 1 Praetor (F10), 1 Tribune (F9), 1 Priest (C12), 1 Magist (M12). Transported aboard a Imperial Galleass (30 sailors each; non-combat in peacetime, armed in war with leather armour and shield, spear and short sword). Ships are equipped with rams (cause maximum damage due to ripping effect), liquid fire projectors, and other artillery (including launchers for Depth Bombs). Each Dromond has 180 HP. They have better than normal seaworthiness and thus can sail farther from coast than normal galleys.
Galleass Division: 120 Marines (F2), leather armour, drusus (short sword) and heavy crossbow; 60 Marines (F2), leather armour and shield, drusus and boarding pike; 20 Marines (F2), leather armour, drusus (short sword) and longbow; 18 Marines (C2), leather armour, mace and sling; 18 Marines (W2), Wand of Magic Missiles and dagger. 4 Protocarabi (F4), 2 marine Mandator Commanders (F5), 2 Centarchs (F7), 1 Praetor (F9), 1 Tribune (F8), 2 Priests (C10), 2 Magists (M10). Apportioned among 2 Imperial Galleass (30 sailors each; non-combat in peacetime, armed in war with leather armour and shield, spear and short sword). Ships are equipped with rams (cause maximum damage due to ripping effect), liquid fire projectors, and other artillery (including launchers for Depth Bombs). Each Dromond has 180 HP. They have better than normal seaworthiness and thus can sail farther from coast than normal galleys.
1st - 3rd Galley Divisions: each has 60 Marines (F2), leather armour, drusus (short sword), and heavy crossbow; 40 Marines (F2), leather armour and shield, drusus and boarding pike; 20 Marines (F2), leather armour, drusus (short sword) and longbow; 8 Marines (C2), leather armour, mace and sling; 8 Marines (W2), no armour, staff, Wand of Magic Missiles and dagger. 4 Protocarabi (F4), 2 marine Mandator Commanders (F5), 2 Centarchs (F6); 1 Praetor (F9), 1 Tribunes (F8), 2 Priest (C7), 2 Magist (W7). Apportioned among 2 Imperial Dromonds (30 sailors each; non-combat in peacetime, armed in war with leather armour and shield, spear and short sword). Ships are equipped with rams (cause maximum damage due to ripping effect), liquid fire projectors, and other artillery (including launchers for Depth Bombs). Each Dromond has 180 HP. They have better than normal seaworthiness and thus can sail farther from coast than normal galleys.
Sea Machine Stats
Fleet Class: Good (BFR 89) Ship's BR: 160 Fleet BR: 159
3 Imperial Galleases: 200 HP each; artillery, ram.
6 Imperial Dromonds: 150 HP each; artillery, ram.
Total Hull Points: 1,500 Seamen: 270 Men in Fleet: 1,070
These are the "basic" oceanic forces. All troops have excellent equipment. They are the Empire's "oceanic superiority" force and patrol the seas as well as perform escort functions for transport ships. They also represent improvements in the fleet based upon experience fighting the Twaelar Merrow Empire.
All ships are equipped with "detection gear" that allows them to mark the location of underwater creatures and vessels, and to sort them by type.
Division Name: Marine Expeditionary Force
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (1st, City of Thyatis; 2nd, Lucinius).
BR: 176 Personnel: 1,000 (1,400 in wartime) Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 110
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Drungary (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Chartulary (W15)
Executive Officer: Chartulary (C15)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st - 4th Squadrons: 140 Marines (F3), leather armour, drusus (short sword) and heavy crossbow, apportioned among 6 Small Troop Transports (Caravels) each with 10 non combat sailors (armed in wartime).
50 Marines (F3), lorica segmenta (or banded mail), spatha (longsword), and short composite bow, with pegasi mounts. 5 Marines (C3), lorica segmenta (or banded mail), mace, and sling, with pegasi mounts. 5 Marines (F3/M3), elven chain, longsword, and short composite bow, with pegasi mounts. 20 Marines (F3), lorica segmenta (or banded mail), drusus (short sword) and heavy crossbow, all apportioned among 2 Flight Ships (modified Large Troop Transports/Galleons) each with 20 non combat sailors (armed in wartime).
8 Protocarabi (F5), 8 marine Mandator Commanders (F5), 8 Centarchs (F6); 1 Praetor (F9), 2 Tribunes (F8), 1 Priest (C7), 1 Magist (W7). All ships have liquid fire projectors and artillery, including launchers for Depth Bombs. The Small Troop Transports have 90 HP each, the Flight Transports have 160 HP each.
All ships are equipped with "detection gear" that allows them to mark the location of underwater creatures and vessels, and to sort them by type. 40 ships.
760 foot, 240 air
Division Name: Marine Amphibious Force
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (City of Thyatis).
BR: 204 Personnel: 1,000 (1,400 in wartime) Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 120
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Drungary (F15 +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Chartulary (W15)
Executive Officer: Chartulary (C15)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st - 4th Squadrons: each with 40 Marines (F3), lorica segmenta, drusus (short sword) and heavy crossbow. 40 Frogmen (F3), Frogsuit, trident, drusus (short sword), and harpoon gun. 30 Frogmen (C3), Frogsuit, trident and drusus (short sword). 30 Frogmen (aquatic elven F3/M3), Frogsuit, trident, drusus (short sword), and harpoon gun. apportioned among 6 Small Troop Transports (Caravels) each with 10 non combat sailors (armed in wartime).
50 Marines (F3), lorica segmenta, spatha (longsword), and short composite bow, with pegasi mounts. 5 Marines (C3), lorica segmenta, mace and sling, with pegasi mounts. 5 Marines (F3/M3), elven chain, longsword, and short composite bow, with pegasi mounts. 20 Marines (F3), lorica segmenta, drusus (short sword) and repeating crossbow, all apportioned among 2 Flight Ships (modified Large Troop Transports/Galleons) each with 20 non combat sailors (armed in wartime).
8 Protocarabi (F5), 6 marine Mandator Commanders (F5), 1 marine Mandator Commander (C5), 1 marine Mandator Commander (F5/M5) 8 Centarchs (F6); 1 Praetor (F9), 2 Tribunes (F8), 1 Priest (C7), 1 Magist (W7). All ships have liquid fire projectors and artillery, including launchers for Depth Bombs. The Small Troop Transports have 90 HP each, the Flight Transports have 160 HP each.
All equipment is excellent. This force was specifically created to fight the Twaelar Merrow Empire. Aquatic Elves are either recruited from Seahome in Minrothad or from the community of Aquatic Elves near Actius.
All ships are equipped with "detection gear" that allows them to mark the location of underwater creatures and vessels, and to sort them by type.
760 foot, 240 air
Division Name: Thyatian Transport Fleet
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 4 (1st, City of Thyatis; 2nd, Lucinius; 3rd, Dawnpoint; 4th, Julinius).
BR: 75 Personnel: 5 (1040 in wartime) Troop Class: Fair BFR: 58
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Praefect (F9)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (W9)
Executive Officer: Tribune (C9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C8), 1 War Mage (W8).
1st - 4th Squadrons: each has 8 small troop transports manned by 10 non-fighting sailors each (leather armour, light crossbow and short sword in wartime), 2 light catapults, depth bomb launcher, water fire projector. Capable of transporting 25 soldiers each.
5th - 8th Squadrons: each has 6 large troop transports manned by 20 non-fighting sailors each (leather armour, light crossbow and short sword in wartime), 2 heavy catapults, depth bomb launcher, water fire projector. Capable of transporting 50 soldiers each.
9th - 10th Squadrons: each has 6 troop transports manned by 20 non-fighting sailors each (leather armour, light crossbow and short sword in wartime), 2 heavy catapults, depth bomb launcher, water fire projector. Capable of transporting 100 soldiers each.
Each Transport Fleet is able to move up to 3,200 troops. They are always escorted by at least one Battle Fleet. Additional ships can be hired or commandeered from private service to transport troops if needed.Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Imperial Reserves
As described in DotE, most of the Imperial land forces are reserves - but good ones;
Division Name: Imperial Legion (Thematic)
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 20 (I: City of Thyatis; II: Thyatis (Duchy); III: Kerendas; IV; Hattias; V; Tel Akbir; VI; Kantrium; VII; Retebius; VIII; Machetos; IX; Biazzan; X; Kerendas; XI; Hattias; XII; Thyatis (Duchy); XIII Halathius & Buhrohur; XIV, Redstone; XV, Kerendas; XVI, Hattias; XVII, Carytion; XVIII, Terentias; XIX, Ravenscarp; XX, Lucinius).
BR: 136 Personnel: 2,000 Troop Class: Average BFR: 80
MMCS BR: 135 MMCS Troop Class: Good MMCS BFR: 80
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Strategos (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha; Tk 16, Ld 15)
Deputy Commander: Hypostrategos (F10)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Magist (W16), 1 Patriarch (C16), 1 War Wizard (W12), 1 War Priest (C12), 2 Foresters (E10), 2 Spatharii (F12).
1st - 2nd Cohorts: each has 1 F8 Praetor, 1 F7 Tribune, 1 M6 War Mage, 1 C6 Battle Priest.
1st - 2nd Bandons: each has 100 Cataphracts (F2), chain lamellar armour and shield (buckler strapped to forearm, allowing use of bow); composite short bow, lance, and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C5), all mounted on war horses (medium Kerendan) with lamellar barding.
3rd Bandon: each has 100 Trapezitoi (F2), leather armour and shield (buckler strapped to forearm, allowing use of bow); short composite bows lance and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C5), all mounted on war horses (light).
Personnel: 316 Separate Troop Class: recalculate Separate BR: recalculate
3rd - 4th Cohorts: each has 1 F8 Praetor, 1 F7 Tribune, 1 M6 War Mage, 1 C6 Battle Priest.
1st Bandon: each has 100 Cataphracts (F2), chain lamellar armour and shield (buckler); composite short bow, lance, and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C5), all mounted on war horses (medium Kerendan) with lamellar barding.
2nd - 3rd Bandons: each has 100 Scutatoi (F2), lorica segmenta armour (or banded mail) and shield; spear, pilias (javelins), and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C5).
Personnel: 316 Separate Troop Class: recalculate Separate BR: recalculate
5th - 6th Cohorts: each has 1 F8 Praetor, 1 F7 Tribune, 1 M6 War Mage, 1 C6 Battle Priest.
1st - 2nd Bandons: each has 100 Scutatoi (F2), lorica segmenta armour (or banded mail) and shield; spear, pilias (javelins), and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C5).
3rd Bandon: 100 Psiloi (F2), leather armour; long bow, longsword; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Chaplain (C5).
Personnel: 316 Separate Troop Class: recalculate Separate BR: recalculate
Headquarters Bandon (Division Command Staff attached, plus):
Guard Cavalry Squadron: 40 elite Forester Cavalry (F3/M3), elven chain and shield; composite short bow, lance, and spatha (longsword); 20 elite Cavalry (C3), chain lamellar, lance, spatha. 1 Mandator (C6), 1 Mandator (F6/M6), 1 Centarch (F7/M7), 1 War Mage (F6/M6), 2 Battle Priests (C6), all mounted on war horses (medium Kerendan) with elven chain barding. Used for reconnaissance and other special tasks.
Spiritual Corps: 20 Clerics (C3), chain mail, mace, 5 Priests (C5), 2 Chief Priests (C6), 1 Prelate (C7), all mounted on war horses (medium) with chain barding. Use healing spells as well as fighting.
