The Mystara Magazine
Call for Submission
- Issue 36: Adventures and Modules
- Issue 35: Glantri and Magic
- Issue 34: Future & Alternate Mystaras
- Issue 33: Dungeons!
- Issue 32: Return to Undersea, and Issue 33: Dungeons!
- Issue 31: Undersea
- Issue 30: The Isle of Dawn and the Alphatian Sea
- Issue 29: Vampires and Undead
- Issue 28: Trade routes and Darokin
- Issue 27: Vaults of Pandius 25th Anniversary Special
- Issue 26: Heroes, Villains and Organizations
- Issue 25: Strongholds, and Issue 26: Heroes, Villains and Organizations
- Issue 24: Adventures and Campaigns III, and Issue 25: Strongholds
- Issue 23: Campaigns and Adventures
- Issue 20: Skothar
- Issue 19: Planes and the Immortals
- Issue 18: Savage Coast
- Issue 17: Western Brun
- Issue 16: Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings
- Issue 15: Mystaraspace
- Issues 13, 14 and 15: 13 - A Crucible of Creatures; 14 - The Shadowdeep; and 15 - Mystaraspace
- Issue 12: Ages Past
- Issue 11: Isle of Dawn, Thyatis and Alphatia
- Issue 10: Alfheim and the hidden World of Elves
- Issue 9: The Hollow World and the Immortals
- Issue 7: Norwold and Issue 8: Norwold/Northlands
- Issue 6: The Northlands
- Issue 5: Davania
- Issue 3 and 4: The Sea of Dread
- Issue 2: Vaults of Pandius Spotlight
- Issue 1: Back to the Borderlands of Karameikos
Issue 36: Adventures and Modules
The first issue of 2025 will gather interesting experiences to throw at your party!
Proposal Deadline: February 15th, 2025
Manuscript Deadline: May 1st, 2025
Issue Published: June 2025Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue’s theme.
Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication.Check Submission Guidelines on page 172 of issue #35!
Ask any question here, then send proposals and articles to the Threshold mail indicated in that page!
Issue 35: Glantri and Magic
The second issue of 2024 will focus on the most magical nation of the Known World.
Proposal Deadline : August 15th, 2024
Manuscript Deadline: October 25th, 2024
Issue Published: December 2024Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue’s theme.
Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication.Check Submission Guidelines on page 252 of issue #34!
Issue 34: Future & Alternate Mystaras
The first issue of 2024 will focus on other versions of your favorite campaign world!
Proposal Deadline : February 15th, 2024
Manuscript Deadline : May 1st, 2024
Issue Published : June 2024Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue’s theme.
Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication.
Issue 33: Dungeons!
Please check the schedule below. Anyway all articles sent to Threshold will be published eventually sooner or later :)
Submissions guidelines are on the last page of the Magazine (before backcover):Issue 33—Dungeons!
The third issue of 2023 will focus on a cornerstone of the D&D game!Proposal Deadline: October 1st, 2023
Manuscript Deadline: November 1st, 2023
Issue Published: December 2023Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue’s theme.
Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication.
Issue 32: Return to Undersea and Issue 33: Dungeons!
Even if issue #32 is already almost full with the Undersea material which we could not publish in issue #31 for lack of space, there is still some room for other articles if anyone is interested or has something almost ready.
Please check the schedule below. Anyway all articles sent to Threshold will be published eventually sooner or later
Submissions guidelines are on the last page of the Magazine (before backcover):The second issue of 2023 will return on the dominions and peoples below the waves!
Proposal Deadline: July 15th, 2023
Manuscript Deadline: August 1st, 2023
Issue Published: August 2023Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue’s theme.
Call for proposals for main themes of forthcoming issues:
Issue 33—Dungeons!
The third issue of 2023 will focus on a cornerstone of the D&D game!Proposal Deadline: September 15th, 2023
Manuscript Deadline: November 1st, 2023
Issue Published: December 2023Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue’s theme.
Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication (i.e. at current schedule October/December and April/June).
Issue 31: Undersea
The first 2023 issue will focus on the regions and kingdoms under the waves.
Proposal Deadline: February 15th, 2023
Manuscript Deadline: May 1st, 2023
Issue Published: June 2023Issue #32 will instead be about Dungeons, for publication End 2023
Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue’s theme.
Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication (i.e. at current schedule October/December and April/June).
Issue 30: The Isle of Dawn and the Alphatian Sea
The second 2022 issue will focus on the whole region that lies between the Known World and Skothar to the east.
Proposal Deadline: August 1st, 2022
Manuscript Deadline: October 15th 2022
Issue Published: December 2022Issue #31 will instead be about Undersea, for publication Mid 2023
Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue’s theme.
Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication (i.e. at current schedule October/December and April/June).
Issue 29: Vampires and Undead
The first issue of 2022 will focus on horror themes, vampires and other undead!
Proposal Deadline: February 15th, 2022
Manuscript Deadline: May 1st, 2022
Issue Published: June 2022Issue #30 will instead be about The Isle of Dawn and the Alphatian Sea for publication end 2022
Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue’s theme.
Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication (i.e. at current schedule October/December and April/June).
Issue 28: Trade routes and Darokin
The second issue of 2021 will focus on trade, the lifeblood of nations and the fortune of the Merchant Houses of Darokin!
Proposal Deadline: August 15th, 2021
Manuscript Deadline: October 15th, 2021
Issue Published: December 2021Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue’s theme.
Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme, as recently happened for Adventures and Campaigns.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication (i.e. at current schedule October/December and April/June).
Issue 27: Vaults of Pandius 25th Anniversary Special
This issue will celebrate the milestone reached by the repository of Mystara treasure managed since so many years by Shawn Stanley.
Proposal Deadline: February 15th, 2021
Manuscript Deadline: April 15th, 2021
Issue Published: June 2021Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue’s theme.
Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme, as recently happened for Adventures and Campaigns.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication (i.e. at current schedule October/December and April/June).
Issue 26: Heroes, Villains and Organizations
Hi All, you saw issue #25 was just published and we already have some material for issue #26 that will probably be published end 2020.
Still, we always welcome contributions to Threshold magazine and therefore I repost here the current schedule of incoming issues as published in the magazine on page 8. Submissions guidelines are on the last page of the Magazine (before backcover):Issue 26 - Heroes, Villains and Organizations
This issue will focus on NPCs and the Organizations PCs can meet as enemies or allies in Mystara.
Proposal Deadline: July 15th, 2020
Manuscript Deadline: October 15th, 2020
Issue Published: December 2020Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue’s theme.
Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme, as recently happened for Adventures and Campaigns.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication (i.e. at current schedule October/December and April/June).
Issue 25: Strongholds, and Issue 26: Heroes, Villains and Organizations
Hi All, you saw issue #24 was just published and we already have some material for issue #25 that will probably be published end March 2020.
Still, we always welcome contributions to Threshold magazine and therefore I repost here the current schedule of incoming issues as published in the magazine on page 8. Submissions guidelines are on the last page of the Magazine (before backcover):Issue 25 - Strongholds
This issue will delve into the myriad of strongholds that dot the Mystaran landscape. Cities, castles, towers, and secret lairs. These strongholds may serve as anything from bastions of refuge, to adventure obstacles waiting to be overcome by Mystaran PCs.
