Thorn's Chronicle: On Dragonstones
by Robert J. Nuttman, Jr.From the forthcoming page(s) over at the main site, on Items of Magic, Wonder, and Technomancy:
Legendary even in the time of Blackmoor, dragonstones are among the most mysterious and magical of gems, a single stone worth the wealth of an empire. The only dragonstones known to exist adorn the accoutrements of the Last Daughters of the Lost Kingdom, but those stones were ancient even when they were passed to Aurora and Silva.Unlike elven Soul Gems, dragonstones do not appear to have an upward capacity or limit to their magical power -- the only limit seems to be what the wearer can withstand. The only weakness has been a susceptibility to certain combinations of frequencies which neutralize the stones’ effects. Such frequencies can only be generated by other dragonstones under the guidance of a Siren.
Red Dragonstones are of a red nearly on par with rubies, but veined with gold. They are attuned to the elements of earth and fire, and the Sphere of Energy. They can manipulate flames, exciting or dampening them as the user sees fit. They have been seen to turn solid rock to soupy mud and vice versa. Red dragonstones are also used as magical recording devices, holding entire libraries of information, viewable within the facets of the stone, or viewable by others when held before a flame.
Black Dragonstones are of a deep black, veined with purple. They are attuned to shadow, air, and the Sphere of Entropy. They can be used to shield the user from the sight and senses of others, deepen existing shadows, call forth impenetrable darkness over small areas. Black dragonstones are used in the binding and containment of ethereal demonic entities, and have also been seen to exhibit the same properties with the life force of material beings.
White Dragonstones aren’t actually white, but clear, veined with gold. They are attuned to the elements of air and water, and the Sphere of Thought. White dragonstones exhibit properties of passive defense and evasion, as well as healing, foresight and warding.
I was thinking of following the general description with "crunchy" bits -- spell-like effects produced, which dice need rolling (to control an effect, or how much damage an attack mode inflicts); also, adventure seeds and suchlike.
I for 1 would love to see crunch bits on the Dragonstones.
Mind you, this is very rough, not playtested, etc. Feel free to adjust the numbers as you see fit in your own game.
General use: Dragonstones of all three varieties require an effort of will for the invoked effects to manifest. Passive effects are assumed to be “always on” unless the user is enveloped in an anti-magic field, or if the effects are dampened by silence or a Siren’s counter-vibration.
Cost per use is taken from the user’s hit points, which can be restored through the usual means. Cost is deducted whether or not the effect is successful.Red Dragonstones are of a red nearly on par with rubies, but veined with gold. They are attuned to the elements of earth and fire, and the Sphere of Energy. They can manipulate flames, exciting or dampening them as the user sees fit. They have been seen to turn solid rock to soupy mud and vice versa. Red dragonstones are also used as magical recording devices, holding entire libraries of information, viewable within the facets of the stone, or viewable by others when held before a flame.
Passive effects: Resist cold/heat (as the cleric spell, cast at 5th level)
Invoked effects: Alter flames (excite or dampen existing flames by varying amounts:
“Area effect” Damage/round* Change by steps Time required Extinguish 0/1 1 none Candle 1/1 1 none Torch 1d4/1d4 2 none Campfire 1d8/1d6 3 1 round Bonfire 2d8/2d6 4 2 rounds House fire 3d8/3d6 5 3 rounds Conflagration 4d8/4d6 6 4 rounds Firestorm 5d8/5d6 7 5 rounds *first listing is damage dealt to targets within the area. Second listing is the damage the user takes to fuel the effect.
- Earthquake (reduced effect from clerical spell; 30’ square, causes sharp jolts, enough to knock those in the area of effect off feet (save vs. Death Ray to remain standing); hard rock may crack, but does not open fissures.) cost 3d8 hp
- Flameshield (shrouds user in a sheet of flames; 1d8hp/round damage to adjacent enemies) cost 2 hp to invoke, 1 hp/round thereafter
- Produce fire (as the Druid Spell, cast at 5th level) cost 2 hp per use.
- Rock to mud*: liquefies up to 30’ cube of rock, or causes up to 30’ cube of mud to solidify into solid stone. cost 3d8 hp.
Sirens can use a red dragonstone to cancel effects of another stone within 60’
Shrikes can use a red dragonstone to sheath their weapon in flames, dealing an extra 1d4 points of damage to a target on a successful hitBlack Dragonstones are of a deep black, veined with purple. They are attuned to shadow, air, and the Sphere of Entropy. They can be used to shield the user from the sight and senses of others, deepen existing shadows, call forth impenetrable darkness over small areas. Black dragonstones are used in the binding and containment of ethereal demonic entities, and have also been seen to exhibit the same properties with the life force of material beings.
Passive effects: Infravision, 30’
Invoked effects: Blind (as clerical spell, cast at 5th level); cost 6 hp/useSirens can use a black dragonstone to trap a demon’s ethereal essence (treat as an inside-out Magic Jar effect on the demon’s ‘soul’)
- Call lightning (as the druid spell, cast at 5th level); cost 3d6 hp
- Darkness, 15’ radius (as the clerical spell, cast at 5th level); cost 3 hp
- Deepen Shadows (shadows are twice as effective for concealment; effectively doubles thieves’ “Hide in Shadows” effect for 1 turn per 3 hp)
- Invisibility (as the magic user spell, cast at 5th level); cost 3 hp/turn
- Obscure trail (erases or confuses tracks up to 100’ per level or for 3 turns) cost 3hp
- Shocking grasp (charges hand with electrical energy, dispersed on contact, or can be hurled up to 30’; deals 1d6 hp/level); cost 1d6 hp/level
- Soulbind (living target must save vs. Death Ray or be compelled to do user’s will; cost 6d6 hp/turn; dead targets animate and do user’s bidding at a cost of 1d6 hp/target’s HD/turn)
Shrikes can “burn” the essences trapped within a gem, using the demon’s hit points instead of her own to fuel dragonstone effects.White Dragonstones aren’t actually white, but clear, veined with gold. They are attuned to the elements of air and water, and the Sphere of Thought. White dragonstones exhibit properties of passive defense and evasion, as well as healing, foresight and warding.
Passive effects: Regeneration, 1 hp/turn/stone; Blur (+3 to AC after first attack, lasts 3 rounds); Sanctuary (if totally still in combat situation, viewers must Save vs. Spells to notice user)
Invoked effects: Cure Light/Moderate/Serious Wounds (heals user for 3, 6, or 9 hit points, or can be used on others at a cost of 1/2 the hps restored)
- Detect danger (as the druid spell, cast at 3rd level); cost 2 hp
- Light (as the magic user spell, cast at 3rd level); cost 1 hp/3turns
- Remove Fear (as the cleric spell, cast at 3rd level) cost 3 hp/turn