Cataphracts are the Thyatian heavy cavalry.
Trapezetoi (singular: Trapezetos) are the Thyatian light cavalry.
Scutatoi (singular: Scutatos) are the Thyatian heavy infantry.
Psiloi (singular: Psilos) are the Thyatian light infantry archers. Note that in some units they are armed with crossbows instead of long bows.
Foresters are either members of the Order of Foresters or are elves. War Mages often have wands, usually captured from the Alphatians during the Great War.
All troops have average equipment. Full, wartime strength for the Imperial Legions is not yet possible - training of new soldiers is still going on. They will probably be capable of reaching wartime strength some time next year (AC 1018), but until then many units remain under strength. Members of these units consist of holders of military lands and members of various Fighting Orders of Thyatis. They drill roughly a third of the year, and attend to other matters during the rest of the year.
Major Thyatian Expeditionary Forces usually consist of one Tagmatic division (see above), 2-4 Imperial Legions, and attached Auxiliary forces (troops from colonial possessions, mercenary formations, etc.); when maritime expeditions are planned, these auxiliaries will also include several Battle Fleets and one or more Marine Expeditionary Force. In the future, as the Retebius Air Cavalry is rebuilt, flying units will also be present on expeditions when it is deemed appropriate.
For such wars, normally only such Legions as are required are mobilized - all Legions only being mustered in the case of major wars. And, in general for the near future, Eusebius hopes to manage with only a mixture of standing units and Commonwealth auxiliaries, while the Thyatian heartland recovers. Thus, for current operations, the core of an expeditionary force will either be provided by portions of the Antalian Guard or Tagmata, Marine Expeditionary Forces or Amphibious Forces, a number of fleets (2-4), and colonial Auxiliaries.
Division Name: Tuldum Irregulars
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 25
BR: 102 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Average BFR: 73
MMCS BR: 121 (112) MMCS Troop Class: Average MMCS BFR: 77
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Praetor (F10, +1 wis, +1 cha; Tk 15, Ld 13)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (F9)
Heroes: 1 Battle Priest (C9), 1 War Mage (M10)
1st Bandon: 120 light infantry (F1), padded armour and shield, spear, javelins, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Priest (C5).
2nd Bandon: 120 skirmishers (F1), padded armour, long composite bow, hand axe, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Priest (C5).
3rd Bandon: 120 crossbowmen (F1), padded armour, light crossbow, hand axe, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Priest (C5).
4th Bandon: 120 archers (F1), padded armour, short composite bow, hand axe, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Priest (C5).
In peacetime, these are the functional equivalent of "sailors" or "oarsmen" on ships, serving logistical support roles. They serve the soldiers, help maintain the equipment and supplies, and the like. In wartime they are armed, like most sailors are, and perform such tasks as defending the camp and baggage train while the army fights. They also conduct engineering tasks, and construct and man field and siege artillery.
Tuldum units accompany each mobile land unit when in the field (for "fixed" units, local infrastructure is relied upon; for fleets, the ships and sailors serve the needs of logistical support). Thus, there is one "Tuldum" unit for each of the Hetaereia Augustiana, Tagmata, Antalian Guards, and Imperial Legions, with two "extra" units of Tuldum. Thus, they are generally stationed close by the headquarters of the unit they are intended to serve.
Most other armies have similar "camp followers", where soldiers and officers bring along a train of servants and sometimes even family members. They perform the similar tasks of being drovers for the wagon train and serving their masters, but few such nations organize them as Thyatis does into a professional body like the "Tuldum".
This is also a good place to discuss encampments. In camping in hostile territory, a ditch is dug around the camp, with the earth piled up around the perimeter, forming a rampart. Stakes are then used to create a palisade, giving the encampment the benefit of "wall" for defence. Troops have regular stations assigned to them in the camp. As a general guide, infantry are billeted in the outer portions, nearest the ramparts, with cavalry inside, and the horses corralled in the center. When hasty encampment is needed, the wagons and carts of the baggage train are formed into a sort of laager to create a defensible perimeter.
Division Name: Protectors Legion
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 10 (XXX, City of Thyatis; XXXI, Kerendas Outpost; XXXII, Fort Southpoint; XXXIII, Lucinius Outpost; XXXIV, Fort Nikos; XXXV, Fort Zendrol; XXXVI, Blackpoint Citadel; XXXVII, Borydos; XXXVIII, Kerendas; XXXIX, Hattias).
BR: 83 Personnel: 2,000 Troop Class: Below Average BFR: 52
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Strategos (F16, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Hypostrategos (F12)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Magist (W16), 1 Patriarch (C16), 1 War Mage W12, 1 Prelate C12, 2 Foresters E10, 2 Spatharii F12
1st - 2nd Cohorts: 1 F7 Praetor, 1 F6 Tribune, 1 M6 Mage, 1 C6 Priest.
1st - 2nd Bandons: 100 Heavy Cavalry (F1), chain lamellar armour and shield; composite short bow, lance, and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Chaplain (C4), all mounted on war horses (Medium) with lamellar barding.
3rd Bandon: 100 Light Cavalry (F1), leather armour and shield; short composite bow, lance, and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Chaplain (C4), all mounted on war horses (light).
3rd - 4th Cohorts: 1 F7 Praetor, 1 F6 Tribune, 1 M6 Mage, 1 C6 Priest.
1st Bandon: 100 Heavy Infantry (F1), lorica segmenta (or banded mail) and shield; heavy crossbow, spear, and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Chaplain (C4).
2nd - 3rd Bandons: 20 Heavy Infantry (F1) (100 in wartime), lorica segmenta (or banded mail) and shield; spear, pilia (javelins), and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Chaplain (C4).
5th - 6th Cohorts: 1 F7 Praetor, 1 F6 Tribune, 1 M6 Mage, 1 C6 Priest.
1st - 2nd Bandons: 100 Heavy Infantry (F1), lorica segmenta (or banded mail) and shield; spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Chaplain (C4).
3rd Bandon: 100 Light Infantry (F1), leather armour; long bow and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Chaplain (C4).
Headquarters Bandon (Division Command Staff attached, plus):
Guard Cavalry Squadron: 40 forester cavalry (E1), elven chain and shield; composite short bow, lance, and longsword, 1 Centarch (E7), 1 Mage (E6), 1 Priest (C6), all mounted on war horses (medium) with elven chain barding.
Guard Cavalry Squadron: 20 medium cavalry (F2), chain lamellar armour and buckler; composite short bow, lance, and spatha (longsword), 1 Centarch (F7), 1 Mage (W6), 1 Priest (C6), all mounted on medium war horses (Kerendan).
Spiritual Corps: 20 Clerics (C2), chain mail, mace, 5 Priest (C5), 2 Chief Priests (C6), 1 Prelate (C7), all mounted on war horses (medium) with chain barding.
The Division Commanders are actually better than for the Regular Divisions because the most experienced (and closest to retirement) officers are given command of these training divisions. The troops are recruits or part time reservists. Officers consist of local nobility, prominent prelates and mages, etc. These units garrison the fortresses of Thyatis in wartime and are heavily involved in the training of new recruits. The Imperial Legions are the Empire's mobile forces, while the Reserve Legions are its home defence, patrol, and training forces. The Headquarters Bandon is a "full time" unit usually based out of a Kastra, and the Cohorts are stationed with it. The full muster strength can be achieved within a week.
Division Name: Thyatian Training Fleet
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 5 (1st: Thyatis City; 2nd: Lucinius; 3rd: Julinius; 4th; Terentias; 5th; Tel Akbir)
BR: 75 Personnel: 3,121 (3,681) Troop Class: Fair BFR: 58
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Drungary (F16, +2 int)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (F9)
Executive Officer: Legate (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 2 Prelates (C9), 2 War Mages (W9), 2 Spatharii (F9).
1st - 2nd Squadrons: each has 80 marines (F3), leather armour and shield, heavy crossbow and longsword; 20 marines (F3), leather armour and shield, longbow and longsword; 4 Sergeants (F4), 2 Captains (F6); carried aboard 2 large sailing ships, each with 20 non-fighting sailors and various ship-borne artillery.
3rd - 8th Squadrons: each has 80 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, heavy crossbow and longsword; 20 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, longbow and longsword; 4 Sergeants (F4), 2 Captains (F6); carried aboard 2 large sailing ships, each with 20 non-fighting sailors and various ship-borne artillery.
9th - 12th Squadrons: each has 200 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, heavy crossbow and longsword; 100 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, longbow and longsword; 8 Sergeants (F4), 2 Lieutenants (F5), 1 Captain (F6) manning a war galley (marines act as oarsmen, 30 non-fighting sailors, wear leather armour and use longsword and dagger in wartime, also on board) galley has ram (ripping) and various ship-borne artillery.
13th - 18th Squadrons: each has 120 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, heavy crossbow and longsword; 40 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, longbow and longsword; 6 Sergeants (F4), 2 Lieutenants (F5), 1 Lieutenant Commander (F6), 1 Captain (F7); manning 2 small galleys (60 marines acting as oarsmen on each, plus 10 sailors, wear leather armour and use longsword and dagger in wartime); galleys have ram and various ship-borne artillery.
These fleets are used to train new sailors and for coastal protection of the Thyatian mainland (performing much the same function as the Protectors Legions above). Note the similarities of these forces with the "Thyatian Fleets" described in the PWAs. Just as no one thinks the surviving Alphatian forces from the 1st PWA represent the best forces that Alphatia had to offer, neither should the forces described in the PWAs be thought to represent the best forces Thyatis had. Indeed, since the Alphatians were victorious, and the Thyatian forces reduced to low levels by the end of the war, it is not - or should not - be surprising that the surviving Alphatian forces seem better than that of the surviving Thyatian forces). These fleets (divided into half size) became the basis for the "Thyatian Navy" that emerged after the Great War, while the Empire began to rebuild its regular front line forces (just as the FCA armies from PWA II were different - and much better - than those of the first PWA).
The 1st & 2nd Squadrons represent the "school brigade" forces - trainers and observers. The members of the other Squadrons are the trainees.
Note also how the "Protectors Legions" and the "Training Fleets" fit into the Thyatian system; they are used to train forces that replace losses in the main Legions and Fleets, as well as serving rear-area garrison functions.Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Dominion Reserves
The below units are all organized by the various dominions rather than by the Imperial government itself, but they follow an organizational structure regulated by the Imperial Ministry of War. Because, all of the units are identical, they are placed here rather than within the individual dominions, to avoid unnecessary repetition. Unique sorts of reserves are listed with the dominion that raises them. The following forces are raised only in times of extreme duress.
Division Name: Defenders Legion
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 60 (40th - 99th). (12 in City of Thyatis; 12 throughout rest of Duchy of Thyatis; 10 in Kerendas; 8 in Hattias; 5 in Tel Akbir; 3 in Kantrium; 4 in Retebius; 2 in Lucinius; 1 in Machetos; 1 in Biazzan; 1 in Halathius; 1 in Terentias. Vyalia & Buhrohur have their own Reserve Divisions).
BR: 57 Personnel: 0/3,000 Troop Class: Below Average BFR: 44
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Strategos (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Hypostrategos (F12)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Magist (M12), 1 Prelate (C12), 2 Spatharii F12
1st - 4th Cohorts: each with 1 F6 Praetor, 1 F5 Tribune, 1 M6 Mage, 1 C6 Priest.