Proposal Deadline: December 15th, 2019
Manuscript Deadline: February 15th, 2020
Issue Published: by end March/early April 2020Issue 26 - Heroes, Villains and Organizations
This issue will focus on NPCs and the Organizations PCs can meet as enemies or allies in Mystara.
Proposal Deadline: April 15th, 2020
Manuscript Deadline: June 15th, 2020
Issue Published: by end July/early August, 2020Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme, as recently happened for Adventures and Campaigns.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication (i.e. at current schedule October/November - February/March and June/July).
Issue 24: Adventures and Campaigns III, and Issue 25: Strongholds
Hi All, you saw issue #23 was just published and we already have enough material for issue #24 that will probably be published end November.
Still, we always welcome contributions to Threshold magazine and therefore I repost here the current schedule of incoming issues as published in the magazine on page 6. Submissions guidelines are on the last page of the Magazine (before backcover):Issue 24 - Adventures and Campaigns III
A third issue focused on adventures, campaigns, and other materials directly useful for your Mystaran games.
Proposal Deadline: August 15th, 2019
Manuscript Deadline: Oct 15th, 2019
Issue Published: by December 1st, 2019Call for proposals for main themes of forthcoming issues (2020):
Issue 25 - Strongholds
This issue will delve into the myriad of strongholds that dot the Mystaran landscape. Cities, castles, towers, and secret lairs. These strongholds may serve as anything from bastions of refuge, to adventure obstacles waiting to be overcome by Mystaran PCs.
Proposal Deadline: December 15th, 2019
Manuscript Deadline: February 15th, 2020
Issue Published: by April 1st, 2020Articles may be splitted or postponed to following issues if we receive much material on a particular theme, as recently happened for Adventures and Campaigns.
We always also need people willing to proofread or, even better, do part of the editor job which mostly consist on these tasks:
- Receive permission to see the Threshold Editorial sub-forum and partecipate in it
- Contacting authors ahead of deadlines to request an article or receive updates on the status
- Creating a google doc file shared with author and editors for each article
- Formatting such google doc file with the appropriate layout as per Threshold template
- Contacting proofreaders and sending article links to them and helping in proofread if necessary
- Creating an image table for the article and choosing appropriate images if the author did not provide them.
As you can imagine all these tasks are quite time consuming so we welcome any help you can give. Please note that we need a reliable committment from prospective editors, mostly in the two months before issue's publication (i.e. at current schedule October/November - February/March and June/July).Issue 23: Campaigns and Adventures
A second issue focused on adventures, campaigns, and other materials directly useful for your Mystaran games.
Proposal Deadline: March 21th, 2019
Manuscript Deadline: April 21st, 2019
Issue Published: by June 21st, 2019As we are finalizing production of issue 22, Adventures and Campaigns, to be published in a few days, we had enough material for another issue dedicated to the same theme. Yet there is still space to be filled, so feel free to propose your article!
So if you have an idea for an article, campaign, adventure or else, write here or to the Threshold mail which is published on the last page of any issue.
The manuscript deadline is indicative but can be extended with the editor, so do not worry too much!Anticipated contents include:
- “Warriors of the Eternal Sun” - the old video game becomes an adventure
- Escape from Hule, by Sea
- The many Mystaran sub-settings
- “Oeraphon’s War” - an expansion of “Wrath of the Immortals”
- The Barrel, a location
- ...and much much more!
Issue 20: Skothar
Where ancient Blackmoor once laid, the most unknown and mysterious continent of Mystara!
Proposal Deadline: April 15th, 2018
Manuscript Deadline: May 15th, 2018
Issue Published: By July 21th, 2018As we are finalizing production of issue 19 (Planes and the Immortals, to be published in April), we are now accepting proposals for issue #20 which will be focused on Skothar to be published in July!
There have been several threads about the continent recently so I hope there will be some contributors. Thorfinn recently made his map of the continent and we would be happy to publish it in the magazine too. I have my own map but more versions, more choice
Havard and LoZompatore certainly have some material on pre-cataclysmic Skothar.
I will also do my own article on the history and people of the continent, trying to summarize also the existing fan material.
Skothar has M-oriental cultures, the M-scythians Jennites, the M-africans Tanagoro and much more, including ruins of Blackmoor, so there is plenty of inspiration for contributors!If you are interested in contributing, write here or to the Threshold mail which is published on the last page of any issue.
The manuscript deadline is indicative but can be extended with the editor (me), so do not worry too much!Anticipated contents so far:
- Skothar maps
- History and people of the continent
- ?
Issue 19: Planes and the Immortals
Issue #18, The Savagecoast, is almost here, and while we wait to explore the lands west of the Known World, we turn our thoughts and prayers to the Immortals! In Issue #19 we will discover the secrets of the Immortals, and the Planes beyond Mystara.
Whether you are an theologian or an expert of the Inner Planes, Outer Planers, or anything in between, we need your help! Mystaras planar landscape awaits discovery!
Mission statement
- The stated aims of Threshold are:
- to provide a venue for community members to present material
- to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
- to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
- to encourage authors to revisit and revitalize existing articles
- to motivate interest in Mystara in general
- The issue of what is "canon" is not relevant and will not be touched upon by this publication. Publication in the magazine does not imply any kind of special endorsement.
- We aim to promote each individual's personal version of Mystara ("My Mystara"), and will introduce a different community member's version in each issue.
- We also aim to enhance community cohesion, and will interview a different member of the community in each issue.
"Threshold: The Mystara Magazine" is a non-commercial, fan-written magazine. There is no intention to infringe on anyone's rights, and in particular not on those of WotC, which holds the copyright (and trademarks, etc.) on the original material on which the magazine is based.
Call for Contributions
Proposal Deadline: January 15th, 2018
Manuscript Deadline: February 10th, 2018
The Threshold editorial team invites all fans of the Mystara setting to submit contributions to the nineteenth issue of the magazine.
We are looking especially for contributions fitting the theme of the nineteenth issue, Planes and the Immortals.Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block could be included.Submission Guidelines
All proposal submissions can be sent by mail to the editors at the following address
Threshold.Mystara@gmail.com, and must be received by the deadline of January 15th, 2018. The Threshold editorial team will contact you no later than January 18th, 2018 regarding the status of your proposal.Submission proposals should be sent inline in the mail, using the following subject format:
[ISSUE19][Proposal]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- Proposed article title
- The type of article being proposed (short story, adventure, geographical location, organization, etc...)
- A one paragraph description of what the article is about.
- An estimated word count of the article (articles should range anywhere from 1000 to 7000 words, depending on the type of article submitted).
Manuscripts should only be submitted after your proposal has been accepted by the Threshold editorial staff, and must be received by the deadline of February 10th, 2018. When submitting a manuscript file, please use the following naming convention:
(extension: see below for recommended file formats)and the following subject format:
[ISSUE19][Manuscript]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- The article title.
- An attached document containing the article contents.
- The final word count of the article.
Submission Template
The preferred method of article submission is through Google Drive. You may access the Threshold Submission Template here. Go to the File menu and select "Make a Copy..." You will now have a copy of the template in your Google Drive folder that you may edit on your own.Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
The following guidelines apply to different types of submissions:
- [i]Illustrations: please submit art and maps in lossless format (e.g., PNG).
- Articles: manuscript submissions can be sent by mail as plain text, doc(x) or odt, or shared as Google Doc. The issue editor will create a shared document (for each article) to allow the author and editorial team to work on it. Articles can be as short as a single page, or as long as 6 pages, depending on the specific content. The editorial team will do its best to accommodate the contributions, but especially long works may be split over several issues.
