Theranderol (Kingdom of)
Location: Southern central portion of the floating continent of Alphatia, west of Haven, south of Alphas'ar and Bettellyn, east of Vertiloch, and north of Arogansa. HW
Area: 123,710. mi. (320,410 sq. km.).
Population: 189,400, including Errolyn (pop. 20,700).
Languages: Alphatian (Theran dialect).
Coinage: Alphatian Standard: crown (gp), mirror (sp), judge (cp). Theranderol mints no other coins.
Taxes: 15% income tax on everyone of servant status or higher. Slaves are counted as the property of the owner and the product of their labour is taxed as income for the owner.
Government Type: Monarchy, member of the Alphatian Empire.
Industries: Agriculture, cattle and sheep herding, logging.
Important Figures: Eldrethila (Queen, human, female, M20).
Flora and Fauna: See Alphatia.
Further Reading: Dawn of the Emperor boxed set, previous almanacs.
Last Year's Events: After some difficulties, work on the canal begun in Theranderol, under supervision of the army.