1st Bandon: 160 infantry (F1), lorica hamata armour (scale mail) and shield; heavy crossbow, spear, and short sword; 4 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
2nd - 3rd Bandons: each has 160 infantry (F1), lorica hamata armour (scale mail) and shield; spear, javelins, and short sword; 4 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
5th - 6th Cohorts: each with 1 F6 Praetor, 1 F5 Tribune, 1 Mage (M6), 1 Priest (C6).
1st Bandon: 160 skirmish archers (F1), lorica hamata armour (scale mail), short bow and short sword; 4 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
2nd - 3rd Bandons: each has 160 skirmishers (F1), lorica hamata armour (scale mail) and shield, sling and spear; 4 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
Total personnel when all activated: 180,000
Division Name: Irregulars (Militia)
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 60 (12 in City of Thyatis; 12 throughout rest of Duchy of Thyatis; 10 in Kerendas; 8 in Hattias; 5 in Tel Akbir; 3 in Kantrium; 4 in Retebius; 2 in Lucinius; 1 in Machetos; 1 in Biazzan; 1 in Halathius; 1 in Terentias. Vyalia & Buhrohur have their own Reserve Divisions).
BR: 47 Personnel: 0/3,000 Troop Class: Below Average BFR: 36
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Strategos (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Hypostrategos (F12)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Magist (M9), 1 Prelate (C9), 2 Spatharii F9
1st - 4th Cohorts: each with 1 F6 Praetor, 1 F5 Tribune, 1 M6 Mage, 1 C6 Priest.
1st - 3rd Bandons: 160 infantry (F1), leather armour and shield, spear, javelins, and short sword; 4 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
5th - 6th Cohorts: each with 1 F6 Praetor, 1 F5 Tribune, 1 Mage (M6), 1 Priest (C6).
1st Bandon: 160 skirmish archers (F1), leather armour, short bow and short sword; 4 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
2nd - 3rd Bandons: each has 160 skirmishers (F1), leather armour and shield, sling and spear; 4 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Dominion Forces (Heartland)
In peacetime, most of the standing regular land forces belong to the Dominions; they will be the first units any invader is likely to encounter, giving time for the Imperial forces to mobilize a response.
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 10,000; standing.
Division Name: Guardians of Actius
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 129 Personnel: 194 Troop Class: Good BFR: 92
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F10, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C9), 1 War Mage (W9), 1 Spatharius (F9).
1st Company: 60 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
2nd Company: 60 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, short composite bow, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
3rd Company: 60 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
Division Name: Actius Naval Reserves
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Actius)
BR: 90 Personnel: 500 (740) Troop Class: Fair BFR: 56
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st - 3rd Squadrons: 40 marines (elven F2/M2), leather armour, longbow and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 War Mage (elven F6/M6/C6). Apportioned among 3 large sailing ships, each with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors.
4th Squadron: 40 marines (elven F2/M2), leather armour, longbow and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 War Mage (elven F6/M6/C6). Apportioned among 6 small sailing ships, each with 10 non-fighting sailors, each with 2 light catapults.
All personnel have excellent equipment. Personnel include Actian sea-elves.
Total: 194 (934).
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 30,000; standing.
Division Name: Guardians of Biazzan
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 119 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Average BFR: 79
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C9), 1 War Mage (W9).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F2), chain lamellar armour and buckler, lance, short composite bow, and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), Battle Priest (C4). Mounted on medium war horses (Kerendan) with lamellar barding.
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins), and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd Company: 120 archers (F2), leather armour, long composite bow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), leather armour and shield, sling, spear, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Total: 500
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 25,000; standing.
Division Name: War Axes of Buhrohur
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 134 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 112
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 2 Prelates (C9).
1st Company: 120 dwarven infantry (F2), plate mail and shield, battle axe and throwing axe; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
2nd Company: 120 dwarven infantry (F2), plate mail and shield, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
3rd Company: 120 dwarven crossbowmen (F2), banded mail, heavy crossbow and short sword; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), banded mail and shield, short bow and short sword; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
All members of this unit are dwarves, and have excellent equipment.
Division Name: Makrast Defenders
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Makrast)
BR: 94 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Average BFR: 72
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Praefect (Dwarven F10/C10, +1 int, +2 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (Dwarven F10)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C9), 1 War Mage (Gnome W9).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (Dwarven F1), plate mail and shield, battle axe, throwing axe, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F6), Battle Priest (C5).
2nd Company: 120 crossbowmen (Dwarven F1), plate mail, heavy crossbow and short sword; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
3rd Company: 120 archers (Dwarven F1), plate mail, short bow and short sword; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
4th Company: 120 spearmen (Dwarven F1), plate mail, spear, throwing hammer, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
All troops have excellent equipment.
Total: 500 (1,000)
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 25,000; standing.
Division Name: Guardians of Halathius
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 164 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 117
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F12)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, halberd, and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins), and short sword; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
3rd Company: 120 archers (F3), lorica segmenta armour, long composite bow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F3), lorica segmenta armour, long composite bow, spear, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
These tough troops guard the gold mining region of Halathius from bandits and invaders, and get benefits from "extremely favourable environment" when fighting in mountains. All troops have excellent equipment.
Total: 500
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 300,000; standing.
Division Name: Hattian Foot Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Hattias City)
BR: 139 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Good BFR: 99
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Praefect (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (F12)
Heroes/Command Staff: 2 Prelates (C12), 2 War Mages (W12), 2 Spatharii (F12).
1st - 2nd Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins), and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
3rd - 4th Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
5th - 6th Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, pike and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
7th - 8th Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, spear and drusus (short sword), 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C6).
This force was built along the lines of the old Hattian Foot Guards, but it consists almost entirely of ex-members of the Hattian Resistance that fought against Oesterhaus during the Crown War.
Division Name: Hattian Guardians
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 5 (1st, Port Hatti; 2nd, Vinton; 3rd, Pilion; 4th, Grey Bay; 5th, Century Hills)
BR: 126 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 84
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F2), chain lamellar armour and buckler, lance, short composite bow, and shield; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 i]Centarch[/i] (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), leather armour and shield, sling, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Division Name: Hattian Flotilla
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Pilion)
BR: 111 Personnel: 500 (1,020) Troop Class: Average BFR: 79
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Squadron: 80 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Apportioned among 2 Dromonds, each with 26 non-fighting sailors and 144 oarsmen (unarmed in peace, but leather armour, spear, and longsword in war), each with ram and 2 heavy catapults.
2nd - 4th Squadrons: 80 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Apportioned among 3 large sailing ships, each with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors.
Total: 4,000 (4,520)
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 100,000; standing.
Division Name: Kantridae Town Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Kantridae)
BR: 130 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 93
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F12)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), leather armour and shield, sling, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Division Name: Kantrium Guardians
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Eastern Kantrium)
BR: 126 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 84
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F2), chain lamellar armour and buckler, lance, short composite bow, and shield; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), leather armour and shield, sling, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Division Name: Kantrium Flotilla
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Kantridae)
BR: 111 Personnel: 500 (1,020) Troop Class: Average BFR: 79
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Squadron: 80 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Apportioned among 2 Dromonds, each with 26 non-fighting sailors and 144 oarsmen (unarmed in peace, but leather armour, spear, and longsword in war), each with ram and 2 heavy catapults.
2nd - 4th Squadrons: 80 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Apportioned among 3 large sailing ships, each with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors.
Total: 1,500 (2,020)
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 540,000; standing.
Division Name: Kerendan Lancers
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Kerendas City)
BR: 123 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Average BFR: 77
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Praefect (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (F12)
Heroes/Command Staff: 2 Prelates (C12), 2 War Mages (W12), 2 Spatharii (F12).
1st - 2nd Companies: each has 120 heavy cavalry (F3), plate armour and shield, lance and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C5). Mounted on heavy war horses with plate barding.
3rd - 8th Companies: each has 120 medium cavalry (F3), chain lamellar armour, short composite bow, lance, and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 Battle Priest (C5). Mounted on medium Kerendan war horses with chain barding.
This unit was reformed after the Crown War, with some old members but mainly new personnel, considered loyal to Eusebius. They have not yet fully trained up to the normal skill levels of the traditional Kerendan Lancers, and are still in the process of procuring better equipment.
Division Name: Kerendas Urban Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Kerendas City)
BR: 132 Personnel: 750 Troop Class: Good BFR: 94
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F12)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12), 2 Spatharii (F10).
1st - 2nd Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins), and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd - 4th Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
5th - 6th Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Division Name: Kerendas Flotilla
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Kerendas City)
BR: 109 Personnel: 500 (1,020) Troop Class: Average BFR: 78
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Squadron: 80 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Apportioned among 2 Dromonds, each with 26 non-fighting sailors and 144 oarsmen (unarmed in peace, but leather armour, spear, and longsword in war), each with ram and 2 heavy catapults.
2nd - 4th Squadrons: 80 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Apportioned among 3 large sailing ships, each with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors.
Division Name: Kerendas Guardians
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Bayville & Bridleton)
BR: 126 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 84
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F2), chain lamellar armour and buckler, lance, short composite bow, and shield; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), leather armour and shield, sling, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Total: 3,250 (3,770).
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 100,000; standing.
Division Name: Lucinius Urban Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Port Lucinius)
BR: 130 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 93
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F12)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), leather armour and shield, sling, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Division Name: Lucinius Flotilla
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Port Lucinius)
BR: 136 Personnel: 500 (1,020) Troop Class: Good BFR: 97
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Squadron: 80 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Apportioned among 2 Dromonds, each with 26 non-fighting sailors and 144 oarsmen (unarmed in peace, but leather armour, spear, and longsword in war), each with ram and 2 heavy catapults.
2nd - 4th Squadrons: 80 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Apportioned among 3 large sailing ships, each with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors.
Division Name: Lucinius Guardians
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Hillcape)
BR: 126 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 84
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F2), chain lamellar armour and buckler, lance, short composite bow, and shield; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), leather armour and shield, sling, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Division Name: Port Lucinius Naval Reserves
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 81 Personnel: 2,304 (4,008) Troop Class: Fair BFR: 54
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Drungary (F16, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (F9)
Executive Officer: Legate (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Battle Priest (C16), 1 War Sorcerer (M16), 2 Prelates (C12), 2 War Mages (W12), 3 Spatharii (F12).
1st - 6th Squadrons: each has 40 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, heavy crossbow and longsword; 20 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, longbow and longsword; 20 marines (C1), leather armour and shield, mace and throwing hammer; 20 marines (M1), no armour, staff and dagger. 4 Ducinators (F4), 2 Decarchs (C5), 2 Decarchs (M6), 2 Protocarabi (F5), 2 Centarchs (F7); carried aboard 2 large sailing ships, each with 20 non-fighting sailors and various ship-borne artillery.
7th - 12th Squadrons: each has 80 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, heavy crossbow and longsword; 40 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, longbow and longsword; 20 marines (C1), leather armour and shield, mace and throwing hammer; 20 marines (M1), no armour, staff and dagger. 96 oarsmen/marines, leather armour, spear and short sword; also help man oars. 6 Ducinators (F4), 2 Decarchs (C5), 2 Decarchs (M6) 2 Protocarabi (F5), 2 Centarchs (F7); manning 2 dromonds (each with 26 sailors and 96 additional oarsmen, a ram, 2 liquid fire projectors, 2 mangonels, and a depth bomb launcher).