- Tables: Tables should be numbered (Table X: Name of Table), and any references in the article should refer to that table number (and not to "the table below," for example).
- Author Bios: Please include a short blurb (one or two sentences) biography/blurb about yourself for our "contributing authors" section. It can be serious or silly, but don't get too carried away with it, please.
- Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
Issue 18: Savage Coast
In Western Brun there is a wild, untamed land with ancient ruins to explore, proud people and nations to meet, an ancient curse and strange weapons. The Savage Coast needs women and men, brave and free!
Proposal Deadline: October 24st 2017
Manuscript Deadline: November 24st, 2017
Issue Published: by January 21st, 2018As we were finalizing production of issue 17 (Western Brun, to be published in a matter of days), we realized the material was exceeding 350 pages! We have therefore decided to split the issue in two, dedicating the second part to the Savage Coast.
Even if the issue already has several articles ready, you can still propose something else about the Savage Coast, Brun or any other topic.
If necessary, we will split further :) If you are interested in contributing, write here or to the Threshold mail which is published on the last page of any issue.
The manuscript deadline is indicative but can be extended with the editor (me), so do not worry too much!Anticipated contents so far:
- A Torreon Mini Gazetteer
- The Great Northway Lands
- The Trident Isles
- The wilderlands of Atruaghin territories, Sind and Adri Varna
- Dwarven families of Rockhome
Issue 17: Western Brun
From the Plain of Fire to the Savage Coast, the Yazak steppes and Borea, along the Endworld Line, and all the way to the tip of the Arm of the Immortals, the races, cultures, and nations of Western Brun are waiting to be brought to life!
Proposal Deadline: July 21th 2017
Manuscript Deadline: August 21th, 2017
Issue Published: by October 21th, 2017As we are finalizing production of issue 16 (Dwarves and Gnomes, to be published after mid July), we are also searching for contributors for issue 17, which will be dedicated to Western Brun and in general to all the lands of Brun which aren't part of the Known World.
So if you have an idea for an article, adventure or else set in Sind, Borea, Hyboria, the Savage Coast, the Arm of the Immortal and all the faraway lands of Brun, write here or to the Threshold mail which is published on the last page of any issue.
The manuscript deadline is indicative but can be extended with the editor (me), so do not worry too much!Anticipated contents so far:
- A Timeline of Brun
- The Great Map of Brun
- A Torreon Mini Gazetteer
- The Great Northway Lands
- The wilderlands of Atruaghin territories, Sind and Adri Varna
Issue 16: Dwarves, Gnomes and Halflings
Issue #15, Mystaraspace, is almost here, and while we wait for the celestial sphere of Mystara to be revealed, we turn our eyes to the little folk! In Issue #16 we will investigate the vertically-challenged demihuman races, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings!
The editorial board is looking for contributions covering the three races, but will as usual accept also articles not directly related to the theme.
Mission statement
- The stated aims of Threshold are:
- to provide a venue for community members to present material
- to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
- to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
- to encourage authors to revisit and revitalize existing articles
- to motivate interest in Mystara in general
- The issue of what is "canon" is not relevant and will not be touched upon by this publication. Publication in the magazine does not imply any kind of special endorsement.
- We aim to promote each individual's personal version of Mystara ("My Mystara"), and will introduce a different community member's version in each issue.
- We also aim to enhance community cohesion, and will interview a different member of the community in each issue.
"Threshold: The Mystara Magazine" is a non-commercial, fan-written magazine. There is no intention to infringe on anyone's rights, and in particular not on those of WotC, which holds the copyright (and trademarks, etc.) on the original material on which the magazine is based.
Call for Contributions
Proposal Deadline: March 15th, 2017
Manuscript Deadline: May 10th, 2017
The Threshold editorial team invites all fans of the Mystara setting to submit contributions to the fifteenth issue of the magazine.
We are looking especially for contributions fitting the theme of the fifteenth issue, Mystaraspace.Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block could be included.Submission Guidelines
All proposal submissions can be sent by mail to the editors at the following address
Threshold.Mystara@gmail.com, and must be received by the deadline of March 15th, 2017. The Threshold editorial team will contact you no later than March 18th, 2017 regarding the status of your proposal.Submission proposals should be sent inline in the mail, using the following subject format:
[ISSUE16][Proposal]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- Proposed article title
- The type of article being proposed (short story, adventure, geographical location, organization, etc...)
- A one paragraph description of what the article is about.
- An estimated word count of the article (articles should range anywhere from 1000 to 7000 or more words, depending on the type of article submitted).
Manuscripts should only be submitted after your proposal has been accepted by the Threshold editorial staff, and must be received by the deadline of May 10th, 2017. When submitting a manuscript file, please use the following naming convention:
(extension: see below for recommended file formats)and the following subject format:
[ISSUE15][Manuscript]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- The article title.
- An attached document containing the article contents.
- The final word count of the article.
Submission Template
The preferred method of article submission is through Google Drive. You may access the Threshold Submission Template here. Go to the File menu and select "Make a Copy..." You will now have a copy of the template in your Google Drive folder that you may edit on your own.Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
The following guidelines apply to different types of submissions:
- Illustrations: please submit art and maps in lossless format (e.g., PNG).
- Articles: manuscript submissions can be sent by mail as plain text, doc(x) or odt, or shared as Google Doc. The issue editor will create a shared document (for each article) to allow the author and editorial team to work on it. Articles can be as short as a single page, or as long as 6 pages, depending on the specific content. The editorial team will do its best to accommodate the contributions, but especially long works may be split over several issues.
- Tables: Tables should be numbered (Table X: Name of Table), and any references in the article should refer to that table number (and not to "the table below," for example).
- Author Bios: Please include a short blurb (one or two sentences) biography/blurb about yourself for our "contributing authors" section. It can be serious or silly, but don't get too carried away with it, please.
- Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
Issue 15: Mystaraspace
Issue #14, The Shadowdeep, is almost here, and while we wait for the darkest depths of Mystara to be revealed, we turn our eyes to the skies above! In Issue #15 we will journey to the far reaches of the Void, and perhaps beyond, as the secrets of Mystaraspace are explored. Prepare to discover some of Mystara's nearest neighbors in the cosmic dark, and to journey further than any Mystaran has ever gone before!
If you have ever peered across the stars, or even into the blackest voids between them, we need your help! Mystaraspace awaits discovery!
Mission statement
- The stated aims of Threshold are:
- to provide a venue for community members to present material
- to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
- to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
- to encourage authors to revisit and revitalize existing articles
- to motivate interest in Mystara in general
- The issue of what is "canon" is not relevant and will not be touched upon by this publication. Publication in the magazine does not imply any kind of special endorsement.
- We aim to promote each individual's personal version of Mystara ("My Mystara"), and will introduce a different community member's version in each issue.
- We also aim to enhance community cohesion, and will interview a different member of the community in each issue.
"Threshold: The Mystara Magazine" is a non-commercial, fan-written magazine. There is no intention to infringe on anyone's rights, and in particular not on those of WotC, which holds the copyright (and trademarks, etc.) on the original material on which the magazine is based.
Call for Contributions
Proposal Deadline: January 13th, 2017
Manuscript Deadline: February 10th, 2017
The Threshold editorial team invites all fans of the Mystara setting to submit contributions to the fifteenth issue of the magazine.
