Glossary of Thyatian Terms
by James Ruhland
An ever-expanding nomenclatureFor the most part I have attempted to keep the names, titles, and other nomenclature I've used to describe Thyatis familiar. However, some people will want to use exotic terms in order to give their descriptions of Thyatis more flavour and uniqueness. Hopefully the following glossary will prove useful to you.
Actuarius: Supply official; Quartermaster.
Adjutor: Clerk.
Archon: Powerful but untitled aristocrat. "Lord"
Armophylax: Keeper of Arms.
Assessor: Judicial Adviser.
Avtokrator: The Emperor; Imperial title. Note similarities to "Autocrat".
Basilius: An alternate title for the Emperor.
Bandon: Literally, "Banner." Also used for "Company of Men" (under one standard) - similar to the use of "Banner in the PWAs War Machine data.
Bandophorus/Bandophorii: Standard Bearer/Bearers.
Blattium: Silk Warehouse.
Campidoctor: Drill Sergeant.
Cancellarius: Clerk.
Cataphract: Wholly-enclosed; armoured (especially "armoured cavalry").
Centrarch: "Leader of a Hundred"; Centurion. Captain. Leader of a Company of men in the Thyatian Military.
Chalke: Bronze Gate; main gate leading into the Great/Sacred Palace.
Chartulary: Accountant.
Chiliarch: Military officer.
Choria: Village.
Cleisarch: Closest title to "Baron".
Comes: Count.
Commercarius/Comercarii: Imperial tax official/officials and Factors; customs official.
Curia: Senate House.
Decharch: "Leader of Ten"; Equivalent to a Sergeant or Corporal. Squad Leader in the Thyatian Military.
Draconarius: "Bearer of the Dragon Symbol"; a standard bearer, or alternatively one of the elite Knights of the Air who ride dragons.
Drungarios: Admiral.
Dux or Doux: Duke.
Dynatos/Dynatoi: Great Family or Families. Aristocratic/Senatorial families of Thyatis. The wealthy elite.
Emboloi: Arcades or Malls (along streets).
Emporia: Trading post or marketplace.
Episkepseis: Large domains; estates of Thyatian aristocrats.
Exarchate/Exarch: "outside realm" a semi-autonomous Imperial domain under the rule of an Exarch.
Exceptor: Secretary.
Gerokomeia: An old-age home; elder hospice.
Hagia Nika: "Holy Victory"; a prominent Temple in Thyatis the City.
Hetaeria: Companion. As in "Companion Guards". . .or prostitute.
Hetaeriarch: Commander of Imperial bodyguards.
Hypostrategos: Lieutenant-General.
Hyppodrome: Horse track.
Hypatos: Consul; civic administrator.
Kastra: Fortress, citadel, or castle.
Kathsima: Imperial box in the Hyppodrome, where the Emperor, his family, friends, advisers, and minions assemble on race days; similar to "luxury boxes" in modern stadiums.
Kontos: Lance.
Logothete: Minister.
Logothete tou Stratiotikou: Military Logothete. "Secretary of Defence."
Magistranoi: The "Magistrate's Men"; a secret service organisation of elite agents/spies that report to an official known as a Magistrate (or Magistrix). The Magistranoi is the Empire's most capable intelligence organisation (similar to the National Security Agency or M.I.5).
Mandator: Herald.
Megatheon: The Great Temple in Thyatis City.
Megalopolis: "Great City." Thyatis City is a (and to the Thyatians the Megalopolis.
Mese: Middle. The great triumphal avenue in Thyatis City. Central Avenue.
Meros: Army Division.
Mesazon: The "power beside the Throne"; a senior adviser to the Emperor, a principle minister. Similar to the Chief of Staff in the White House (US).
Milion: Arch/Gate in Thyatis City that functions as a milestone from which all distances are measured.
Numerarios: Yet another type of accountant. May you never run out of titles for bureaucrats.
Oikos: A household with all its dependents and dependencies. Similar to a "house" of Darokin.
Orphanotropheion: Orphanage.
Palaestra: Exercise Yard.
Panopticon: All-Seeing Eye.
Paroikoi: The humble/poor; peasants.
Pentecontarch: "Commander of fifty"; Lieutenant; subordinate to a Centrarch, commander of a Platoon.
Pentarch: "Commander of five"; Corporal or PFC.
Pinkernes: Butler.
Praedentura Imperii: The "wrapper of Empire"; defensive network & magical wards put in place by Imperial engineers and the mages of Sclaras to protect the Empire.
Praetorion: Governmental building in Thyatis City.
Praktika: Inventories.
Proasteia: Country Estate.
Proskynesis: Ceremonial prostration in the presence of the Emperor.
Proximus: Guard officer.
Primicerius: Chief of Staff.
Protocarabus: Pilot of a ship. Naval officer.
Protonotarius: Chief Notary.
Protostrator: Head of the Imperial Stables.
Proto-: In general put Proto in front of any title and it makes it "Chief of" or "Head of".
Scrinarius: Yet another clerk title.
Sevastos: Sub-Imperial title bestowed upon a close friend of the Emperor or the Emperor's heir; someone empowered to act in the Emperor's name. A sort of "Vice Emperor".
Skalai: Landing stages or docks.
Spatharios: Aide or Lieutenant. A flexible title that might be held by a lowly clerk or a high official (similar to Secretary in America).
Spatharium: Guard Room.
Strategion: A building in the Zendrolion district of Thyatis the City that serves as a military headquarters; Thyatian version of the "Pentagon".
Strategos: General.
Stratiotika Ktemata: The system of military lands. Lands granted to soldiers in exchange for military service.
Strator: Groom.
Studium: A monastery; main training place for Clerics in Thyatis City.
Tagma/Tagmata: Imperial Guard Regiment/Regiments; Central Army forces.
Thyatis the City: Thyatians do not refer to Thyatis City as such, but some term needs to be used to distinguish Thyatis the City from Thyatis the Empire. Use "Thyatis the City" or "Thyatopolis".
Tirones: Recruits. Trainees.
Topoertes: Sub-Commander.
Trilinkos: Palace.
Turmarch: Colonel.
Vestarios: Chamberlain.
Vicarios: Lieutenant Commander.