All personnel have excellent weapons. This fleet is mobilized if and when Thyatis is threatened by seaborne attack. Note that due to the presence of the Training Fleet based in Port Lucinius, this means that even if all other forces are absent there remains a fleet of 68 ships and 5,425 men (7,689 including crews). They can also be used to man the walls to protect against ground attack.
Total: 1,500 (6,028)
Total Ships: 35
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 30,000; standing.
Division Name: Machetos Guardians
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Machetos)
BR: 125 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 83
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F2), chain lamellar armour and buckler, lance, short composite bow, and shield; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), leather armour and shield, sling, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Total: 500
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 20,000; standing.
Division Name: Mositius Island Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Mositius)
BR: 186 Personnel: 400 Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 116
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st - 3rd Precincts: each has 1 Centarch (F7), 1 Mage (M7), 1 Priest (C7), commanding:
1st - 3rd Sections: each with 30 Guardsmen (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, longsword, and club (used to subdue), 10 Guardsmen (M3), Improved Armour spells, Ring of Human Influence, staff and dagger; 1 Mandator (F6), 1 Mage (M6), 1 Priest (C6).
They patrol the island to discourage crime and violence, and are well trained in subduing even very capable (read: high level) criminals. All have excellent equipment. Note that Duchess Triella has various additional personal security around and in her palace, including constructs and the like.
Total: 400
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 180,000; standing.
Division Name: Retebius Urban Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Retebius City)
BR: 132 Personnel: 750 Troop Class: Good BFR: 94
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F12)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12), 2 Spatharii (F10).
1st - 2nd Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins), and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd - 4th Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
5th - 6th Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Division Name: Retebius Air Fleet
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Retebius City)
BR: Personnel: 260 Troop Class: Excellent BFR:
Division Commander: Domestic (F20, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Hypostrategos (F16)
Heroes: 1 Battle Priest (C12), 1 War Mage (M12), 1 Forester (Elven F10/M10).
This division is used mainly as a training division for new members of the Air Cavalry, but also for protection of the skies over Retebius.
Division Name: Retebius Guardians
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Duchy of Retebius)
BR: 125 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 83
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F2), chain lamellar armour and buckler, lance, short composite bow, and shield; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), leather armour and shield, sling, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Division Name: Retebius Flotilla
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Retebius City)
BR: 109 Personnel: 500 (1,020) Troop Class: Average BFR: 78
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Squadron: 80 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Apportioned among 2 Dromonds, each with 26 non-fighting sailors and 144 oarsmen (unarmed in peace, but leather armour, spear, and longsword in war), each with ram and 2 heavy catapults.
2nd - 4th Squadrons: 80 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Apportioned among 3 large sailing ships, each with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors.
Total: 2,510 (3,030)
Tel Akbir
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 140,000; standing.
Division Name: Tel Akbir Urban Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Tel Akbir City)
BR: 132 Personnel: 750 Troop Class: Good BFR: 94
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F12)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12), 2 Spatharii (F10).
1st - 2nd Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins), and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd - 4th Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
5th - 6th Companies: each has 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Division Name: Tel Akbir Guardians
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Dawnpoint; Northern Retebius)
BR: 125 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 83
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F2), chain lamellar armour and buckler, lance, short composite bow, and shield; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), leather armour and shield, sling, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Division Name: Tel Akbir Flotilla
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Tel Akbir City)
BR: 109 Personnel: 500 (1,020) Troop Class: Average BFR: 78
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Squadron: 80 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Apportioned among 2 Dromonds, each with 26 non-fighting sailors and 144 oarsmen (unarmed in peace, but leather armour, spear, and longsword in war), each with ram and 2 heavy catapults.
2nd - 4th Squadrons: 80 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Apportioned among 3 large sailing ships, each with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors.
Total: 2,250 (2,770)
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 25,000; standing.
Division Name: Terentias Flotilla
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Terentias)
BR: 130 Personnel: 500 (740) Troop Class: Average BFR: 81
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F15, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (Elven F10/M10)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st - 3rd Squadrons: 40 marines (elven F2/M2), leather armour, longbow and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 War Mage (elven F6/M6/C6). Apportioned among 3 large sailing ships, each with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors.
4th Squadron: 40 marines (elven F2/M2), leather armour, longbow and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 40 marines (F2), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 2 Protocarabi (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 War Mage (elven F6/M6/C6). Apportioned among 6 small sailing ships, each with 10 non-fighting sailors, each with 2 light catapults.
Total: 500 (740)
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 20,000; standing.
Division Name: Vyalia Borderers
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Greenheight & Foreston)
BR: 128 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Average BFR: 75
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (Elven F10/M10, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (Elven F9/M9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (Elven C12), 1 War Mage (Elven W12).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (Elven F2/M2), elven chain mail and buckler, lance, short composite bow, and shield; 2 Mandators (Elven F5/M5), 1 Centarch (Elven F6/M6), 1 Battle Priest (Elven C4). Mounted on medium war horses with elven chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 archers (Elven F2/M2), elven chain mail, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (Elven F5/M5), 1 Centarch (Elven F6/M6), 1 Battle Priest (Elven C4).
3rd - 4th Company: 120 skirmishers (Elven F2/M2), elven chain mail, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (Elven F5/M5), 1 Centarch (Elven F6/M6), 1 Battle Priest (Elven C4).
Division Name: Vyalian Defenders
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Vyalia)
BR: 84 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 56
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Praefect (Elven F10/M12, +2 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (Forester F10/M10)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C9), 1 War Mage (Elven F9/W9).
1st Company: 120 longbowmen (elven F1/M1), elven chain mail, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (Elven F3/M3), 1 Centarch (Elven F6/M6), 1 War Mage (Elven F5/M5).
2nd Company: 120 rangers (F1), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F6) 1 War Mage (M6).
3rd Company: 120 skirmishers (F1), lorica segmenta armour, spear, pilia (javelins), and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 War Mage (M6).
4th Company: 120 footmen (F1), lorica segmenta armour, spear, pilia (javelins), and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 War Mage (M6).
This unit receives the benefit for "extremely favourable terrain" when in the forests of Vyalia (only - not other forests). All troops have excellent equipment.
Total: 500 (1,000)Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Dominion Forces (Thyatis City & Duchy)
Thyatis (City & Duchy)
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 1,200,000; standing.
Division Name: Thyatis Guardians
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 6 (Abydion, Arcadiapolis, Hillfork, Julinius, Mesembria, and Raedestos)
BR: 125 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 83
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (C12), 1 War Mage (W12).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F2), chain lamellar armour and buckler, lance, short composite bow, and shield; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), leather armour and shield, sling, spear, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5), 1 Battle Priest (C4).
Division Name: Deme Militia (Urban Guards of the City of Thyatis)
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 4 (Green, Blue, Red, and White, all City of Thyatis)
BR: 125 Personnel: 1,860 Troop Class: Good BRW: 83
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Demarch (Rake20, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (F20)
Executive Officer: Tribune (F20)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Magist (W20), 1 Patriarch (C20), 1 Forester (F10/M10), 4 War Mages M12, 4 Bards (B12) 6 Spatharioi (F10).
All members of the division headquarters are mounted on Pegasai.
1st - 4th Cohorts: 1 F7 Praefect, 1 F6 Praetor, 1 M8 War Mage, 1 C8 Battle Priest, 1 Forester (F7/M7), 2 Bards (B6), 6 Spatharioi (F 3).
1st - 3rd Bandons: 120 (20) heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta, spear, drusus (short sword), heavy crossbow; 10 (5) Battle Priests (C3) lorica segmenta, mace and throwing hammer; 10 (5) combat mages (M3), dagger and staff. All employ tower - mounted artillery during sieges. 1 Centarch (F6), 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Mage (M7), 1 Priest (C 7).
Cohort Personnel: 460 (120).
Foresters are either elves or human members of the Order of Foresters.
These units function as the main garrison of Thyatis City. Though other units are based in The City, and certainly during any siege various other units will be present, these units form the basic defensive force, which is mobilized during wartime and not deployed as an expeditionary force. In effect, they function as the Empire's last line of defence. Units are fielded, organized, and equipped according to The City's associations and mobilized according to its guilds, and include members of the City of Thyatis policing forces and city watch, as well as members of various Fighting Orders of Thyatis. They are technically a branch of the Empire's Guard Forces. The bracketed numbers are roughly those who are active as city watch and policemen even when a unit is inactive. For wartime and training, a further 80 Heavy Infantry, 5 Battle Priests, and 5 Combat Mages are mobilized, bringing the total for each Bandon up to 125.
Under peacetime conditions one unit is active at any given time, drilling and training, while the others are inactive. Under normal situations the various Cohorts function as Thyatis City's guard force and as part of its Watch, particularly active in riot containment. Because they act as patrolmen and as part of the City of Thyatis police force during peacetime, they do not count as part of the military forces except in time of war, when they are mobilized to fight.
The Deme Militia typically receives bonuses for being in the dominion of their liege, being higher than the opponent (because of the siting of Thyatis City on hills dominating the plains below), as well as stronghold bonuses. This gives them tremendous advantages over attackers. They also use magical siege weapons (such as Meteor Guns), and all siege weapons and defences are emplaced to defend the city from aerial attack (siege weapons have double normal range as well).
The City of Thyatis' defences are considerable: a broad, deep moat in front of a double wall. The first wall also has its own moat, so attackers must breach the first moat, then the second, before scaling the walls. Both walls are studded with towers, with the second wall having a moat of its own. The second wall and its towers are also considerably taller than the first, with the towers placed to provide covering fire. Artillery are emplaced in all towers of both walls, including catapults, mangonels, ballistae, liquid fire projectors, and including magical ones like Meteor Guns, Fireball Guns, Ball Lightning Guns, and Magic Missile Guns (see "Top Ballista" for descriptions of the latter weapons). All weapons are designed to fire against both ground and aerial targets. Non-magical siege artillery have double normal range. Similar defences exist within The City itself for use against aerial targets as well. Where water reaches the walls, water-powered rams stud them, preventing ships from getting close enough for their marines to assault the walls without facing severe damage. The ground under The City is now protected by both members of the Order of the Sands and by the Wererats that are now affiliated with Thyatis.
Division Name: Vanya's Girdle Guardians
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 81 Personnel: 3,608 (6,368) Troop Class: Fair BFR: 54
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Drungary (F16, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (F9)
Executive Officer: Legate (F9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Battle Priest (C16), 1 War Sorcerer (M16), 2 Prelates (C12), 2 War Mages (W12), 3 Spatharii (F12).
1st - 8th Squadrons: each has 40 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, heavy crossbow and longsword; 20 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, longbow and longsword; 20 marines (C1), leather armour and shield, mace and throwing hammer; 20 marines (M1), no armour, staff and dagger. 4 Ducinators (F4), 2 Decarchs (C5), 2 Decarchs (M6), 2 Protocarabi (F5), 2 Centarchs (F7); carried aboard 2 large sailing ships, each with 20 non-fighting sailors and various ship-borne artillery.
9th - 18th Squadrons: each has 80 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, heavy crossbow and longsword; 40 marines (F1), leather armour and shield, longbow and longsword; 20 marines (C1), leather armour and shield, mace and throwing hammer; 20 marines (M1), no armour, staff and dagger. 96 oarsmen/marines, leather armour, spear and short sword; also help man oars. 6 Ducinators (F4), 2 Decarchs (C5), 2 Decarchs (M6) 2 Protocarabi (F5), 2 Centarchs (F7); manning 2 dromonds (each with 26 sailors and 96 additional oarsmen, a ram, 2 liquid fire projectors, 2 mangonels, and a depth bomb launcher).