We are looking especially for contributions fitting the theme of the fifteenth issue, Mystaraspace.Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block could be included.Submission Guidelines
All proposal submissions can be sent by mail to the editors at the following address
Threshold.Mystara@gmail.com, and must be received by the deadline of January 13th, 2017. The Threshold editorial team will contact you no later than January 15th, 2017 regarding the status of your proposal.Submission proposals should be sent inline in the mail, using the following subject format:
[ISSUE15][Proposal]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- Proposed article title
- The type of article being proposed (short story, adventure, geographical location, organization, etc...)
- A one paragraph description of what the article is about.
- An estimated word count of the article (articles should range anywhere from 1000 to 7000 words, depending on the type of article submitted).
Manuscripts should only be submitted after your proposal has been accepted by the Threshold editorial staff, and must be received by the deadline of February 10th, 2017. When submitting a manuscript file, please use the following naming convention:
(extension: see below for recommended file formats)and the following subject format:
[ISSUE15][Manuscript]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- The article title.
- An attached document containing the article contents.
- The final word count of the article.
Submission Template
The preferred method of article submission is through Google Drive. You may access the Threshold Submission Template here. Go to the File menu and select "Make a Copy..." You will now have a copy of the template in your Google Drive folder that you may edit on your own.Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
The following guidelines apply to different types of submissions:
- [i]Illustrations: please submit art and maps in lossless format (e.g., PNG).
- Articles: manuscript submissions can be sent by mail as plain text, doc(x) or odt, or shared as Google Doc. The issue editor will create a shared document (for each article) to allow the author and editorial team to work on it. Articles can be as short as a single page, or as long as 6 pages, depending on the specific content. The editorial team will do its best to accommodate the contributions, but especially long works may be split over several issues.
- Tables: Tables should be numbered (Table X: Name of Table), and any references in the article should refer to that table number (and not to "the table below," for example).
- Author Bios: Please include a short blurb (one or two sentences) biography/blurb about yourself for our "contributing authors" section. It can be serious or silly, but don't get too carried away with it, please.
- Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
Call for Contributions
Issue 13 - A Crucible of Creatures
Monsters, humanoids and other inhuman denizens of Mystara! The editorial team will accept proposals on any kind of creature which could live in our favorite setting.Proposal Deadline: July 15th 2016
Manuscript Deadline: August 10th, 2016
Issue Published: By October 15th, 2016Call for proposals for main themes of forthcoming issues:
Issue 14 - The Shadowdeep
What lies beneath your feet? Whether you stand on Mystara’s surface, or the Land of the Red Sun, the answer is the same… The Shadowdeep! The editorial team will accept proposals on underground labyrinths, degenerate civilizations, and anything else you can find between the surface of Mystara and the Hollow World.Proposal Deadline: September 30th 2016
Manuscript Deadline: October 31st, 2016
Issue Published: By January 15th, 2017Issue 15 - Mystaraspace
There is more than darkness beyond the Skyshield. Through the Void of space to the Hollow Moon, Sarimaar the Wanderer, the desolation of Damocles and further, mysteries abound. The editorial team will accept proposals on worlds, individuals, and civilizations far from the firmament of Mystara.Proposal Deadline: December 31st 2016
Manuscript Deadline: March 31st, 2017
Issue Published: By May 15th, 2017Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication for any upcoming issue, taking into account available space and the issue's theme.
Threshold accepts and invites submissions of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to: Articles-- short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.; and Illustrations-- portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted. Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set. Including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder. However, they should be limited to a minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block may be included.Themes for issue 16, 17 and 18:
The Great Waste, Dwarves & Gnomes, Glantri, Specularum, an Extended Newbie Guide and Skothar are themes currently considered for the next year, but their order of publication could change depending on available editors and contributors.Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication in an issue, taking into account space available and that issue's theme.
Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted. Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block could be included.Call for Editors
The Threshold editorial team welcomes possible new editors! An editor's job is to produce an issue once a year, scheduling articles, proofreading them, searching for suitable images, setting up layout. A willing new editor will obviously receive necessary details on all the above tasks by those who were editors before her/him, and any help when needed.
It's more or less a three-four months job, one or two for gathering articles, one for reading them, one for adding images and preparing layout.
We should have four active editors now but having one or two more would not hurt at all!Call for Proofreaders
Threshold magazine always need proofreaders willing to read articles before publication and check the pdf draft for typos. Volunteer and you get to read Threshold before anyone else!
Just post in this thread if you are willing to do it!
Issue 12: Ages Past
Even while the editors of Threshold are tirelessly working to bring you Issue #11, Isle of Dawn, Thyatis and Alphatia, planning for Issue #12 has already begun. The nations of the Known World are all well known to us, from Glantri to Minrothad, across the Sea of Dawn, and even to the far shores of Alphatia. Explorers have traveled the wilds of Western Brun, the jungles of Davania, and even plumbed the depths of the planet's Hollow World. From whence did these cultures and nations come? How did they develop, and why?
These are the questions we'll be answering as we peer across the eons. From the dawn of history to the rise and fall of Blackmoor, Issue #12 will explore the deepest darkest secrets from Mystara's past. Help us shine light on the history of our favorite world!
Mission statement
- The stated aims of Threshold are:
- to provide a venue for community members to present material
- to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
- to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
- to encourage authors to revisit and revitalize existing articles
- to motivate interest in Mystara in general
- The issue of what is "canon" is not relevant and will not be touched upon by this publication. Publication in the magazine does not imply any kind of special endorsement.
- We aim to promote each individual's personal version of Mystara ("My Mystara"), and will introduce a different community member's version in each issue.
- We also aim to enhance community cohesion, and will interview a different member of the community in each issue.
"Threshold: The Mystara Magazine" is a non-commercial, fan-written magazine. There is no intention to infringe on anyone's rights, and in particular not on those of WotC, which holds the copyright (and trademarks, etc.) on the original material on which the magazine is based.
Proposal Deadline: March 25th, 2016
Manuscript Deadline: April 30th, 2016
The Threshold editorial team invites all fans of the Mystara setting to submit contributions to the ninth issue of the magazine.
We are looking especially for contributions fitting the theme of the twelfth issue, Ages Past.Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block could be included.Submission Guidelines
All proposal submissions can be sent by mail to the editors at the following address
Threshold.Mystara@gmail.com, and must be received by the deadline of March 25th, 2016. The Threshold editorial team will contact you no later than March 31st, 2016 regarding the status of your proposal.Submission proposals should be sent inline in the mail, using the following subject format:
[ISSUE12][Proposal]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- Proposed article title
- The type of article being proposed (short story, adventure, geographical location, organization, etc...)
- A one paragraph description of what the article is about.
- An estimated word count of the article (articles should range anywhere from 1000 to 7000 words, depending on the type of article submitted).
Manuscripts should only be submitted after your proposal has been accepted by the Threshold editorial staff, and must be received by the deadline of April 30th, 2016. When submitting a manuscript file, please use the following naming convention:
(extension: see below for recommended file formats)and the following subject format:
[ISSUE12][Manuscript]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- The article title.
- An attached document containing the article contents.
- The final word count of the article.
Submission Template
The preferred method of article submission is through Google Drive. You may access the Threshold Submission Template here. Go to the File menu and select "Make a Copy..." You will now have a copy of the template in your Google Drive folder that you may edit on your own.Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
The following guidelines apply to different types of submissions:
- [i]Illustrations: please submit art and maps in lossless format (e.g., PNG).
