The Thug class
by David KnottAfter some additional reflection, here is my take on a Thug class:
Requirements: Neutral alignment, Str/Int/Dex of 9+.
XP bonus: Based on number of prime requisite ability scores of 13+:
0: -10& 1: +0% 2: +5% 3: +10% If any prime requisite ability score has fallen below 9, XP penalty becomes -20%.
Hit Dice: 1d8 per level to level 12, +1 hit point per level thereafter.
Armour: Up to chain mail (no shield)
Weapons: Any
Special Abilities:
THAC0: As monster of hit dice equal to level up to level 12. Add one half hit die per level thereafter.
Saving throws: As thief of equal level.
Thieving skills: All thieving skills as thief of equal level.
Fighter combat options: Never gained.
Surprise: 3/6 chance to surprise foes if preparations are successfully made.
Assassination: 50% chance +/- 5% per hit die difference -- See THAC0 above for calculation of Thug's effective hit dice.
Disguise: Chance to avoid detection is 40% at level 1, +10% per level to maximum of 90% at level 6+.
Conceal alignment: Since I don't like to use alignment languages, I would interpret the ability to speak alignment languages as the ability to radiate any desired alignment. A Know Alignment spell cast on a Thug of level 10+ will yield whatever result the Thug desires.
XP table: I would use a slight variation of the table I proposed in an earlier message:
Level XPs 2 0 2 3000 3 6000 4 12K 5 25K 6 50K 7 100K 8 200K Thugs require 200,000 XPs per level after level 8.