All personnel have excellent weapons. This fleet is mobilized if and when the City of Thyatis is threatened by seaborne attack (either from the east, or west). Forces at Julinius and/or Port Lucinius will delay the foe if necessary. Note that due to the presence of the Training Fleet based in the City of Thyatis, this means that even if all other forces are absent there remains a fleet of 68 ships and 6,729 men (10,049 including crews) to defend Thyatis City. They can also be used to man the walls to protect against ground attack. Vanya's girdle, the Mesonian River, and the Great Harbour are considered "extremely favourable environments" for them and the Training Fleet stationed at the City of Thyatis to fight in, because they are familiar with how to use it to their advantage, while other navies usually aren't.
Total: 3,000/4,860 (Including Reserves: 14,048 combatants, 16,808 total)
Total Ships: 36
"Big City" Wererats
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 10,000; standing.
Division Name: Catacomb Warders
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Under Thyatis City)
BR: 165 Personnel: 195 Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 103
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (Wererat T12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (Wererat T9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (Wererat C12), 1 War Mage (Wererat W12), 2 Spatharii (wererat F9).
1st Company: 60 wererat infiltrators (3 HD Wererat/T3), no armour, repeating crossbow and short sword; 2 Mandators (5 HD Wererat/T5), 1 Centarch (6 HD Wererat/T7).
2nd Company: 60 wererat skirmishers (3 HD Wererat/T3), no armour, short bow and short sword; 2 Mandators (5 HD Wererat/T5), 1 Centarch (6 HD Wererat/T7).
3rd Company: 60 wererat shamans (3 HD Wererat/C3), no armour, mace and throwing hammer; 2 Mandators (5 HD Wererat/C5), 1 Centarch (6 HD Wererat/C7).
They receive special troop factor like elves and dwarves. When fighting in sewers and underground tunnels they receive "extremely favourable environment" bonuses. Also, when fighting in the catacombs under Thyatis City, foes who might otherwise receive "extremely favourable environment" benefits for fighting below ground do not do so when facing the Wererats of the Big City. Against many foes they also receive benefits for being immune to all or most of their enemies attacks.
Division Name: Tunnel Guardians
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 5 (Under Thyatis City)
BR: 107 Personnel: 195 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 67
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (Wererat T12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (Wererat T9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Prelate (Wererat C12), 1 War Mage (Wererat W12), 2 Spatharii (wererat F9).
1st Company: 60 wererat infiltrators (3 HD Wererat/T3), no armour, repeating crossbow and short sword; 2 Mandators (5 HD Wererat/T5), 1 Centarch (6 HD Wererat/T7).
2nd Company: 60 wererat skirmishers (3 HD Wererat/T3), no armour, short bow and short sword; 2 Mandators (5 HD Wererat/T5), 1 Centarch (6 HD Wererat/T7).
3rd Company: 60 wererat shamans (3 HD Wererat/C3), no armour, mace and throwing hammer; 2 Mandators (5 HD Wererat/C5), 1 Centarch (6 HD Wererat/C7).
They receive special troop factor like elves and dwarves. When fighting in sewers and underground tunnels they receive "extremely favourable environment" bonuses. Also, when fighting in the catacombs under Thyatis City, foes who might otherwise receive "extremely favourable environment" benefits for fighting below ground do not do so when facing the Wererats of the Big City. Against many foes they also receive benefits for being immune to all or most of their enemies attacks.
Total: 195 standing (1.95% of population), 1,170 including reserves (11.7% of population).
Note that the Wererat forces are not included in the figures for Thyatis itself, but they can currently be considered allied.Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Minrothad Forces
Basis: Renaissance; male & female (2% standing, up to 20% wartime); population 200,000; standing.
Division Name: 1st Minrothad Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Trader's Island)
BR: 154 Personnel: 1,000 (1,480) Troop Class: Good BFR: 96
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Colonel (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Major (F9/M9)
Executive Officer: Legate (C9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M9), 2 Battle Priests (C9), 1 Champion (F9).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (Elven F3/M3), elven chain mail, long composite bow and longsword; 3 Mandators (Elven F5/M5), 1 Centarch (Elven F6/M6). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding. Transported in 3 Troop Transports with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors each.
2nd Company: 120 skirmish cavalry (F2), leather armour, short bow and longsword; 3 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Mounted on light war horses. Transported in 3 Troop Transports with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors each.
3rd - 4th Companies: each has 120 medium cavalry (F2), chain mail, short bow, lance and longsword; 3 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding. Transported in 3 Troop Transports with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors each.
5th - 6th Companies: each has 120 mounted infantry (F2), chain mail, longbow and longsword; 3 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Ride horses to battle but dismount to fight. Transported in 3 Troop Transports with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors each.
7th - 8th Companies: each has 120 mounted infantry (F2), chain mail and shield, pike and longsword; 3 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Ride horses to battle but dismount to fight. Transported in 3 Troop Transports with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors each.
Legate and 1 Mandator in each Company are Thyatians. The Rest are Minrothaddan. This is the division the Exarchate of Minrothad sent to fight in the Crown War. After the war they return to Trader's Island. 24 ships total.
Division Name: 2nd Minrothad Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Alfeisle)
BR: 163 Personnel: 1,000 (1,480) Troop Class: Good BFR: 96
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Colonel (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Major (F9/M9)
Executive Officer: Legate (C9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M9), 2 Battle Priests (C9), 1 Champion (F9).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (Elven F3/M3), elven chain mail, long composite bow and longsword; 3 Mandators (Elven F5/M5), 1 Centarch (Elven F6/M6). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding. Transported in 3 Troop Transports with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors each.
2nd Company: 120 skirmish cavalry (F2), leather armour, short bow and longsword; 3 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Mounted on light war horses. Transported in 3 Troop Transports with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors each.
3rd - 4th Companies: each has 120 medium cavalry (F2), chain mail, short bow, lance and longsword; 3 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding. Transported in 3 Troop Transports with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors each.
5th Company: 120 mounted infantry (F2), chain mail, longbow and longsword; 3 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Ride horses to battle but dismount to fight. Transported in 3 Troop Transports with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors each.
6th Company: 120 mounted infantry (Elven, F2/M2), chain mail, longbow and longsword; 3 Mandators (Elven, F5/M5), 1 Centarch (Elven, F6/M6). Ride horses to battle but dismount to fight. Transported in 3 Troop Transports with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors each.
7th Company: 120 mounted infantry (F2), chain mail and shield, pike and longsword; 3 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Ride horses to battle but dismount to fight. Transported in 3 Troop Transports with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors each.
8th Company: 120 mounted infantry (Elven, F2/M2), chain mail and shield, pike and longsword; 3 Mandators (Elven, F5/M5), 1 Centarch (Elven, F6/M6). Ride horses to battle but dismount to fight. Transported in 3 Troop Transports with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors each.
Legate and 1 Mandator in each Company are Thyatians. The rest are Minrothaddan. 24 ships total.
Division Name: Minrothad Flotilla
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 3 (Patrolling the Isles in rotation; generally one is at Trader's Island while two others are berthed elsewhere).
BR: 166 Personnel: 640 (880) Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 104
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Admiral (F20/MP20, +2 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Marine Commander (F10/M10)
Executive Officer: Legate (C12)
Heroes: 3 War Mages (M9), 3 Battle Priests (C9), 1 Champion (F9).
1st - 4th Squadrons: each has 100 marines (F1), leather armour, heavy crossbow and cutlass; 4 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6/MP6). Transported by 4 small sailing ships (2 light catapults and 10 non-fighting sailors each).
5th - 6th Squadrons: each has 100 marines (Elven, F1/M1), leather armour, longbow and longsword; 4 Mandators (F5/M5), 1 Centarch (F6/M6). Transported by 4 small sailing ships (2 light catapults and 10 non-fighting sailors each).
Legate, 1 War Mage, 1 Battle Priest, the Champion, and 1 Mandator in each Squadron are Thyatians. The rest are Minrothaddan. 24 ships in each Flotilla, 72 total.
Total Minrothad Standing Forces: 3,920 (1.96% of population).
Total Minrothad Ships: 120
The following forces are inactive reserve units, though the buccaneers of Fire Island might dispute that status:
Division Name: Privateer's Guild Force
Type of Division: Irregular Division
Number of Such Units: 8 (Cove Harbour)
BR: 101 Personnel: 220 Troop Class: Average BFR: 72
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Pirate Lord (T9, +1 int, +1 wis +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Prate Lieutenant (F7)
Heroes: 2 Mages (M7), 2 Priests (C7), 2 Mages (M6).
1st - 4th Squadrons: each has 20 pirates (T2), leather armour, cutlass and short bow, 20 pirates (F2), leather armour, cutlass and light crossbow, 10 pirates (F2), leather armour, cutlass and spear; 1 Lieutenant (F6), 1 Captain (T7), 1 Sea Mage (M6). Manning 2 large sailing ships each with 2 heavy catapults, sailed by the privateers.
Division Name: Open Island Ready Reserve
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Malfton)
BR: 107 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Average BFR: 71
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Colonel (Halfling F8, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Major (Halfling F7)
Heroes: 2 Battle Priests (Halfling C6), 2 Halfling Merchant Princes (M9), 2 Hero s (Halfling F8).
1st Company: 120 halfling spearmen (F1), padded armour, shield, spear and short sword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
2nd Company: 120 halfling swordsmen (F1), padded armour, shield, short sword and hand axe; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
3rd Company: 120 halfling slingers (F1), padded armour, sling and short sword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
4th Company: 120 halfling archers (F1), padded armour, short bow and short sword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
Division Name: Porthcrawl Tower Militia
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Porthcrawl Tower)
BR: 107 Personnel: 130 Troop Class: Average BFR: 71
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Castellan (Halfling F8, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Seneschal (Halfling F7)
Heroes: 1 Battle Priest (Halfling C6), 1 Halfling Merchant Prince (M9), 2 Heroes (Halfling F8).
1st Company: 30 halfling spearmen (F1), padded armour, shield, spear and short sword; 1 Lieutenant (F3).
2nd Company: 30 halfling swordsmen (F1), padded armour, shield, short sword and hand axe; 1 Lieutenant (F3).
3rd Company: 30 halfling slingers (F1), padded armour, sling and short sword; 1 Lieutenant (F3).
4th Company: 30 halfling archers (F1), padded armour, short bow and short sword; 1 Lieutenant (F3).
Division Name: Stronghold Stalwarts
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Stronghold)
BR: 115 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 82
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Colonel (Dwarven F12, +1 int, +2 wis)
Deputy Commander: Major (Dwarven F9)
Heroes: 2 Battle Priests (Dwarven C6), 2 Dwarven Merchant Princes (M9), 2 Heroes (Dwarven F9).
1st Company: 120 dwarven axemen (F1), plate mail, shield, battle axe and short sword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
2nd Company: 120 dwarven swordsmen (F1), plate mail, shield, longsword and hand axe; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
3rd Company: 120 dwarven crossbowmen (F1), plate mail, heavy crossbow and short sword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
4th Company: 120 dwarven archers (F1), plate mail, short bow and short sword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
They have access to various sorts of artillery lining the heights above the sound that leads to their city.