- Articles: manuscript submissions can be sent by mail as plain text, doc(x) or odt, or shared as Google Doc. The issue editor will create a shared document (for each article) to allow the author and editorial team to work on it. Articles can be as short as a single page, or as long as 6 pages, depending on the specific content. The editorial team will do its best to accommodate the contributions, but especially long works may be split over several issues.
- Tables: Tables should be numbered (Table X: Name of Table), and any references in the article should refer to that table number (and not to "the table below," for example).
- Author Bios: Please include a short blurb (one or two sentences) biography/blurb about yourself for our "contributing authors" section. It can be serious or silly, but don't get too carried away with it, please.
- Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
Issue 11: Isle of Dawn, Thyatis and Alphatia
The editorial team will accept proposals on the Isle of Dawn, Thyatis, Alphatia and their dependencies: Ochalea, Pearl Islands, Alatians, Bellisaria, Esterhold and other colonies.
Manuscript Deadline: January 31st, 2016
Issue Published: End March 2016Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication, taking into account available space and the issue's theme.
Should a massive amount of material arrive, some articles may be postponed to the following issue.
At the moment however we do not have much, yet the theme is ample and the amount of material we have on the Empires in the Vaults is quite big, so I hope there are some people out here willing to write something about Thyatis and Alphatia, or to update an article already present in the Vaults:
And much more under each section of Alphatia hereAnticipated contents include:
- An Atlas of the Isle of Dawn
- The Lost civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia
- The wilderlands inside the Empires
- Alphatian and Thyatian explorers
But all the above are just my ideas for the issue, I suppose there are some more in the community! Step us warriors of Thyatis and wizards of Alphatia!
And send your proposal at Threshold.Mystara [at] gmail.com, and/or just write them in this thread!
You can also ask any question directly to me via PM or email through The Piazza.
Issue 10: Alfheim and the hidden World of Elves
Even while the editors of Threshold are tirelessly working to bring you Issue #9, The Hollow World and the Immortals, planning for Issue #10 is already beginning. Though primarily heading "topside" for a time, and leaving the realms of the undying red sun, venturing forth into the forests - to the Elven kingdoms. Help us bring additional light to one of the oldest and mysterious cultures know to inhabit the planet!
Ancient forests with their thousands of year old trees, hidden vales, buried and forgotten civilizations as old as Blackmoor. Forgotten or little known traditions and cultures, obscure magical items and beasts - these themes, and more, are fair game for Issue #10. The Threshold team is anxiously awaiting to hear from you!
Mission statement
- The stated aims of Threshold are:
- to provide a venue for community members to present material
- to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
- to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
- to encourage authors to revisit and revitalize existing articles
- to motivate interest in Mystara in general
- The issue of what is "canon" is not relevant and will not be touched upon by this publication. Publication in the magazine does not imply any kind of special endorsement.
- We aim to promote each individual's personal version of Mystara ("My Mystara"), and will introduce a different community member's version in each issue.
- We also aim to enhance community cohesion, and will interview a different member of the community in each issue.
"Threshold: The Mystara Magazine" is a non-commercial, fan-written and produced magazine. There is no intent to infringe on anyone's rights; in particular those of WotC, which holds the copyright (and trademarks, etc.) of the original material on which the magazine is based.
Call for Contributions
Proposal Deadline: August 19th, 2015
Manuscript Deadline: October 31st, 2015
The Threshold editorial team invites all fans of the Mystara setting to submit contributions for the tenth fanzine issue.
We especially looking for contributions fitting the tenth issue's theme, Alfheim and the Realms, Cultures, and Traditions of the Elves.Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block could be included.Submission Guidelines
All proposal submissions can be sent by mail to the editors at the following address
Threshold.Mystara@gmail.com, and must be received by the deadline of August 19th, 2015. The Threshold editorial team will contact you no later than August 26th, 2015 regarding the status of your proposal.Submission proposals should be sent inline in the mail, using the following subject format:
[ISSUE9][Proposal]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- Proposed article title
- The type of article being proposed (short story, adventure, geographical location, organization, etc...)
- A one paragraph description of what the article is about.
- An estimated word count of the article (articles should range anywhere from 1000 to 7000 words, depending on the type of article submitted).
Manuscripts should only be submitted after your proposal has been accepted by the Threshold editorial staff, and must be received by the deadline of October 31st, 2015. When submitting a manuscript file, please use the following naming convention:
(extension: see below for recommended file formats)and the following subject format:
[ISSUE10][Manuscript]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- The article title.
- An attached document containing the article contents.
- The final word count of the article.
Submission Template
The preferred method of article submission is through Google Drive. You may access the Threshold Submission Template here. Go to the File menu and select "Make a Copy..." You will now have a copy of the template in your Google Drive folder that you may edit on your own.Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
The following guidelines apply to different types of submissions:
- [i]Illustrations: please submit art and maps in lossless format (e.g., PNG).
- Articles: manuscript submissions can be sent by mail as plain text, doc(x) or odt, or shared as Google Doc. The issue editor will create a shared document (for each article) to allow the author and editorial team to work on it. Articles can be as short as a single page, or as long as 6 pages, depending on the specific content. The editorial team will do its best to accommodate the contributions, but especially long works may be split over several issues.
- Tables: Tables should be numbered (Table X: Name of Table), and any references in the article should refer to that table number (and not to "the table below," for example).
- Author Bios: Please include a short blurb (one or two sentences) biography/blurb about yourself for our "contributing authors" section. It can be serious or silly, but don't get too carried away with it, please.
- Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
Issue 9: The Hollow World and the Immortals
Even while the editors of Threshold are tirelessly working to bring you Issue #8, Warlords of Norwold, planning for Issue #9 has already begun. We'll be leaving the frozen north for a while, to delve inward - to the place of the undying red sun, and the playground of the Immortals. Help us flesh out this world where Mystara's past is no longer forgotten!
Ancient cultures and civilizations, hidden valleys tucked away under the light of the red sun, Immortals and their playthings - all of these, and more, are fair game for Issue #9. The Threshold team is anxiously awaiting to hear from you!
Mission statement
- The stated aims of Threshold are:
- to provide a venue for community members to present material
- to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
- to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
- to encourage authors to revisit and revitalize existing articles
- to motivate interest in Mystara in general
- The issue of what is "canon" is not relevant and will not be touched upon by this publication. Publication in the magazine does not imply any kind of special endorsement.
- We aim to promote each individual's personal version of Mystara ("My Mystara"), and will introduce a different community member's version in each issue.
- We also aim to enhance community cohesion, and will interview a different member of the community in each issue.
"Threshold: The Mystara Magazine" is a non-commercial, fan-written magazine. There is no intention to infringe on anyone's rights, and in particular not on those of WotC, which holds the copyright (and trademarks, etc.) on the original material on which the magazine is based.
Call for Contributions
Proposal Deadline: June 19th, 2015
Manuscript Deadline: July 31st, 2015
The Threshold editorial team invites all fans of the Mystara setting to submit contributions to the ninth issue of the magazine.