Division Name: Seahome Guardians
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Seahome)
BR: 126 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Average BFR: 79
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Colonel (Elven F10/M10, +2 int)
Deputy Commander: Major (Elven F9)
Heroes: 3 Battle Priests (Elven C6), 3 Elven Mages (F9/M9).
1st Company: 120 sea elven harpooners (F1/M1), chain mail, harpoon and short sword; 2 Lieutenants (F3/M3), 1 Captain (F4/M4).
2nd Company: 120 sea elven spearmen (F1/M1), chain mail, spear and short sword; 2 Lieutenants (F3/M3), 1 Captain (F4/M4).
3rd - 4th Companies: 120 sea elven crossbowmen (F1/M1), chain mail, light crossbow and short sword; 2 Lieutenants (F3/M3), 1 Captain (F4/M4).
Division Name: Verdun Guardians
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Verdun)
BR: 126 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Average BFR: 79
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Colonel (Elven F10/M10, +2 int)
Deputy Commander: Major (Elven F9)
Heroes: 3 Battle Priests (Elven C6), 3 Elven Mages (F9/M9).
1st - 2nd Companies: 120 elven archers (F1/M1), chain mail, longbow and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3/M3), 1 Captain (F4/M4).
3rd - 4th Companies: 120 elven infantry (F1/M1), chain mail, spear and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3/M3), 1 Captain (F4/M4).
Division Name: Gapton Guardians
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Gapton)
BR: 128 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Average BFR: 80
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Colonel (Elven F10/M10, +2 int)
Deputy Commander: Major (F9)
Heroes: 3 Battle Priests (Dwarven C9), 1 Elven Mage (F9/M9), 2 Mages (M9).
1st Company: 120 elven archers (F1/M1), chain mail, longbow and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3/M3), 1 Captain (F4/M4).
2nd Company: 120 crossbowmen (F1), chain mail, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
3rd Company: 120 elven infantry (F1/M1), chain mail, spear and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3/M3), 1 Captain (F4/M4).
4th Company: 120 spearmen (F1), chain mail, spear and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
Division Name: Newport Keep Militia
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Newport Keep)
BR: 96 Personnel: 170 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 60
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Castellan (F9, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Seneschal (F7)
Heroes: 1 Battle Priest (C6), 1 Merchant Prince (M9), 2 Heroes (F9).
1st Company: 40 spearmen (F1), padded armour, shield, spear and short sword; 1 Lieutenant (F3).
2nd Company: 40 swordsmen (F1), padded armour, shield, short sword and hand axe; 1 Lieutenant (F3).
3rd Company: 40 slingers (F1), padded armour, sling and short sword; 1 Lieutenant (F3).
4th Company: 40 archers (elven F1/M1), padded armour, longbow and longsword; 1 Lieutenant (F3/M3).
Division Name: Harbortown Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Harbortown)
BR: 96 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 64
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Colonel (F10, +1 int, +1 wis)
Deputy Commander: Major (Elven F9/M9)
Heroes: 3 Battle Priests (C7), 1 Elven Mage (F9/M9), 2 Mages (M9).
1st Company: 120 elven archers (F1/M1), chain mail, longbow and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3/M3), 1 Captain (F4/M4).
2nd Company: 120 crossbowmen (F1), chain mail, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
3rd Company: 120 infantry (F1), chain mail, spear and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
4th Company: 120 pikemen (F1), chain mail, pike and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
Division Name: Minrothad Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Minrothad City)
BR: 96 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 64
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Colonel (F10, +1 int, +1 wis)
Deputy Commander: Major (Elven F9/M9)
Heroes: 3 Battle Priests (C7), 1 Elven Mage (F9/M9), 2 Mages (M9).
1st Company: 120 elven archers (F1/M1), chain mail, longbow and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3/M3), 1 Captain (F4/M4).
2nd Company: 120 crossbowmen (F1), chain mail, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
3rd Company: 120 infantry (F1), chain mail, spear and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
4th Company: 120 pikemen (F1), chain mail, pike and longsword; 2 Lieutenants (F3), 1 Captain (F4).
Division Name: Minrothad Reserve Flotilla
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Minrothad City)
BR: 93 Personnel: 1,640 (1,800) Troop Class: Fair BFR: 62
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Admiral (F10/Merchant Prince 10, +3 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Vice Admiral (F9/Merchant Prince 9)
Heroes/Command Staff: 1 Cleric (C9), 1 War Mage (W9).
1st - 4th Squadrons: each has 60 marines (F1), leather armour, light crossbow and longsword; 60 marines (elven F1/M1), leather armour, longbow and longsword; 280 oarsmen (F1), leather armour, spear and longsword. 4 Lieutenants (F4), 2 Lieutenants (F4/M4), 2 Captains (F5), 1 Commodore (F6/Merchant Prince7). Apportioned among 2 Great Galleys, each with 30 non-fighting each with ram and 2 heavy catapults.
Total Reserves: 8,860
Total Minrothad Forces including reserves: 12,780 (6.39% of population).
Minrothad has no other organized "reserves" or "militia", though its seafaring merchants are combat capable.Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Hinterlands Forces
Thyatian Hinterlands
Basis: Medieval; male and female (2.5% standing, up to 25% wartime); population 165,000; wartime.
Division Name: Fire-Height Kastra Garrison
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 218 Personnel: 350 Troop Class: Elite BFR: 136
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Marshal of Ravenscarp (F18, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Castellan of Fire-Height (F15)
Heroes: 2 Battle Mages (M16), 2 Combat Priests (C16), 2 Spatharii (F14), 2 Spatharii (F12).
1st Company: 100 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 War Mage (M7), 1 Battle Priest (C7).
2nd Company: 100 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 War Mage (M7), 1 Battle Priest (C7).
3rd Company: 100 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 War Mage (M7), 1 Battle Priest (C7).
Special Section: includes 20 Mages (M5), +2 Cloak of Protection, various Wands and staff. 20 Clerics (C5), lorica segmenta armour, Wand of Fear and mace. 2 Battle Wizards (M9), 2 War Priests (C9), 1 Mandator (C10).
All troops have Excellent equipment. Troops also have access to numerous siege weapons, including magical ones like Meteor Guns, Fireball Guns, Ball Lightning Guns, and Magic Missile Guns (see "Top Ballista" for descriptions of the latter weapons). All weapons are designed to fire against both ground and aerial targets. Non-magical siege artillery have double normal range. Fire-Height's defences were bolstered during the Great War in preparation for an Alphatian attack which never came, and increased further as the Heldannic Knights (with their Warbirds) interest in Davania grew.
Division Name: Ravenscarp Watch
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 147 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 105
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Chartulary (C12, +3 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (F10)
Heroes: 2 Battle Priests (C9), 2 War Mages (M10), 2 Spatharii (F10).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
2nd Company: 120 light infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
3rd Company: 120 light infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
Division Name: Imperial Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 3
BR: 139 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 99
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M10), 2 Battle Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
3rd Company: 120 archers (F2), studded leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), studded leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
These units are used in the deeper jungles, where cavalry isn't appropriate.
Division Name: Imperial Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 3
BR: 149 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 99
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M10), 2 Battle Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F2), chain lamellar armour and buckler, short composite bow, lance and spatha (longsword); 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
3rd Company: 120 archers (F2), studded leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F2), studded leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
These units are used around the coastal regions where there is open ground, where cavalry can be employed to great effect.
Division Name: Hinterlands Coastal Flotilla
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Ravenscarp)
BR: 148 Personnel: 125 (185) Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 106
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Legatarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Centarch (F9)
1st - 3rd Squadrons: each has 20 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and spatha (longsword) and 20 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 1 Protocarabi (F6). Manning 2 sailing ships, each with 2 light ballistae and 10 sailors (armed with cutlasses and short bows in wartime and wearing lorica segmenta armour).
These units patrol the Hinterlands' coasts.
Total Hinterlands Regulars: 4,100 (2.48% of population).
The following units are currently inactive Reserves:
Division Name: Hinterlands Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 6 (throughout the Hinterlands)
BR: 83 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 59
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M9), 2 Battle Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
3rd Company: 120 archers (F1), padded armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F1), padded armour and shield, spear and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
Division Name: Garrisons
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 10 (Ravenscarp and other towns)
BR: 80 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 57
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M7), 2 Battle Priests (C7), 2 Champions (F7).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
3rd Company: 120 archers (F1), padded armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
4th Company: 120 skirmishers (F1), padded armour and shield, spear and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4).
Division Name: Militia of the Hinterlands
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 20
BR: 56 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Below Average BFR: 43
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F8)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M8), 2 War Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st - 2nd Companies: 120 heavy infantry (F1), lorica hamata and shield, spear and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C4).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), lorica hamata armour, heavy cross bow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C4).
4th Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), padded armour and shield, short composite bow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C4).
5th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), padded armour, javelins and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C4).
6th - 8th Companies: each with 120 light infantry (F1), padded armour and shield, sling and short sword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C4).
Total Hinterlands Reserves: 28,060
Total Hinterlands Persons in Arms: 32,160 (19.49% of population)Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Ochalean Forces
Basis: Classical; male (1.75% standing, up to 17.5% wartime); population 125,000; standing.
Division Name: Forbidden City Guards
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 188 Personnel: 168 Troop Class: Elite BFR: 134
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Tribune of the Guard (C12, +1 int, +3 wis)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (F10)
Executive Officer: Legate (M12)
Heroes: 1 Priest (C10).
1st - 4th Sections: each has 20 heavy infantry (F3), banded armour and shield, halberd and longsword; 10 elite heavy infantry (F3), banded armour, repeating crossbow (Chu-ku-no) and short sword; 10 elite heavy infantry (C3), banded armour, mace and throwing hammer; 1 Centarch of the Watch (C9).
The Legate is Thyatian, the rest are Ochalean.
Division Name: Beitung Watch
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 120 Personnel: 850 Troop Class: Good BFR: 92
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Tribune of the Guard (C12, +3 wis)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (F10)
Heroes: 6 Priests (C8), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 100 heavy infantry (F3), banded mail and shield, halberd and short sword; 4 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (C6).
2nd - 3rd Companies: each has 100 light infantry (F1), padded armour, repeating crossbow (Chu-ku-no) and short sword; 4 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (C6).
4th - 5th Companies: each has 100 light infantry (F1), padded armour, longbow and short sword; 4 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (C6).
6th - 8th Companies: each has 100 light infantry (F1), leather armour and shield, spear and short sword (also man wall-mounted artillery during sieges); 4 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (C6).
Division Name: Imperial Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 2
BR: 123 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 82
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (C10, +1 int, +2 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 4 Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Century: 120 medium cavalry (F3), chain lamellar armour, composite short bow, lance, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
2nd Century: 120 heavy infantry (F2), banded mail and shield, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
3rd Century: 120 skirmishers (F1), studded leather armour, repeating crossbow (Chu-ku-no) and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
4th Century: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
During the Crown War, 2 additional units of Auxiliaries were mustered and sent to fight in Thyatis. They are demobilized after that war. Ochalea has 20 troop transports (each with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors) that can be used to move units by sea if needed.
Total Ochalean Armed Forces: 2,018 (1.61% of population).
The following units are currently inactive Reserves:
Division Name: Ochalean Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 4
BR: 93 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 62
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (C10, +1 int, +2 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 4 Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Century: 120 medium cavalry (F1), chain lamellar armour, composite short bow, lance, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
2nd Century: 120 heavy infantry (F1), banded mail and shield, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
3rd Century: 120 skirmishers (F1), padded armour, repeating crossbow (Chu-ku-no) and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
4th Century: 120 light infantry (F1), padded armour, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
Division Name: Ochalean Naval Reserves
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 90 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 60
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (C9, +1 int, +2 wis)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 4 Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st - 4th Squadrons: each has 80 marines (F1), padded armour, repeating crossbow (Chu-ku-no) and longsword; 40 marine/sailors (F1), padded armour, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Manning 2 large sailing ships each with 2 heavy catapults.