We are looking especially for contributions fitting the theme of the ninth issue, The Hollow World and the Immortals.Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block could be included.Submission Guidelines
All proposal submissions can be sent by mail to the editors at the following address
Threshold.Mystara@gmail.com, and must be received by the deadline of June 19th, 2015. The Threshold editorial team will contact you no later than June 26th, 2015 regarding the status of your proposal.Submission proposals should be sent inline in the mail, using the following subject format:
[ISSUE9][Proposal]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- Proposed article title
- The type of article being proposed (short story, adventure, geographical location, organization, etc...)
- A one paragraph description of what the article is about.
- An estimated word count of the article (articles should range anywhere from 1000 to 7000 words, depending on the type of article submitted).
Manuscripts should only be submitted after your proposal has been accepted by the Threshold editorial staff, and must be received by the deadline of July 31st, 2015. When submitting a manuscript file, please use the following naming convention:
(extension: see below for recommended file formats)and the following subject format:
[ISSUE9][Manuscript]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- The article title.
- An attached document containing the article contents.
- The final word count of the article.
Submission Template
The preferred method of article submission is through Google Drive. You may access the Threshold Submission Template here. Go to the File menu and select "Make a Copy..." You will now have a copy of the template in your Google Drive folder that you may edit on your own.Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
The following guidelines apply to different types of submissions:
- [i]Illustrations: please submit art and maps in lossless format (e.g., PNG).
- Articles: manuscript submissions can be sent by mail as plain text, doc(x) or odt, or shared as Google Doc. The issue editor will create a shared document (for each article) to allow the author and editorial team to work on it. Articles can be as short as a single page, or as long as 6 pages, depending on the specific content. The editorial team will do its best to accommodate the contributions, but especially long works may be split over several issues.
- Tables: Tables should be numbered (Table X: Name of Table), and any references in the article should refer to that table number (and not to "the table below," for example).
- Author Bios: Please include a short blurb (one or two sentences) biography/blurb about yourself for our "contributing authors" section. It can be serious or silly, but don't get too carried away with it, please.
- Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
Issue 7: Norwold and Issue 8: Norwold/Northlands
Call for Contributors
The Threshold editorial team invites all fans of the Mystara setting to submit contributions to the next issues of the magazine.
We are looking especially for contributions fitting the following themes:Issue 7 - Norwold
Proposal Deadline: Expired, but proposal could still be submitted if the author is confident that the article will be completed by the below deadline
Manuscript Deadline: January 31st, 2015
Issue Published: End March 2015Issue 8 - Norwold/Northlands
Proposal Deadline: March 31st, 2015
Manuscript Deadline: April 30th, 2015
Issue Published: End June 2015Articles could be postponed to the next issue depending on available space.
Call for proposals for main themes of forthcoming issues (2015 and beyond):
Hollow World and the Immortals
The editorial team will accept proposal about the above topics or anything related.
Glantri and beyond
The editorial team will accept proposal on Glantri and nearby nations (Darokin, Sind, Wendar, Ethengar, the Adri Varma plateau, the Broken Lands) and on Magic too.
Isle of Dawn, Thyatis and Alphatia
The editorial team will accept proposal on the Isle of Dawn, Thyatis, Alphatia and dependencies (Ochalea, Pearl Islands, Alatians, Bellisaria, Esterhold and any other colony).Articles about other topics are still welcome and the editorial team will evaluate their publication in an issue, taking into account space available and that issue's theme.
Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted. Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block could be included.
Issue 6: The Northlands
We've explored the tropical Thanegioth Archipelago and the warm, if dangerous, Sea of Dread in Issues #3 and #4, and we'll go further south into the "terra incognita" of Davania in Issue #5. Now, it's time to head North, to the cold wastelands, the high mountains, and the evergreen forests. Issue #6 will bring you to the Northlands of Mystara: Norwold, Denagoth, Frosthaven, The Northern Reaches, Heldann, Nentsun, and more. The Northlands, with their howling barbarians, fearsome dragons, raiding giants, and ancient secrets, are lands of grand adventure, where heroes make a difference. Whether they are native champions, would-be conquerors, or hopeful colonists, there is plenty of dangers to face, treasures to plunder, and wars to wage...Whether you have a tale of adventure, information on distant kingdoms, or a treasure map to share, the team at Threshold is waiting to hear your tale!
If you need more information about the Northlands, check the fan production here
(check under "Northern Brun", but also "Heldann", "Ostland", "Soderfjord", "Vestland", "Antalia", "Nentsun", "Lands of the Beastmen", etc.)*NOTE: SUBMISSION GUIDELINES MAY HAVE CHANGED; PLEASE REVIEW THE SUBMISSION GUIDELINES TOWARDS THE BOTTOM OF THE POST BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR FINAL DRAFT*
Mission statement
- The stated aims of Threshold are:
- to provide a venue for community members to present material
- to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
- to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
- to encourage authors to revisit and revitalize existing articles
- to motivate interest in Mystara in general
- The issue of what is "canon" is not relevant and will not be touched upon by this publication. Publication in the magazine does not imply any kind of special endorsement.
- We aim to promote each individual's personal version of Mystara ("My Mystara"), and will introduce a different community member's version in each issue.
- We also aim to enhance community cohesion, and will interview a different member of the community in each issue.
"Threshold: The Mystara Magazine" is a non-commercial, fan-written magazine. There is no intention to infringe on anyone's rights, and in particular not on those of WotC, which holds the copyright (and trademarks, etc.) on the original material on which the magazine is based.
Call for Contributions
Proposal Deadline: June 30th, 2014
Manuscript Deadline: August 31st, 2014
The Threshold editorial team invites all fans of the Mystara setting to submit contributions to the fourth issue of the magazine.
We are looking especially for contribution fitting the theme of the fourth issue, Davania.Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block could be included.Submission Guidelines
All proposal submissions can be sent by mail to the editors at the following address
Threshold.Mystara@gmail.com, and must be received by the deadline of June 30th, 2014. The Threshold editorial team will contact you no later than July 7th, 2014 regarding the status of your proposal.Submission proposals should be sent inline in the mail, using the following subject format:
[ISSUE4][Proposal]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- Proposed article title
- The type of article being proposed (short story, adventure, geographical location, organization, etc...)
- A one paragraph description of what the article is about.
- An estimated word count of the article (articles should range anywhere from 1000 to 7000 words, depending on the type of article submitted).
Manuscripts should only be submitted after your proposal has been accepted by the Threshold editorial staff, and must be received by the deadline of August 31st, 2014. When submitting a manuscript file, please use the following naming convention:
(extension: see below for recommended file formats)and the following subject format:
[ISSUE4][Manuscript]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- The article title.
- An attached document containing the article contents.
- The final word count of the article.
Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
The following guidelines apply to different types of submissions:
- Illustrations: please submit art and maps in lossless format (e.g., PNG).
- Articles: manuscript submissions can be sent by mail as plain text, doc(x) or odt, or shared as Google Doc. The issue editor will create a shared document (for each article) to allow the author and editorial team to work on it. Articles can be as short as a single page, or as long as 6 pages, depending on the specific content. The editorial team will do its best to accommodate the contributions, but especially long works may be split over several issues.
- Tables: Tables should be numbered (Table X: Name of Table), and any references in the article should refer to that table number (and not to "the table below," for example).
- Author Bios: Please include a short blurb (one or two sentences) biography/blurb about yourself for our "contributing authors" section. It can be serious or silly, but don't get too carried away with it, please.
- Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
Issue 5: Davania
Issue #3 and #4 are well under way, and should be coming your way soon, but we're already planning for Issue #5 where we'll wander an unknown continent. A land of dinosaurs and great mammals, the original homeland of elves and halflings and, before them, the cradle of reptilian civilizations. A land of a thousand dead empires and many powerful, rising nations. That's not the Known World, traveller: That's Terra Incognita. Here Be Dragons and much, much more. That's Davania!Whether you have some dangerous secret on the Vaults of Pandius that you want the world to know, or have fearsome tales on the mysterious lands of the southern continent, the team at Threshold is waiting to hear your tale!
If you need more informations about Davania, check the fan production on the continent here: http://pandius.com/atlas.html
Mission statement
- The stated aims of Threshold are:
- to provide a venue for community members to present material
- to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
- to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
- to encourage authors to revisit and revitalize existing articles
- to motivate interest in Mystara in general
- The issue of what is "canon" is not relevant and will not be touched upon by this publication. Publication in the magazine does not imply any kind of special endorsement.
- We aim to promote each individual's personal version of Mystara ("My Mystara"), and will introduce a different community member's version in each issue.
- We also aim to enhance community cohesion, and will interview a different member of the community in each issue.
"Threshold: The Mystara Magazine" is a non-commercial, fan-written magazine. There is no intention to infringe on anyone's rights, and in particular not on those of WotC, which holds the copyright (and trademarks, etc.) on the original material on which the magazine is based.Call for Contributions
Proposal Deadline: May 31st, 2014
Manuscript Deadline: July 31st, 2014
The Threshold editorial team invites all fans of the Mystara setting to submit contributions to the fourth issue of the magazine.
We are looking especially for contribution fitting the theme of the fourth issue, Davania.Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block could be included.Submission Guidelines
All proposal submissions can be sent by mail to the editors at the following address
Threshold.Mystara@gmail.com, and must be received by the deadline of May 31st, 2014. The Threshold editorial team will contact you no later than June 7th, 2014 regarding the status of your proposal.Submission proposals should be sent inline in the mail, using the following subject format:
[ISSUE4][Proposal]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- Proposed article title
- The type of article being proposed (short story, adventure, geographical location, organization, etc...)
- A one paragraph description of what the article is about.
- An estimated word count of the article (articles should range anywhere from 1000 to 7000 words, depending on the type of article submitted).
Manuscripts should only be submitted after your proposal has been accepted by the Threshold editorial staff, and must be received by the deadline of July 31st, 2014. When submitting a manuscript file, please use the following naming convention:
(extension: see below for recommended file formats)and the following subject format:
[ISSUE4][Manuscript]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- The article title.
- An attached document containing the article contents.
- The final word count of the article.
Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
The following guidelines apply to different types of submissions:
- [i]Illustrations: please submit art and maps in lossless format (e.g., PNG).
- Articles: manuscript submissions can be sent by mail as plain text, doc(x) or odt, or shared as Google Doc. The issue editor will create a shared document (for each article) to allow the author and editorial team to work on it. Articles can be as short as a single page, or as long as 6 pages, depending on the specific content. The editorial team will do its best to accommodate the contributions, but especially long works may be split over several issues.
- Tables: Tables should be numbered (Table X: Name of Table), and any references in the article should refer to that table number (and not to "the table below," for example).
- Author Bios: Please include a short blurb (one or two sentences) biography/blurb about yourself for our "contributing authors" section. It can be serious or silly, but don't get too carried away with it, please.
- Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
Issue 3: The Sea of Dread
Issue #2 is well under way, and should be coming your way soon, but we're already planning for Issue #3 where we'll be heading into uncharted waters. Thadder merchants, Ierendian pirates, Thyatian conquerors, and intrepid explorers from across the Known World, must all brave the treacherous ocean south of Brun. Like Rory Barbarossa before us, we are preparing to set sail and explore unknown waters in... The Sea of Dread!Whether you have some old sea shanties on the Vaults of Pandius that you would like sing again, or are itching to spin some new yarn about the dangers to be encountered on the Oceans of Mystara, the team at Threshold is waiting to hear your tale!
Mission statement
- The stated aims of Threshold are:
- to provide a venue for community members to present material
- to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
- to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
- to encourage authors to revisit and revitalize existing articles
- to motivate interest in Mystara in general
- The issue of what is "canon" is not relevant and will not be touched upon by this publication. Publication in the magazine does not imply any kind of special endorsement.
- We aim to promote each individual's personal version of Mystara ("My Mystara"), and will introduce a different community member's version in each issue.
- We also aim to enhance community cohesion, and will interview a different member of the community in each issue.
"Threshold: The Mystara Magazine" is a non-commercial, fan-written magazine. There is no intention to infringe on anyone's rights, and in particular not on those of WotC, which holds the copyright (and trademarks, etc.) on the original material on which the magazine is based.Call for Contributions
Proposal Deadline: November 30th, 2013
Manuscript Deadline: January 31st, 2014
The Threshold editorial team invites all fans of the Mystara setting to submit contributions to the third issue of the magazine.
We are looking especially for contribution fitting the theme of the third issue, The Sea of Dread.Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block could be included.Submission Guidelines
All proposal submissions can be sent by mail to the editors at the following address
Threshold.Mystara@gmail.com, and must be received by the deadline of November 30th, 2013. The Threshold editorial team will contact you no later than December 7th, 2013 regarding the status of your proposal.Submission proposals should be sent inline in the mail, using the following subject format:
[ISSUE3][Proposal]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- Proposed article title
- The type of article being proposed (short story, adventure, geographical location, organization, etc...)
- A one paragraph description of what the article is about.
- An estimated word count of the article (articles should range anywhere from 1000 to 7000 words, depending on the type of article submitted).
Manuscripts should only be submitted after your proposal has been accepted by the Threshold editorial staff, and must be received by the deadline of January 31st, 2014. When submitting a manuscript file, please use the following naming convention:
(extension: see below for recommended file formats)and the following subject format:
[ISSUE3][Manuscript]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- The article title.
- An attached document containing the article contents.
- The final word count of the article.
Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.The following guidelines apply to different types of submissions:
- [i]Illustrations: please submit art and maps in lossless format (e.g., PNG).
- Articles: manuscript submissions can be sent by mail as plain text, doc(x) or odt, or shared as Google Doc. The issue editor will create a shared document (for each article) to allow the author and editorial team to work on it. Articles can be as short as a single page, or as long as 6 pages, depending on the specific content. The editorial team will do its best to accommodate the contributions, but especially long works may be split over several issues.
- Tables: Tables should be numbered (Table X: Name of Table), and any references in the article should refer to that table number (and not to "the table below," for example).
- Author Bios: Please include a short blurb (one or two sentences) biography/blurb about yourself for our "contributing authors" section. It can be serious or silly, but don't get too carried away with it, please.
- Other types of contributions: The editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
Issue 2: Vaults of Pandius Spotlight
The first issue should be coming your way soon, but we're already to get started planning for the next issue. This time, we're putting the spotlight not on the Known World itself, but on that repository of community lore that has helped to keep the flames of Mystara alive and well long after its discontinuation as a campaign world, to allow us to share the wealth of creativity of this international community, and which has served as a resource to fans new and old alike: the Vaults of Pandius!