Division Name: Reserves of Ochalea
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 10
BR: 60 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Below Average BFR: 43
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F8)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M8), 2 War Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st - 2nd Companies: 120 medium cavalry (F1), chain lamellar armour and shield, lance, short composite bow, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), lamellar armour, heavy cross bow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
4th Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), padded armour and shield, short composite bow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
5th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), padded armour, javelins and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
6th - 8th Companies: each with 120 light infantry (F1), padded armour and shield, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
Total Reserves: 12,900
Total Under Arms: 14,918 (11.9%)Thyatian Armed Forces 1018: Pearl Islands Forces
Pearl Islands
Basis: Classical; male and female (3% standing, up to 30% wartime); population 105,000; standing.
Division Name: Seagirt Guards
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 175 Personnel: 150 Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 125
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Imperial Legate (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Tribune (F10)
Heroes: 1 Battle Mage (M10), 1 Combat Priest (C10), 2 Spatharii (F9).
1st - 3rd Sections: each has 30 Guardsmen (F3), lorica segmenta and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 15 Guardsmen (F3), lorica segmenta, heavy crossbow and drusus (short sword); 1 Centarch (F6), 1 War Mage (M6), 1 Combat Priest (C6).
This force consists of Thyatian settlers in the Pearl Islands (colonists in Seagirt).
Division Name: Imperial Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 6
BR: 155 Personnel: 500 (580) Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 111
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 1 War Mage (M10), 1 War Priest (C10).
1st - 4th Companies: each with 120 warriors (F3), padded armour and shield, sling and spear; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 War Priest (C7), manning 2 small galleys each with a ram, 2 light catapults, and 10 non-fighting sailors.
Note: when wearing no or light armour, Pearl Islanders receive a +2 bonus to their AC, similar to that of Swashbucklers.
These units are also known as the "Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Alphon" in the Nuari dialect (which translates as "The People's Anti-Alphatian Army").
Total Pearl Islands Ships: 48
Total Pearl Islands Troops: 3,150 (3% of population).
The following units are currently inactive Reserves:
Division Name: Pearl Islands Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 5
BR: 85 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 65
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F8)
Heroes: 1 War Mage (M9), 1 Battle Priest (C9).
1st - 2nd Companies: each with 120 warriors (F1), padded armour and shield, sling and spear; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 War Priest (C4).
3rd - 4th Companies: each with 120 warriors (F1), padded armour and shield, javelins and spear; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 War Priest (C4).
Division Name: Pearl Islander Seafaring Reserves
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 85 Personnel: 500 (580) Troop Class: Fair BFR: 65
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F8)
Heroes: 1 War Mage (M9), 1 Battle Priest (C9).
1st - 4th Squadrons: each with 60 warriors (F1), padded armour and shield, sling and spear; 60 warriors (F1), padded armour and shield, javelins and spear 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 War Priest (C4). Manning 2 small galleys each with a ram, 2 light catapults, and 10 non-fighting sailors.
Division Name: Pearl Islands Militia
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 40
BR: 55 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Below Average BFR: 42
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F8)
Heroes: 1 War Mage (M9), 1 Battle Priest (C9).
1st - 2nd Companies: each with 120 warriors (F1), padded armour and shield, sling and spear; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 War Priest (C4).
3rd - 4th Companies: each with 120 warriors (F1), padded armour and shield, javelins and spear; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6), 1 War Priest (C4).
Total Reserves: 23,560
Total Pearl Islanders under arms: 26,710 (25.44%)Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Westrourke Forces
Basis: Medieval; male and female (2.5% standing, up to 25% wartime); population 75,000; wartime. Westrourke has raised militia units to screen itself from possible attacks by the Heldannic Knights in Helskir.
Division Name: Royal Guards or Westrourke
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 210 Personnel: 375 Troop Class: Elite BFR: 131
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Marshal of Westrourke (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Guard Leader (F10)
Heroes: 1 Battle Mage (M12), 1 Combat Priest (C10), 2 Spatharii (F9).
1st Company: 120 heavy cavalry (F3), plate mail and shield, lance and longsword; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6). Ride heavy war horses with plate barding.
2nd - 3rd Companies: each has 120 medium cavalry (F3), chain mail and shield, lance, short bow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F5), 1 Centarch (F6). Ride medium war horses with chain barding.
Division Name: Imperial Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 3
BR: 136 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 97
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M10), 2 Battle Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
2nd Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
3rd Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
Westrourke has 12 large sailing ships (each with 2 heavy catapults and 20 non-fighting sailors), and is thus able to move one of these units by sea at any given time.
Division Name: Army of Westrourke
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 3
BR: 104 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Average BFR: 74
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M14), 2 War Priests (C10), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F3), chain mail and shield, lance and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 light cavalry (F2), scale mail, lance, short bow, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5). Mounted on light war horses with leather barding.
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F3), chain mail and shield, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
5th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
6th - 8th Companies: each with 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
Westrourke Standing Forces: 1,815 (2.5% of population).
Westrourke Active Forces (All): 5,115 (6.82% of population).
The below units are currently inactive Reserves:
Division Name: Fortress Garrisons
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 10 (Finnegar's Watch, Bildo Tower, Svarbard Keep, Axelkeep, Eriksen Tower, Gund's Tower, Battleford, South creek, Trombel Keep, Northwatch)
BR: 112 Personnel: 175 Troop Class: Average BFR: 80
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Castellan (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Seneschal (F9)
Heroes: 1 War Mage (M12), 1 War Priest (C10), 1 Champion (F9), 3 Field Mages (M7), 3 Battle Priests (C7).
1st Section: 40 infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 1 Mandator (F5)
2nd Section: 40 infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 1 Mandator (F5)
3rd Section: 40 infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, spear and short sword; 1 Mandator (F5)
4th Section: 40 infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and short sword; 1 Mandator (F5)
Also have access to fortress-mounted siege artillery. Fortress forces consist of persons who live within each fortress/keep/tower throughout the year, and thus are at hand to protect it in case of attack.
Division Name: Army of Westrourke
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 3
BR: 104 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Average BFR: 74
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M14), 2 War Priests (C10), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F3), chain mail and shield, lance and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 light cavalry (F2), scale mail, lance, short bow, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5). Mounted on light war horses with leather barding.
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F3), chain mail and shield, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
5th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
6th - 8th Companies: each with 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
Division Name: Westrourke Naval Reserves
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 4
BR: 90 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 60
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (C9, +1 int, +2 wis)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 Priests (C9), 2 War Mages (M9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st - 4th Squadrons: each has 80 marines (F1), leather armour, repeating crossbow and longsword; 40 marine/sailors (F1), leather armour, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Manning 2 large sailing ships each with 2 heavy catapults.
Division Name: Militia of Westrourke
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 6
BR: 47 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Below Average BFR: 36
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M9), 2 War Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), chain mail, pike and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), chain mail, short bow, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), chain mail, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), padded armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
5th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
6th - 8th Companies: each with 120 light infantry (F1), leather armour and shield, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
Total Inactive Reserves: 12,750
Total Westrourke Armed Forces: 18,105 (24.14% of population)Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Redstone Forces
Basis: Medieval; male and female (2.5% standing, up to 25% wartime); population 60,000; wartime.
Division Name: Redstone Kastra Garrison
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 218 Personnel: 350 Troop Class: Elite BFR: 136
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Marshal of Redstone (F18, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Castellan of Redstone (F15)
Heroes: 2 Battle Mages (M16), 2 Combat Priests (C16), 2 Spatharii (F14), 2 Spatharii (F12).
1st Company: 100 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 War Mage (M7), 1 Battle Priest (C7).
2nd Company: 100 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 War Mage (M7), 1 Battle Priest (C7).
3rd Company: 100 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 War Mage (M7), 1 Battle Priest (C7).
Special Section: includes 20 Mages (M5), +2 Cloak of Protection, various Wands and staff. 20 Clerics (C5), lorica segmenta armour, Wand of Fear and mace. 2 Battle Wizards (M9), 2 War Priests (C9), 1 Mandator (C10).
All troops have Excellent equipment. Troops also have access to numerous siege weapons, including magical ones like Meteor Guns, Fireball Guns, Ball Lightning Guns, and Magic Missile Guns. All weapons are designed to fire against both ground and aerial targets. Non-magical siege artillery have double normal range.
Division Name: Imperial Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Redstone & Crosston)
BR: 136 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 97
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M10), 2 War Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
2nd Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
3rd Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
Division Name: Redstone Flotilla
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Port Donaghadee)
BR: 148 Personnel: 125 (185) Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 106
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Legatarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Centarch (F9)
1st - 3rd Squadrons: each has 20 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and spatha (longsword) and 20 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 1 Protocarabi[/i][/b] (F6). Manning 2 sailing ships, each with 2 light ballistae and 10 sailors (armed with cutlasses and short bows in wartime and wearing lorica segmenta armour).
Total Redstone Regulars: 1,475 (2.46% of population)
The below units are currently inactive Reserves:
Division Name: Fortress Garrisons
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 10 (Crosston, Rollston Keep, Hognerud's Tower, Tower of Darias, Killpatrick's Keep, Port Donaghadee, Tower of Dhonne, Laragh Tower, Dunngannon, Westhold)
BR: 112 Personnel: 175 Troop Class: Average BFR: 80
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Castellan (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Seneschal (F9)
Heroes: 1 War Mage (M12), 1 War Priest[/i][/b] (C10), 1 Champion (F9), 3 Field Mages (M7), 3 Battle Priests (C7).
1st Section: 40 infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 1 Mandator (F5)
2nd Section: 40 infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 1 Mandator (F5)
3rd Section: 40 infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, spear and short sword; 1 Mandator (F5)
4th Section: 40 infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and short sword; 1 Mandator (F5)
Also have access to fortress-mounted siege artillery. Fortress forces consist of persons who live within each fortress/keep/tower throughout the year, and thus are at hand to protect it in case of attack. Fortifications were constructed at the settlements of Crosston, Dunngannon, and Westhold either during the Great War or in its aftermath.
Division Name: Redstone Castle "Walls" Protectors
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 114 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Average BFR: 76
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M14), 2 War Priests (C10), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (C2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, mace and throwing hammer; 2 Mandators (C4), 1 Centarch (C9), 1 Priest (C5).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, repeating crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
4th Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
5th Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
6th - 8th Companies: each with 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, javelins and short sword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
Also have access to fortification-mounted siege artillery.
Division Name: Army of Redstone
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 4
BR: 104 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Average BFR: 74
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M14), 2 War Priests (C10), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F3), chain mail and shield, lance and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 light cavalry (F2), scale mail, lance, short bow, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5). Mounted on light war horses with leather barding.
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F3), chain mail and shield, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
5th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
6th - 8th Companies: each with 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
Division Name: Redstone Naval Reserves
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 4
BR: 90 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 60
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (C9, +1 int, +2 wis)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 Priests (C9), 2 War Mages (M9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st - 4th Squadrons: each has 80 marines (F1), leather armour, repeating crossbow and longsword; 40 marine/sailors (F1), leather armour, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Manning 2 large sailing ships each with 2 heavy catapults.