Have an old article on the Vaults that you're particularly proud of and want to submit for publication? Maybe, like George Lucas, you've been tinkering with it through the years and want to showcase a Special Edition update for us? Is there an article or articles that have inspired you to expand upon, or perhaps you have something entirely new and never before seen that you'd like to submit, thus keeping in the tradition of the Vaults of Pandius as a creative storehouse for fan-submissions? We'd love to see what you've got, old, new, or something in between.
Mission statement
- The stated aims of Threshold are:
- to provide a venue for community members to present material
- to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
- to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
- to encourage authors to revisit and revitalise existing articles
- to motivate interest in Mystara in general
- The issue of what is "canon" is not relevant and will not be touched upon by this publication. Publication in the magazine does not imply any kind of special endorsement.
- We aim to promote each individual's personal version of Mystara ("My Mystara"), and will introduce a different community member's version in each issue.
- We also aim to enhance community cohesion, and will interview a different member of the community in each issue.
"Threshold: The Mystara Magazine" is a non-commercial, fan-written magazine. There is no intention to infringe on anyone's rights, and in particular not on those of WotC, which holds the copyright (and trademarks, etc.) on the original material on which the magazine is based.
Call for Contributions
Proposal Deadline: September 30th, 2013
Manuscript Deadline: October 31st, 2013
The Threshold editorial team invites all fans of the Mystara setting to submit contributions to the second issue of the magazine.
We are looking especially for contribution fitting the theme of the second issue, Vaults of Pandius Spotlight.Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC, 2nd Edition, 3rd edition/Pathfinder). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two line stat block could be included.Submission Guidelines
All proposal submissions can be sent by mail to the editors at the following address
Threshold.Mystara@gmail.com, and must be received by the deadline of September 30th, 2013. The Threshold editorial team will contact you no later than October 7th, 2013 regarding the status of your proposal.Submission proposals should be sent inline in the mail, using the following subject format:
[ISSUE2][Proposal]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- Proposed article title
- The type of article being proposed (short story, adventure, geographical location, organization, etc...)
- A one paragraph description of what the article is about.
- An estimated word count of the article (articles should range anywhere from 1000 to 7000 words, depending on the type of article submitted).
Manuscripts should only be submitted after you proposal has been accepted by the Threshold editorial staff, and must be received by the deadline of October 31st, 2013. When submitting a manuscript file, please use the following naming convention:
(extension: see below for recommended file formats)and the following subject format:
[ISSUE2][Manuscript]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- The article title.
- An attached document containing the article contents.
- The final word count of the article.
Other types of contributions: the editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.The following guidelines apply to different types of submissions:
- Illustrations: please submit art and maps in lossless format (e.g., PNG).
- Articles: manuscript submissions can be sent by mail as plain text, doc(x) or odt, or shared as Google Doc. The issue editor will create a shared document (for each article) to allow the author and editorial team to work on it. Articles can be as short as a single page, or as long as 6 pages, depending on the specific content. The editorial team will do its best to accommodate the contributions, but especially long works may be split over several issues.
- Tables: Tables should be numbered (Table X: Name of Table), and any references in the article should refer to that table number (and not to "the table below," for example).
- Author Bios: Please include a short blurb (one or two sentences) biography/blurb about yourself for our "contributing authors" section. It can be serious or silly, but don't get too carried away with it, please.
- Other types of contributions: the editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.
Issue 1: Back to the Borderlands of Karameikos
And so, we are back where it all began: whether you came to Mystara through the Expert Set, the Gazetteers, or the AD&D 2e boxed sets, chances are the Grand Duchy of Karameikos was your gateway to the Known World and beyond. A land of adventure, with dangerous borderlands teeming with hostile goblinoids, giants, and dragons but also magical realms, treasures and relics of distant ages, as well as towns and cities posing their own challenges, the Grand Duchy of Karameikos is, after more than 30 years from its original appearance, still the starting point for many adventurers. As such, the first issue of Threshold, the Mystara Magazine, aims at spinning new tales from the Grand Duchy, as well as revisiting a few lost gems.
Mission statement
- The stated aims of Threshold are:
- to provide a venue for community members to present material
- to promote the Vaults of Pandius and the material there
- to increase the exposure of existing and new articles
- to encourage authors to revisit and revitalise existing articles
- to motivate interest in Mystara in general
- The issue of what is "canon" is not relevant and will not be touched upon by this publication. Publication in the magazine does not imply any kind of special endorsement.
- We aim to promote each individual's personal version of Mystara ("My Mystara"), and will introduce a different community member's version in each issue.
- We also aim to enhance community cohesion, and will interview a different member of the community in each issue.
"Threshold: The Mystara Magazine" is a non-commercial, fan-written magazine. There is no intention to infringe on anyone's rights, and in particular not on those of WotC, which holds the copyright (and trademarks, etc.) on the original material on which the magazine is based.
Call for Contributions
Proposal Deadline: June 21st, 2013
Manuscript Deadline: July 31st, 2013
The Threshold editorial team invites all fans of the Mystara setting to submit contributions to the first issue of the magazine.
We are looking especially for contribution fitting the theme of the first issue, the Grand Duchy of Karameikos.Threshold accepts (and invites) the submission of extended or revised versions of works having appeared on The Piazza or the Vaults of Pandius.
Contributions may include, but are not limited to, articles (short stories, short adventure modules, NPCs, historical treatises and timelines, geographical entries, new monsters and monster ecologies, etc.) and illustrations (portraits, maps, heraldry, illustrations, etc.)
The Threshold editorial team strives for edition neutrality, but edition specific articles (e.g., conversions) are also accepted.
Statistics for new monsters and NPCs may be included in articles (e.g., adventure modules, new monsters or NPCs) in any version of Dungeons & Dragons. The editorial team also offers help in providing conversions to some specific rules set (including BECMI/RC and 3rd edition). However, they should be limited to the minimum -- for most NPCs, it is sufficient to mention class, level, and alignment. For important NPCs, a one or two lines stat block could be included.Submission Guidelines
All proposal submissions can be sent by mail to the editors at the following address Threshold.Mystara@gmail.com, and must be received by the deadline of June 21st, 2013. The Threshold editorial team will contact you no later than June 28th, 2013 regarding the status of your proposal.Submission proposals should be sent inline in the mail, using the following subject format:
[ISSUE1][Proposal]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- Proposed article title
- The type of article being proposed (short story, adventure, geographical location, organization, etc...)
- A one paragraph description of what the article is about.
- An estimated word count of the article (articles should range anywhere from 1000 to 7000 words, depending on the type of article submitted).
Manuscripts should only be submitted after you proposal has been accepted by the Threshold editorial staff, and must be received by the deadline of July 31st, 2013. When submitting a manuscript file, please use the following naming convention:
(extension: see below for recommended file formats)and the following subject format:
[ISSUE1][Manuscript]<title of your article>
The mail content should include the following:
- The article title.
- An attached document containing the article contents.
- The final word count of the article.
The following guidelines apply to different types of submissions:
- Illustrations: please submit art and maps in lossless format (e.g., PNG).
- Articles: manuscript submissions can be sent by mail as plain text, doc(x) or odt, or shared as Google Doc. The issue editor will create a shared document (for each article) to allow the author and editorial team to work on it. Articles can be as short as a single page, or as long as 6 pages, depending on the specific content. The editorial team will do its best to accommodate the contributions, but especially long works may be split over several issues.
- Other types of contributions: the editorial team will consider on a case by case basis other types of contributions. Please contact us to inquire if and how we can accommodate unusual contribution formats.