Division Name: Militia of Redstone
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 4
BR: 47 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Below Average BFR: 36
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M9), 2 War Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), chain mail, pike and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), chain mail, short bow, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), chain mail, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), padded armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
5th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
6th - 8th Companies: each with 120 light infantry (F1), leather armour and shield, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
Total Redstone Reserves: 12,750
Total Redstone Armed Forces: 14,285 (23.81% of population)Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Kendach Forces
Basis: Medieval; male and female (2.5% standing, up to 25% wartime); population 40,000; wartime.
Division Name: Kendach Kastra Garrison
Type of Division: Elite Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 185 Personnel: 325 Troop Class: Elite BFR: 132
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Marshal of Kendach (F16, +1 int, +1 wis, +2 cha)
Deputy Commander: Castellan of Kendach (F15)
Heroes: 2 Battle Mages (M16), 2 Combat Priests (C16), 2 Spatharii (F14), 2 Spatharii (F12).
1st Company: 100 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 War Mage (M7), 1 Battle Priest (C7).
2nd Company: 100 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and drusus (short sword); 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 War Mage (M7), 1 Battle Priest (C7).
3rd Company: 100 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F6), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 War Mage (M7), 1 Battle Priest (C7).
All troops have Excellent equipment. Kendach also has siege artillery, positioned to fire against both ground and aerial targets. All of Kendach's fortifications are designed to provide effective defences against aerial attack, just like those of Redstone, but Kendach is a somewhat less powerful citadel (fewer magical artillery, and no "special section" for example).
Division Name: Imperial Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Kendach)
BR: 136 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Good BFR: 97
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M10), 2 War Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
2nd Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
3rd Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
Division Name: Kendach Flotilla
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (West Portage)
BR: 148 Personnel: 125 (185) Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 106
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Legatarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Centarch (F9)
1st - 3rd Squadrons: each has 20 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and spatha (longsword) and 20 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 1 Protocarabi (F6). Manning 2 sailing ships, each with 2 light ballistae and 10 sailors (armed with cutlasses and short bows in wartime and wearing lorica segmenta armour).
Kendach has agreed to maintain this force in West Portage, as protecting the commerce of that port benefits Kendach, but West Portage does not have the infrastructure (population) to do so itself.
Total Kendach Regulars: 950 (2.38%)
The below units are inactive Reserves:
Division Name: Kendach Fortress Protectors
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 114 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Average BFR: 76
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M14), 2 War Priests (C10), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (C2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, mace and throwing hammer; 2 Mandators (C4), 1 Centarch (C9), 1 Priest (C5).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, repeating crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
4th Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
5th Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
6th - 8th Companies: each with 120 heavy infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, javelins and short sword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
Also have access to fortification-mounted siege artillery.
Division Name: Army of Kendach
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 104 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Average BFR: 74
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M14), 2 War Priests (C10), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F3), chain mail and shield, lance and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5). Mounted on medium war horses with chain barding.
2nd Company: 120 light cavalry (F2), scale mail, lance, short bow, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5). Mounted on light war horses with leather barding.
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F3), chain mail and shield, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
5th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
6th - 8th Companies: each with 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F9), 1 Priest (C5).
Division Name: Kendach Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 4
BR: 93 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 62
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M9), 2 War Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Bandon: 120 light cavalry (F2), padded armour, short composite bow, lance, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Mounted on light war horses.
2nd Bandon: 120 light infantry (F1), padded armour, long composite bow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
3rd Bandon: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, spear, javelins, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
4th Bandon: 120 skirmishers (F1), studded leather armour and shield, sling and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5).
Division Name: Kendach Naval Reserves
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 90 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 60
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M9), 2 War Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st - 4th Squadrons: each has 80 marines (F1), leather armour, repeating crossbow and longsword; 40 marine/sailors (F1), leather armour, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Manning 2 large sailing ships each with 2 heavy catapults.
Division Name: Militia of Kendach
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 4
BR: 47 Personnel: 1,000 Troop Class: Below Average BFR: 36
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: General (F9, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legate (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M9), 2 War Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), chain mail, pike and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), chain mail, short bow, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
3rd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F1), chain mail, halberd and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), padded armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
5th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
6th - 8th Companies: each with 120 light infantry (F1), leather armour and shield, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F3), 1 Centarch (F4), 1 Priest (C5).
Total Kendach Reserves: 8,500
Total Kendach persons under arms: 9,450 (23.63% of population)Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: West Portage Forces
West Portage
Basis: Medieval; male and female (2.5% standing, up to 25% wartime); population 10,000; wartime.
Division Name: West Portage Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (West Portage & Fenswatch)
BR: 148 Personnel: 125 Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 106
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Legatarius 12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Centarch (F9)
1st Section: 40 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and spatha (longsword); 1 Mandator (F6).
2nd Section: 40 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 1 Mandator (F6).
3rd Section: 40 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 1 Mandator (F6).
Total West Portage Regulars: 250 (2.5%)
The below units are inactive Reserves:
Division Name: Fortress Garrisons
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 3 (West Portage, Fenswatch, O'Connor's Light)
BR: 112 Personnel: 175 Troop Class: Average BFR: 80
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Castellan (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Seneschal (F9)
Heroes: 1 War Mage (M12), 1 War Priest (C10), 1 Champion (F9), 3 Field Mages (M7), 3 Battle Priests (C7).
1st Section: 40 infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 1 Mandator (F5)
2nd Section: 40 infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and longsword; 1 Mandator (F5)
3rd Section: 40 infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, spear and short sword; 1 Mandator (F5)
4th Section: 40 infantry (F2), lorica segmenta armour, halberd and short sword; 1 Mandator (F5)
Also have access to fortress-mounted siege artillery. Fortress forces consist of persons who live within each fortress/keep/tower throughout the year, and thus are at hand to protect it in case of attack.
Division Name: West Portage Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1
BR: 111 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Average BFR: 74
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +2 wis)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 Priests (C9), 2 War Mages (M9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Bandon: 120 light cavalry (F2), padded armour, short composite bow, lance, and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F9). Mounted on light war horses.
2nd Bandon: 120 light infantry (F1), padded armour, long composite bow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F9).
3rd Bandon: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, spear, javelins, and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F9).
4th Bandon: 120 skirmishers (F1), studded leather armour and shield, sling and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F9).
Division Name: West Portage Naval Reserves
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (West Portage)
BR: 90 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 60
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F9, +1 int, +2 wis)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 Priests (C9), 2 War Mages (M9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st - 4th Squadrons: each has 80 marines (F1), leather armour, repeating crossbow and longsword; 40 marine/sailors (F1), leather armour, spear and short sword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F5). Manning 2 large sailing ships each with 2 heavy catapults.
Total Reserves: 1,525
Total West Portage Forces: 1,775 (17.75%)Thyatian Armed Forces AC 1018: Provincial Forces
Basis: Medieval; male and female (2.5% standing, up to 25% wartime); population 10,000; Standing.
Division Name: Septentriona Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Rialtos & Laticea)
BR: 148 Personnel: 125 Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 106
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Legatarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Centarch (F9)
1st Section: 40 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and spatha (longsword); 1 Mandator (F6).
2nd Section: 40 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 1 Mandator (F6).
3rd Section: 40 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 1 Mandator (F6).
Total Septentriona Regulars: 250 (2.5% of population).
The following forces are currently inactive:
Division Name: Septentriona Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 4 (Rialtos, Laticea, Tower of Lucinius, Perdidis)
BR: 87 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 58
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M10), 2 War Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F3), chain mail and shield, short bow, lance and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), chain mail, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
3rd Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
These forces can be mobilized quickly to defend their communities.
Total Forces: 2,250 (22.5% of population).
Basis: Medieval; male and female (2.5% standing, up to 25% wartime); population 5,000; Standing.
Division Name: Furmenglaive Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Furmenglaive)
BR: 148 Personnel: 125 Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 106
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Legatarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Centarch (F9)
1st Section: 40 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and spatha (longsword); 1 Mandator (F6).
2nd Section: 40 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 1 Mandator (F6).
3rd Section: 40 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 1 Mandator (F6).
Total Meridia Regulars: 125 (2.5% of population).
The following forces are currently inactive:
Division Name: Meridia Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Furmenglaive)
BR: 87 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 58
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M10), 2 War Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F3), chain mail and shield, short bow, lance and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), chain mail, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
3rd Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
These forces can be mustered quickly if Furmenglaive is attacked.
Total Forces: 1,250 (25% of population)
Basis: Medieval; male and female (2.5% standing, up to 25% wartime); population 10,000; wartime.
Division Name: Caerdwicca Guards
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Caerdwicca)
BR: 148 Personnel: 125 Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 106
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Legatarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Centarch (F9)
1st Section: 40 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and spatha (longsword); 1 Mandator (F6).
2nd Section: 40 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 1 Mandator (F6).
3rd Section: 40 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, longbow and longsword; 1 Mandator (F6).
Division Name: Caerdwicca Flotilla
Type of Division: Regular Division
Number of Such Units: 1 (Caerdwicca)
BR: 148 Personnel: 125 (185) Troop Class: Excellent BFR: 106
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Legatarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Centarch (F9)
1st - 3rd Squadrons: each has 20 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour, heavy crossbow and spatha (longsword) and 20 heavy infantry (F3), lorica segmenta armour and shield, spear, pilia (javelins) and drusus (short sword); 1 Protocarabi (F6). Manning 2 sailing ships, each with 2 light ballistae and 10 sailors (armed with cutlasses and short bows in wartime and wearing lorica segmenta armour).
Total Caerdwicca Regulars: 250 (2.5% of population).
Division Name: Pirates of Caerdwicca
Type of Division: Irregular Division
Number of Such Units: 8
BR: 101 Personnel: 220 Troop Class: Average BFR: 72
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Pirate Lord (T9, +1 int, +1 wis +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Pirate Lieutenant (F7)
Heroes: 2 Mages (M7), 2 Priests (C7), 2 Mages (M6).
1st - 4th Ships: each has 20 pirates (T2), leather armour, cutlass and short bow, 20 pirates (F2), leather armour, cutlass and light crossbow, 10 pirates (F2), leather armour, cutlass and spear; 1 Lieutenant (F6), 1 Captain (T7), 1 Sea Mage (M6). Manning a large sailing ship with 2 heavy catapults, sailed by them pirates.
These pirates are based in Caerdwicca because of its ruler's encouragement. For the most part they avoid raiding Thyatian ships (concentrating on Karameikan, NACE, or other vessels), but they aren't always picky. 32 pirate ships total.
The following forces are currently inactive:
Division Name: Caerdwicca Auxiliaries
Type of Division: Reserve Division
Number of Such Units: 2 (Caerdwicca)
BR: 87 Personnel: 500 Troop Class: Fair BFR: 58
Division Breakdown:
Division Commander: Vicarius (F12, +1 int, +1 wis, +1 cha)
Deputy Commander: Legatarius (F9)
Heroes: 2 War Mages (M10), 2 War Priests (C9), 2 Champions (F9).
1st Company: 120 medium cavalry (F3), chain mail and shield, short bow, lance and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
2nd Company: 120 heavy infantry (F2), chain mail, heavy crossbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
3rd Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour, longbow and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
4th Company: 120 light infantry (F1), studded leather armour and shield, spear and longsword; 2 Mandators (F4), 1 Centarch (F6).
These forces can be mustered quickly if Caerdwicca is attacked.
Total Forces: 2,510 (25.1%).